Watching a video clip reported by Radio Free Asia (RFA) stunt me a lot on the new phenomena of Khmer youth participation with the politics. While his lecture ended and opened floor for questions from the student audience, there are questions aiming to attack the lecturer in the meantime the questions were not focused on the topic as well as the persons who asked the questions and gave the comments were not on the platform of classroom setting but emotionally displayed on political involvement. Hence, a Buddhist monks stood up to clarify the skeptics that are attacking on the report of Prof. Dr. Surya Subedi. Dr.Subedi has been appointed as the Special Rapporteur by the United Nations for Cambodia.
Watch this below video clip by RFA
My concerns are following:
1. Reading the report of Prof. Dr. Surya Subedi in both
English and
Khmer version, the report is really balancing and constructive. The report summarized that Economics Land Concession (ELCs) and other land developments are impacted by poor management and non-transparency of the government. As the result, there are numerous displacements, evictions, community deprivation and devastation of the forests. Those forests are the key sources for community livelihood, environment and national revenue; but those foreign investments have focused on selling timbers more than rubber and plundered the trees without obstruction.
Watch below video clip on the interviewing of Prof. Dr. Surya Subedi about his visit to Cambodia and the recommendation he made for Cambodian government.
According to the comment accused the report of Dr. Surya Subedi as bias and discouraged foreign investment in Cambodia. Of course, this belief is absolutely wrong. Whenever, the human rights situation is improved, the trust will be built for those honest and effective investors or foreign direct investors (FDIs) to Cambodia. Whenever, our rule of laws and regulations are strong, it surely builds trust for all dedicated and good-willed FDIs. Cambodia at the moment, I can say, has been worse as her government has continually dismissed and ignored the recommendation of the UN's envoy. If the government has learnt to admit the fault and adjust its policy accordingly, the leaders will be admired and the FDIs will be flooded into this land. The land, trees and natural mineral will be properly managed. The people will experience justice. The whole society will be getting genuine progress.
That why I have criticized those students as unprofessional, immature and lacking proper research into the topic. However, I appreciate them all. Negative or positive, they have become a flame igniting inside the Cambodian soil. All Cambodian youths will pay more attention into those causes and effects.
2. By this small cohort of rallying against the report, more Khmer youths have stood up to exercise their power and prowess. As I read the comments and watching video clips on facebook, google groups and youtube; I am really optimistic on Khmer Youth movement to lead change for Cambodia. Cambodian Youth have been labeled as very young, having little knowledge, immature, having little power and incompetent. But the upcoming election on July 28, 2013 and while we are waiting another two months arrival; more and more youths are standing up from their bed, from their game board as well as from their silent space to voice out concern, worries and sensitivity. Youths are the agent of change. Youths are the catalyst for change. Youths are the unstoppable force for change in this country.
Below are the responding back to a group of students who protested against Prof. Dr. Surya Subedi and his report on the human rights situation in Cambodia.
Below is the responding of Chea Chheng, a youth who involved in the protest.
Let applaud for Cambodian youths!!
But the upcoming election on July 28, 2013 and while we are waiting another two months arrival; more and more youths are standing up from their bed, from their game board as well as from their silent space to voice out concern, worries and sensitivity. Youths are the agent of change. Youths are the catalyst for change. Youths are the unstoppable force for change in this country.
chear cheng works for hun sen's daughters ,his parents was vc youth in early 1965 .
These kids are just the tools that Hoon Xen is using to propagandize and confuse Khmer. But Most Khmer is NOT that stupid. The reason they are doing these because they expect to get better position in CPP in the future.
There were over 10,000 Cambodian children adapted by Youn between 1975 to 1979 included Pen Sovann.
Now, Youn released 2nd wave to control Cambodia because first wave like Chea Sim group are retiring. This 2nd wave their ages are under 40 yearo old.
So, now you all can see these actions against UN.
Special Info. for you all!
The UN is there to do their job. Without the UN intervention, Cambodia would really be like North Korea or Vietnam!
CpP is mad because someone have the balls to tell the truth. All khmer!!! We want change!!!
Thank you Dr.Subedi!!!! Don't recognize Hun Sen's government until he allow free and fair democracy for all khmer in Cambodia.
To Chear Cheng,
All Khmers have heard your words against Prof. Dr. Surya Subedi and now you turned your ill tongue and blamed to the journalists from Phnom Penh and Cambodian Daily who have not a profession as journalists. Your words are not trusted at all, please see the fact in Cambodian society at the present, please don't blind like your boss and you are just a tools for them only.
In fact, I'm hating you so much but I have some pity with you that is why I want to tell in the following:
I were nearly 10 years as the chief of SAM PORN YUVACHORN of CPP and later I was promoted to be cadre. Because of I'm a Khmer and have Khmer blood in my body like the others and one day I raised the presence of Vietnamese in Cambodia and from that time I was dismissed from party.
So, from now on if you are really you must think twice what you say and who you are. But if you have no Khmer blood (please ask your mirror? ), then your day maybe countdown heuy, no one can help you anymore because all Khmer know your name and your face.
former CPP cadre
The main reason why Khmer people are not welcomed Yuon in Cambodia because of the people who born from those Vietnamese who live in Cambodia will never like Cambodia. They would do something to ease Vietnam to absorb Cambodia.
For instance, Ah Kantorb Nguyen Van Truoy aka Chea Chheng who asked all kinds of stupid questions to Dr.Subedi.
I was once, carry a gun to protect Koy Pech, San That, Im You Hai in the name of Cambodian Youth for justice. Slept in the sun and rain at the Independent movement for weeks to protest agianst corruption in Khmer Society. I was young and stupid, Youth was used by political groups to serve their political purposes, it does not take much for an idot like this to claim the fame.
as suggested by various observation in this blog, just look around, read a few articles from the past and use your head with the brain, Koma Padevat Chea.
Hey Yuon/Viet dog @2:55 AM,
You are a really twisted poster like a spinning head - dumb and dumber. We caught your mindset again. How far do you want to go on and on with your dumb trick? LOL
This poster @2:55 AM sounds funny because of the way this poster wrote. Some smart readers can figure out how dumb, silly and goofy you are.
You need to be aware of Khmer intelligent readers and posters can shoot you the replies to your plainly stupid and twisted comments on here. How clever, but dumb you are.
The article and video display give us more concrete idea and movement to make change for Cambodia.
warmTo CPP cadre
This is the time that can tell we are all Khmer stand together , I am glad for this comment your word is perfect ,you are real Kone Khmer Cambodia our homeland will disapear from the wold map sooner if we have kind of yuth like Ah chkout Chea Chheng. but now aday I can see that it make more and more our Khmer young jenoration stand up against the corrupt unjustice Government ,សូមសរសើរដល់កូនខ្មែរជំនាន់ក្រោយទាំងអស់ អ្នកជាសរសរទ្រូង អ្នកជាទំពាំងស្នងឬស្សី អ្នកជាអនាគតរបស់ខ្មែរ ងើបឡើងខ្មែរអើយ កុំកន្តីយ យើងមានសាមគ្គី យើងឈ្នះ។
ខ្មែរអ្នកគំាទ្រហ៊ុន សែនទំាងនិសិ្សត បញ្ញវន្ត
ពលរដ្ឋទូទៅ គឺល្ងង់មហាសែនល្ងង់ មិនទទួលការរិៈគន់និងអនុសាសន៍របស់អង្គការសហប្រជាជាតិ បែរជាគេមកជួយតំរង់ផ្លូវអោយប្រទេសជាតិងាកទៅរកផ្លូវល្អហើយបែរជាខឹងគេ។តើនរណាជួយ
ប្រទេសខ្មែរបាន បើខ្មែរដ៏មហាសែនល្ងង់ទំាងនេះ
ទើបមានអនាគតភ្លឺស្វាង ។ដរាបណាខ្មែរនៅក្រោមនឹមយួន ខ្មែរនឹងគ្មានផ្លូវរកសេចក្ដីសុខឃើញនឹងគេទេ។
ប្រទេសខ្មែរខុសពីគេត្រង់ហ្នឹង អាជា ឆេងឯងយល់នៅ?ប្រទេសខ្មែរគឺជាប្រទេសដែលនៅក្រោមការត្រួតត្រាជិៈជាន់
របស់យួន ទើបបានជាមានបញ្ហាដ៏ធ្ងនធ្ងរយ៉ាងនេះ។គេថាឋាននរកនៃសិទ្ធិមនុស្សនោះមិនខុសទេ។
To Chea Chheng,
If you are not hypocrite and really care about your country, you should have the courage to confront Hun Sen about the Human Right issue. But how can you, because you are as coward as Hun Sen.
Is there any human rights abuse in Cambodia? If the answer is no, then the report of Mr. Subedi is just opinions. If the answer is yes, whether it's 90% or 10% bad, then we Cambodians need to improve the human rights to the best of our ability because it is for us Cambodians not for the UN or Mr. Subedi. Don't get mad with the UN because the UN is not suffering with us. So let's take it as an constructive criticism.
I have two children. Sometimes they complain about people who criticize them. I tell them that if it is true then we need to improve ourselves and thank them for their criticism. If it's not true, don't worry because it's not our false. That's it. It's simple.
ជា ឆេង ឯងគួរតែដឹងថា ឯងគឺជាកូនឣុកមួយរបស់ ហុន សែន តែ ប៉ុនណោះ ។
Vietnam and Samdach Leukeu Hun Sen have distorted Khmer history and confused most of Khmer children.
Those youths don't know who are the heroes, who are the traitors, who are the invaders, and who are the rescuers, etc...
Whatever has happened recently, Khmer people should not lose focus of the real issues: the NEC's drastic reform and the return of the dragon (Sam Rainsy).
We need to resume our struggle for NEC's overhaul and the presence of Sam Rainsy before and during the election.
To solve all the problems, the CNRP must win this upcoming election.
The CNRP should anticipate a fake civil war deployed by Vietnam through Hun Sen after it won the election.
A fake civil war is a war created by Vietnam which used its Vietnamese special forces who have been living in Cambodia after its invasion in 1979 to fight and destabilize the new NCRP’s government. It is not a war between Khmer and Khmer.
The international community, especially the UN might have already prepared for such challenge initiated by Vietnam.
Bun Thoeun
Well done youths, you are the core to build Cambodia to become one of the great countries in Asia and be living in happiness and absolute independence. Lets bring up idea and convert it into the actual actions in every second to minutes. Make smart, cautious plans, plan A, plan B, plan C...and turn Cambodia into the new smiling page. From a real Khmer
Well Chea Chheng, let the truth be told and hopefully for the best as we Cambodian never want to see a traitor inside Cambodia.
There's a lot guys mostly from Chinese parents who doesn't give a shit about Cambodian suffering or they just ignore it. Hopefully, you're not one of the evil gold digger who care nothing except money and power, then when Cambodia is gone and start blaming on pure real Khmer just like after 1979.
such a stupid niseth pong kdor, your face is better to speak youn than khmer language chea chang...your real last name is nguyen!
បើលោក ជាឆេង យល់ថារបាយការរបស់តំណាងអង្គការសហប្រជាជាតិធ្វើឱយបាត់ផល
ប្រយោជន៍ ខូចកិត្តិយសប្រទេសកម្ពុជា តើលោកយល់ថាទង្វើរបស់រាជរដ្ឋាភិបាលលោកហ៊ុន
mI sOKUN nISA IS YOUN, why Khmer oversea invite her to sing there and comes back home your Dollars and she works for CPP. STOP TO INVITE HER AT ALL KHMER OVERSEA, thank
Ah Youn Chear Cheng is delete from Facebook now or changed his name?
to 7:05 AM,
perfect idea brother, From now on we must stop to invite who serve for CPP and put them in black list, here ist the following name:
1) Ah Koy
2) Ah Krem (Ah thok Teap)
4) Mi Sokun Nisa (koun kath Youn)
5) Chhoun Sovannareach (koun kath Youn)
6) Nop bayarith (Koun Kath chen)
From now we must support more to our Khmer singers oversea. Thanks
It is a reminiscence of the same Khmer youth that was used by Pol Pot to lead the country to genocide. They were employed as hit men and ignorant sheep with their masters.
It is a real waste that those young talents did not show off their leadership to serve the oppressed and victims of injustice. Instead they chose to be manipulated in this psychological warfare against those who want to help Cambodia get out of backwardness.
Let's mark my word, Chea Chheng will change sides when his boss's time will be up soon according to Puth Tomneay.
Some Niset Khmers are so dumb and stupid, even they had high education they still did not know what the Hell they were talking about.
This is ah youn trick. Khmer must understand that to stir khmer politics. Mi Kundouy saoy is one of youn element to stir Khmer politics.
ហាហាហា អាជ័យវាថាឆ្លាតឆ្លាតអត់ទាស់
បើអាជ័យវាដឹងថាបានរៀនដល់សកលវិទ្យាល័យឆ្លាតបែបនេះម្លេះសមវាមិនឈប់រៀនត្រឹមសាលាវត្តទេ។ និយាយពីសាច់ការម្តង
ក្នុងស្រុកខ្មែរក្រែងមានក្រសួងរៀបចំដែនដី នគររូបនីយកម្មនឹងសំណង់អីគេសុរិយោដីនឹង ហេតុអីបានចាំបាច់មានក្រុមនិសិតស្មគ្រចិត្តរបស់សម្តេចចេញទៅវាស់ដីជូនប្រជាជនទៅវិញមិន ដែលឮថាក្រសួងនឹងខ្វះបុគ្គលិកផង មកពីក្រសួង អសតម្ថភាពឫក៏រដ្ឋាភិបាលអសតម្ថភាព បើមកពី ក្រសួងគួរតែដករដ្ឋមន្ត្រីនឹងអោយទៅអូសទឹកលក់ទៅ អាជ័យវាដឹងថាពូ ជាឆេងឯងនៅក្នុងក្រុម យុវជនស្មគ្រដែរ មេចក៏ចេះតែបំផ្លាញលុយរដ្ឋចឹង
ចំពោះរឿងរបាយការណ៏វិញអាជ័យវាថារបៀបសួរនឹងវាខុសទាំងស្រុងកុំចោទថារបាយការណ៏គាត់ ខុសទាំងអស់វាមិនត្រឹមត្រូវទេ បើពិតជាអ្នកចេះ រៀនដល់សកលវិទ្យាល័យមែនគួរតែអានហើយពិនិត្យតើកន្លែងណាខុសឃ្លាណាខុសឫមិនពិតគួរលើកយកមកសួរអោយគាត់ជាអ្នកបកស្រាយ។
បើតាមអាជ័យវាបានអានអាចយកជាការបាន៨០ទៅ៩០ភាគរយជារឿងពិត។ កុំល្ងង់ជាងអាជ័យទៅទៀតចឹងវាខ្មាស់គេណាស់ហើយអាប់យស់ទៀត កុំអោយគេថានិសិត បល់បាយ ទៅសាលាតែអត់ខួររៀន។
គួរតែរៀនតាមអាជ័យខ្លះទៅបើមិនច្បាស់មិនចេះកុំនិយាយកុំអោយគេជេរដល់ដូនតាចឹងថ្ងៃណាមួយ នឹងអស់បុណ្យស័ក្កដោយសាមាត់ មាត់អត់គម្រាប
they succeeded in looking like little frogs in a little well...
When in the whole country we have mostly highly educated students like that boy, Hun Sen is correct to say that he will rule until he is 90 yeas old.
Mr. Chea Chheng, just do your work and learn from all the good and bad critics.
Please forget what happened to you in the face book. You have the courage to show yourself and not stay behind the scene as anonymous.
It is not easy to be on the front, of the screen view, but a great experiences for you and for all of the next generation of the Khmer youth. .
មើលមុខវា ក្បាលវា យួនសុទ្ធ នេះមិនស្រាវជ្រាវអំពីប្រវត្តិរបស់វាផង
Chea chheng,
what is thoughts on cambodia border issues with Vietnam? And Also do we have illegal viet immigration in Cambodia?
Please make a new video addressing those issues.
Rest of the students
Hun many kissing ass need to kill him out of our society no need of this kind of Khmer next generation in out land. first you never researched any thing about Cambodia situation now a day. second you are an ass kissing find the way to get an easy job and corrupted like Hun family does and all their clan in the high rank . 3nd you need to do a lot of researched before you open your mouth asking subedi, i feel very shame for you when you asked such a stupid stupid question. fourth, Chea Chheng need to learn more about our society now a day, research more, if you do have a true information i believe that you are appreciate more when the Human right present in Cambodia. and you face look like Vietnamese born Khmer. I do not hate Vietnamese people who are just came to live our country but i do hate the Vietnamese who came to our land and try help his or her government to invade our land or to took our land such as kok trol, Heng sumrin village and much more of Khmer land the Vietnamese had grab it from us we do not appreciate that that is why we hate youn. as long as those youn voting for Hun sen and help the youn government invading our land that is why we hate youn face like you and ass kissing hun many. Next time when you asked some one question look at yourself first, and do researched more and learn more of the truth information before you raise the question and do something else in you group such as raise the word that no need UN special reporter and much more...etc......
2:23 PM,
Courage should be recognized when applied for just and honest cause. Not to blast an assigned entity that is tasked to assess for better conditions.
Mr Cheng should have used his courage more intelligently like completing his research and publish a rebuttal report, not to take it personal with Mr Subedi.
Being anonymous has its purpose in specific context where the other actors are usually hostile and resort to strong arm process to control and harm their critics. Going to jail or death is much more serious than losing a social media account.
Cambodia must build a strong concept of open debate to comply with one of the principles of democracy.
This is a good chance for all youths to stand up and voice their magical voice.
Ms. Yom Bopha is courageous and a hero
Ven. Loun Sovath is courageous and a hero
Mr. Chea Vichea is courageous and a hero
Mr. Chu Wuthy is courageous and a hero
Mr. Suong Sophorn is courageous and a hero
Ms. Meas Srey, Mr. Prum Chea, Mr Rong Chun, and Mr. Sam Ramsy are courageous and heros....
Let true courage shine...and lead us to better future.
Ah Chear Cheng is a simply a stupid dog and a waste of brain cells. Everything he ever knows in his life is just poop since he is a dog and a parrot. Welcome to the real world ah Chear Cheng. So stop denying that you didn't say that there are no human right issues in Cambodia. You personally attacked Professor Subedi's reports on the human right situations in Cambodia and now you deny saying it, you are a stupid fool. The world already repals your sound bites and analyzes it in their face values. Yes, fool, you ah idiot Chear Cheng is a stupid f*cker who clearly denied that there is no human right issue in Cambodia. You see ah Chear Cheng the real world is not ah Hun Sen's world, OK. In Cambodia, ah Hun Sen could say about anybody indirectly and then he could deny it altogether and nobody would ever say a word about his action. For example in the case of Mu Sochua. Clearly ah Hun Sen made an indirect remark about her, but she still lost the case to ah Hun Sen who kept saying he did not talk about her. So now you are playing the same dirty trick here about your stinky words of attacks against Dr. Subedi. You see ah Chear Cheng, in the real word if you say you have 3 dollars in one pocket and another 2dollars in another, then the world knows that you have five dollars without you mather f*cker even telling everyone that you have five dollars. In the world of logical talking, your pieces of evidence always add up to ONE and only one conclusion. Yes, fool, you did say that there are no human right issues in Cambodia, you mather f*cker! Why don't you replay your sh*tty words again, fool.
Ah chea chheng,don't ever think that you are khmer because you are not. It does not matter you speak fluently khmer, but your heart, your soul, your mind are not khmer including your physical appearance either. You fit to live in Hanoi. Don't you ever show up in face book any more, no one wants to see your ugly face at all.
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