Tuesday, June 11, 2013

សូមជូនពរលោក ហ៊ុន សែន ឲ្យចាញ់ឆ្នោតជាស្ថាពរ


Anonymous said...

អាខ្មែរក្រហម អាមេឃាតកឃោឃៅ អាមេចោរលួចគោទាំងបីក្បាលនេះមានងារដូចខាងក្រោមនេះ  ៖

១ អាមេចោរលួចគោ អាមេឃាតក អាមេខ្មែរក្រហមឈ្មោះអាជា ស៊ីម មានងារជាអាសម្ដាចម៌មេខ្មែរក្រហមអគតិមហាធម្មោឃៈពាលីសត្វពាក់ផ្កាយកូនមាន់ចំនួនប្រាំផ្កាយ ។

២ អាមេចោរលួចគោ អាមេឃាតក អាមេខ្មែរក្រហមឈ្មោះអាហេង សំរិន មានងារជាអាសម្ដាចម៌មេខ្មែរក្រហមអគតិមហាពាលាពានរស្វាព្រៃពាក់ផ្កាយក្រពើចំនួនប្រាំផ្កាយ​ ។

៣ អាមេចោរលួចគោ​ អាមេឃាតកអាមេខ្មែរក្រហ 
មឈ្មោះអាហ៊ុន សែន មានងារជាអាសម្ដាចម៌មេខ្មែរក្រហមអគតិមហាសេនាមេស្វាក្បត់ជាតិបាត់ដីភ្នែកទោលដៃចោរពាក់ផ្កាយចោរចំនួនប្រាំផ្កាយ ។

៤ ឯមីមេជ្រូកសាម ហ៊ាង វិញមានងារជាមីសម្ដាចម៌អគតិមហាក្តិតិព្រែកទណ្ឌិតប៊ុន រានី ហ៊ុន សែន ជាប្រធានកាកបាទខ្មៅឬប្រធានក្រុមឃាតកដាក់កុងធ្វើសកម្មភាពសម្លាប់ខ្មែរណាប្រឆាំងអាហ៊ុន សែន។

សេចក្ដីពន្យល់៖ មហាក្តិតិព្រែកទណ្ឌិតប៊ុន រ៉ានី ៖
មីមេជ្រូកសាម ហ៊ាង មានកណ្ដួយធំបែកព្រែកជាពីរចំហៀងរីកស្ញាញមានប្រហោងចំហរស្ញេញបិទមិនជិតដូចកណ្ដួយស្វាញីឈ្មោះCHIMPANZE ។     

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wake up everyone, just look around, the whole world is laughing at such a leader who know nothing about politic except fighting one another for power and isn't 30years enough already? So, just look around, the more you hang onto power, the more they will take advantage of us and our downfall, be smarter, be united and be like others e.g Yingluck and Abisit, they have helped each other out in the name of 'community building', they focus on their job like, what else needs to be done for their nation. Not about power, it is about, how to help each other to grow and how to build a strong nation and so on.

Hun Sen, you needs to stop listening to outsiders, because they would never want what is best for us but to see us falling apart, that is all. Look, they done this to us before, for the last four hundreds years, so don't make the same mistake over and over again. Just get out from them crooks now, before it is too late. Because they are very good at lying, decieving and manipulation. As you can see, recently, they tried to eliminate some of our MPs, why? to continue to make us weak and be at their mercy at all costs.

VC and Chinese crooks ambidtion is, to take over the 'whole' srok khmer and to make sure we are finished. They'd done this before and they will do it again and again. Hun Sen, you have to know this fact, once you are no longer useful to them, they will find way to get rid of you too. But it is not too late yet, just turn around and say, 'enough is enough'. You are a leader and you have the right to make the decision based on, what is right and just. Right now, I can see you are following the same foot steps as Kingta, they promised you this or that, but the truth is, they are lying and decieving, they are using you to do their dirty work for them.

They are borrowing your hands and say ' well done...we will watch your back', but, for what? that is called 'helping to destroy'. So please, they lied once, twice but don't make it three times, ok. Because, the truth is, you are just another khmer like me and I don't want you to be the next victim like Pol Pot, Kingta, Hawk Lundi...,either. So, you have to wake up now and try to join hand with the CNRP for the benefit of our country and nation or else, we all be doomed!, simple as that.

Anonymous said...

The Khmer People's Revolutioanry ( CPP ) was created by Ho Chi Minh ( yuon Viet Minh ) before 1951 and named it in 1951 by yuon Viet Minh under the leadership of Ho Chi Minh.

Anonymous said...

១៩៦០​​ ជយោសង្គមរាស្ត្រនិយម អាណាមិនយំ ខ្មែរក្រហម​ ខ្មែរខៀវ។

១៩៧០ ជយោ សាដេចអ៊ូវ អាណាមិនទៅ​ ដុតផ្ទះ។

១៩៧៥ ជយោមហាលោតផ្លោះ មហាអស្ចារ្យ អាណារឹងទទឹងត្រូវ

១៩៧៩ ជយោ មហាដឹងគុណយួន​ អាណាមិនដឹងទៅ ក៥។

១៩៩៣ ជយោ សម្តេចតា​ រើកស្រកាបានបន្តិចរដ្ឋប្រហារបោស

២០១៣ ជយោ សាដេចដេកជោរ​ អាណាមិនជោរ​ ជាប់គុកបាញ់

Anonymous said...

how to get a copy of this book? plese send to lifeunlimitted@gmail.com thanks

Anonymous said...

ខ្មែរណាគំាទ្រគណបក្សប្រជាជន ដូចជាធ្វើអត្តឃាត
ជាតិឯង ពូជពង្ស ត្រកូល កូនចៅខ្លួនឯងចឹង។
ទ្រព្យសម្បត្តិជាតិ បញ្ចូលនិគមយួនតាមចិត្តបានឡើយ។