Thursday, May 09, 2013

«កូនខ្មែរស្រឡាញ់ខ្មែរ ! រួមគ្នាជួយថែការពារទឹកដី»


Anonymous said...

who cares? even Ah some Khmers never care about his own country, so let Ah Youns take over it.

Anonymous said...

in low market in Kg. Chhnang?

Anonymous said...

We must kick them out now. We must join hands and note all Youn living within our communities so after the new government formed, we need to investigate and send them back to Vietnam .

Anonymous said...

Mourk duon chea
bongkaul prum den yuon.

Unknown said...

Khmer people care about land in Cambodia and Khmer talk land then go to jail cpp ok maybe about 15 years more Vietnam live in camboda take over land then no Khmer live all Vietnamese in camboda because cpp Hun sen PhD give Vietnamese ok

Anonymous said...


អាកឹម​ សុខា,
អាសំរាំង ស៊ី,
មីមួ សុខហួ,
មីសេង ធារី,
អាយួន ហ៊ុន សែន,
អាហេង សំរិន,
អាជា ស៊ីម,
អាវ៉ា គិម ហុង!.......។ល។
ស្រាប់តែ មកឃើញធ្វើនយោបាយ ក្បត់ជាតិខ្មែរ?.....
រហូតដល់ ខ្មែរអស់ស្រុក?

Anonymous said...

You are fucked man. What have you do Khmer? If you know Khmer history more than Mr Kem Sokha & Mr Sam Rainsy, tell me what was the name of the wife (viet wife) of Chhey Chetha II?

Anonymous said...


No question ask....