Thursday, May 30, 2013

Arsenal FC: End Arsenal's partnership with company behind land grabs in South East Asia -- Petitioning Ivan Gazidis

Arsenal FC:
End Arsenal's partnership with company behind land grabs in South East Asia 
Petitioning Ivan Gazidis
This petition will be delivered to:
CEO, Arsenal FC
Ivan Gazidis

We love our football club, Arsenal FC. The continuing relationship with Hoang Anh Gia Lai (HAGL), our partner in Vietnam, brings shame on our club and its history. HAGL has been exposed by Global Witness for taking vast amounts of land in Cambodia and Laos, evicting communities from their land with little or no compensation, and devastating the environment. They are using Arsenal to bring a veneer of respectability to their disgusting behaviour. We can make this stop. Pride in our team extends beyond the players on the pitch; it reaches all levels of the club and its partners. We want the club to set an example and be known for exporting the best of football all over the world. End the shame. End the partnership. Make us proud.

Petition byNic Schlagman
London, United Kingdom

Ivan Gazidis, CEO, Arsenal FC

End Arsenal's partnership with HAGL, 
Arsenal FC "exists to make our fans proud wherever they are in the world and however they choose to follow us". The club is in a business relationship with HAGL, a Vietnamese company exposed for land theft and corruption. We demand Arsenal end this relationship now. 

[Your name] 
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