Monday, May 13, 2013

CPP Doles Out Cash to Teachers at Pre-Election Pep Talk

May 13, 2013
By Eang Mengleng and Colin Meyn
The Cambodia Daily

In a closed-door meeting at Phnom Penh’s Koh Pich theater, senior CPP leaders called on some 4,500 teachers to support the ruling party in July’s national elections and gave 50,000 riel (about $12.50) to each teacher who at­tended.

CPP secretary-general Say Chhum told the audience that it was imperative that the CPP win this year’s election so that it could continue to improve the quality of education in the country, and re­ward the nearly 90,000 teachers employed in the country’s public school system.


Anonymous said...

Say Chhum is not real name of him, as I know I was the Vietcong killed lots of Lon Nol soldiers during drinking in her his restaurant near Poch Chen Tong airport.

If those teachers take his gift, then Cambodian teachers support his plan giving Khmer to Viet.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

If these teachers has head not using their brain to separate bribery and legitimately these teachers not deserve to be called teachers....Where were your ethical/moral as the educators?They have high moral ethical standard to teach Khmer's childrens to be good citizens and corrupts mind,there fore,if these teachers willing to sale their soul for 12.50$ then they are not qualify to teach anyone.Please do not take the bribes from corrupts Cpp's pigs.


Anonymous said...

Think about your motherland and children future 50.000 riel your salary CPP keep. They are going to lost election coming now play dirty game

Anonymous said...

Take the CASH but don't VOTE for CPP Vote for other Party that you think they can save the country from the corruption. I don't like Idea that CPP give suff before Election. this call buy people vote. like they said if you give me one fish it only feed me one day, if you tech me how to fish it feed me my whole LIFE.So think twice before who you vote for.

Anonymous said...

Ask CPP why they don't increase the salary of teachers? Why they have always gift for teachers just only before election? The race thief is always thief, you will lose CPP.

Anonymous said...

Only Oversea people know this about this information. Someone need to put this issued or infor to Khmer people in, TV or flyer. Information is not getting thru! Infor not get thru to the techer and people. Most Techer dont get know about this or being bribery.

Anonymous said...

I don't think those teachers need anymore info from any sources at all, just their brain is more than enough.
If they can't use their brain, then they're not qualify to be teacher. Unless they're sold their brain to CPP.