Thursday, May 23, 2013
Don't forget to vote for No. 7! No. 4 mean DEAD in Japanese
The number 4 is omitted in some Chinese buildings.
Number 4 (四; accounting 肆; pinyin sì) is considered an unlucky number in Chinese because it is nearly homophonous to the word "death" (死 pinyin sǐ). Due to that, many numbered product lines skip the "4": e.g., Nokia cell phones (there is no series beginning with a 4),[6] Palm[citation needed] PDAs, Canon PowerShot G's series (after G3 goes G5), etc. In East Asia, some buildings do not have a 4th floor. (Compare with the Western practice of some buildings not having a 13th floor because 13 is considered unlucky.) In Hong Kong, some high-rise residential buildings omit all floor numbers with "4", e.g., 4, 14, 24, 34 and all 40–49 floors, in addition to not having a 13th floor. As a result, a building whose highest floor is number 50 may actually have only 35 physical floors. Singaporean public transport operator SBS Transit has omitted the number plates for some of its buses whose numbers end with '4' due to this, so if a bus is registered as SBS***3*, SBS***4* will be omitted and the next bus to be registered will be SBS***5*. Note that this only applies to certain buses and not others and that the final asterisk is a checksum letter and not a number. Another Singaporean public transport operator SMRT has omitted the '4' as the first two digit of the serial number of the train car for (North South and East West) Lines as well as the SMRT Buses NightRider services.
The number 7 (七, Pinyin: qī) symbolizes "togetherness". It is a lucky number for relationships. It is also recognized as the luckiest number in the West, and is one of the rare numbers that is great in both Chinese and many Western cultures. It is a lucky number in Chinese culture, because it sounds alike to the Chinese word 起 (Pinyin: qǐ) meaning arise, and also 气 (Pinyin: qì) meaning life essence.
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Very superstitious ! Keep praying . Last mandate CPP pick
was #4 . The Party won with landslide . With the same #4
and the same NEC , you know which party will be lucky ?
go! go! CPP win for 2013
Vote to No.4 means vote for yourself.
i'm not superstitious; i'm going to vote for #4, you know. bite me!
«លេខរៀងទី៧ ជាសញ្ញាដ៏មានយុត្តិធម៌ដ៏ល្អមួយសម្រាប់គណបក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិ ជាពន្លឺនៃការឈ្នះឆ្នោតអាណត្តិទី៥ ខែកក្កដា តាមជំនឿយើងប្រជារាស្ត្រខ្មែរអ្នកកាន់ព្រះពុទ្ធសាសនា ២៥៥៧ ចាត់ទុកថាជាអាទិភាពដ៏មានជ័យឈ្នះឆ្នោត មានភាពដ៏ល្អស័ក្ដិសិទ្ធិ ដូច្នេះពេលមានសម្ដេចព្រះអភិសិរីសុគន្ធា ព្រះមហាសង្ឃរាជរាជាធិបតី ប៊ូរ គ្រី ព្រះសង្ឃរាជនៃគណៈធម្មយុត្តិកនិកាយ ចាប់ឆ្នោតបានបញ្ជាក់អត្ថន័យលេខរៀងទី៧ដូច្នេះដែរ។ សំខាន់បំផុតលេខរៀងទី៧ ជាពន្លឺតំណាងឲ្យគណបក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិ ជាទសពិធរាជធម៌ ជារបស់ប្រជាពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ សម្រាប់បម្រើប្រជាពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរក្នុងបុព្វហេតុជាតិ សាសនា ព្រះរាជជា ជាធិបតីភាព ការពារជាតិ ទឹកដីដ៏ពិតប្រាកដ ជាពេលវេលាសង្គ្រោះជាតិយើង»។ #7= days in a week you vote wise and right for peace, freedom, liberty and vote for your bill of right and the basic need to live happily and after.
លោក កឹម សុខា ប្រធានស្ដីទីគណបក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិ បានចាត់ទុកលំដាប់លេខរៀងទី៧ នៅលើសន្លឹកឆ្នោតជាសញ្ញាឈ្នះការបោះឆ្នោត និងជាក្តីសង្ឃឹមរបស់ប្រជាពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរក្នុងបុព្វហេតុជាតិ ការពារទឹកដី ដូចគ្នាព្រះបាទជ័យវរ្ម័នទី៧ ដូច្នេះដែរ។
លោក កឹម សុខា បានបញ្ជាក់អត្ថន័យលេខរៀងទី៧ នៅលើសន្លឹកឆ្នោតរបស់គណបក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិ៖ «លេខរៀងទី៧នេះ គឺព្រះបាទជ័យវរ្ម័នទី៧ គឺព្រះអង្គជាមេដឹកនាំខ្មែរដែលមានទសពិធរាជធម៌ជាមេដឹកនាំខ្មែរដែលការពារទឹកដីបានធំធេង ស្គាល់សុខស្គាល់ទុក្ខប្រជារាស្ត្រខ្មែរពិតប្រាកដ។ ទី២ លេខរៀងទី៧នេះ តំណាងនៃព្រះអាទិត្យ អ៊ីចឹងព្រះអាទិត្យនេះ គឺរូបសញ្ញារបស់គណបក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិ។ ទី៣ បក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិនេះបានធ្វើសមាជនៅថ្ងៃទី៧។ ទី៥ ការបោះឆ្នោតនៅខែ៧ ទី៦ គឺគណបក្សសិទ្ធិមនុស្ស និង សម រង្ស៊ី បានរួមគ្នា នៅថ្ងៃទី២៧ ខែ៧ ហើយចំណុចទី៧ ដែលសំខាន់បំផុត គឺគណបក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិមានគោលការណ៍ដែលជាអាទិភាព ៧ចំណុច ដែលជាកម្មវិធីនយោបាយសម្រាប់យកទៅបម្រើប្រជាពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ»៕
To 11:23 AM; 12:05 PM; 12:50 PM; 1:27AM
I bravo for exercise your right to vote, but please use your vote and exercise it wisely and thoughtfully, your people so much suffering.
4 and 7 only one.
I do not understand why comment 1 to 4 like CPP (#4) so much. Until now if you are Khmer you should vote for CNRP (#7) cause this party will rescue protect and serve the Cambodians. you all need to wake up do not lie with your face down. You all need to open your eye widely so you could see what is happening in Cambodia now-land grappling, land concession 99 years, evicted people from their homes such as Borey Keyla, Bank kork and other places, deforestation (illegal logging), threaten people who have the courage to speak out aganst the current government, human rights abused, selling government properties, destroyed the fish in the Tunlay Sarp Berng. I can keep going on and on and on top of that this current gov. allow the VN come in Cambodia like the current of a broken dam. I do not want Cambodia becoming a Low Cambodia or Loa. Please unite! Togetherness we will survive.
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