Sunday, May 12, 2013

ប៉ុណ្ណឹងហើយនៅទ្រាំដល់ណាទៀត? - How much more can you take?

A police officer holds a woman during a protest near Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen's house in Phnom Penh April 22, 2013. The residents of Boeung Kak Lake have been embroiled in a long-running land dispute with a real estate development firm in the capital, and also appealed for the release of another resident, Yorm Bopha, from prison. REUTERS/Samrang Pring
Police officers push back residents of the Boeung Kak Lake community to prevent them from reaching Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen's house during a protest in Phnom Penh April 22, 2013. The residents of Boeung Kak Lake have been embroiled in a long-running land dispute with a real estate development firm in the capital, and are also appealing for the release of another resident, Yorm Bopha, from prison. REUTERS/Samrang Pring
Police officers push residents of the Boeung Kak Lake community during a protest near Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen's house in Phnom Penh April 22, 2013. The residents of Boeung Kak Lake have been embroiled in a long-running land dispute with a real estate development firm in the capital, and are also appealing for the release of another resident, Yorm Bopha, from prison. REUTERS/Samrang Pring

A woman protests in front of the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) headquarters in Phnom Penh April 29, 2013. Boeung Kak lake residents and other communities embroiled in land disputes in the capital, gathered and appealed for Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen's help after they were threatened with eviction to pave way for private luxurious property developments. They also appealed for the release of another resident, Yorm Bopha, from prison. REUTERS/Samrang Pring
A woman is dragged by police officers during a protest near Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen's house in Phnom Penh April 29, 2013. Boeung Kak lake residents and other communities embroiled in land disputes in the capital, gathered and appealed for Hun Sen's help after they were threatened with eviction to pave way for private luxurious property developments. They also appealed for the release of another resident, Yorm Bopha, from prison. REUTERS/Samrang Pring
Police officers push back women to prevent them from reaching Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen's house during a protest in Phnom Penh April 29, 2013. Boeung Kak lake residents and other communities embroiled in land disputes in the capital, gathered and appealed for Hun Sen's help after they were threatened with eviction to pave way for private luxurious property developments. They also appealed for the release of another resident, Yorm Bopha, from prison. REUTERS/Samrang Pring
Police officers push back women to prevent them from reaching Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen's house during a protest in Phnom Penh April 29, 2013. Boeung Kak lake residents and other communities embroiled in land disputes in the capital, gathered and appealed for Hun Sen's help after they were threatened with eviction to pave way for private luxurious property developments. They also appealed for the release of another resident, Yorm Bopha, from prison. REUTERS/Samrang Pring
Police officers push back women to prevent them from reaching Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen's house during a protest in Phnom Penh April 29, 2013. Boeung Kak lake residents and other communities embroiled in land disputes in the capital, gathered and appealed for Hun Sen's help after they were threatened with eviction to pave way for private luxurious property developments. They also appealed for the release of another resident, Yorm Bopha, from prison. REUTERS/Samrang Pring
Police officers hold a woman during a protest near Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen's house in Phnom Penh April 29, 2013. Boeung Kak lake residents and other communities embroiled in land disputes in the capital, gathered and appealed for Hun Sen's help after they were threatened with eviction to pave way for private luxurious property developments. They also appealed for the release of another resident, Yorm Bopha, from prison. REUTERS/Samrang Pring
A woman is dragged by police officers during a protest near Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen's house in Phnom Penh April 29, 2013. Boeung Kak lake residents and other communities embroiled in land disputes in the capital, gathered and appealed for Hun Sen's help after they were threatened with eviction to pave way for private luxurious property developments. They also appealed for the release of another resident, Yorm Bopha, from prison. REUTERS/Samrang Pring
A woman protests in front of the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) headquarters in Phnom Penh April 29, 2013. Boeung Kak lake residents and other communities embroiled in land disputes in the capital, gathered and appealed for Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen's help after they were threatened with eviction to pave way for private luxurious property developments. They also appealed for the release of another resident, Yorm Bopha, from prison. REUTERS/Samrang Pring
A woman cries during a protest near Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen's house in Phnom Penh April 22, 2013. The residents of Boeung Kak Lake have been embroiled in a long-running land dispute with a real estate development firm in the capital, and also appealed for the release of another resident, Yorm Bopha, from prison. REUTERS/Samrang Pring
A woman is dragged by police officers during a protest near Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen's house in Phnom Penh April 22, 2013. The residents of Boeung Kak Lake have been embroiled in a long-running land dispute with a real estate development firm in the capital, and also appealed for the release of another resident, Yorm Bopha, from prison. REUTERS/Samrang Pring
Police officers block a Boeung Kak Lake community resident to prevent her from reaching Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen's house during a protest in Phnom Penh April 22, 2013. The residents of Boeung Kak Lake have been embroiled in a long-running land dispute with a real estate development firm in the capital, and also appealed for the release of another resident, Yorm Bopha, from prison. REUTERS/Samrang Pring
Police officers block residents of the Boeung Kak Lake community to prevent them from reaching Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen's house during a protest in Phnom Penh April 22, 2013. The residents of Boeung Kak Lake have been embroiled in a long-running land dispute with a real estate development firm in the capital, and also appealed for the release of another resident, Yorm Bopha, from prison. REUTERS/Samrang Pring
A woman, bleeding from an injury she said she received during a clash with police officers, cries during a protest near Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen's house in Phnom Penh April 22, 2013. The residents of Boeung Kak Lake have been embroiled in a long-running land dispute with a real estate development firm in the capital, and are also appealing for the release of another resident, Yorm Bopha, from prison. REUTERS/Samrang Pring


Anonymous said...

តើ នរណាឆ្កួត?

នាងដាក់ដីលើក្បាល ពុំមែន នាងឆ្កួត ដីគឺជីវិតនាង ដីមានតម្លៃលើអ្វីទាំងអស់។
នាងរស់អាស្រ័យលើដីនេះ ។គ្មានដី ជីវិតនាងឥតតម្លៃ។

​ មាត់នាងហា គឺស្រែក​រកយុត្តិធម៏ រកសាក្សី សុំសង្គ្រោះ សុំមេត្តាអាណិតអាសូរ។

ទឹកភ្នែកនាងហូរ គឺបន្ថយកំដៅនៃកំហឹងក្ដៅក្រហាយ។ ក្ដៅក្រហាយនូវអំពើអយុត្តិធម៏ ។

​ នាងលុតជង្គង់ ចុះ គឺអង្វរ ដោយសារ នាងរងការសង្កត់សង្កិនយ៉ាងធ្ងន់ធ្ងរ អស់ក្ដីសង្ឃឹម។

អ្នកដែល ឆ្កួត គឺ :

អ្នកដែលយកដីនាង អ្នកដែលរឹបអូសដីនាង ដណ្ដើមភ្លន់ដីនាង។


អ្នកដែលពុំយោងដៃ ជួយលើកនាងឡើង ឈរត្រង់វិញ ឲ្យមានសមភាពដូច
រាស្ដ្រទូទៅ ក្នុងសង្គមដែលមានសិលធម៏ ស៊ីវិល័យ និងយុត្តិធម៏។

នាងមិនឆ្កួត គឺអ្នកផ្សេងទៀតដែលឆ្កួត!
Elle n'est pas folle, ce sont les autres qui sont fous!

She's not crazy, it's the others who are crazy!

តែ នាងត្រូវ សង្ឃឹមថា លោកនេះគ្មានអ្នកឆ្កួតទាំងអស់ទេ។


Anonymous said...

បានប្រាក់ខែ($2.500.00)ពីយួន CPP
សម រាង្ស៊ី ,កឹមសុខា ជាចារកម្មយួន និង
ជាដៃស្ដាំ របស់ហ៊ុន សែនយួនហាណូយ,
យួនចេញពីស្រុកខ្មែរ !

ទៅជា ក្រោកឡើង,តស៊ូឡើង!,រើបំរះឡើង!

សង្រ្គោះតែ $$$$$$$$$ តាមតុគុយទាវ,
អាយួនHai Phúc AKA ហ៊ុន សែន
និង បក្សពួកវាCPP ។

សម្លាប់ជាតិកូនឈ្នួលCPP ទាំងពីរនេះដើរតួល្ខោនយួន

Anonymous said...

ក្រោមម្លប់ដ៏ក្ដៅ នៃព្រះរាជាណាចក្រ !

សូម សម្តេចថ្មី ក៏ដូច សម្តេចចាស់(សម្តេចបុរាណ) ព្រះអង្គ មេត្ដាអាណិតអាសូរ ដល់រាស្រ្ដព្រះអង្គ ផង ដែលស្ថិតក្នុងម្លប់ដ៏ក្ដៅយ៉ាងដូច្នេះ។

ទឹកភ្នែករាស្រ្ដហូរក្លាយជាស្ទឹង សម្លេងស្រែកហៅ មេត្ដា រកយុត្តិធម៌ ទាំងក្មេង ទាំងចាស់ លាន់ពេញមេឃ សូម្បី ទេវត្ដាក៏នៅមិនសុខ តើសម្តេចថ្មី ក៏ដូច សម្តេចចាស់នៅសុខឫ?។

ផ្ទះស្បូវ ផ្ទះស្លឹក គឺជា ព្រះបរមរាជវាំងរបស់រាស្រ្ដ ជាទីជម្រក ដ៏សុខសាន្តនៃគ្រួសាររាស្រ្ដ។
ពេលនេះ ឥឡូវនេះ ក្លាយជាទីវាល ល្ហល្ហេវ រាស្រ្ដគ្មានទី ជម្រក យកមេឃមកគ្របដណ្ដប់ រស់ក្រោមពន្លឺថ្ងៃ នារដូរប្រាំង ខោអាវចាស់ រហែក​រញ៉េរញ៉ៃ បាំងខ្លួនពុំជិត រស់ក្រោមភ្លៀង ខ្យល់ នារដូវវស្សា សំលៀកបំពាក់ សើម ប្រ លះភក់ពាសពេញ។រាស្រ្ដ បាត់មនុស្ស ភាព។

រស់នៅក្រោមដើមឈើ ដែលនៅមានចិត្ដធម៌ ជាងព្រះអង្គ ព្រះករុណា ជើងជាន់ដីមួយដំ ដែលខ្នួនបាត់កម្មសិទ្ធិ គឹបាត់នូវប្រភពនៃជីវិត នៃការរស់នៅ ដោយបាត់នូវ សិទ្ធផលិតផល​ចេញពីដីនេះ។

​ ព្រះអង្គកំពុងជម្រុញរាស្រ្ដ ចេញពីសង្គម បាត់បង់នូវមនុស្ស ភាព ទីបំផុត ទៅកាន់មរណភាព។

តើ សម្តេចថ្មី សម្តេចចាស់ ព្រះអង្គ ឲ្យ រាស្រ្ដ ជ្រើសរើស របៀបណា?

មរណភាព ដោយអត់អាហារ គ្មានទី ជម្រក ឫ តស៊ូ ប្រឆាំង ធ្វើបដិវត្ត ដើម្បី រស់រានមានជីវិត?។


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The thugs,the crooks,the greeds,the corruptors working to protects the THIEVES/ROBBERS for the Cpp's clans,they willing to spill innocent Khmer 's bloods to protect its evil greedies 's clans/robbers.

Yobal Khmer

Anonymous said...

អមតឥត ត្រូវការជួយសម្តេច ជាន់បន្ថែម លើរាស្រ្ដ!

Anonymous said...

អមត ត្រូវការ
ជួយជាន់បន្ថែមលើសម្តេច hunnnn sennnn!

Anonymous said...

អមត ត្រូវការរាស្រ្ដ
ជួយជាន់បន្ថែមលើសម្តេច hunnnn sennnn!