Saturday, May 11, 2013


The City of God
(Book I, Section 8)
St. Augustine
(354 A.D. - 430 A.D.)
Here, I am reminded of the brilliant passage on suffering of St. Augustine in his masterpiece The City of God which I am now re-reading:

There is, too, a very great difference in the purpose served both by those events which we call adverse and those called prosperous.  For the good man is neither uplifted with the good things of time, nor broken by its ills; but the wicked man, because he is corrupted by this world's happiness, feels himself punished by its unhappiness.

Yet often, even in the present distribution of temporal things, does God plainly evince His own interference.  For if every sin were now visited with manifest punishment, nothing would seem to be reserved for the final judgment; on the other hand, if no sin received now a plainly divine punishment, it would be concluded that there is no divine Providence at all.

And so of the good things of this life: if God did not by a very visible liberality confer these on some of those persons who ask for them, we should say that these good things were not at His disposal; and if He gave them to all who sought them, we should suppose that such were only the rewards of His service; and such a service would make us not godly, but greedy rather, and covetous.

Wherefore, though good and bad men suffer alike, we must not suppose that there is no difference between the men themselves, because there is no difference in what they both suffer. For even in the likeness of sufferings, there remains an unlikeness in the sufferers; and though exposed to the same anguish, virtue and vice are not the same thing.

For as the same fire causes gold to glow brightly, and chaff to smoke; and under the same flail the straw is beaten small, while the grain is cleansed; and as the lees are not mixed with the oil, though squeezed out of the vat by the same pressure, so the same violence of affliction proves, purges, clarifies the good, but damns, ruins, exterminates the wicked.

And thus it is that in the same affliction the wicked detest God and blaspheme, while the good pray and praise. So material a difference does it make, not what ills are suffered, but what kind of man suffers them.

For, stirred up with the same movement, mud exhales a horrible stench, and ointment emits a fragrant odor.


Anonymous said...

I believe in god, but god is neither Christian, nor Muslim or from other religion. God is one that psychologically is a creator of the universe...In the case of Theary Seng is simply the stupidity for the living. Rationality and irrationality are completely opposite. Lies and the truth; hypocrite and dishonest, consciousness and unconsciousness are completely different. These dichotomies of the situation give us a benchmark to see how Seng Theary looks very stupid, ridiculous, or whatever you can name it by her action in Khmer politics starting from Khmer trail to religion propaganda passing by her non sense Dart-Game, her comedian against Hun Sen at the River front and so on… To me this lady is a poison to the Khmer Nation. Khmer must watch her closely about action in Khmer Politics if you real care about real Khmer interest. To understand really about her Christian religion just go to YouTube and watch Sam Harris you will understand how Christianity is a God exploiter in using the word ‘’GOD’’. If she really care about her own quality, she will never have had acted stupidly in Khmer politics. Seng Theary, watch yourself in the mirror and review your action. What you have done have given an image.

Anonymous said...

ទម្មិឡស្រីយួនសេង ធារី ជាសារតាំង
អបាយមុខ,ជក់ស៊ី ,Cigare-ផឹកស្រា
បន្លំខ្លួនអ្នកជឿព្រះ JESUS!

Anonymous said...


Like always, you are attacking TS because you are son of a thief, a bloodsucker and a murderer. You heart is full of evil and whenever, you hear the word of god you panic haha. TS is one of the chosen ones and if you don't see it tough luck!, the truth is she has an ability where you and I and many others can not have. Nevertheless, I and many others around have admired her and all of her works, unlike you, of course you like to do the opposite of what is good, so that you can have it all e,g the power to control, to abuse and to steal.

Talking about God, it is true the sun has to shine on both good and evil, but only 'the end will justify the mean', that is what you do is what you will get e.g just look at all of our predecessors like kings, queens, all other supperior ones of the past, where are they now? gone, dead!. Some are in the book of life where others not. So, what gives you the right to criticise her when you are useless yourself...'do not judge or you will be judged'.

But if you don't what she does, why don't you do it then? that is to fight against those perpetraitors who are trying to steal, rob and kill us khmer people. If not, then you must be one of the perpetraitors who is enjoying doing just that. However, I believe everything comes with time, since 'nothing last forever', might as well do good.

So, be blessed everyone

Anonymous said...

but if you don't like* what she does,

Anonymous said...

Dear lovely Theary Seng,
Please don't be discourages about this commentator above keep doing what you do best for justice and peace for Cambodia and her people,I may disagree with you in some political views or religion views,but the truth is will never change.I knew that you speak the truth about God or your political views about Dart game to protested the murderer of innocent khmers during Vietnam/American's war that Evil Henry Kissinger had inflicted upon our people and our country[Cambodia] during that era.

The truth shall set your free,Theary Seng you have done just that to exposed the truth,to shine the light on the darkness in human heart that corrupted because of the do called SINS.I admired what you do eventhough you went through too much in life,well we (khmers) all do...

The seeds of corruption evil man/woman commentator above is benefiting from the corrupted society thatwise he/she so strongly attacked you without using his/her common senses.May god bless you and may the truth be told through those whose has ears to hear and eyes to see....The truth should be told,the truth shall set you free...Theary,Thanks for telling the truth.


Anonymous said...

First of all, you are showing your color that you are Ah fucking Youn trash having your ancestor having the black teeth. I am very conscious who I am. I’ve followed the action of Mi Seng Theary since many years. She has told the world at S-21 that Khmer killed Khmer. This point, she tried to hide ah Youn’s atrocity over Khmer people during the Khmer rouge. She tried to represent Khmer at the Khmer rouge trail, but finally she quite the Khmer rouge in saying that Khmer did not believe the Khmer Rouge trail. This was the act of sabotage to disturb the Khmer rouge trail in order to delay the court without having the chance to judge those entire Youn criminal. That was the Youn game plant. During the Vietnam War the USA had bombed Cambodia because ah Sihanouk helped the Nord Vietnam to fight the American. Lon Nol a Khmer nationalist tried to chase out the Viet-cong from Cambodia. Everybody has known the entire story. Why during the visit of President Obama Mi Seng Theary played her Dart Game by hanging Kissinger picture as a criminal? This is a Youn plant. Youn want Khmer to be with the Chinese side rather than the USA because Ah Youn knows that the only hope for Khmer to intervene over ah Hun Sen regime which is a Youn puppet regime is only the united state. This point it shows that during the Obama visit. Mi Chkeh Youn Seng Theary was playing Youn game. Another point that Youn want to break out Khmer from the USA when Hillary Clinton came to visit Cambodia, ah Hun Sen gang set up the question for the student to as Hillary Clinton that Cambodia is a closed friend to the Chinese more than United State. I am not stupid. I don’t jump to the conclusion without verifying. You are a funckin’ Youn don not know what is the value. Your nation killed Khmer many million people, and now you keep lying people and stir Khmer politics in order to swallow Cambodia. My country is a Buddhist country. Our culture has been Buddhist since many centuries. We are good with Buddhism. We do not need Christianity in Cambodia. Christianity is for Ah Cheap trash Youn. They bribed the French Catholic in order to have the favor for swallowing Kampuchea Krom. The way that you ridicule Buddhism is the most stupid and ignorant from your part. It shows that you do not know any content about the Buddhism. It is simply a noble religion. Whereas Christianity, by the history, how many millions people they killed people.
This is some text for you: Christianity & Violence: History of Violent Actions and Hatred
It's ironic that a religion which proclaims Absolute Love as its basis should spawn so much unmitigated hatred and violence. Is it simply that Christianity is a failure in inspiring better conduct from otherwise hopelessly evil human beings, or is there some aspect of Christianity which in fact encourages or promotes some of the baser aspects of human behavior? Perhaps it is a bit of both. Google yourself you will see how Christianity is a violence religion. Jesus was a good man, but the problem was the four prophets lied to the world. The four did not say the same thing. The simply lie. According to the BBC Jesus was a Buddhist monk:
Anyway, you are an ignorant. Go to sit with Theary Seng and review your consciousness.

From: 8:55PM

Anonymous said...

Stop fighting with each others, focus on being Spiritual people, we may survive. Fighting won't help because GOD knows/sees everything we did/do (Book of Revelation).

Preah Jesus Christ is Preah Se-Art Metrey (Preah Rouss or the Living GOD) already appeared, and it is up to us to choose which Road to take. If we do not recognize Preah Jesus Christ is Preah Se Art Metrey means we still have too much Bap, we ott mean nisay, ott saved by.

If some of you ever dream seeing only two Roads, then your souls must remember not to step in too fast, pray GOD for a guidance with Road you should take.

There are only Two Roads: one to the left and one to the right. They both look so beautiful from the beginning. But one Road is heading to Hell and another is heading to heaven.

Myself, Theary Seng and her critics are all sinners, so do not be tempted. There were preachers were sent to hell and there're non preachers who are spiritual being and living his or her life as holy people, were sent to heaven.

Going to heaven ONE has to work too hard following Jesus Christ teaches. For example: is someone slap us we must turn another cheek to that person to be slapped.
If we see the sick and poor, don't look away, but help at least wash/clean their feet or body (like Preah Jesus did wash his Disciples. "Feed my Sheeps" said Preah Jesus, means feed the poor.

If Theary Seng only preaches but she looks aways when the poor children need shower or bath, then she will never see heaven. If her critics do follow Preah Jesus teaches, washing the poor people feet and feed them, they will be sent to heaven.

The bottom line is that NONE of us Can help others but ourselves, we are responsible for our own good or bad deeds.


Anonymous said...

5:58 AM
You don't need BBC or BullS* News to tell you about what you believe. You seek GOD on your own, and if you are (mean Nisay), you will be touched by His Grace, if not then need more good deeds.

If Jesus Christ traveled to every corner of the planet earth, it was His duty, none-of us Humans knew. Here the American Indian also have their story that Jesus Christ appeared and stayed with them healing and blessed them, too. ..Joseph Smith received a golden plate written from a mountain in NY and Jesus Christ helped him to understand and translate from Hebrew to English. Millions around the world believed and followed Joseph Smith (Mormon). If we don't believe Smith others do.

If Christ died and buried like anti_Christ claimed, then He did not appear to million people around the world.

But the fact was He was crucified on the Cross surrounded by the powerful Roman soldiers. His body was laid down inside the tomb and surrounded by the strong powerful Roman soldiers. Because some were worried that Jesus Christ would resurrect (defeated death) as He told them He would after 3 days. The fact He was resurrected, so many people witnessed seeing Him.

However, the anti-Christ: Pakistani (Muslim) and Buddhists fabricated their propaganda for fearing that Muslims and Buddhists would believe in Christ. BBC is a group of extreme liberals siding with Pakistan Muslims, since this day England is full of them, they want to take over Europe and make their Shariah Law upon the European nations.

The bottom line it is up to you and any body to choose which Route to walk, you do not need a green light from the Muslims and Buddhist telling you.

You responsible your own Karma and so does everyone. None of us knows after our death, where our souls will be going to.

Anonymous said...

A good strong FAITH does not need to check with BBC News. Who are those people anyway? They are just sins like the rest of the world.

Less FAITH in Khmers saying "Ott mien Nissay ban Chourp Preah Se-are Metrey".

Old Khmers used to tell us youngs "Khom Tveu Bon deumbei oy keuth torn Preah Se-are-Metrei".

Because Preah Se-are-Metrei is called Preah Rourss (living God) is most powerful God above all things.

But Preah Se-are-Metrey already appeared, still some don't recognize Him.

I think based on the Hebrew Bible, Preah Se-are Metrey did not need to go through Enlightenment like all Buddhas, He is God and He is enlightened, and He is alive for ever.

A Russian scholar named "Dr. Notovich" tried to find the missing years of Jesus from age 12 to 29, where was He, etc. Across Persia to India, many people met a Holy Boy known as Saint Isa. He preached the Kingdom of heaven and he healed them all the way to India. He was in India and healed people. He knew all everything in the Buddhism scriptures, but he preached against the Brahmanism and Buddhism.

Those were claimed by the people who tried to find out where was Jesus at age 12 to 29. Why did he manifest his powers healing people outside his homeland first- then back at age 29 to manifest his power and prepared for his his homeland, then defeat Roman by using Saul later Paul who tried to persecute Him and His disciples?

No humans really Knew about God's plan.

But people have their rights to search and I have my right to follow my heart. I do not listen any body nor I care what they said, my Faith is strong and I knew that Jesus Christ is "Preah Se-are-Metrey".

Anonymous said...

8:55 PM
You believed in GOD then you also believed in an idiot Atheist Harris Sam?

He may earned degree as a Neuroscientist but he can never answer patients who had terminal illness why their cancer disappeared after a long prayers by their loved ones?

Harris Sam is an idiot and if you don't believe me then ask this atheist Dr. Donald Whitaker how he would say.

You get to stop running all over the place to find faults of others to make your points. Calm down and make peace within yourself and God, you may not be going crazy like Harris Sam. Listen to Donal Whitaker via this YouTube.

Anonymous said...

Some who were born Christians Are not destined to meet/know God either. Because some of them are wicked and they left Christianity to be Islam and be atheists like the idiot Harris Sam. But million Islams met Jesus Christ healing them, they became Christians. It depends on their Bonn or Bab or mien nissay or Ott mien nissay.

And this one who is running all over the places looking for somethings to attack GOD, may be having a chance to meet/know GOD.

This person (Harris Sam's follower" seems to be a very curious person, and he or she can be a person that will be blessed by GOD in the future through Jesus Christ. Who knows may be GOD let her or him to test about life before settle.

Dr. Donald Whitaker and many more Atheists bashed GOD but later they are more religious than the people who go to Churches every day.