Human Rights Watch: Without Transparency and Accountability, Scheme Allows
Corruption, Land Grabs
“It is good news that the land titling campaign has been suspended until after the elections, but this demonstrates just how political the effort has been from the outset. While some have benefitted from the campaign, in other cases the scheme has amounted to a land grab by powerful interests with no legal protections or recourse for those who lose out in the process. The campaign is being conducted in a secretive and bullying manner in which independent organizations are prevented from monitoring what is happening and local residents are threatened if they complain.”
Brad Adams, Asia director
(New York) – A land measuring and titling campaign
launched and financed by Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen lacks transparency
and accountability and could leave thousands dispossessed from their land. On
June 11, Hun Sen announced that the campaign would be suspended until after
national elections on July 28. Human Rights Watch called on Cambodia’s donors
to insist that the program be reformed into a professional and apolitical
process, or cancelled.
“It is good news that the land titling campaign has been
suspended until after the elections, but this demonstrates just how political
the effort has been from the outset,” said Brad Adams, Asia director at Human
Rights Watch. “While some have benefitted from the campaign, in other cases the
scheme has amounted to a land grab by powerful interests with no legal
protections or recourse for those who lose out in the process. The campaign is
being conducted in a secretive and bullying manner in which independent
organizations are prevented from monitoring what is happening and local
residents are threatened if they complain.”
Hun Sen has claimed that the measuring and titling
campaign was aimed to benefit people living without proper legal authorization
and documentation on state land designated for private use and granted to
companies as economic or forestry concessions. According to Hun Sen, his titling
program would provide ownership documents to 478,928 families in relation to
1.8 million hectares of land.
However, in practice the titling program is subject to
domination by wealthy and powerful interests who have diverted it to increase
their land-holdings and leverage over affected populations, Human Rights Watch
said. Moreover, the scheme has been set up by Hun Sen so that those victimized
by the program often have no effective recourse and may suffer adverse
consequences if they attempt to protest.
Campaign employs “Heroic Samdech Techo Volunteer Youth”
Human Rights Watch carried out research over a two-month
period into the efficacy of the land measuring campaign by the “Heroic Samdech
Techo Volunteer Youth,” which takes its name from an honorary title Hun Sen has
taken. The research focused on Koh Kong and Kampong Speu, two provinces with
some of Cambodia’s most severe land-grabbing by powerful political and economic
The campaign has been in operation since June 28, 2012.
In some places where measurement and titling have taken place, such as certain
parts of Sre Ambel district of Koh Kong province and Thporng district of
Kampong Speu province, residents report that the Samdech Techo Youth units who
worked in their villages were polite, solicitous of their views, and stood with
them and against powerful local interests to ensure they were eligible for
ownership titles of land that they had long occupied.
However, in other locations, the situation was very
different. For example, in Phnom Sruoch district of Kampong Speu province (the
name of the village is withheld to protect the villagers from retaliation),
villagers thrown off land that they or their parents and grandparents had
continuously farmed since the 1940s alleged that their attempts to prove this
to the Samdech Techo Youth unit operating in their area was rudely rebuffed
with threats by the unit leader. One villager told Human Rights Watch, “We spoke
with the student chief, who said if we made trouble, he would summon the
competent authorities to ‘throw you in irons and send you to prison.’ We said
we just wanted a solution, and he said we couldn’t have a solution for land
that was in dispute.”
Members of this community provided credible accounts,
backed by documents and reports of local Cambodian nongovernmental
organizations (NGOs), that the land in question had been illegally taken from
them by Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) power-holders at the commune and village
level and by an officer of the Cambodian army’s national armor unit. Human
Rights Watch observed that the Samdech Techo Youth unit in question was
bivouacked on the grounds of the commune office.
In an indigenous minority community in Thporng district
of Kampong Speu, one distraught villager told Human Rights Watch that community
members were urged to accept Samdech Techo Youth measuring for individual
ownership titles. They agreed, only to realize after the fact that they had
thereby given up claims on other land that they considered community territory.
“The students said we had to accept what they were ordered to do by the
provincial cadastral officials who are acting on written orders from the
ministries in Phnom Penh,” the villager said. “If not, there could be trouble,
and we would get nothing.”
In Koh Kong province, members of a community in
Mondulseima district who had a longstanding claim to land originally allocated
to them by national Cambodian military authorities told Human Rights Watch that
although the Samdech Techo Youth unit had properly measured the land, the same
unit had also measured off adjacent plots of land which, to their knowledge, no
one previously had made a claim on. This community and many local residents believed
this was part of a process in which CPP-related political and financial
interests were taking advantage of the titling campaign to grab even more land
than the vast tracks already in their possession. “This land is being measured
so that it can be titled to the authorities, the rich, or their proxies,” said
a community leader. The Samdech Techo Youth unit implicated in these alleged
irregularities was being hosted by the Mondulseima district authorities and a
Koh Kong provincial military subregion unit.
Corruption risks in extralegal process
In another case, a farmer from Koh Kong district of Koh
Kong province told Human Rights Watch that he went to the local CPP authorities
to obtain the paperwork necessary in order to have his land measured by the Samdech
Techo Youth, but was refused because he was deemed to be a supporter of the
political opposition and because he refused to pay a bribe. He said he was
threatened with detention if he made trouble and that he had no recourse to
higher CPP authorities because they were related to those directly governing in
his area. “If you are a CPP person or pay money, then the local authorities
make sure your land gets measured quickly and properly,” he told Human Rights
Watch. “Otherwise, you will have problems.”
Human Rights Watch expressed concern over the risk of
corruption in a non-transparent and extralegal process. One dissident CPP Koh
Kong official spoke on the basis of anonymity to Human Rights Watch about what
he called “measuring for money.” He explained this meant that those with money
were going to the land office and other authorities guiding the Samdech Techo
Youth and paying to ensure measurement of land to which they were scheming to
obtain titles. He asserted that he had tried to criticize this corruption
within the CPP, but had been ignored.
“It’s not only opposition people who got ignored or
pressured to change sides, but the really poor whom the authorities are
pressuring to give them money,” the dissident CPP member said. “Those that do
can then get money or gifts back from the students in ceremonies that get shown
on TV, and now the local authorities have set this up into a system.”
Cambodia’s economy has relied on the granting of enormous
economic land concessions to foreign and domestic companies. Many of the
companies and individuals are high-ranking CPP officials, members of the
country’s armed forces and police, and financiers of the party’s current
campaign for national parliamentary elections. In many cases Cambodian
companies and individuals act in partnership with foreign entities, including
from China and Vietnam.
An estimated 700,000 Cambodians have been adversely
impacted by these and other such concessions, including numerous communities
originally residing in the concession areas or along their periphery who have
been forcibly evicted, sometimes violently, from land they had long legally
occupied and relied upon for a subsistence livelihood.
One of the most notorious cases involves the Boeng Kak
area of Phnom Penh. The capital’s authorities, supported by military and
police, have driven residents off Boeng Kak land to which they had a legitimate
ownership claim and without just compensation to clear the way for a business
venture by a Chinese firm and a Cambodian company owned by a close associate of
Hun Sen. In 2011 the World Bank, which had been supporting land titling in
Cambodia, suspended funding for new projects in Cambodia because of the
government’s failure to comply with the Bank’s safeguard policies in Boeng Kak
which, amongst other things, require proper consultation and compensation for
households that are resettled. The government excluded Boeng Kak residents from
the titling program and a resettlement policy framework which had been designed
to comply with the Bank’s safeguard policies.
One week after the Bank’s suspension of new lending
became public, the government issued a decree granting title to 800 families
over 12.44 hectares of residential land in the Boeng Kak area. But over 90
families were excluded from this decree and it does nothing for the 3,500 other
families who have accepted inadequate compensation under extreme pressure.
Despite recent government promises that it would finally provide Boeng Kak
residents with a just solution, it has instead reacted with security force
violence against protesters demanding that it fulfill this undertaking.
“For a large number of Cambodians, their only source of
subsistence is the land they live on and farm,” Adams said. “So how this
process is carried out can literally be a matter of life or death.”
Human Rights Watch called on donor countries, the World
Bank, and the United Nations to insist that the Samdech Techo land titling
process be thoroughly revised to ensure adequate public consultation, a
transparent process open to independent monitoring and evaluation, adequate
compensation for those who are denied title in favor of concession holders or
others, and an independent complaint process. Otherwise, it should not be
resumed after elections. The World Bank
should also not lift its suspension on new lending to Cambodia until all Boeng
Kak residents receive the land titles or compensation to which they are
“Sadly, while the UN’s special rapporteur on human rights
has sounded the alarm, donors appear to be shrinking from demanding basic
transparency and accountability for a program that has such major impact,”
Adams said. “Instead of blithely accepting a fundamentally flawed process, or
even appearing to endorse it, donors should demand that it be scrapped or be
monitored and carried out in full accord with international standards and best
Background on the Land Crisis and the Samdech Techo Youth
While Hun Sen maintained in a speech on April 26, 2013,
that 1.5 million hectares have been granted as economic land concessions
(ELCs),one NGO assessment suggests this figure conceals an additional 1.1
million hectares of other de jure and de facto land grants to companies and
individuals as part of a process that has often been veiled with much secrecy.
Rising popular protest and resistance to such
land-grabbing led to arrests during 2012 of more than 200 land activists and
related human rights defenders. International donors threatened to withhold
increased funding for a longstanding national titling program unless it was
extended to fairly include areas of land conflicts. On May 7, 2012, Hun Sen
issued a four-point military-style “Order 01BB” (officially mistranslated as a
The order contained four points:
suspending the awarding of ELCs;
Calling for a
focus on the implementation of the “leopard skin” policy aimed at avoiding
adverse effects on social land and popular living standards;
Calling for
revocation of ELCs operated by companies that were failing to develop them or
grabbing land from the people or communities; and
Providing an
exemption from the ELC moratorium for concessions already granted in principle,
even if all the necessary legal processes to finalize them had not yet been
carried out.
This latter loophole allowed the granting of perhaps 15
hitherto unknown concessions claimed to fit the criteria, although a lack of
transparency makes it hard to know how many were granted.
The “leopard-skin” metaphor in the May 7 text was a
military one, referring to a counter-insurgency strategy according to which a
large number of small areas were to be seized from insurgent opponents and then
expanded until these adversaries were defeated. As in a military campaign,
everyone was taken by surprise.
On June 14, 2012, Hun Sen instructed that at least 10
percent of every land concession should be carved out to provide legal
possession to people in the area.
Hun Sen engaged in no community consultations before
issuing his order.
Background on the “Heroic Samdech Techo Volunteer Youth”
Hun Sen explained that the plan was to recruit youth
volunteers to demarcate land, working alongside government cadastral officials.
Using the quasi-royal title Hun Sen has adopted for himself, these youths have
been styled the “Heroic Samdech Techo Volunteer Youth.” They have been
recruited from pro-CPP circles at universities and among the pro-CPP “Pagoda
Boys,” an organization celebrating the origin of Hun Sen’s political career as
a youngster in a Buddhist monastery and with a history of vigilante-style
activities against opposition parties and independent civil society activism.
From the beginning, Hun Sen made it clear that the
program was intended to neutralize efforts by independent NGOs and the
political opposition to offer solutions to land disputes. He told rural people
to wait quietly for his program to benefit them. He specified that if they
acted in such a manner as to create a situation of dispute, they would not get
titles, so they should aim urgently to achieve local accommodations with
concessionaires and government authorities in order to allow measuring and
tilting to go forward.
Bypassing normal government channels, the Samdech Techo
Youth measuring campaign is not a government project, but rather an operation
which is financed by “Uncle” Hun Sen personally and the CPP, with supplementary
funding from private domestic and international firms associated with the
party. It is coordinated by his son, army Col. Hun Manit, who for this purpose
was named Deputy Secretary-General of the National Authority for Resolution of
Land Disputes, concurrently with his other positions as deputy chief of Hun
Sen’s cabinet, deputy chief of national Defense Ministry Intelligence, and a
CPP leader in charge of party “grassroots strengthening” for election purposes
in certain parts of Cambodia.
The Samdech Techo Youth conduct their work dressed in
military uniforms sometimes bearing government armed forces insignia and are
transported in government military vehicles. According to public government
reports, the Samdech Techo Youth are hosted almost everywhere they work and
provisioned by local CPP governing and military authorities and CPP business
Their work receives massive and constant laudatory
coverage in reporting by CPP-controlled broadcast, digital and print media,
which overwhelming dominate the public sphere in Cambodia. Their positively
spun stories appear intended to win votes for the CPP in the national elections
of July 28, 2013.
According to official statistics, by late April 2013 the
Samdech Techo Youth had measured one million hectares of land to the potential
benefit of 350,000 families.By early May 229,000 land ownership titles had
reportedly been distributed at ceremonies. On these occasions, cash and other
gifts were also handed out, while CPP officials urged recipients to vote for
the party in the national elections.
A Partisan initiative with no outside monitoring or
Officials in the localities visited by Human Rights Watch
privately say the party and local businesses often direct or otherwise control
the targets and schedules of the Samdech Techo Youth.
At the same time, Hun Sen has insisted on the exclusion
of anyone other than his Samdech Techo Youth, authorized Cambodian officials,
and organizations deemed to have a genuine willingness to cooperate with his
policies from involvement in the land titling program. He further specified
that no measurement or titles would be provided in cases of land with regard to
which non-CPP political parties or what he characterized as opposition NGOs
made interventions. Those cases, he declared, would be frozen out from his
solution mechanism.
In practice, independent organizations and media have
been given no opportunity to monitor the process.
Cambodian NGO investigators in the provinces report to
Human Rights Watch that they continue to be systematically blocked from
monitoring the land titling campaign. Villagers in these areas have told Human
Rights Watch that they fear CPP retaliation if they are identified as talking
to “outsiders.”
Abuses in the Land Titling Campaign
Journalists have managed to publish a few critical
stories about the land titling campaign. For example, according to an early
April 2013 media report from Rolea P’ier district of Kampong Chhnang province,
Samdech Techo Youth, apparently acting under the direction of local government
authorities, measured land in favor of a powerful businessman – effectively
overturning a court ruling saying the measured plots belonged to villagers in
the district. Challenged about the matter, a Samdech Techo Youth leader said
the final decision about how to proceed would be up to a superior level of
authority. Another early April story reported that in Veal Veng district of
Posat province, local authorities overruled the results of Samdech Techo Youth
measurements, saying titles could not be issued because the land measured was
state land. An early May 2013 newspaper article about this same district
reported that the Youth had measured land for a major company with a huge
concession, families of police officers and other well-connected households,
but not for poor local residents.
In certain places, NGOs have also been able to pierce the
secrecy protecting the campaign. They have now clearly established that in the
particular situation of indigenous minorities in upland northeastern province
of Rattanakiri, the campaign has involved pressure by local authorities to
accept Samdech Techo Youth measuring for private titles instead of insisting on
obtaining communal titles designed to protect these communities’ economic and
cultural rights. The result has been that many minority villagers have lost out
on possibilities for obtaining larger holdings, the land lost instead becoming
available to be grabbed by agro-industrial firms.
However, instead of engaging in a serious dialogue about
these matters, the government has dismissed such fact-finding out of hand,
denouncing it as politically-motivated and intended to enflame public opinion
against it. Both NGO watchdogs and independent journalists continue to be
deterred or otherwise prevented from engaging in monitoring giving the titling
campaign the huge and comprehensive attention it is due.
Scrap or Reform the Land Titling Campaign
The land measuring and titling campaign needs to be
reformed in line with international best practices. If the government will not
do this, it should be discontinued.
The reforms should require:
Adequate public
A transparent
process open to independent monitoring and evaluation;
compensation for those who are denied title in favor of concession holders or
others; and
An independent
complaint process.
To implement “the right of everyone to have access to
safe, sufficient and nutritious food, consistent with the right to adequate
food and the fundamental right of everyone to be free from hunger,” the United
Nations Food and Agriculture Organization in 2012 issued a set of “Voluntary
Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and
Forests in the Context of National Food Security”. The guidelines specify that
the relevant political authorities should engage and seek, “[T]he support of
those who, having legitimate tenure rights, could be affected by decisions,
prior to decisions being taken, and responding to their contributions; taking
into consideration existing power imbalances between different parties and
ensuring active, free, effective, meaningful and informed participation of
individuals and groups in associated decision-making processes.”The authorities
should act “to enhance the transparency” and thus improve the functioning of
such processes, including by promoting the involvement in them of
“organizations of farmers and small-scale producers, of fishers, and of forest
users; pastoralists; indigenous peoples and other communities; civil society,
private sector, academia; and all persons concerned with tenure governance as
well as to promote the cooperation between the actors mentioned.”
The guidelines add that, “In so doing, States should
respect and protect the civil and political rights of defenders of human
rights, including the human rights of peasants, indigenous peoples, fishers,
pastoralists and rural workers, and should observe their human rights
obligations when dealing with individuals and associations acting in defence of
land, fisheries and forests.” They should also encourage “mechanisms for
monitoring and analysis of tenure governance in order to develop evidence-based
programmes and secure on-going improvements” in land tenure programs. This is
necessary in order “to prevent corruption through transparent processes and
decision-making,” that beneficiaries are “selected through open processes” in
which there is no political or other discrimination, and in order to promote
social equality. The guidelines recommend that to achieve all this, the
authorities should “set up multi-stakeholder platforms and frameworks at local,
national and regional levels” to monitor and evaluate the implementation of
land tenure policies and programs,” including with technical support from
international bodies.
More generally, the guidelines declare that “States
should recognize that policies and laws on tenure rights operate in the broader
political, legal, social, cultural, religious, economic and environmental
context,” and that when major changes are made with regard to tenure rights,
they “should seek to develop national consensus.”
A UN Human Rights Council resolution, adopted on
September 27, 2012, similarly recognized “the importance of the freedoms of
peaceful assembly and of association, as well as the importance of civil
society, to good governance, including through transparency and accountability,
which is indispensable for building peaceful, prosperous and democratic
societies.” It stressed the contribution that civil society should be able to
make in this regard “to addressing and resolving challenges and issues that are
important to society.”
The UN’s independent Special Rapporteur on promotion and
protection of the right to freedom of expression and opinion has highlighted
the particular importance of these rights for the functioning of democratic
institutions, including via freedom to report on matters related to corruption,
environmental issues, public protests, and human rights violations.
មើលពួកឣាភ្លើ បណ្ដោយខ្លួនឱ្យ ឣា ហ៊ុន សែន ប្រើក្បាលលេង។
អនាគត យុវជន ទ្រពង។
of course, nobody like abuses, but make sure when you accuse someone of something, you have concrete evidence. that's the judicial reforms cambodia needs, you know!
Hun $en Land Titling is just a "WORD" and no land for Khmer people. Even the CPP members and supporters will be landless very soon because Hun $en will take your land and give it to the Vietnamese plantation companies.
Hun Sen's Land Titling is an election tactics to make people happy but after the election you will be kick out of that land.
I like to know how many “Heroic Samdech Techo Volunteer Youth” whose parent has proper land title?
Some of these stupid volunteer youth who parent doesn't even have proper land title and they can't even help their parent and now they want to help Cambodian people?
Go help your parent before you help Cambodian people!
AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave volunteer youths have no job and so they will work for food!
Hun Sen gives land title to Cambodians BEFORE the election, AFTER the election, he will take THE TITLE and THE LAND back all together to give them to Chinese and Vietnamese companies.
Baay Kdaing
My friend's father has a Title and land about 100 hectares Hun $en took that land and sold it. KHMER people have no power to protect their property and Land Title is useless by Hun $en's regime.
ខ្មែរណាគំាទ្រគណបក្ប្រជាជន ដូចជាធ្វអត្តឃាត
ជាតិឯង ពូជពង្ស ត្រកូល កូនចៅខ្លួនឯងចឹង។
ទ្រព្យសម្បត្តិជាតិ បញ្ចូលនិគមយួនតាមចិត្តបានឡើយ។
4:27 AM
1:23 AM
Save your comment for your father Ah Chhkuot Hun Shit, because in KI-Media there's too much evidence to prove already but your father doesn't give a shit. Oh one more thing, stop being a LOOSER!
Deja vu all over again...during the genocide of 1975, khmer rouge leaders brainwashed the vulnerable and uneducated youths to carry out their mission of termination that killed millions of innocent people in human history...
Now, history is repeating itself...
CPP vietcong is a true parasite; the world must not allow this to happen again...
Is it just me? They do not look like "youths volunteers" to me; they are more like "youth Soldiers"
Who provide these "youth soldiers" military uniforms?!
ខ្មែរណាគំាទ្រគណបក្សប្រជាជន ដូចជាធ្វើអត្តឃាត
ជាតិឯង ពូជពង្ស ត្រកូល កូនចៅខ្លួនឯងចឹង។
ទ្រព្យសម្បត្តិជាតិ បញ្ចូលនិគមយួនតាមចិត្តបានឡើយ។
Yes, the military uniform, and even military insignia, are all known psychological inducements and methods of communist guerrilla movements around the world; and these had been widely and most effectively utilised by the Vietminhs and their KR allies in the past. The youth are easily conditioned by this kind of artificial social status and distinction, and so are most adults or young adults with low-level educational attainment.
The Vietminhs are masters at reading the human psyche, and unrivalled at exploiting it! This fact is not just confined to the semi-illiterate peasantry of Cambodia and mostly ill-educated [Mekong] university under-graduates, but also to Paris Sorbonne University trained economists and other so-called Khmer 'intellectuals' like Khiev Samphan and Nuon Chea, judging by their recent utterances and explanations at the on-going KR Trial.
This is why our innate human intelligence by and in itself is not enough, particularly, if 'we' happen to live next door to a rapaciously led neighbouring nation like Vietnam and, why such intelligence must or need to be balanced by that rare spiritual gift some identify as "wisdom".
There are winners and loosers.
I bought a land many years ago but when they came to measure/distribute land I lost totally my land of 6 hectars .Thank you to you guys!
9:06 AM. Are you a CPP supporter? How did you find the 6 hectare of land without CPP affiliation?
We need change and it has to be now! 30 years ruled by group of mafia is way too long. VC, Chinese, and the CPP traitor crooks are responsible for the khmers downfall. They created Pot Pot to fight against Lon Nol/Sirik Matak and they created Chea Sim, Heng Sarin and Hun Sen to fight against Pol Pot. They promised Pol Pot and Kingta to give back khmer krom once the war is over, or else they will be doomed anyway. In this case, damn if you do and damn if you don't and in the end, they back stabbed them both. On top of that, they say, 'khmers are dumb, stupid and lazy', while they continue to rob, steal and kill us khmers'.
Now, everyone in this world already knows how wicked they really are. Instead of appreciating khmers for what we've done for them, they bite us even harder and they not only return our khmer krom but continue take in more e,g 'Kosh Tral Island' as well as controlling srok khmer gov't and continuing to rob, (deforestation) steal (ownership of ankho wat, land concession) and kill (jailing owner of the land, killing journalists and activists like Chut Vuty etc) khmers.
In the end kingta and Pol Pot said ' we have been played...VietMinh has no moral, they are like crocodiles, after feeding them, they turn around and bite you'. So, I am sure Hun Sen will be the next victim. Because they done it before and they will do it again and again. They took Laos, Champa Khmer Krom, Kosh Tral and now the whole srok khmer. But is not too late yet, if Hun Sen is willing to turn around and say 'enough is enough'. Anyway, united we stand, divided we fall, simple as that.
Anonymous said...
1:05 AM
Why this Vietnamese wrote to thank you hun sen 2099?, represent 99 years leased Cambodia's lane!
I hate those youn cpp dog youth faces. They are nothing and are parasites sucking on Khmer blood. Their parents are not Khmer. They are CPP kids who want to will rule Cambodia. First generation Hun Sen yiekcong dog, second gneration Hun Manet and crononies sons, and you already see third gernation youths. I am feeling dispair. I feel the death of our nation. I am living the in that past, it makes me feel proud. I only have some time to live. I hope I don't have to see the death of Cambodia in during my lifetime.
និយាយរួម ខ្មែរទាំងអស់គ្នា និង អន្តរៈជាតិសុទ្ធតែដឹងអំពីអំពើ និង ពុតត្បុតរបស់ពួកអាខ្ញុំ
យួនរបបភ្នំពេញ ។ ដូច្នេះ យើងទាំងអស់គ្នា
ទាំងខ្មែរទាំងបរទេស ត្រូវនាំគ្នារកវិធីសាស្រ្ត និង យុទ្ធសាស្រ្តកំចាត់ពួកវាចេញពីអំណាចឲបាន បើសិនជាការបោះឆ្នោតនៅពេលខាងមុខនេះ មិន
មានភាពសេរីត្រឹមត្រូវ និង យុត្តិធម៌ ។
ទីមួយ សហគមន៍អន្តរៈជាតិត្រូវផ្អាកជំនួយជា
បណ្តោះអាសន្នសិន ហើយ ដាក់ទណ្ឌកម្មសេដ្ឋ
កិច្ចដល់របបផ្តាច់ការនេះជាបន្ទាន់ ។ ទីពីរ
ត្រូវរកមុខពួកក្រុម Mafia នៅក្នុងស្រុកខ្មែរដែល
ជួយពួកអាយ៉ងយួនឲឃើញ ហើយ កំចាត់ពួកវា
ចោល ។ ព្រោះក្រុម Mafia នេះជាអ្នកជួយ
កម្ពុជាផង នៅលើឆាកអន្តរៈជាតិផង ។
ពេលណាកំចាត់បានពួកអាក្រុម Mafia នេះបាន
ពួកអាយ៉ងយួនរបបភ្នំពេញក៏នឹងរលំឯង ។ ដូច្នេះ អស់លោកខាងសិទ្ធមនុស្សជាតិ និង អន្តរៈជាតិជួយអំពាលនាវដល់សហគមន៌អន្តរៈ
ជាតិ អង្គការសហប្រជាជាតិ និង ក្រុមភ្នាក់ងារ
ខ្ញុំមិនជឿថាខ្មែរអ្នកគំាទ្រគណបក្សប្រជាជនមិនដឹងពិរឿងអាក្រក់របស់ហ៊ុនសែន ដែលជាខ្ញុំបំរើយួន
បណ្ដោយអោយយួនលេបទឹកដី លួចប្លន់ទ្រព្យសម្ប្បត្តិជាតិ បញ្ចូលនិគមយួនរាប់លាននាក់មកក្នុងប្រទេសជាតិខ្មែរខ្លួនឯង ហើយនៅតែគំាទ្រ បោះឆ្នោតអោយ។
ដូច្នេះតាកការមិនជឿរបស់ខ្ញុំ ខ្មែរត្រូវតែឈ្នះ ត្រូវតែអាចសង្គ្រោះជាតិខ្មែរខ្លួនឯងបាន!!!
ចឹងរឿងអីគជបត្រូវតែសារភាពចំពោះប្រជារាស្រ្តខ្មែរថាគណបក្យយួនCPPបន្លំសន្លឹកឆ្នោត ឬក៏ថាការបោះឆ្នោតនៅស្រុកខ្មែរមិនមានសេរីនិង
ខ្ញុំមិនជឿថាខ្មែរអ្នកគំាទ្រគណបក្សប្រជាជនមិនដឹងពិរឿងអាក្រក់របស់ហ៊ុនសែន ដែលជាខ្ញុំបំរើយួន
បណ្ដោយអោយយួនលេបទឹកដី លួចប្លន់ទ្រព្យសម្បត្តិជាតិ បញ្ចូលនិគមយួនរាប់លាននាក់មកក្នុងប្រទេសជាតិខ្មែរខ្លួនឯង ហើយនៅតែគំាទ្រ បោះឆ្នោតអោយ។
ដូច្នេះតាកការមិនជឿរបស់ខ្ញុំ ខ្មែរត្រូវតែឈ្នះ ត្រូវតែអាចសង្គ្រោះជាតិខ្មែរខ្លួនឯងបាន!!!
ចឹងក្នុងរឿងនេះគ.ជ.បត្រូវតែសារភាពចំពោះប្រជារាស្រ្តខ្មែរថាគណបក្យយួនCPPបន្លំសន្លឹកឆ្នោត ឬក៏សារភាពថាការបោះឆ្នោតនៅស្រុកខ្មែរមិនមានសេរីនិង
ខ្ញុំមិនជឿថាខ្មែរអ្នកគំាទ្រគណបក្សប្រជាជនមិនដឹងពិរឿងអាក្រក់របស់ហ៊ុនសែន ដែលជាខ្ញុំបំរើយួន
បណ្ដោយអោយយួនលេបទឹកដី លួចប្លន់ទ្រព្យសម្ប្បត្តិជាតិ បញ្ចូលនិគមយួនរាប់លាននាក់មកក្នុងប្រទេសជាតិខ្មែរខ្លួនឯង ហើយនៅតែគំាទ្រ បោះឆ្នោតអោយ។
ដូច្នេះតាមការមិនជឿរបស់ខ្ញុំ ខ្មែរត្រូវតែឈ្នះ ត្រូវតែអាចសង្គ្រោះជាតិខ្មែរខ្លួនឯងបាន!!!
ចឹងរឿងអីគជបត្រូវតែសារភាពចំពោះប្រជារាស្រ្តខ្មែរថាគណបក្យយួនCPPបន្លំសន្លឹកឆ្នោត ឬក៏ថាការបោះឆ្នោតនៅស្រុកខ្មែរមិនមានសេរីនិង
Ah looser Hun Sen tried to please those soldier in order to have protection.He knew that he bad is on the way. To hear his name, to see his face, there is only one image is CHEAP.
Those youth are the cpp dogs and they are Samporn.
Mr. Hun Sen,
Please let Khmer people save your life and Cambodia.
Your life is so fragile while you are under Vietnam's control.
Khmer people will not bear any grudge against you when the CNRP wins this upcoming election.
Khmer people cannot afford to lose anymore unnecessary bloods.
We just ask you to stop doing something that might cause social unrest and benefit Vietnam. Please stop executing Vietnam's orders.
You should be happy that the SRP and the HRP have been united firmly and fight the expansionist Vietnam.
We will bond together, including the CPP, to save our motherland.
Bun Thoeun
តួអង្គអាចម៍អុកដំក្រអឺតក្រទម ខ្លាចគុកអហឹង្សាសុំហ៊ុន សែន(ស៊ី)!សុំអង្វរយួនចូលស្រុកស្មែរ តាមរូងឆ្កែ
ឡេមឡឺម ចោលម្សៀតក្បត់ជាតិមេបោកក្លែងបន្លំ
ពាក់ដួនពងយា HAI FUCK អវិជ្ជាក្តទន់ ស្វារំដោះបាត់ដីលក់ជាតិស៊ីជោរ-ដេកចុយគោ
ក្នុងរន្ធក្តាមហ៊ុន សែន ការីសារ៉ាម៉ាន់អាចម៍ឆ្កែឆ្កួត ទី៤ រាប់ភ្លេច.......
These so-called youth volunteers for Hun Sen remind me of "Chhlorb" in Pol Pot's era!
Baay Kdaing
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