Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Pen Sovann in his own words


Anonymous said...

ចុម អាមួយនេះនិយាយខ្មែរមិនទាំងច្បាស់ផង!

Anonymous said...

Is he Khmer ? Its hard to understand what he says .

Anonymous said...

To 5:06 PM & 5:39 PM,

If you all were 10 yeas underground prison, maybe you can't stay alive like to him till now.

If you are can't listen him, then you are YOUN, right? Anyway he is more than 70 years old.

Anonymous said...

Because he is getting old that's why his speech is different from 10 years ago. Have you ever heard his speech before?
Please look at all corners before making judgement otherwise you are getting lost.

Anonymous said...

As a Khmer nationalist, no way to be lose. Not only I have heard his speech, but I am a closer to him. Any questions?

Anonymous said...

Of course he was Khmer,he rebeled against yuon that used Khmers for k-5 killed 200,000 khmers by starvation and over worked and killed by land mines.It was the plans of Hun sen and Hanoi to kills khmers according to Penn Sovann.Penn Sovann was working against Hun sen and Hanoi's plans to kill khmers thatwise yuon put him in Hanoi jail for 10 years.Penn Sovann is Khmer woke up from mistaken that he was working with yuon during 1979 invasion.After the true colore of yuon surface during K-5 plans,then Penn Sovann turns against yuon and Hun sen's plans that the reason he got drown into Hanoi's jail for 10 years.Listen to his speeches he is a good guy indeed and also risk his life to expose yuon and Cpp plans to kill all khmers and take over the land like they have done to Chams =Champa in central Vietnam today.Hun sen committed TREASON must be punished according to the law of the land....


Anonymous said...

What's Mr Sovann going to say to his Vietnamese wife& children ? They speak only
Vietnamese , do they Know that Their head of family is calling them " Yuon " .
Mr Sovann is Khmer citizen who own pieces of land in Cambodia ; When he pass away , can his Yuon children inherit the property too ? If they do , no reason to vote for him
because he'll be richer after elected & he'll own more pieces of land , consequently ,
they will all end up in YUON 's hands ?

Anonymous said...

Oh,really? All khmers politicians loves yuon's Pu'zZ as always from sdach komrook sinorook to Hai Phuc to Penn Sovann?What is so good about Yuon's Puz'Z? Nothing good trust me I dated one for 5yrs at the end I dumped that b!tch never looking back.

Yobal Khmer

Anonymous said...

everything you do is always wrong for those who believe nothing is right just like the two on the top.
Pen Sovann was kidnapped by pramat-pramant when he was 13 years old.
he was trained by pramat-pramant.
his wife is the daughter of pramat-pramant. 13 years old , he knew no politic. but it is good of him that he still love Khmer. He defied Pramat-Pramant without concern of his life. He was jailed by pramat-pramant for more than 10 years in Hanoi.
Pen Sovann is a Khmer Hero.

Anonymous said...

He has Takeo accent. He is pure Khmer, a nationalist. He lost nearly all his teeth, causing him to speak with difficulty. I have met him a few times.

Anonymous said...

Please don't look at whom he/she married to but at the love of a person has for his/her country and nation is right and just. Because sometime in life, everything comes with faith/fate etc.e.g you would say ' I don't want to marry to a white woman but in that camp there is no one else to marry to but white, so what can you do? you ended up being married to one anyway. So, in Pen Savon and Madam Mu's case, is such an example etc. Therefore, just look at their hearts, heads and souls of purity, love, respect and their loyalty to the nation. Because there are good and bad people in this world and you can easily recognise them by their good deed, simple as that!

Anonymous said...

This Mr isnot a realy khmer!!!!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Pen Sovann is HERO for Khmer. I myself will contribute what I can for the sake of Cambodia. Vietnam can not eating Cambodia when all of us are in one. I beg Mr. Hun Sen to step down if he is a Khmer and pave away for save our nation for our people.

Anonymous said...

That's you 12:04 PM,
is not a realy khmer!!!!

Anonymous said...

  ស្រុកយួនមក ហើយបង្កើតការិយាល័យប្រឆាំងនិងយួន បែរជាបង្កើតនៅព្រំប្រទល់ខ្មែរយួនទៅ
    ជីវិតនិងវាសនាអ្នកដែលប្រឆាំងយួនច្រើនត្រូវតែស្លាប់ ឱទាហរណ៍លោក ច័ន្ទស៊ី..ជាដើម

Anonymous said...

In life God works in mysterious way. Normally, if you are strong at heart, soul, and mind, no one in this world can hurt you, even if you die, you still live as the 'righteous will live forever and the wicked will be doomed'. Therefore, one of the reasons why he lives and others are not because god has chosen him to live, simple as that!

He has proved to khmer nation that power is not everything, but doing the right thing is everything. What he did for Cambodia worth more than money can buy. You see, he could have chosen the wrong path e.g to stay as a 'khmer traitor', taking the possition of 'PM' of cambodia like Hun Sen does or fight for what is right and just for his people like he did.

Therefore, at the end of his life time, what do we remember him as? a hero or a traitor like Hun Sen. A hero ended up in heaven and a traitor ended up burning in hell forever. e.g they shall not ly, steal and kill but Hun Sen did all of that. The truth is, no one in this world is above God's law, the law of love, care and respect.

Life is way too short, so might as well do good...'since nothing last forever' anyway. So, there are two types of power e.g. one is to fight for what is right and just and the other is the power to rob and kill. The truth is, the VC, Chen and the CPP (traitors) crooks made this posible for our country to be doomed, nevertheless, what they did to our innocents, shame on them, now the world world knows that they are the khmers and Laos and Champa killers of all times.

In the end, nothing is worst than being caught red handed. Anyway, we are living in the end time, and so, this truth has to be revealed because the 'truth will always be the truth' and the 'truth will set us free' (Gandi, Jesus and Scholars).

3million souls