Thursday, May 23, 2013

រដូវកូនឆ្កែបញ្ចេញ ចង្កូម - Season the CPP puppies come out of their den


Anonymous said...

I don't want my beautiful country to be the next khmer krom.

Hai Phuc aka HunSen leasing cambodia to Vietnam for 99 years. If we continue to vote for HunSen government. We will be Nambodia!!!

I know lot of you guys are loyal to CPP but please be smart and ask yourself to explain::: how can you vote for a person that sale land to Vietnam for 99 years for his own interests? ??

All khmer please wake up!!! Please do research and educate yourself. Every government is working for the people. But Hun Sen only care for him and a few of his friends hanoi!!

Anonymous said...

what's the fuck in yellow bald head doing with thesee issues? he;s supposed to stay in temple masterbate his dick. these intellectual students seem speak english like a clown who learn a second language. shame of the killing fields country.

Anonymous said...

Puppies come out of their den? No.

Although I do not share the sentiment of these young people, it is encouraging to see our young students participate in this forum. It appears that they are very passionate about the issue.
It also breaks my heart to see that they know too little about politics and world issues. Their judgment appears to be a bit skewed.
The fact is if a nation respects the rules of law both investors and citizens are mutually benefited. The problem is when an investor has to pay tremendous amount of money under the table to establish and maintain an investment, he/she has to offset the cost of doing business from somewhere. Often, the easy way out is to balance their books over the backs of the workers.

We have a long way to go.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I thought they improve than khmer people with out go to school,but all these student don't understand well about future ....Hmmmm.Hmmmm.

Anonymous said...

This guy speak for Hun Sen. If you don't want UN to interfere in your country's business then your country will need to stop begging the world community. The kingdom of beggar need to learn how to stand on its own feed. For 30 years now Cambodia live on begging. Do you as Khmer have dignity at all?

Anonymous said...

ah nisset yuon !
ah yuon trongorl 7 makara!

meul muk ah nisset n ah sang
7 makaraoy jbass,
pourk ah nis yuon kroy 7 makara.

Anonymous said...

this made me remembering the era of killing fields when young black clad soldiers obey their notorious leaders and their propagandas. those students are ready to kill the UN human right if hunsen would say go ahead for the execution.

Anonymous said...

Srok khmer sot tae hun xen ,
all this brain viet .

Anonymous said...

those students behave like animal,
does anybody has all their names? i have their pics, i need to send it to UN head quarter and US ambassy, to prevent them to step in american land.since they believe their country is so beautyful and they will fight for their leader.

Anonymous said...

ការ​វាយ​ប្រហារ​ដោយ​ពាក្យ​សម្ដី​ពី​ក្រុម​យុវជន​ចំពោះ​លោក ស៊ូប៊ែឌី ក្រុម​យុវជន​មិនទទួលខុសត្រូវ! មិនទទួលនូវការពិត មិនទទួលនូវការកែប្រែ មិនសម្រេចដោយក្រុម​យុវជន!​ពាក្យ​សម្ដី​អ្នកដទៃ The small group of CPP students that work under government for the government against UN and Human Right society for the small amount of money/job they got offering after they finish their graduation. Hun Xen offspring! continue to shut and blind them through out their little mind and ego of selfishness and greed to brainwash their head from the very beginning. Hun Xenism!

500Reil_toilet said...

Why don't these students do the same during one of hun sen barking?

Anonymous said...

Those stupid students are idiots knowing nothing about Viet plan to annex Khmer land, maybe those are kids of Youn too?

If they are smart enough why they don't ask first why they was not allow to study the own Khmer history in the past? Why just after 17th 1979?

You all think that without 17th Januar 1979. All Khmers will never live again (Question: who were the Khmer Rouge: 1) Khmer Rouge YOUN and 2) Khmer Rouge China and both were the killer in Pol Pot regime and where are they now?). But they don't think that without help of Sam Dech Ta Sihanouk by allowing NVA & Vietcong to use Khmer territory a long Khmer-viet border (more 1800 km) , the Viet would never win the war against USA at that time.

Anonymous said...

to 4:03 AM,

great bother I will support you 1000%. fix their faces and send them to all west country Embassies. They must go to study in the communist country in Hanoi because over here (west countries) we have no place such stupid students.

Anonymous said...

i think the students asked the UN rep subedi the right questions. subedi seemed biased and favored only the opposition outdated thinking people that he forgets that the rest of cambodia is not happy with him, especially his biased reports about cambodia. i'm sure if subedi is being fair to cambodia,then the student would praise him for his work in cambodia. and of course, it sounded like the students are politicized this; i'm sure the opposition and subedi himself always politicized every issue about cambodia this or that all the time, so who is he to say so? and just because the students have their own opinions don't mean they belong to any political group, you know! when you are biased against my country cambodia, of course, other people like the students can see it too for themselves, you know! next time, be more balanced and fair when report about my country cambodia, ok! that's all!

and of course, there are more to cambodia than you and i, really! minority group supposed to work with the majority group, not the other way around, you know! and stop politicized everything anybody says about cambodia, ok! because it shows you are biased toward my country cambodia, really! can you for once not politicized every situation anybody says about cambodia! for your information, cambodia is a country that wants to move forward and be developed like the rest of the developing world out there, you know, so stop stereotyping khmer people and our country, ok! if because something bad happened in cambodia in history doesn't mean cambodia should be that way again, you know. if you can change, cambodia can too, ok!

Anonymous said...

This kids are lowly educated. They cant speak English properly. They have little knowledge of Human Rights. They have no understanding of how much money are lost through corruption. Yet, they have no idea they are living on borrowed loans for the past 33 years.

These kids doesnt care about the Khmer Future. They are stupid Youn.

Anonymous said...

i bet these students can speak khmer better than subedi, you know!

can subedi speak khmer? at least these student make effort to speak english, their second language language after khmer, you know! who are you to criticize their english here, there or anywhere! shame on you for your stupidity!

Anonymous said...

The UN rep got first hand to see why this country is not a democracy yet because those students were rude just like HunSen violated the Human rights!

In Nambodia. ... all the media is controlled by HunSen and ofcouse the people never get to see anything bad except when HunSen and his people donated rice to the poor people with the country money acting as his money own on television.

You guys will never see anything bad from the government in the media....Only the goods.

You guys complained that he is Indian??? in a democracy country we never judge a person based on different color. We only the judge them based on their abilities.

Some of you mad that he don't have good reports on Cambodia??? Well!!!! what do you want him to report when our country is really is violating the Human Rights everywhere!!!!?

I know that we all wanted our country to improved but is hard for any country to be improved when there is corruption everywhere.

I am very happy that the UN reps is here to cracked down the human rights violation. I know all rich kids don't understand but a lot of poor people in Junabot are violated by the gorvernment officials. This is a democracy country but some of them are even scared to talk about politics in public.

Have a nice day!!! I have no affiliated with any political parties. I love my country and I hope that my brother and sister in Cambodia is respectful to each other.

Anonymous said...

What school do these brain-washed students go to?

Anonymous said...

As I have expected from a long time ago that Cambodia will be placed in a very difficult position once these children from 1979 grew up in Cambodia. This is a very dangerous game of politics that our previous Khmer politicians did not heed before entering politics. The Art of War has precisely stated as such. "War can be won with politics without having fought on a battlefield." These children will one day run for public office in Cambodia. Just imagine if most of these children whose parents were former Vietnamese solidiers who came to Cambodia on or before January 7th, 1979. One will assumed that these children are educated in Cambodia; they can speak, read and write Khmer very fluently and they will one day becoming public officials and running for Khmer Parliamentary Seat. If these children occupied Khmer Parliament then the GAME IS OVER FOR CAMBODIA. From this video clip, it has shown clearly the intent, that these children do not want Mr. Subedi in the Kingdom of Cambodia and his response was that these children do not understand political problems at the moment in Cambodia and that these children must wait for the next 20 years before they can understand its entirety of the situations; and Mr. Subedi is absolutely right when he made that remark. I am so ashamed when I saw these children do not know how to be humble when speaking to the UN Rapporteur.

Triple PPP

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen said he makes only $1000 per month, but yet for the past 33 years he build hundreds of schools, hostials, road and street under his name.

Are those really his money? Where does he get the money from with only $1000 a month?

Anonymous said...

6:28 AM,
Vietnamese whore, your virgina is very stink. Get out of Cambodia. You talked like a Yuon/Vietnamese whore and prostitute for many years. How come your brain make you talk like a Vietnamese whore or prostitute?

Anonymous said...

5:48 AM

What did UN special reporter got in return for being biased, or did you have been brainwashed by Ah Hun Shit?

It's his job as a reporter to tell the truth to the UN so all Cambodian peoples can benefit. Should we Khmer peoples deserve a better treatment in Cambodia as of right now?

Come on use your brain, your father Ah Hun Shit, been in power for more than 27yrs. but Khmer peoples is still suffering, why?
Just like Mr. Subedi said, you're still too young to learn anything.

Anonymous said...

These students are very shallow minded people but at the same time, because they don't know the full impacted like, what is behind that closed door? e.g. the agreement between the VC, Chinese and the CPP traitor crooks, because these kids did not go through losing land or housings or maybe in fact, they are one of the perpetrators' children themselves or maybe they are being trained to maintain that proposition of theirs and their aim could be to continue to steal, to rob and to kill us khmers like always.

Therefore, their intention is to block Surya Subedi from doing his job, to report from what he sees right from wrong. Their tactics are not new, it is being used and be manipulated by these crooks for hundreds of years, the tactics of lying, decieving and manipulation. In stead of learning from what is right, they went on to attack the educators and give no respect for them whatsoever, It is also known as ' Kroo Per Ang Waiy Buong', like kingta once said 'ah kroo Per' that is, 'a crocodile's confusion of its nile'.

In the west, we adore educators, we listen to them tentively, to what is being said and what went wrong. We try to learn from its mistakes and we appreciate such 'constructive criticism', because it is the only way to improve. The truth is, such criticism is good, because it has evidence to prove it otherwise, and also, it is about what else needs to be done.

Subedi's job is make sure every country is doing the right thing according to the law, that is, 'giving zero tolerance for human right abuses'. His report is based on what he sees. It is so wrong for Hun Sen to send his children to react in such a primative way toward Surya Subedi. He is a coward like always, the tactics he used are no different from his Bosses (VC and Chinese Crooks), he is borrowing his people's mouths and hands to do their dirty works.

Evidences are cleary seen, just look at the demolitions of their housings and how they been locked up after losing their home etc. How can a leader turns against his own people like that? what kind of a leader is he? yes, once he said that, he is a puppet of the crooks but why continue to do so, knowing that it is no good for the nation? why not get out of it now before it is too late?

To the crooks, for now, you can run but you can't hide, because in the end, the truth will always be the truth, simple as that. As for Surya Subedi, thank you for your continuing efford to do for what is right, accordingly, 'as the righteous will live forever and the wicked will be doomed', I am sure you will live forever and so, blessed are you to be the chosen one, to do this job.

Be blessed everyone!

Anonymous said...

It was just a set up... CPP's youth were prepared to attack Subedi. Majority of Khmer students as well as civil societies support Subedi.

Anonymous said...

Yuon offspring Or one of CPP tactic tagkling
the UN's Human right special invoice to Cambodia.These CPP yuonster puppies have been funded by Yuon logging busness in Cambodia through his cronny Khm..GOVT.Be proud of your mission dear Sobidi,these young scholar degree when they grow-up are fitting to stand roadside to protecting what it call, Used Control stall or becoming Vietnamese slave along Ho-Chimin trail poisoning with chemical orange that left behind by USA during Vianamese war.
Be proud you!

Anonymous said...

ក្នុងជំនាន់ខ្មែរក្រហមកាន់កាប់ អង្គការ(យួន)ប្រើ
ពាក្យស្នើជំនួសពាក្យប្លន់ ប៉ុន្តែពាក្យស្នើរបស់វានេះ
អាហ៊ុន សែននៅតែល្ងង់មហាល្ងង់អោយចោរ
មិនឃើញល្បិចបោកប្រាស់របស់វាមកលើខ្លួនឯងនិងពិភពលោកដែលល្ងង់ដែរ(មើលឃើញខ្មែរសំលាប់ខ្មែរ ដែលមិនពិត)។

Anonymous said...

ក្រុមយុវជនមួយក្រុមដែលបានធ្វើជាសំនួរសួរអ្នកតំណាងអង្គការសហប្រជាជាតិ ដែលគួរឲ្យស្តាយនូវ
ហ៊ានចោទថាគេមិនអព្យាក្រិតអ្វីដែលគេសរសេរវាជាការពិត វាមិនដូចពពូកអាសត្វចចកហ៊ុន សែននិយាយ
កុហក់បោកប្រាស់ប្រជាជននោះទេ ពិភពលោកបានបង្កើតច្បាប់សំម្រាប់ពិភពលោកគឺយុត្តិធម៏ ក្លាហ៊ានតែជា
យអ្នកនិយាយការពិតទេក្រុមយុវជនទាំងនេះរួមទាំងពពួកអាម៉ូតូឌុបផងម្តេចក៏មិនសួរសំនួរទៅអាខ្វាក់ផងហេតុអ្វីកាត់ដីឲ្យយួនប្រគល់ដីកោះឲ្យយួនប្រគល់ដីព្រៃឲ្យយួនកាប់ដឹងឈើទៅស្រុកយួនព្រៃក្លាយជាវាលហើយ សៀមវារំកិលព្រំប្រទល់ចូលមកក្នុងដីខ្មែរម្តេចក៏នៅស្ងៀមបឹងទន្លេសាបពពេញទៅដោយយួនរស់នៅទីណាក៏ធំក្លិនយួនដែរហេតុអ្វីមិនធ្វើការតវ៉ាជាមួយអាខ្វាក់ ឬមួយជាចៃនៃប័ក្សប្រជាជនជួយការពារមនុស្សក្បត់ជាតិនៃក្រុម
ប័ក្សប្រជាជនតើមាននិស្សិតដែលរៀនចំបានធ្វើមន្ត្រីធំៗប៉ុន្មាននាក់ឃើញតែនិស្សិតខ្មែរទៅធ្វើនិសិ្សតចំណាប់ស្រុកទេ ហេតុអ្វីបានជានិស្សិតខ្មែរមួយចំនួននូវមិនទាន់ភ្ញាក់ខ្លួន ឈប់ស្រវឹងទឹកម៉ាត់ពពួកអា៧មករាដែលជាឆ្កែកញ្ចះយួន តើយុវជន ដែលជានិស្សិតរៀនមានការចេះដឹងយល់ នូវអ្វីៗដែលចង់ ឃើញអ្វីៗក្នុងលោកនូវសេរីភាពយុត្តិធម៏ មិនរស់នៅក្រោមអណានិគមណា ខ្លួនជាម្ចាស់ប្រទេសហើយគ្រាប់ភ្នែកទាំងពីរនោះដែលបើកមើល
ជុំវិញខ្លួនឯង ជុំវិញប្រទេសជាតិខ្លួនឯងទេ ថាមានសាសន៏ណាខ្លះរស់គ្រប់ទីកន្លែងក្នុងប្រទេសកម្ពុជា ហើយវាក៏ជាក្រុមចោរប្លន់ទឹកដី ប្លន់នៅអ្វីៗដែលកម្ពុជាមាន ឬមួយមានពួជយួនដែលធ្វើដើម្បីយួនសាសន៏ខ្លួនឯងបណ្តេញ
អ្នកច្បាប់មិនឲ្យមានក្នុងប្រទេសខ្លួន ខ្លាចក្រែងវាដួចពពួកអាខ្មែរក្រហមប្រាប់ពិភពលោកថាកម្ពុជាមានការរស់
នៅយ៉ាងសប្បាយ មានហូបគ្រប់គ្រាន់ ស្លាប់ប៉ុន្មានលាន?យួនរស់នៅគ្រប់ទីកន្លែងមិនដេញ បែរជាមកបង្ករហេតុ
ជួយយកសន្លឹកឆ្នោតឲ្យពពួកអាឆ្កែចចកយួនទៅវិញចរិកខ្មែរមួយចំនួននៅតែការពារពពួកអាខ្វាក់មេបនក្បត់ជាតិជាអតីតះខ្មែរក្រហម ជាក្មេងពាលបាតផ្សារគ្មានការចេះដឹងមកដឹកនាំអំបែងក្បាលយុវជនដែលជានិសិ្សតមានការចេះដឹង កុំយកមនុស្សខ្វាក់អវិជ្ចា បណ្ឌិតពីហាណូយ មកធ្វើជាគ្រូដឹកនាំឲ្យធ្វើអ្វីៗជារឿងខុស ត្រូវយកមនុស្សចេះមកធ្វើគ្រូវិញកុំយកឧត្តមគតិខ្លួនឯងទៅបំរើពពួកមនុស្សក្បត់ជាតិដើម្បីជួយបំផ្លាញជាតិបថែម ភ្ញាក់ខួកក្បាល
ឡើង បើកភ្នែករកមើលការពិត ហើយសួរខ្លួនឯងថាអញជាអ្នកណា !ហេតុអីស្រុកអញជាស្រុកខ្មែរម្តេចមាន

Anonymous said...

ក្នុងពិភពប្រជាធិបតេយ្យ វាជាការត្រឹមត្រូវបើកូនឆ្កែកុម្មុយនិស្សទាំងអស់នេះ បាននិយាយចេញពីគំនិតពួកវា ប៉ុន្តែអ្វីៗមើលទៅគឺបានរៀបចំពីមេឆ្កែកុម្មុយនិស្សរួចស្រេចហើយ...សូមខ្មែរលើសកលលោកកុំពុលតាមបរិយាកាសល្ខោនកុម្មុស្សហូ ជីមីញ ជាដាច់ខាន!! យើងត្រូវការសង្គ្រោះជាតិយើង...ជា ខ្មែរ

Anonymous said...

ថាមែនគឺមែនអាយុវជននេះវាជាកូនចៃរបស់អាខ្វាក់ទេតើ! ជាកូនឆ្កែចាំជួយព្រុះឲ្យអាខ្វាក់ នៅពេលណា
ត្រូវការកូនឆ្កែល្ងង់នេះមកព្រុះ ព្រោះអាខ្វាក់អស់មានគេជឿរវាទៀតហើយ ដូច្នេះហើយបានជាវាសួរសំនួរថា
របាយការមិនពិត និយាយប៉ះពាល់ខូចឈ្មោះប្រទេសស្មែរ ក្រុមអាកូនក្មេងពុលថ្នាំ៧មករា អាជា ឆេងនេះមើល
យួៗទៅដូចអាកូនកាត់ខ្សែយៀក កុង បាជាវាខំជួយព្រុះណាស់អាចៃក្មេងពាល

Anonymous said...

ពួកអាអស់នេះ រៀនចេះបែកឆ្វេង សម្រាប់កាន់

Anonymous said...

these Youn whore students disguise as khmer ss khmer students .

Anonymous said...

កុំចេះតែធ្វើលេសនយោបាយ អត់មានអៀនខ្មាស់អ្វីទៀតអោយសោះ សូមកុំគិតថា ទង្វើរនេះអាចនាំអោយប្រជាពលរដ្ឋ និងសហគមន៍ជាតិ-អន្តរាជាតិ ផ្លាស់ប្តូផ្នត់គំនិតអោយសោះ ព្រោះរឿងរ៉ាវជាក់ស្តែងជាច្រើនណាស់ ដែលជាទឡ្ហីករណ នៅក្នុងរបាយការណ៍ដ៏ឧត្តុង្គឧត្តមបំផុតរបស់អង្គការសិទ្ធិមនុស្សសហប្រជាជាតិ សំរាប់ជួយតម្រង់ទិសស្ថានភាពសិទ្ធិមនុស្សនៅកម្ពុជា។ និស្សិតទាំំងនេះជាកូនអ្នកមាននៅបក្សប្រជាជន រឺ ជានិស្សិតវាស់ដីរបស់ ហ៊ុន សែន តែប៉ុណ្ណោះ។

Anonymous said...

សព្វថ្ងៃ កម្ពុជា នៅសល់អ្វី?

ជាតិ? ជាតិកំពុងបាត់បង់។

សាសនា? សាសនាឃ្លីងឃ្លោង អស់ថាមពល។

ព្រះមហាក្សត្រ ? ព្រះមហាក្សត្រ អនុញ្ញាតឱ្យដៃ ពុំដឹង ពុំឮ ឥតរវីរវល់ មិន អើពើ មិនអឺមិនអើ។

នៅសល់តែរាស្រ្ត ?

រាស្រ្ត ឯកោអនាថា រ បោះបង់ចោល ឥត ទិសដៅ រស់ក្នុងសង្គមឥតសក្ដិសម ជា រាស្រ្

ត ក្នុងភពសកល មួយ ឥតសមភាព គ្របដណ្ដប់ ដោយសិទ្ធិអំណាច ។

ដូចនាវា ឥតមគ្គុទេសក៍ ណែនាំ ឥតបង្អែក ខ្វះការគាំទ្រ ប្រឈមមុខនឹង មហាសមុទ្រអយុត្តិធម៌ ទុក្ខវេទនា តែឯង។

Anonymous said...

haha, look at 5:20, the 2 stupid students holding the banners knocked each other's head like fools. Karma...

Anonymous said...

3:53 AM,

You are right. Yes, these kids can be brainwashed and taught to hate and kill people by CPP/Yuon-Vietnamese crooks and killers (teh same as Killing Fields killers because they want to take Cambodian land/country). These kids are not Cambodian, but Vietnamese kids coming their Yuon/Vietnamese parents who are illegal immigrants in Cambodia.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

All idiot must know usa ovethrow many goverment by human righ tools. Stop bieng ignorant will you? Mike

Anonymous said...

and the opposition people use their youn racial rant as tool as well. i told you, smart people can tell the difference! why vote the racist group into office? makes no sense, you know!

Anonymous said...

How many khmer students are brainwashed by ah yuons and ah hun
sen's gang?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It is so pathetic.

Anonymous said...

If the opposition is the ruling party, they will get the un report too. who is running the country the hun sen gov't for the opposition? there are still a lot to learn from cambodia. it is a long process to go...