Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation - June 12, 2013
Author: Thin Lei Win
BANGKOK (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - The Cambodian parliament last week unanimously passed a controversial law that would punish those who deny crimes committed by the Khmer Rouge with up to two years in prison and $1,000 in fines, reportedthe Phnom Penh Post.
There was no debate on the law, which was drafted a week before it was passed and also allows for prosecution of people for glorifying, opposing, downplaying or refusing to recognise the crimes that occurred under the Khmer Rouge, said the report.
Legal entities - including companies and political parties - can be punished if their representatives are found guilty, the newspaper added.
Almost a quarter of Cambodia’s population - some 1.7 million people - died from torture, starvation and overwork under the radical communist Khmer Rouge regime, which seized power in 1975.
Rights groups and opposition lawmakers say the law is politically motivated and a tool to restrict free speech.
Prime Minister Hun Sen had proposed the law following an audio recording emerged of an opposition lawmaker seemingly denying the atrocities in a notorious Khmer Rouge-run torture prison. Kem Sokha, deputy head of the Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP), said his words were edited and taken out of context.
The report said that no opposition members were present during the debate because two days earlier, all 27 had been stripped of their elected posts by the National Assembly’s permanent committee, which is controlled by Hun Sen’s Cambodian People's Party.
This is the way the CPP "khmer rouge" leaders try to prove to the world they are not khmer rouge...
The CPP vietcong is running out of card to turn...desperate time demands for desperate measure
Wake up everyone, just look around, the whole world is laughing at such a leader who know nothing about politic except fighting one another for power and isn't 30years enough already? So, just look around, the more you hang onto power, the more they will take advantage of us and our downfall, be smarter, be united and be like others e.g Yingluck and Abisit, they have helped each other out in the name of 'community building', they focus on their job like, what else needs to be done for their nation. Not about power, it is about, how to help each other to grow and how to build a strong nation and so on.
Hun Sen, you needs to stop listening to outsiders, because they would never want what is best for us but to see us falling apart, that is all. Look, they done this to us before, for the last four hundreds years, so don't make the same mistake over and over again. Just get out from them crooks now, before it is too late. Because they are very good at lying, decieving and manipulation. As you can see, recently, they tried to eliminate some of our MPs, why? to continue to make us weak and be at their mercy at all costs.
VC and Chinese crooks ambidtion is, to take over the 'whole' srok khmer and to make sure we are finished. They'd done this before and they will do it again and again. Hun Sen, you have to know this fact, once you are no longer useful to them, they will find way to get rid of you too. But it is not too late yet, just turn around and say, 'enough is enough'. You are a leader and you have the right to make the decision based on, what is right and just. Right now, I can see you are following the same foot steps as Kingta, they promised you this or that, but the truth is, they are lying and decieving, they are using you to do their dirty work for them.
They are borrowing your hands and say ' well done...we will watch your back', but, for what? that is called 'helping to destroy'. So please, they lied once, twice but don't make it three times, ok. Because, the truth is, you are just another khmer like me and I don't want you to be the next victim like Pol Pot, Kingta, Hawk Lundi...,either. So, you have to wake up now and try to join hand with the CNRP for the benefit of our country and nation or else, we all be doomed!, simple as that.
who wants to debate about law for the KR denier? overwhelming evidence already shows that the KR regime killed people and cause destruction in cambodia. why would there be a debate about that?
concrete evidence and facts speak for itself, KR can go to hell, really!
Yeah, Just like ObamaCare, 30,000 pages...Pass the bill we'll find out what is in it later? Now I beginning to feel sick already before this law goes into effect.
ខ្មែរណាគំាទ្រគណបក្សប្រជាជន ដូចជាធ្វើអត្តឃាត
ជាតិឯង ពូជពង្ស ត្រកូល កូនចៅខ្លួនឯងចឹង។
ទ្រព្យសម្បត្តិជាតិ បញ្ចូលនិគមយួនតាមចិត្តបានឡើយ។
-អាណាពូកែខាងកក្តាន់ ទ្រពងអាCNRP + CPP?
@@@@@ ដូចជាធ្វើអត្តឃាតកក្តាន់ខ្លួនឯងចឹង។
Yuon Hanoi used khmers rouge Pol pot regime as the murderer of khmers people but the truth is Yuon Pam Van Dong who was behind the Pol pot regime.Yuon military photographer by the name Ho Van Tay who staged or fabricated the S-21 prison in order blamed the scapegoat Khmer rouge Pol pot.Why Pol pot and Eang Sary denied the killing? Yuon Hanoi was fabricated the killing to cover up their invasion and cover up the killing of khmers innocent in that prison Toul Sleng S-21. Asking yourself why Ho Van Tay interested in the killing in that prison Toul Sleng? I knew Pol pot regime killed people by forcing to work and don't takes cares people when they sick because they don't know how.I also knew that Yuon and Cpp killed Khmers in civil war from 1979- 1989 by forcing to work at K-5 and killed more Khmers because Cpp+ Hanoi though that everyone was Pol pot sympertizers during civil war.The facts was Hanoi killed khmers more than Pol pot regime did.
S-21 prison was propaganda of Hanoi to blamed on Pol pot regime a lone to cover up their crimes against Khmers as they have done ever since Vinh Te canal that they burned Khmers krom alive to used their skulls as cooking's stove to cook tea for their master in Khmer's language said;"kom rour proyat kompoob te'ong = don't you move beware you may spill my master's tea!"Yuon Hanoi can't cover up its murderous tactics anymore Khmers knew and foreigners knew as well.Sokha was right at some points,Khmer rouge Cpp and Yuon Hanoi all killers of Khmers people in 21st century,remember that folks!...Stop lething Yuon using us (Khmers) and blaming us (Khmers) killing the victims and blaming on the dead victims,this tactics is exposed itself by the super victim of propaganda/political motivated or money hungry Chum Mey and Hun sen-Hanoi secret is revealed to the world now...
Wow, Hun Sen is certainly a KING of Cambodia whose subjects all bow to him in full reverence.
He wanted a law on genocide denial a few weeks ago and now the dummy parliament has willingly and speedily passed one for him.
Why don't they simply dissolve the useless legislative and judicial bodies? Simply keep just only the executive branch to save the country of having to spend money wastefully on the institutions that have no heads of their own!
After all, the CPP parliamentarians and the courts in Cambodia have failed totally their duties anyway.
Probably only in Cambodia can one see a lot of such stupidity where one man can wreak havoc with the rest of the country! No wonder, Sihanouk's mistakes, and those of Lon Nol and Pol Pot have so much devastating effects on the people and the country.
It is about time Cambodians learn to lead their destiny with their elected leader, if one is ever elected democratically, instead of trusting their future and the future of their children totally on their leaders, many of whom have no clue how to lead the country.
It is time to take the steering wheel, folks if we want to get to our destination in one piece!
Pissed Off
All CNRP members parliament must have been through a lot of stressed lately,Be patience.dealing whit {CPP}khmer rouge just like you dealing whit a bunch of thieves.
កាលអា(កក្តាន់7:35AM)អាយុបាន១៨ឆ្នាំ វាបានចាប់ម្ដាយវារំលោភ រហូតដល់គាត់ស្លាប់។ ដោយសារវិប្បដិសារីរឿង ដែលបានចុយម៉ែវាឱយស្លាប់ វាក៏យករូបម៉ែវា ដាក់ធ្វើជាស្លាកសញ្ញា បក្សប្រជាជន មកដល់សព្វថ្ងៃនេះ ទុក្ខជាការគោរពដល់វិញ្ញាណខ័ន្ទម៉ែវា។ ដូច្នេះដើម្បី កុំឱយប្រជាពលរដ្ឋទាំងអស់ មានការយល់ច្រឡំ យើងសូមធ្វើការបកស្រាយដូចតទៅ……
១-រូបមនុស្សស្រី: គឺជាសំផឹងនៅស្វាយប៉ាក(ម៉ែអា7:35AM)។
២-ការលុតជង្គង់: គឺបានន័យថា នាងចូលចិត្តក្បាច់អង្គុយអុកលើប្រុសៗ។
៣-ការបាចផ្កា: គឺបង្ហាញពីល្បិចកល ទាក់ទងប្រុសៗដើម្បីឡើងលើគ្រែ។
៤-ព៌ណលឿង: គឺជាអណ្ដាតភ្លើងដែលកំពុងឆេះ យ៉ាងសន្ធោសន្ធៅ បញ្ជាក់ប្រាប់ថា បក្សប្រជាជន ជិតដល់ពេលរលាយហើយ។
អាស្រ័យហេតុដូចបានជម្រាបជូនខាងលើនេះ សូមបងប្អូនជនរួមជាតិទាំងអស់ មេត្ដាកុំបោះឆ្នោតឱយ ស្លាកសញ្ញាមួយនេះឱយសោះ គឺស្លាកសញ្ញា “ស្រីលើកជើង” ដើម្បីកុំឱយពួកអាប្រែតតិរច្ឆាន វាយកអំណាចដែលបងប្អូនបានគាំទ្រវា មកប្លន់ដីធ្លី ឈូសផ្ទះសម្បែង របស់បងប្អូនបានតទៅទៀត…… សូមអរគុណ៕
១-រូបម៉ែវា:គឺជាសំផឹងនៅស្វាយប៉ាក(ម៉ែអា1:11 PM)។
២-ម៉ែវាលុតជង្គង់: គឺបានន័យថាម៉ែវាចូលចិត្តក្បាច់អង្គុយអុកលើក្ត។
៣-ម៉ែវាបាចទឹកកណ្ដួយ: គឺម៉ែវាបង្ហាញល្បិចកល កក្តាន់ដើម្បីចុយក្រោមគ្រែ។
៤-ព៌ណលឿង: គឺជាអំបែងក្បឿងដែលម៉ែវាគប់ យ៉ាងសន្ធោសន្ធៅលើក្បាលអាយួន @1:11 PM បញ្ជាក់ប្រាប់ថា CPPបក្សប្រជាជនជិតដល់ពេលរស់ឡើងវិញហើយដោយសារអាអំបែងក្បឿងCNRP។
គឺស្លាកសញ្ញា “ម៉ែវាលើកជើង” ដើម្បីឱយ ក្តរមិលគុណចូល៕
អា10:35PM ជាសត្វតិរច្ឆានដូចស្វានិងឆ្កែជាដើម វាគ្មានចេះអីក្រៅពីចាំធ្វើត្រាប់តាម និងការបង្គាប់របស់គេទេ។
បើគេបង្រៀនអោយរាំ គឺ រាំ បើបង្រៀនវាអោយលោតប៉ាហ៊ី គឺវាលោតតាម។ ហ៊ឺ ! ហេតុតែអាចុយម៉្រាយ10:35PM
ជាសត្វតិរច្ឆានសែនល្ងង់មានខួរប៉ុនពែងនំអាកោរ សូម្បីតែអាចម៏ខ្លួនអែង ឬ អាចម៏មនុស្ស ក៏អា
សត្វតិរច្ឆាន(10:35PM)នេះឆ្កឺះយកមកហិតដាក់ជិតច្រមុះឬក៏ត្របាក់លេបរួចដែរ ហាស! ហា! ហាស! ហាស! ហា! នេះ
បានសមជា សត្វតិរច្ឆានមែន ។
នែ! អាកក្តាន់(10:35PM) ហ្អែងកុំខឹងនឹងអញអី ពីព្រោះ អញ វាភ្លេចពាក្យខ្ម្មែរដែលត្រូវសរសេរថា រូបម៉ែអាហ្អែងគឺជាសំផឹងនៅស្វាយប៉ាក
នោះ ។
អញវាគ្មានបំណងដៀមដាមដាក់ហ្អែងស្អីនោះទេ អញគ្រាន់តែផ្លែផ្កាប៉ុណ្ណោះ ហាស! ហា!!
ម៉ែអាហ្អែងលុតជង្គង់: គឺបានន័យថាម៉ែអាចុយម៉្រាយឯង(10:35PM)ចូលចិត្តក្បាច់អង្គុយអុកលើក្ត ប្រុសៗ (មានក្មេង មានចាស់)។
ម៉ែអាហ្អែងបាចទឹកកណ្ដួយ: គឺមានន័យថាម៉ែអាចុយម៉្រាយឯង(10:35PM) វាបង្ហាញល្បិចកល កក្តាន់ដើម្បីចុយក្រោមគ្រែ និង លើ
គ្រែ ផងដែរ ។
ស្លាកសញ្ញា “ម៉ែអាចុយម៉្រាយឯង(10:35PM)លើកជើង”គឺ ដើម្បីឱយ ក្ត ប្រុសៗចូលបានជ្រៅ ហាស! ហា!!
‘To put it in a nutshell, ECCC in Cambodai has been turned into a propaganda machine.’
ECCC in Cambodia is US-Hanoi to cover their own war crimes and cirme against Cambodian human as follow:
Yuon Hanoi K 5 plan as part of Genocide in Cambodia.
US brought war from Indochina into Cmabodia, war had killed so many Camobodian.
US B 52 carpet bombed in Cambodia during 1970s and before 200 days and 200 nights.
So ECCC in Cambodia is Hanoi-US ECCC to twist real Khmer history, to turn things upside down for some Khmer who do not study our real history and believe things easily and blindly as Tuol Sleng has been turned into a propaganda machine and still many Khmer ( not all ) believe blindly.
អា-មី7:01 AMជាសត្វតិរច្ឆានដូចអាស្វាកឹម សុខានិងអាឆ្កែសម រង្ស៊ីជាដើម វាគ្មានចេះអីក្រៅពីចាំធ្វើត្រាប់តាមយួន
បើគេបង្រៀនអោយស៊ីអាចម៍ គឺស៊ីអាចម៍ ហ៊ឺ ! ហេតុតែអាចុយម៉្រាយមី7:01 AM
ជាសត្វតិរច្ឆានសែនល្ងង់មានខួរប៉ុន សេមីសេង ធារី
សូម្បីតែអាចម៏ខ្លួនអែង ឬ អាចម៏ឆ្កែក៏អា-មី
សត្វតិរច្ឆាន(7:01 AM)នេះឆ្កឺះយកមកហិតដាក់ជិតច្រមុះឬក៏ត្របាក់លេបរួចដែរ ហាស! ហា! ហាស! ហាស! ហា! នេះ
បានសមជា សត្វតិរច្ឆានមែន ។
នែ! អាកក្តាន់(7:01 AM) ហ្អែងកុំខឹងនឹងអញអី ពីព្រោះ អញ វាភ្លេចពាក្យខ្ម្មែរដែលត្រូវសរសេរថា រូបម៉ែអាហ្អែងគឺជាមីសំផឹងជក់Cigare។
អញវាគ្មានបំណងដៀមដាមដាក់ហ្អែងស្អីនោះទេ អញគ្រាន់តែចុយក្តិតម៉ែអាឯងតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ ហាស! ហា!!
ម៉ែអាហ្អែងលុតជង្គង់: គឺបានន័យថាម៉ែអាចុយម៉្រាយឯង(7:01 AM)ចូលចិត្តក្បាច់អង្គុយអុកលើក្ត អា សម រង្ស៊ី,អា កឹម សុខា,អា ជុំ ម៉ី ,អាយួន ហ៊ុន សែន(មានមី មួ សុខហួផង)។
ម៉ែអាហ្អែងបាចទឹក ក្ត :គឺមានន័យថាម៉ែអាចុយម៉្រាយឯង(7:01 AM) វាបង្ហាញល្បិចកល កក្តាន់ដើម្បីចុយក្នុងរន្ធក្តាម។
ស្លាកសញ្ញា “ម៉ែអាចុយម៉្រាយឯង(7:01 AM)លើកជើង”គឺ ដើម្បីឱយ ក្តឆ្កែឆ្កួត ចូលរន្ធបាកណ្ដួយនជ្រៅ ហាស! ហា!!
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