លោក ផានិត, អតីតនិស្សិតសាលាច្បាប់ ហើយឥឡូវបានទៅធ្វើការនៅប្រទេសកូរ៉េខាងត្បូង បានឆ្លើយតបតាមរយៈវីដេអូ ទៅនិស្សិតមួយក្រុមដែលបានជួបសាស្ត្រាចារ្យ សុរិយា ប្រាសាទ សុបេឌី នាពេលថ្មីៗនេះ នៅឯទីក្រុងភ្នំពេញ ។
ពាក្យពេចន៍ល្អៗ និងគួរឲ្យយកចិត្តទុកដាក់ គឺមាននៅជិតបញ្ចប់នៃវីដេអូនេះ ។
យើងខ្ញុំសុំកោតសរសើរដល់ទឹកចិត្តស្នេហាជាតិរបស់ប្អូនផានិត យ៉ាងក្រៃលែង ។
I do not necessarily blame the students for voicing their opinions.
They base their views and judgements on available facts.
However the facts have been distorted or deprived by the present Regime to specifically serve its own interests.
Khmer Girl
សូមនិស្សិតខ្មែរគ្រប់រូបមិនថានៅទីណាភ្ញាក់រលឹកឡើង រួបរួមគ្នាឡើង គឺមានតែយើងរាល់
គ្នាទេដែលអាចជួយខ្លួនឯងបាន សង្គ្រោះខ្លួនឯង សង្គ្រោះមាតុភូមិ មុននិងឱយគេជួយគឺ
យើងត្រូវជួយខ្លួនឯងជាមុនសិន គឺអ្នកនេះហើយជាសសរទ្រូងជាតិ ជាតិសង្ឃឹមលើអ្នក
យឹម ពិសាល
sad but thruth. appreciate your clip regarding the khmer evil in cambodia who thirst in khmer blood for their own interest regardless the poverty of it own pple. i hope one day you'll be brighted by your idea of seeking the right to exist on the way of democarcy instead of supporting the dictator in cambodia like those, showed in video, behave like animal.
Great young generation, only you can changed this regime.
I admire the courage of this guy who dare to appeal to voters to vote for a good government. We need more messages like this from overseas Khmer to wake up the voters inside the country. They are like frogs living in a little well who know nothing of the outside world, so they need the overseas to tell them how good things are outside of Cambodia because they have good leaders and good government, contrary to Cambodia which has bad leaders like Hun Sen.
Hun Sen is a good person to the Youn. But to the Khmer people, Hun Sen keeps them in a little pond, swimming in a circle thinking that they are sharks of the ocean such as these little CPP offpsring. They have no idea on what is Human Rights or law, but in their CPP world. Cambodia is a free and demcoratic country.
We need to stop sending money to help restore Cambodia.
Swim faster!
Cpp were benefactors of these human rights abused in Cambodia for instance,Cpp and its cronies robed and stolen people's land and destroyed people's home all over Cambodia to benefit themselves,so their offspring didn't sees anything was wrong in that abused but to defense it.
The benefactors [Cpp] sees nothing wrong because the abusers were their cronies they were blinded by greeds,the victims on the other hand so scared don't know that help is out there but not from Cpp's thieves but from world communities like UN,Mr Suriya UN rapture already said;"You're young now didn't see clear,wait until twenty more years or so looking back you'll thank me"No needs to attack UN representative like Mr Suriya he just do his job and he did it well in the eyes of those whose loves justice and respect human dignity/human rights.Cpp under Hun sen was so abusive toward khmers everywhere if they were not their CRONIES or party-members.
These students are very shallow minded people but at the same time, because they don't know the full impacted like, what is behind that closed door? e.g. the agreement between the VC, Chinese and the CPP traitor crooks, because these kids did not go through losing land or housings or maybe in fact, they are one of the perpetrators' children themselves or maybe they are being trained to maintain that proposition of theirs and their aim could be to continue to steal, to rob and to kill us khmers like always.
Therefore, their intention is to block Surya Subedi from doing his job, to report from what he sees right from wrong. Their tactics are not new, it is being used and be manipulated by these crooks for hundreds of years, the tactics of lying, decieving and manipulation. In stead of learning from what is right, they went on to attack the educators and give no respect for them whatsoever, It is also known as ' Kroo Per Ang Waiy Buong', like kingta once said 'ah kroo Per' that is, 'a crocodile's confusion of its nile'.
In the west, we adore educators, we listen to them tentively, to what is being said and what went wrong. We try to learn from its mistakes and we appreciate such 'constructive criticism', because it is the only way to improve. The truth is, such criticism is good, because it has evidence to prove it otherwise, and also, it is about what else needs to be done.
Subedi's job is make sure every country is doing the right thing according to the law, that is, 'giving zero tolerance for human right abuses'. His report is based on what he sees. It is so wrong for Hun Sen to send his children to react in such a primative way toward Surya Subedi. He is a coward like always, the tactics he used are no different from his Bosses (VC and Chinese Crooks), he is borrowing his people's mouths and hands to do their dirty works.
Evidences are cleary seen, just look at the demolitions of their housings and how they been locked up after losing their home etc. How can a leader turns against his own people like that? what kind of a leader is he? yes, once he said that, he is a puppet of the crooks but why continue to do so, knowing that it is no good for the nation? why not get out of it now before it is too late?
To the crooks, for now, you can run but you can't hide, because in the end, the truth will always be the truth, simple as that. As for Surya Subedi, thank you for your continuing efford to do for what is right, accordingly, 'as the righteous will live forever and the wicked will be doomed', I am sure you will live forever and so, blessed are you to be the chosen one, to do this job.
Be blessed everyone!
very good young boy
if you think you can translate right, please do it
8:44 AM Sorry, I don't speak Korean!
I speak Cambodian and Nambodian...
8.44 AM
Go ahead with your long winded word to word Pali Sanskrit inexplicable nonsense translation as always. Show off.
Sorry I meant to say 8.36 AM, not 8.44 AM
Those young students can be easily brainwashed or indoctrinated. However, I respect their opinion.
The young man (worker) in Korea has experienced a democratic life away from home. So he can see different perspectives.
From HS math teacher
it democracy country, the students in Cambodia has the rights to express , freedom speech, etc..
however, this guy speak liked gay guy,,, his was away from his motherland for awhile,
however, they had law in order to control such , robbery, thief, etc,,
At least they know this much, if those students used those same words against Hun Sen, they were thrown in Prey Sar prison in no time. I hope their pea brains would tell them to be smart not to sell themselves.
Khmer Girl @ 6:40 AM
They are supposed to be educated enough to know that the information from the government’s media are lies. They should do their own independent researches before attacking the UN like the motodop drivers did. Cambodia is regretful to produce these dumb wits’ kids.
This system what you now explain are still work in some different part of the world or in the best society of this planet, like the US or France or UK, or in the place, where you are now sitting.
Please don’t believe, that your opinion is right or better then other, because you are alone in a small room and not inside a big meeting arena.
You are the responsibility person for your good or bad experiences, because you were also someone, who was looking into the world with different view.
To 12:12 PM,
Because of they was born knowing Hun Sen as their God (but God of thief and lie). Those students are just a small group only (certainly, most of them are children of CPP cadres & Viet), but the majority of students are not such communist students in this pictures and anyway they don't know nothings what the Human Rights & dictator really mean. For instance, during my time at the high school I was chief of SAMPORN students at my school for years and worked like dog for party (CPP), but after 9 years of my study at the university, then I just laugh now why I did like this and now started to hate this dictator regime to oppress own Khmers people (poor, powerless, ...). I just want to say that as long this man Hun Sen is in the power, all Khmer will never get a real peace and will lose Khmer land to Viet (Hun Sen's boss). Because Hun Sen is not working for Khmer nation at all but working for his families, own power and for foreigner (Viet).
Dek Chor Hun Shit keeps trying to take the CNRP down.
Here are the tricks that Hun Shit has tried to do recently:
1- Tell the people that he will withdraw all of his help from the people if they don't vote for him.
2- Tell the people that there will be war if the SEE PORNG PARTY loses the election.
3- Play the old tape while the Sam Rainsy party and the human party fought each other.
The above tricks did not work.
Now, he brings a new trick, saying that the CNRP has links with some kind of organization shit which wanted to take his puppet government down with force.
I just wonder who has guns besides his government and his master Vietnam.
It is apparent that Vietnam got a real dumb ass tool in Hun Shit who will do whatever Vietnam told him to.
Khmer people and the international community have already known your stupid tricks. Stop trying to stay in power when you lose this upcoming election. It won't work this time because another traitor - Sihanouk - who helped you to regain the power when you lost the election in 1993 has already gone to hell.
When you lost, you must transfer the power to the new government.
Khmer people and the world knew Vietnam has been using war to achieve its goal of colonizing Cambodia. And Vietnam is going to start a war through Hun Shit when the SEE Porng Party loses this election.
Fortunately for Cambodia, the principal importers of Vietnam products will boycott their imports when Vietnam uses Hun Shit to initiate a war to destabilize the new government in Cambodia.
Hun Shit must stop serving Vietnam.
93 years old woman
លោកផានិត និស្សិតធ្វើការតវ៉ា ដោយសារតែលោកសូរិយា បាននិយាយថា កម្ពុជាមិនសមនឹងឲ្យវិនិយោគទុនមក វិនិយោគនោះទេ។ សួរថា សំដីរបស់តំណាង UN និយាយដូច្នេះ វាប៉ះពាល់ដល់ផលប្រយោជន៍ប្រទេស ប៉ុណ្ណា? មែន លោកអាចនិយាយថា កម្ពុជាមិនទាន់គោរពសិទ្ធិមនុស្សតាមតែលោកយល់ចុះ សំដីរបស់ UN វាធ្វើឲ្តអ្នកវិនិយោគខ្លាំច ដូចជាដាក់ទណ្ឌកម្មចំពោះប្រទេសនេះចឹង។ កម្ពុជាធ្លាប់ក្រ ដោយសារគេដាក់ទណ្ឌកម្មសេដ្ឋកិច្ចចំនួន១១ឆ្នាំក្រោយថ្ងៃរំដោះ ទើបលទ្ធផលវាមិនស្អសម្រាប់លោករការងាររកប្រាក់ខែច្រើនធ្វើនោះ។ បើសិនជាមានអ្នកវិនិយោគមកច្រើន ទីផ្សារការងារច្រើន គេប្រកួតប្រជែងដណ្ដើមមនុស្សធ្វើការ ចឹងកម្មករ នឹងទទួលបានប្រាក់ខែ និងការយកចិត្តទុកដាក់ជាងមុន។ លោក សូរិយា និយាយមិនឆ្លុះបញ្ចាំងការពិត ទាហ៊ានថៃបាញ់កម្មករខ្មែររាប់សិបនាក់ក្នុងមួយឆ្នាំៗ តើ សូរិយាបានរាយការណ៍ទេ? លោកថា លោកមិនអាចរាយការណ៍បានទេ ព្រោះតែលោកមិនបានចុះទៅដោយផ្ទាល់ តែអ្នកភូមិបឹងកក់ អ្នកបុរីកីឡា និងករណីមួយចំនួនទៀត ដូចជានៅភូមិប្រមា គាត់ក៍អត់បានចុះទៅដែរ ហេតុអីក៍រាយការណ៍កើត? លោក សូរិយា បាននិយាយថា លោកគ្រាន់តែនិយាយតាមប្រជាជនប្ដឹងប៉ុណ្ណោះ បើមិនពិតអាចតវ៉ាបាន សួរថាគាត់និយាយនៅ សន្និបាត UN វាស្អុយរួចទៅហើយ តវ៉ាបានប្រយោជន៍អី? តើការងាររបស់លោកគឺអ្វី ហើយថាតើគាត់ធ្វើការដើម្បីប្រទេសកម្ពុជា ឬដើម្បីខ្លួនលោកផ្ទាល់? លោកសូរិយា បានប្រាប់កម្ពុថា លោកមិនបានទទួលរបាយការណ៍ឆ្លើយតបពីរដ្ឋាភិបាលទេ តែរដ្ឋាភិបាលគេបញ្ជូនឯកសារទៅUN ជិតមួយឆ្នាំទៅហើយ លោកថា គ្មានអ្នកណាយកទៅឲ្យលោកផង។ តើឧត្ដមស្នងការធ្វើការយ៉ាងម៉េច អ្វីដែលហួសចិត្តនោះ គឺគាត់ថាកម្ពុជាដាក់របាយការណ៍តែភាសារខ្មែរ គាត់មិនចេះមើលទេ ចង់សួថាតើសូរិយា ខ្វះអ្នកបកប្រែ? សូមនាំគ្នាគិតពីប្រយោជន៍ប្រជាជន ជាជាងគិតប្រយោជន៍ក្រុមមួយៗ។
Ah lop lop, the UN envoy is not stupid and numb to reality like you and blind your Hun Shit who always pretends to know nothing.
All Asean business people told me they don't trust the corrupt enviroment in Cambodia, corrupt to the bone.
If you tiny dumb gang still wishes to live in the frog hole, good luck, and don't cry for help when you lose your land to the yuon and to your own CPP thugs/ robbers. No wonder hgih education in Cambodia is not recognised in the West.
very good bro. think right and do the right things.
Ah Hun Sen, Listen to this and shame on you.
3.28 you are fully understand the one sided analyzed of Dr. Subardi. I felt very sad that one of the world renounced figure like him would make such a narrow statement like that. I am Khmer regardless of what my political agenda is when some one said thing, bad thing like that about my country I am mad and angry like hell. How can he went 5-6 times already and still not know the situation and circumstances in Cambodia? How can he made such stupid opinion about my country? Dr. Subardi has been fooled by some one who don't really know how Cambodia has been developed this last 8-9 years. And who ever informed him about Black Cambodia (bad situation) in Cambodia is not Khmer people. Cambodia has came back nicely from decades of war, almost all the country was destroyed by the war, and now she is represent herself so well in the southeast asia region, in comparing to Thailand and others nation around her. If Dr. Subardi was blind then I don't mind at all but he wears glasses and two good eyes still can not see the developments and many good things about Cambodia. Man SEnd him back to his country and let him write what he sees over there than all of should know why he is an idiot. And to all of you idiots out there who claimed that you love your country so much and appreciated this guy report you be ashamed of yourselves. To all the student who voiced your opinion I really appreciated your voicing in the meeting with this Dr. Subardi(where he got his doctorate degree from?)
I am very mad.
I love my country.
Sith phila, pa
Regards whatever happens we all know that those student was train by HunSen to bark at UN reps.
30plus years is enough. this is democracy country. HunSen must go!!! He sold his soul to Vietnam. He sold our land to Hanoi for 99 years.
We needs UN there to put pressure on his governnent.
12:00 PM is homophobia and should destroyed.
The young worker at Korea is more polite then Hun Sen, his son and his nephew Hun To. Now Hun Sen promote his son be tough man in order to rule Cambodia forever.
The young worker in Korea is very intelligent, patriotism. He earn a lots at Korea but he is still in love with his country and admire her. He did not afraid of Hun Sen regime even he may face prosecution when he return.
9:39 PM
We think, Hun Sen’s children is OK and did not have the bad characters or bad personalities as you believed. Or you just have the feeling, because you don’t like Mr. Hun Sen or the other relatives of Hun Sen.
We can say something about, because we have done since 1992 to support the educational system in our country Cambodia. We knew not bad the background of Cambodia’s society. We also knew a lot of teachers, who worked with Hun Sen’s children during their school days.
We live on the free world, what most of you always said. In case they are intelligent, or have a good personality, have said the right thing and not just an illusion. For some people, who are real patriotism, they will sure not have any problem with the law, when one day they return home.
We are not pro or contra with the government. It is also not about the regime of someone. It is more about our country Cambodia. We are still in a dangerous process of building of democracy. This reform needed all of us and also a clear reform, otherwise our country will fall into a new turmoil like from the last decade.
When someone just don’t like and run away, because he had different in mind and not agree with the law. This is also not the way to live in a democracy. Democracy have to fight for and not just to live under, like most of our Khmer people, who now live outside of the country. These people just live under, but never have done something or build a democracy by themselves, because in those countries, where most of them now are living, the democracy was built by other people, before they arrived
Wait a minute, so what if these students are members of CPP?
Let them advocate for their party. We, as rational people, should not react this way.
These students are passionate about their party. There should not be any black book or what so ever. They should be free to express their opinion if we are going to have vibrant democracy in the future. However twisted they are, let them be. The important part of democracy is deliberation. We may not like what they have to say. In their mind, they are doing the right thing.
By the way, they may think that some of us in this blog are weird and twisted too. They too should let us be free to opine on whatever matter we please.
The lesson that all of us should be gleaned from this is that the difference between follower-ship and citizenship. These students just from the snippets of information that are being shared here appear to be good followers. Followers have this common identifiable characteristic. They tend to absorb information without much processing. When a leader says ”Jump,” they say “How high.”
Good citizens of a nation, however, tend to decide on issues more carefully. They don’t always stick to their party directives. They tend to put communal or national interest before party or personal interest.
So folks, relax. These are just a couple students who will change their minds many times in years to come.
Be calm, cold, and collected. As long as Cambodia continues to beg for supports from international communities, there will be UN representatives and/or international organizations in Cambodia. These students won’t change a thing.
We have a long way to go.
you are goo boy.....
All Cambodian must read and comments in ki-media for exchanging ideas and opinions don't ignore your motherland.
និយាយរួម និស្សិតមួយក្រុមតូចនោះ ទីមួយ ពួក
គជាកូនចៅរបស់ពួកបក្សបីសាចនោះ ទីពីរ ជា
ឈើពុក មិនអាចឆ្លាក់បាន ។ ដូចេ្នះ បើពួកគេ
មិនចង់ឲមានអង្គការសិទ្ធិមនុស្ស និង អង្គការ
សម័យខ្មែរក្រហម និង រដ្ឋកម្ពុជាទៀត នោះ
សហគមន៌អន្តរៈជាតិ និង សហរដ្ឋអាមេរិកផ្អាកជំ
រដ្ឋាភិបាលជាបណ្តោះអាសន្ន ។ ព្រទាំង ហ៊ុំព័ទ្ធ
សេដ្ឋកិច្ច ផ្តាច់ការទំនាក់ ទំនងជាបន្ទាន់ ដូចដែលធ្លាប់ធ្វើកាលពីឆ្នាំ ១៩៧៩ ដល់ ១៩៩១ ហើយ ក៏ដូចកំពុងធ្វើចំពោះប្រទេស
កូរ៉េខាងជើងក្នុងពេលថ្មី ៗ នេះអញ្ចឹង ។
សូមលោក ដំណាងពិសេសអង្គការសហប្រជា
ជាតិទទួលបន្ទុកសិទ្ធិមនុស្ស មេតា្តយករឿងហ្នឹង
ទៅពិចារណាឡើងវិញផង ។ ដើម្បីជួយសង្រ្គោះ
ប្រទេសកម្ពុជាឲបានទាន់ពេលវេលា មានតែធ្វើ
បែបហ្នឹងជាបន្ទាន់ ។
to 1:34 AM,
What you said is correct brother.
When UN makes sanction against them like 1979-93, the impacts for them are the following:
1) no one US dollars for their administration
2) At the present, 90% of the textiles products are exported to USA & European market. This export will be null.
4) ban all import & export of alll kind of product and tourism
3) ban all visa entry for CPP families and their children studying oversea must back home
4) The transaction of their money (CPP, business and their kids) will be sacked
One year later, this regime will collapse by revolt from Khmer people inside.
Dude!! Why are you mad?? Are you trying to tell us that the UN reps is getting their informations from champs not the khmer? Ofcourse!! The UN reps got it from the voiceless people of Cambodia. You wouln't know because you are too busy in Philadelphia.
Why mad bro???? Someone have to reports the truth! I guess you can't handle the truth that your HunSen leasing Cambodia to Vietnam for 99 years.
HunSen is in power for 25plus yesrs. The poor is just so poor but his circle of people is just so wealthy. HunSen Salary is only $1100 per month. But yet he have so much money!!! Tell me where u think he got the money from???
You only visit srok Khmer once a year if you are lucky. Once you are here. You guys only go nice place and that all you seen. Poor people are everwhere. Government officials only care for money. Corruption from top to bottom. When there is corruption. ... the poor are the one suffer.
You are lucky that you are living in a democracy country. Our country is fake democracy!!!! I think you only get your news from CTN.. bayon tv or many other tv stations that controlled by the governnent.
Also!! Surya Subedi got his DR. At university of Oxford in England. Where did you gets yours?
I do the same brother I'm finish
University of law.I'm working outsi
de contry what ever I'm happy to do
Still love my contry....
this is a miscellaneous question: why khmer scripts appear so small on this blog? can someone explain, please!
shut up, ok, most people in cambodia got money or made the money from the booming real estate, from business deal and other things since the country is at peace and stable. forget the gov't, you can't make lots of money from working in the gov't nowadays. you only work for the gov't because you either love the country or you love to be in the power position, that's all! think cleverly about this, ok! and stop being stupid by asking silly question like working for gov't then becomes so rich. you don't get rich from working for the gov't anymore, that's history now, but you can get rich from investments, from your sucessful business, even from dealing in real estate and construction business, etc, etc in cambodia, you know. so there's the hint for you, ok! and stop being ignorant and outdated in the thinking forever, ok! change your mindset or your perspective now or forever hold your peace, ok!
No more HunSen!!!! Anything go up will one day come back down!!!
In a democracy country..... democracy is suppose to be for everyone!!! Included the poor and wealthy!!!
But in Cambodia... democracy is just for the rich and power people.
That's why we need change!!! We will change until we get a government that show real democracy for all Khmers.
3:26AM, SIT!OK, FUCKING YOU!OK,...FUCK!!! your mother.
In cambodia. .... democracy is only for the rich and power people.
HunSen sold cambodia to Vietnam for 99 years. Can you tell me..... should he be arrested?? Where is the law for that???
We want change until we get a government that show real democracy to all khmer.
Professor Surya Subedi was courageous, after his speech he opened the floor for questions.
Hun Sen was a coward, after speaking for over 5 hours in the assembly he did not open the floor for the MPs to question him. And remember this, the MPs represent the people who vote for them, they are not students.
The irony is these dumb wits’ students voice their democratic right against the UN, but they dare not do it against Hun Sen who robs their country under their noses.
កាប់សំលាប់បំផ្លាញនិងលេបកម្ពុជា ដរាបនោះ
You love your country but you support HunSen regimes that work for the best interest for Hanoi!!!
You love your country but you support the same government who's corrupted from top to bottom.
You live in a democracy country but you support a dictatorship government.
You live in the USA with all the freedom from your government but you're happy that for HunSen build a few roads and school. It took HunSen in power for 25 plus yesrs for him to do that much.
You have to understand that... government is supposed to work for the people. But in this case. You love your country but you support a regime that work for the best interest of Vietnam and a few of HunSen circle.
Those CPP Youth are brainwashed by Hun Sen money. They don't know what is the Human Rights mean.
but how they see when they are in frog hole ?
Lexilogos.com is the world language translator told us do not forget your own language. But most Khmer parents oversea hardly speak Khmer to their children. Khmer Empire to Khmer disappearing is happening now even Khmer in Cambodia are not learning Khmer language. Khmer is doing a self destruction.
"Who visits a country ignoring his tongue is not visited"
We've Got to Choose the Right Path...we've already seen 30+ years of darkness under CPP
stop whining, really. be proactive and do your part in educating cambodia in everything possible. and don't be selfish and bias, etc, ok! that's how we all can help to make a real lasting difference for all in cambodia, you know. and stop politicizing either because that's what kept you from doing the right thing to help make a difference for all to enjoy, ok. god bless cambodia and all khmer people and citizens.
និស្សិតទាំងនោះគេរិះគន់លោកសូរិយានិយាយអាក្រក់ពីកម្ពុជា អស់លោកថាគេនឹងឆ្កួត។ ទាល់តែសរសើរសូរិយា ទើបល្អ? បើគាត់ជាមនុស្សត្រឹមត្រូវ ក្នុងរបាយការណ៍របស់គាត់គួរតែនិយាយ គ្រប់ជ្រុងជ្រោយមិនមែនគ្រាន់តែជាការសន្និដ្ឋានទេ។ សំដីលោកសូរិយាជា DR or Professor គេជឿពេលគាត់និាយាយ តែគេមិនដឹងថាលោកសូរិយានិយាយខុសទេ។ កាលពីថ្ងៃ២២ លោកសូរិយាបានសារភាពនៅមុខលោកឱម យ៉ិនទៀង ថា របាយការរបស់គាត់គឺធ្វើឡើងពេលមានប្រជាពលរដ្ឋមកប្ដឹង ហើយអ្វីដែលលោកបានចុះទៅផ្ទាល់មានតែបុរីកីឡាមួយទេ។ បើសិនជាអស់លោកជាអ្នកចេះដឹង ជាងខ្ញុំ សាកគិតទៅមើល បើទើជាតុលាការក្នុងស្រុក ឬរឿងក្ដីមួយ ក៍គេស៊ើបដែរមុននឹងចេញដីការសន្និដ្ឋាន តែលោកសូរិយា ជាមន្ត្រី UN ពេលលោករាយការណ៍អ្វីមួយត្រូវប្រុងប្រយត្ន័ពីផលប៉ះពាល់។ បើសិនលោកសូរិយា ជាអ្នករាយការណ៍ក្នុងប្រទេសកំណើតរបស់ខ្លួនវិញ តើគាត់រាយការណ៍អវិជ្ជមាន១០០% ដូចកម្ពុជាដែរទេ?
A frog in a little pond...
Is there human rights abuse in Cambodia?
what will you do when this
Be blessed everyone!
i know!
you know!
rules KI-Media?
you know!
You should preach Hun Sen and his cronies. You are not needed here.
7:48 AM,
you are brainwashed by hanoi like
chea cheng and millions of CPP's supporters who are ruining Cambodia.
ក្នុងជំនាន់ខ្មែរក្រហមកាន់កាប់ អង្គការ(យួន)ប្រើ
ពាក្យស្នើជំនួសពាក្យប្លន់ ប៉ុន្តែពាក្យស្នើរបស់វានេះ
អាហ៊ុន សែននៅតែល្ងង់មហាល្ងង់អោយចោរ
I Love your comments, we need real democratic in our country, Let's CHANGE the LEADERS this coming July Election brothers and sisters, Please SPREAD the WORDS, thanks and may god bless all of us, be safe
Thanks everyone for your job well done! These UN rep needed to get the fuck out of our country. Next time will boot all the Dumb fuck Khmer oversea as well. my mission not quit accomplish yet. Long live Pi Anh. down the toilet all ScamSR's supporters.
8:10 AM
That transgender I know! You Know! ... has never ruled KI.
Its words has alienated people so much
I thought he died a long time ago, now he comes back.
Just let him/her/it spit its words.
I think KI welcomes everyone.
9:16 AM. AH Ping Ang. Did you miss your medication? Everyone is attacking Ah Hun Sen even this guy from Korea. Have you got plastic surgery for your black UGLY face? AH Ping Ang?
Well said,sir. keep doing what you doing.
Congratulation to all my fellow pupils, you're showing the world that freedom of speeches do exist and being exercised in Cambodia. You all have proven to be brave and much more courage than ScamSR and his useless Party. Keep in mind my friends, we'll kick those dumb fuck Khmer oversea out of our county next. Long Live Pi Anh.
AH Ping Ang. Your brain is rotten to the core. HAHAHAHAHA.
Your mum sure didn't raised you properly.
Come on guy just because these smart students have their own opinions and agendas don't mean they belong to any political group, of course when the UN rep were biased and unbalanced reports against any country you will expect protesting like that again. i called it young democracy at works, and you all should be proud of it. By comparison to our party leaders, these young intelligence students are far more braver and courage than our entire CNRP.
Pang Sokheoun, Secretary-General of SRP in Sweden
11:38 AM
Ah Runteas Banh PI Anh!! Thlang Nass!!
Respond to 11:38 AM
Professor Surya Subedi was courageous, after his speech he opened the floor for questions.
Hun Sen was a coward, after speaking for over 5 hours in the assembly he did not open the floor for the MPs to question him. And remember this, the MPs represent the people who vote for them, they are not students.
The irony is these dumb wits’ students voice their democratic right against the UN, but they dare not do it against Hun Sen who robs their country under their noses.
11:38 AM. AH Ping Ang. You can use as many fake names as you like to attack everyone. But we can smell your ugly face from miles.
The real Sokheoun is much more intelligent then your Youn brain. Sohkouen was educated in the West unlike your mum who was born in Youn.
11:38 AM
IMPERSONATING is a crime !!!
Cambodian kid please learn how to use remote control helicopter ,after your skill develop use the big one 5-8 pounder flying and focus on Hun s Mansion cheap to experience and it work while you are expert and know how to fly that toy.
Well, I change my mind now, support CNRP for good. Because they are clean people unlike CPP, huh! full of shit.
Mike and Pi Anh
another funny story from cpp
to 3:44 PM,
The CPP are not full of shit but they are a real traitor of Khmer nation accelerating Khmer land for Viet.
If you both Mike & Pi Anh will support CNRP, than all Khmers will welcome but if you are a spy in CNRP, dann we grill you both, OKAY.
You meant the students were more courage then your cPp?? Those kids acted just like animals as a country without laws. Just proved why UN reps needed to here.
1:43pm is 100% correct
Dear Pi Anh,
Please do not be confused between freedom and hooligan. Although one is free to express one’s opinion about any matter, one does not have to be belligerent while exercising that freedom in a civil society. Your comment here appears to suggest that you neither understand the concept of freedom nor do you know what a civil society is.
If I were you, Pi Anh, I would very careful when I use the word “oversea.” Just look at Cambodia’s national budget. If over 90% of the national budget comes from oversea, you should tell all your “fellow pupils” to tone down a bit on exercising your freedom. In fact, tell your government officials to hush.
As long as the Cambodian government depends on foreign aid for its survival, you should not worry about kicking any us oversea, perhaps, you should kick yourself harder to reform your government’s governance.
Doy korop pi khnhom baadt Khmer oversea
I find it funny how you want to get rid of khmer overseas you might stop spending usa dollar.
You might as well stop the khmer women that love us khmer american
Case in point you cant do sheeeeeet
CAMBODIA better not mess with the UN. Wait until they put sanctions on your cpp ass then you will know how the North Korean people fell like.
I don't understand how people still support a government that leasing land to vietnam for 99 years. Hun sen only work for the best interest for Hanoi!! That's is not an accusation. It plain fact!!!!!!
2:08 AM
We agree.
Sanctions will exorcise Hun Phuc and Hanoi Masters !!!
WoW CNRP picked a gay guy to be their spoke person, is that all you got? ahahahah CNRP can't provide him with a decent job that's why this faggot found a job in Korea? We Youn don't want Khmer oversea to help with our economy at all, we have great bilateral trad with our party Youn and Chen is good enough. You overseas people could shovel you hard earn money in your stinky asses.hahahahahah
represent Khmer CA.
3:48 AM
Ah Chkuot Pi Anh, Ah Roleuy !!
Just represent your dumb head, not Khmer CA.
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