The Toothbrush Project is helping kids in Cambodia
The Herald Sun | 29 May 2013
Amber Jones and Georgie Debenham are improving the dental health of orphans in Cambodia. Picture: Derrick Den Hollander
Source: Leader
A PAIR of teenagers are determined to improve the dental health of
children in Cambodia and are taking their fundraising efforts to the
next level.
Merricks teen Georgie Debenham and Amber Jones from Somers, both
19, set up The Toothbrush Project about six months ago after
volunteering for the Chumkriel Language School.
After seeing children at the school with rotten teeth, they felt compelled to help.
"The average daily wage in Cambodia is about the cost of a toothbrush, so that's not on their priority list," explained Georgie.
The girls raised $1500 which will cover about three years' worth of toothbrushes and toothpaste for the students.
They would now like to offer the toothbrush project to students at a linked state school.
This will see them support the dental health of 800 children, up from 100.
"We're interested in speaking to people who can support the cause," Georgie said.
To help Georgie and Amber fund the campaign, visit The Toothbrush Project.
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ហាស ហាស ហាស ហាស ហាស ហាស ហាស ហាសងាប់ហើយបក្សសាងគ្រោះជាតិ…! ចេតរ៉ូយ! បក្សពួកអ្នកប្រឆាំងទាំងឡាយទាំងពួង!!!!បក្សពងទាចៀនធ្លាក់ទឹក
I wouldn't be concern of children loosing their baby teeth. Ta-kaw has to have something to eat and they happen to like baby teeth.
Go ahead and say whatever you want to make Khmer/Cambodian people look bad, Dumb Yuon Dog Eaters!
Yes, of courses, Khmer is smarter than Yuon/Vietnamese dog eaters because Yuon dog eaters have dumb and numb brains like wild animals. They [Yuon] should be beaten to death. They are not smart to live in the world that they are Yuon/Vietnamese thieves, killers, land grabbers, evil parasites, and you name it.
They can not avoid every day life when it comes to criticism on their bad ill-intentions and smart-ass killers to rob, cheat and steal Cambodian/Khmer people. They [Yuon dog eaters] created and painted the Khmer Rouges as the killers [= Yuon/Vietnamese secret and murderous agents in Khmer Rouges uniforms] and covered up their hidden and murderous actions over 3 millions Khmer people during and before the Killing Fields (1975-1979). They could not avoid the rumors everywhere in the world that Vietnamese/Yuon dog eaters are real Hanoi-Ho-Chi-Minh killers of Killing Fields. In the present, Yuon/Vietnamese dog eaters look good when the world think that only Khmer Rouges killed their own Cambodian/Khmer people and used Khmer Rouges as the scapegoats.
Good luck, Yuon/Vietnamese dog eaters. You will not avoid the bad rumors everywhere around the world that Yuon/Vietnamese folks are the worst and hypocrite Yuon/Viet dog eaters of all time.
So nice to see other people want to help. But khmer are so stupid to keep fighting each other.
34 years of ruling the country. ... some people still can't afford to buy tootbrush for their kids. And you smart khmer still think Hun Sen is great???? Time for change!! We needs government that concern for all khmer.
To Amber/georgia!!!! Thank you for your help to my poor country! !!! We really appreciate yours help.
I tried this since 2005 and Khmer people was laughing at me...don't care
I just wish that toothbrush and toothpaste are affordable for majority of rural Cambodian people. The low quality toothpaste and toothbrush from neighboring countries make brushing and the toothpaste tasting very unpleasant. And I praise the teen for starting the Toothbrush project and the project will bring more awareness to Cambodian population especially among children to develop good habit early in life to take care of their oral hygiene which will carry on into their adult life...
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