Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The 7th Annual Sarong Party


Karl [Kalonh] Chuck said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

You don't have six-pack,oh come on man! You have floab/toolshade to protect your tools down there,i've sen you,your tools can't be used anyway....


Anonymous said...

Drop your insanity and your stupidity before you get your head blown off 11:59 PM!

Anonymous said...

Hey! Ah chrook the truth hurts huh? 6packs my Ass!...You don't have a gut!!!
Welcome to my space and see who's head blown off....ah chrook juer=sick pig!
Message for12:24AM

Anonymous said...

11:59 AM,
Are you a faggot or something? why did you use the word "Your-Ex!" replying to 11:45 PM? Do you know 11:45 PM personally?

Anonymous said...

11:59PM*** not 11:59 AM.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for the Krama party...

Anonymous said...

oh shit 11:59PM and 11:45 PM are both gay? Welcome to gay KI, boys...oh la la!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is the Cambodian awakening... We have come of age... I am glad you guys are taken the step to reinvent ourselves our culture to call our own in America. Good luck guys!!! Don't be afraid to do something for yourself, your family...

Anonymous said...

White washed biatches!

Anonymous said...

9:18 AM

Why are you so evil toward this beautiful Khmer girl? She grew up in the US, and what do you expect her to speak? Like BunSamhieng, cpp?

It is not a white washed but American-Cambodian girl. She is way up high beyond your reach that she is not Yuon washed.

Anonymous said...

That one 9:18 AM is a remnant of Khmer Rouge, the killer. Million Khmers were killed by Khmer Rouge like that one. Jealous and Hate.

Anonymous said...

Khmers of the Khmer Empire were very noble both of their speech and act just like British Empire, except that the two were from different cultures. The nobleness of Khmers during Khmer Empire copied by new comers, Thais, Burmese...Malaysians, etc.
A lot of immigrants migrated from China, Srilanka, India, now Yuon, etc., were mostly Barbarians came during Buddhism was adopted in late 13th Century. These people are trash and the most brutal people, look at Hun Sen, Chea Sim, Heng Samrin. All of them including that 9:18am are barbarians.

Anonymous said...

How can Cambodian people build up a strong community?
Look from top to bottom nothing good about their race, why you guys like to trim each others? Where is the positive supporting each others?

Anonymous said...

If you have nothing good to say about your own race just do not say it, or we do not need to fight with youn all these typical looser character keep it at home pofavor

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Give up old fart 8:30 PM = 9:18 AM = 1:39 AM = 11:59 PM. Go eat shit and die!!!

Anonymous said...

I think the reporter(s) should learn how to pronouns 'sarong' without an accent before interviewing people. After all, the theme is just that.
Just my two cents.

Anonymous said...

ក្បាលលោកអាលោង doch ក្បាល kdor!