KI-Media loves to hear from you, and we're giving you a bullhorn. We just ask that you keep things civil. Please leave out personal attacks, do not use profanity, ethnic or racial slurs, or take shots at anyone's sexual orientation or religion. We thank you for your cooperation!
There's many criminal Acted the CPP, ruling by Hun sen,and his associate world community and leader must help fine a real justice to those who's suffering
Was the music really needed? The actuall video was alarming, how can khmer do this to khmer? but when that music came on every time i get a feeling of shock, i get annoyed and angry, you are making veiwers loose interest in the point at hand here. Just show the video, show corruption, intimidation and violence. Very informative video if u didnt add the badly edited music. Just a waste of time adding that distorted and loud 'eeuuuurryy'. the amount of time it took u to add the music, and the fireworks off angkor temple, all the victims house be already flattened.
Samay Ah Dekchor Hun Sen Leukey and Mi Kanhchrouk Samdach Kanduoy Mer Vear !!
Kanhcheah Ah kantorb !!
There's somebody's sound is so terrible. Just live it as it is. Turn off completely once listening it.
Please do not add the voice 'Humm...Eyr...I can't stand it. I turn it off, I don't want to listen to it again once I ever heard the guy singing again.
There's many criminal Acted the CPP, ruling by Hun sen,and his associate world community and leader must help fine a real justice to those who's suffering
ទៅវ៉ៃក្បាលអាស្វាហ៊ុន សែន?
អុញ!គំនិតរាក់កំផែល! អញឡើងរកកលរាគនោម!
ប្រសិនជាគណៈបកសង្រ្គោះជាតិឈ្នះ ហើយដណ្ដើមបានមកវិញនូវឯករាជ្យនោះ
តើ នរណាឆ្កួត?
នាងដាក់ដីលើក្បាល ពុំមែន នាងឆ្កួត ដីគឺជីវិតនាង ដីមានតម្លៃលើអ្វីទាំងអស់។
នាងរស់អាស្រ័យលើដីនេះ ។គ្មានដី ជីវិតនាងឥតតម្លៃ។
មាត់នាងហា គឺស្រែករកយុត្តិធម៏ រកសាក្សី សុំសង្គ្រោះ សុំមេត្តាអាណិតអាសូរ។
ទឹកភ្នែកនាងហូរ គឺបន្ថយកំដៅនៃកំហឹងក្ដៅក្រហាយ។ ក្ដៅក្រហាយនូវអំពើអយុត្តិធម៏ ។
នាងលុតជង្គង់ ចុះ គឺអង្វរ ដោយសារ នាងរងការសង្កត់សង្កិនយ៉ាងធ្ងន់ធ្ងរ អស់ក្ដីសង្ឃឹម។
អ្នកដែល ឆ្កួត គឺ :
អ្នកដែលយកដីនាង អ្នកដែលរឹបអូសដីនាង ដណ្ដើមភ្លន់ដីនាង។
អ្នកដែលពុំយោងដៃ ជួយលើកនាងឡើង ឈរត្រង់វិញ ឲ្យមានសមភាពដូច
រាស្ដ្រទូទៅ ក្នុងសង្គមដែលមានសិលធម៏ ស៊ីវិល័យ និងយុត្តិធម៏។
នាងមិនឆ្កួត គឺអ្នកផ្សេងទៀតដែលជាឆ្កួត!
Elle n'est pas folle, ce sont les autres qui sont fous!
She's not crazy, it's the others who are crazy!
តែ នាងត្រូវ សង្ឃឹមថា លោកនេះគ្មានអ្នកឆ្កួតទាំងអស់ទេ។
Was the music really needed? The actuall video was alarming, how can khmer do this to khmer? but when that music came on every time i get a feeling of shock, i get annoyed and angry, you are making veiwers loose interest in the point at hand here. Just show the video, show corruption, intimidation and violence. Very informative video if u didnt add the badly edited music. Just a waste of time adding that distorted and loud 'eeuuuurryy'. the amount of time it took u to add the music, and the fireworks off angkor temple, all the victims house be already flattened.
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