Sam Rainsy is the exiled leader of the main opposition party in Cambodia, he says he is hopeful of returning to Cambodia to take part in a free and fair election in July.
By Jane Hutcheon
Source: ABC News (Australia)
Shame on Hun Sen, who knows nothing about 'social right and social justice', accept continuing to abuse his power and position. But, since nothing last forever, might as well wait and see. As for the crooks (VC , Chinese and the CPP traitor crooks) behind it, you can run but you can't hide, because now, the whole world knows that you are doing to us khmers. You killed 3 million of educated ones and then would say, 'khmers are dumb, stupid and lazy' while they continue to steal and kill us khmers until these present days, dispite god's rule that 'they shall not kill and steal', but these crooks did kill and steal and so, who is the stupid ones here? as the 'righteous will live forever and the wicked will be doomed', anyway. In addition, if the good do nothing the evil will win, simple as that and who in the right mind would want to support such ciminals anyway.
The poor guy is still dreaming.
Kuoy Pichet
Fugitive Sam Rainsy, please keep screaming from exile dude. You are going to live in exile for good.
12:54pm shut the fuck up! motherfucker son of the Bitch!!!hun sen will eat ur mom pussy ok? mike
អ្នកដែលធ្វើនយោបាយអន់ជាងគេគឺ សម រង្ស៊ី ហ្នឹងហើយ. ប្រឆាំងតាំងតែពីអត់មានយួនក្នុងស្រុករហូតដល់យួនណែនស្រុក...ហើយនៅតែអង្គុយលើចង្អេរលើកខ្លួនឯងទៀតថាបោះឆ្នោតពិតជាបក្សយើងឈ្នៈហើយៗ...ពលរដ្ឋមើលឃើញថាបោះវាមិនឈ្នៈគេទេ...គាត់នៅតែថាឈ្នៈ..អាឈ្នៈយ៉ាងម៉េចគាត់មិនលំអិតអោយយើងស្តាប់សោះដឹងតេពីបក្សយើងឈ្នៈ...យីស! ធ្វើមេនយោបាយអីក៏អន់ម្លេះ...គ្មានយុទ្ធសាស្រ្តថ្មីហើយអត់ស្តាប់គេឯងទៀត...អួតបើអញធ្វើមិនឈ្នៈហើយគ្មានអាណាគ្រាន់បើជាងអញនោះទេ...ក្រៅពីអញមានតែអញ។
Yes keep swearing idiots!
Real democracy terrifies you doesn't it? Cowards!
A fair fight cpp will surely lose.
The world knows your bag of dirty tricks- cpp!
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