Friday, April 12, 2013

New Year Wish from Anonymous Reaader


Anonymous said...

អា CPP ពិតជាខ្លំាងដោយសារ
ទីប្រឹក្សាង្វៀងសម រង្ស៊ី,(កៅអីជើង១)

Anonymous said...

អាជា ស៊ីម មានងារជា ៖
សម្តាចម៌អគតិ មហាធម្មោឃ ពាលីសត្វ ជា ស៊ិម

អាហេង សំរិន មានងារជា ៖
សម្តាចម៌អគតិ​ មហាពងយារ ក្របីព្រៃ ហេង សំរិន

អាហ៊ុន សែន មានងារជា ៖
សម្តាចម៌អគតិ មហាសេនាមេចោរ ក្បត់ជាតិ បាត់ដី ភ្នែកទោល ដៃចោរ​ហ៊ុន សែន​

សូមខ្មែរទាំងអស់ប្រសិទ្ធងារឧ្យអាក្បត់ជាតិទាំងបីនាក់ខាងលើនេះគឺអាជា ស៊ីម,អាហេង សំរិន នឹង 
អាហ៊ុន សែន ដូចខាងលើនេះឧ្យបានជាប់រៀងរហូតតទៅកុំបីអាក់ខានទ្បើយ​។ 

Anonymous said...

អាជា ស៊ីម (ឈឺ ស៊ីម)មានងារជា ៖
សមអាចម៌អគតិ មហាធំមោឃ ពាលាសត្វ ឈឺ ស៊ិម

អាហេង សំរិន(ស៊យ ក្ដក្រឹន)មានងារជា ៖
សមអាចម៌អគតិ​ មហាពងយារ ក្របីព្រៃ ស៊យ សំរិន

អាហ៊ុន សែន (អាតាង៉ែនកំពីងពួយ) មានងារជា ៖
សមអាចម៌អគតិ មហាតសេនាមេចោរ ក្បត់ជាតិ បាត់ដី ភ្នែកទោល ដៃចោរ​ហ៊ុន សែន​

សូមខ្មែរទាំងអស់ប្រសិទ្ធងារឧ្យអាក្បត់ជាតិទាំងបីនាក់ខាងលើនេះគឺអាជា ស៊ីម,អាហេង សំរិន នឹង
អាហ៊ុន សែន ដូចខាងលើនេះឧ្យបានជាប់រៀងរហូតតទៅកុំបីអាក់ខានទ្បើយ​។

Anonymous said...

The evils cursing evils. None of these two parties: evil Buddhists Hun Sen/cpp party and the evil Buddhists Hun Sen/cpp' haters such as 8;00pm, 9;26pm and 10;58pm know their Indian Buddhas who teach them their wisdom of tolerance.

If these evils think that their fights against each others by cursing and revenge (unless Karma) will help them to win, they better try to analyze again what made their nation to be for ever lost.

Evil cannot fight by using Evil deeds but by good deeds.

Evils/Satin never defeat GOD.
At the end all of them will be cast to hell of fire.

Anonymous said...

The evils cursing evils. None of these two parties: evil Buddhists Hun Sen/cpp party and the evil Buddhists Hun Sen/cpp' haters such as 8;00pm, 9;26pm and 10;58pm know their Indian Buddhas who teach them their wisdom of tolerance.

If these evils think that their fights against each others by cursing and revenge (ENDless Karma) will help them to win, they better try to analyze again what made their nation to be for ever lost.

Evil cannot fight by using Evil deeds but by good deeds.

Evils/Satin never defeat GOD.
At the end all of them will be cast to hell of fire.

Anonymous said...


They fought hard to defend our country day and night without tactical alert.

Seeking Shelter

Anonymous said...

If your wish will come true then only the unborn Cambodian will live to see it, so they will not know shit.

Anonymous said...

9:55 AM
The bad-swisher is evil and so the three CPP monkeys also evils. Both sides are EVILS.

Anonymous said...

These (3) monkeys will die soon! They won't be able to live that long my friends: corrupt, womanizing, smoke, kill their own people. Taveda Chman Thmey won't let them live too long!

Anonymous said...

អាក្បត់ជាតិទាំងបីនាក់ខាងលើនេះគឺអាជា ស៊ីម,អាហេង សំរិន នឹង
អាហ៊ុន សែន !
ទីប្រឹក្សាង្វៀងសម រង្ស៊ី,(កៅអីជើង១)