Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Meet CNRP President Sam Rainsy and Vice-President Kem Sokha in Seattle, Washington on 19 April 2013


Anonymous said...


First of all, your English is so bad. I can hardly understand what you are trying to say here, only at certain points though where you said not to blame others. Well, it makes me want to laugh really, because 'the truth will always be the truth', and that it has to be revealed in the end, Gandhi. If not for these crooks like you, our country wouldn't be where we are today really.

Nevertheless I beleive It is time for the CPP to get away from such crooks like you before it is too late. You guys ( VC and Chen crooks) done it before and you will do it again, that is, making 'khmers killed khmers' or 'killing two birds with one stone'. The more you tried to lie to the international community, the more, they know exactly who you are and no, we don't feel cheap or bad for exposing the truth at all.

In fact, we feel good for telling the truth for the 'truth will set us free', and it is you guys who should feel cheap for hiding the truth, but in the end, 'the truth will always be the truth'. From here, CPP needs to learn from its past experienced and then, you will see the future outcome. In the past, VC took, Laos, Champa, Khmer Indigeous (monk), Prey Nokhor (Saigon)s, Khmer Krom, Kosh Tral (island), and now the whole srok khmer.

Their planned also aiming to take, Thailand and its surrounding countries like Burma, phillipine etc. Chinese and Thai with good moral are not stupid and right now, they are planning to attack this VC the hell out of it. Therefore, it it time for CPP to move away from such a 'bloody regime' and to join with our khemr fellow citizens (khmer nationalists CRNP) for the benefit of our nation.

The VC and the Chinese crooks have killed many of our interlectuals who were able to speak truth and now, it is time to expose this absolute truth to the whole world to know that, we are not independent and we need to have our own state sovereignty, just like every other nation has right now. We have been controlled by this kind of mafia or gangster type of leadership for over 4-500 years now.

Therefore, it time to put an end to this tyranny of control within our system, because they interfered with srok khmer gov't and they bridged this principle of a 'non-interfering in internal affair' and dare to tell the international community not to interfere, while they do. They manipluated and made a fool out of the international community, but not for long and now they all know as, 'you can run but you can't hide' really.

Therefore, it is you guys who are so cheap, not us innocent victims of all times. However, I am sure 'justice will be done on earth and in heaven', because god is right and just. As god knows every move you make, therefore, he will judge the living and the dead accordingly, the end.

From the 3million souls
(Chaim Sraik Sabaite How - the screaming of skin and blood of the innocent souls. They will not let you guys live in peace until justice is done for them). So leave us alone now before it is too late.

Anonymous said...

តំលៃសំបុត្រចូល 5 ម៌ោងកន្លះ មានអាហារនិងតន្រ្តីសម័យប្រគុំជូនកំដ: 30$ ដុល្លារម្នាក់។
តំលៃ VISAចូលស្រុកខ្មែរ១ខែ មានបានមើលអង្គរនិងមើលការអ៊ូអរបោះឆ្នោត: 20$ដុល្លារម្នាក់។

សុំយោបល់ប្រិយមិត្ត :គួរបោះទុន(invest )ណាល្អជាង??

Anonymous said...

តំលៃសំបុត្រចូល 5 ម៌ោងកន្លះ មានអាហារនិងតន្រ្តីសម័យប្រគុំជូនកំដ: 30$ ដុល្លារម្នាក់។
តំលៃ VISAចូលស្រុកខ្មែរ១ខែ មានបានមើលអង្គរនិងមើលការអ៊ូអរបោះឆ្នោត: 20$ដុល្លារម្នាក់។

សុំយោបល់ប្រិយមិត្ត :គួរបោះទុន(invest )ណាល្អជាង??


Anonymous said...

កុំភ្លើ ២០ដុល្លារចូលមើលអង្គរ តែសំបុត្រយន្តហោះ អស់ប៉ុន្មាន? បើហ្អែងសម្បូរលុយ ទៅទៅ។​អញចូល៣០ដុល្លារបានឃើញសកម្មភាពអ្នកស្នេហាជាតិពិតប្រាកដ ព្រោះអញមិនមានលុយទិញសំបុត្រ កប៉ាល់ហោះដូចហ្អែងទេ។

Anonymous said...

ភ្លើ!......... អញយកពេលដេកវិញ!

Anonymous said...

To Khmer in the greater Puget Sound area..don't waste your time and money supporting this non sense party. You will get nothing out of it. Keep your hard earn money!