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Assassination attempt on Sam Rainsy's life on 30 March 1997; his bodyguard sacrificed his own life by jumping on and shielding Sam Rainsy from the grenades, fatally taking the shrapnel himself. The perpetrator: this CPP. Now that the CNRP has a real chance of winning, you can imagine the increased risk to Sam Rainsy. There's only one Sam Rainsy and we need to keep him alive to lead us into the future. |
• Born on 10
March 1949 in Phnom Penh.
• Father: Sam
Sary, Deputy Prime Minister in Prince Norodom Sihanouk's
Government in the
• Mother: In
Em, teacher, first Cambodian woman to have completed high school
and past the
"Baccalauréat" exam.
• Married to
Tioulong Saumura since 1971, 3 children.
• Primary
school in Phnom Penh, Paris and London.
• High school
in Phnom Penh (Lycée Descartes and Lycée Sisowath) and Paris (Lycée Janson de
• University
degrees in:
Administration (Master of Business Administration from INSEAD Fontainebleau -
France) -1980.
Accounting (Diplôme
d'Etudes Comptables Supérieures issued by the French Ministry of Education) - 1979.
Economics (Maîtrise + Diplôme d'Etudes Supérieures de
Sciences Economiques de la Faculté de Droit et des Sciences Economiques de
Paris) - 1973.
Political Science (Diplôme de l'Institut d'Etudes
Politiques de Paris) - 1971.
• Chairman and
Chief Executive Officer of DR Gestion, a Paris-based investment
company (1988 - 1992).
• Bank Director
at Paluel - Marmont, a French
bank specialized in financial research and stock investment (1985 - 1988).
• Financial
analyst and investment manager with various banks and financial institutions in
Paris, including Manufacturers Hanover and Paribas (1971 - 1985).
• Member of the
FUNCINPEC Movement since its inception (1981).
• Founding member of the
FUNCINPEC Party and member of the FUNCINPEC Steering Committee (1992
- 1995).
• Member of the Supreme
National Council of Cambodia (1992 - 1993).
• Elected Member of
Parliament for Siem Reap province (1993
- 1998).
• Minister of Finance of
the Royal Government of Cambo
dia (1993 - 1994).
• President of the Khmer
Nation Party (1995 - 1998).
• President of the Sam
Rainsy Party (since 1998).
• Elected Member of
Parliament for Kompong Cham province (since 1998).
• Leader of the Opposition
(represented in Parliament by 15 National Assembly members and 7 Senators).
សម រង្ស៊ី / Sam Rainsy
Mr. Sam Rainsy,
Besides your high education, you are an honest, competent, courageous, patriotic person, and a role model for Khmer families.
You have abandoned your good job in France and returned to Cambodia to serve our people. That is a huge sacrifice.
You almost lost your life during the 1997 grenade attack.
While you were Minister of Finance of the Royal Government of Cambodia, you have shown your courage by tackling the big corrupted issues.
Last, you made the right decision by not going to Cambodia to let the Yuon slave Hun Sen incarcerate you in Prey Sar prison. When you were in prison, Vietnam and its puppet can kill you easily by poisoning, staging a fight between inmates, then they take that opportunity to kill you. And Vietnam and its puppet would say that was an uncontrollable revolt between inmates.
You have only one life yo live, and I am happy that you made the right decision by not going into Vietnam's trap.
Best wished and good luck to you, to Mr. Kem Sokha, and to the CNRP in this upcoming election.
You have earned my respect.
Bun Thoeun
Hun Sen had earned 4 PhDs without a sweat!
This time members of the CPP and armforces are already prepared to standby to make way for the winning team, e,g if CNRP win, they will be part of the CNRP and will protect the new party. Because not all CPP are happy with the way Hun Sen run our nation and said, enough is enough!
So yes,' together we stand! if divide, we will fall apart'. Please make no mistake, VC can not harm us unless we let them. So, go home VC, you have done enough damages to us already. Now is the time to leave us khmers alone and let us rule our nation with our way of life, by using the rule of law, where no one is above the law, not even our PM. So, just piss off now! back to Hanoi, off you go shoooo shooo shooo
baloney, crap. CPP just doing what it has always done. no matter what the hoopla is all about, in the end the CPP will win. You know why? CPP is a mafia organization and is run like one. CPP mafia is controlling Cambodia and the fear is enough to get people to do whatever they want. And those brave people showing their faces at CNRP rally will be isolated, lose their position, job in the village, lose their farm, land, house, and even get killed. That's the reality. Only one way to stop the Mafia - take them head on through violence, the Mafia's own way. Just watch the movie the "God Father".
Wow! We love Mr. Sam Rainsy who is a very high educated individual and will lead Cambodian country to be developed.
We hate the dumb and stupid Vietnamese dog Hun Sen who has known nothing to lead Cambodia country, but he is under the control his evil Vietnamese boss in Hanoi and this Vietnamese Dog Hun Sen has been stuck with his Vietnamese thieves in Hanoi who tried to rob Cambodian natural resources.
How evil Vietnamese nation is and its leaders in Hanoi who committed crimes against innocent Cambodian people.
Get rid of Vietnamese dog as soon as possible by telling Vietnamese leaders to get out out of Cambodia land or other wise we will sue or tell the International Communities and ICJ to bring Vietnam to face the International Court and those Vietnamese leaders should be punished by the World Courts and New World Orders.
to the 1st 2:25 PM
I agree with you, but have you ever thought of the collateral damage to the innocent people?
And also if you want to do it like the “God Father’s way”, you have to think about your firepower against your opponents and who will stand behind you versus your opponents.
I think Ranarith tried it in 1997 but failed miserably to this day.
I know you wrote it out of frustration. Remember there are many people’s real life in danger; it will not be like in the movie where the bad guys died. It does not work that way in the real world.
In war, it does not matter what side is right or wrong, but what matter is who are left standing at the end. At this point I hope you are old enough to remember Pol Pot.
it's all about FEAR. Cambodians have it. Egyptians don't. it's fear that makes the Cambodian people vote for CPP again and again. Let's be honest. what chance does CNRP have? the election is pre-determined. it's already been decided-CPP will win. what power does CNRP have? which army general is on Sam Rainsy's side? very few FUNCINPEc generals left in army and they all swinging south, I mean swinging C as in CPP. so forget it. No middle east style people power in Cambodia. even if there is and CNRP WINS, CPP will take the power back. End of story.
If mr.Keum and Ransy win,I think these two have enough gut to hold Hun Zen s card ,you know these two have enough bad treatment and miserable from Mr.Hun Zen.
Believe in me let praise and campaign harder .
3:40 PM
It is not all about FEAR.
It is about the current Cambodian Govt is under the Vietnamese control, whereas Egypt is not by its neighbor.
I am willing to go to war if it is fought in Vietnam, but not in Cambodia.
The Vietnamese want the war to be in Cambodia, so that Khmer will kill Khmer and they will use their dirty tactic to finish off the Khmer race.
So, if you make the wrong move, you will fall into the Vietnamese trap over and over again.
how this spoiled kid weaknese gay ransy could achieved anything? rainsy cant afford to earn a living by himeself wasnt it true ? beside cheating and manipulating skill what else this madnese weaknese gay rainsy can do ? non . wasnt he?. mike
Appeal to all Khmer who love Communist-dictatorial Hun Sen and his brutal regime/fascist.Pl vote for CPP! Then you all must buy mice/rat baits to commit suicide because it's too late for you. Yuon are everywhere in your country!
Khmer appeal to all gullible and ignorant Khmer peasants!
I think you really need to go back to Cambodia, to help to boost and win the elections, do not stay outside the country, Mam Sonando is a good example, you can really make the difference, the Government will release you, it is now or never! do not miss that chance
Dear Compatriots,
We have been wasting our time and resources trying to resolve our problems with Hun Sen.
For at least the last 100 years, Khmer problems are not Khmer. They were and are Viet- created problems.
Since we cannot move our lands far away from Vietnam, we MUST stop and destroy Viet's expansionism.
Let's consider two possible and plausible solutions :
1. Arm Rebelions
It will not be successful, and yet resulting in Khmer mass suicide, because we will not just fight Hun Sen's forces, we will fight Yuon forces, already inside Cambodia camouflaged as Khmer fighters. In addition, when the going is rough, Hanoi will definitely send in its battle-harden
troops, again camouflaged as Khmers or Khmer Krom.
2. Get To The Source Of The Fire
In order to prosper and keep peace within, Vietnam needs
foreign monies and investments. Unlike Cambodia, Vietnam has more enemies than friends around the world.
The CNRP, with the leadership of Mr. Sam Rainsy should mobelize the international Community, namely the UN, the EU, the US and other major doner countries to impose
sanctions against Vietnam, its key leaders, and its puppet Hun Sen.
It is going to be a long and difficult journey, but we must start.
We can do it with or without Laos.
Our Khmer sufferings will stop, and our prosperity will start, if and only if Yuon's expansionism on our Motherkand is stopped and destroyed.
History has proven to us, Yuon have expansionism in their blood.
Let's get to the source of the fire.
We MUST Hit Vietnam Where It Hurts !!!
A Khmer Patriot
all idiot behind key board riansy never has a principle and moral in responsibility how your idoit see such loser lazines gay rainsy as a hero.
all idiot behind key board riansy never has a principle and moral in responsibility how your idoit see such loser lazines gay rainsy as a hero. i was with channy that times. rainsy you are playing good trick. why you wearing bullet proof. and all of you thinks the skilful snipers throwing 4 granards by mistake? . it is a lutos revolution was began in cambodia but it faile. wasnt it true?.
8:14 PM
Thlang Kdor Nass Ah PI Anh Euy !!
One more time that your race tried to swallow Cambodia and fail.
This time, we will counter your attack by taking your race Yuon Kantorb to the International Criminal Court for killing millions of Khmer people.
This scam monkey never fully understood the sacrafice of life for the preservation of peace for Cambodian people. Those who struggle together and understood the history together will stick together and scam monkey can forever live in exile.
Dans ce cv n'inclut pas la femme qu'il a couché avec à Banteay Ampil. Puis il y avait eu des pagailles entre sa femme et lui,
à l'époque de la résistance...
Un homme qui veut détruire la monarchie, alors qu'actuellement sans monarchie, on appellera le Cambodge : Vietnam de l'EST.
On a toujours un dilemme entre Hun Kwack et Sam Rainsy et accolides KLP de Kem Sokha (Krom Nhiek Bun Chhay).
bonne chance notre peuple cambodgien!
9:17 PM
This scam monkey never fully understood the sacrafice of life for the preservation of peace for Cambodian people. Those who struggle together and understood the history together will stick together and scam monkey can forever live in exile.
9:17 PM
Ah Pi Anh,
Your asshole fake peace will make Khmer people the minority in about 20-30 years. And Cambodia will become a province of Yuon.
Then your asshole Yuon kantorb can do what you want.
Your Kantorb's trick is not going to work anymore. Your Kantorb race needs to pay the price for killing millions of Khmer.
mi yuon demosrat nov romleuk
ah yuon komsarc sam rainsy
dol na tiet,mi bol kach.
Sam Rainsy's resume qualified him for an entry level job but not the PM position of Cambodia.
11:42 PM
How about your master 8 grader and slave Yuon Hun Sen?
និយាយមិនបាន !
និយាយមិនបាន !
និយាយមិនបាន !
Cnleuy Vinh Min Barn !!
Cnleuy Vinh Min Barn !!
Cnleuy Vinh Min Barn !!
Cnleuy Vinh Min Barn !!
Cnleuy Vinh Min Barn !!
Cnleuy Vinh Min Barn !!
Ladies & Gentlmen,
Please, enough jabs throwing !
Let's focus on the solutions to our problems, before it's too late.
ខ្មែររទាំងអស់ត្រូវសួរខ្លួនឯងថាត្រូវបោះឆ្នោតអោយបក្សណាមួយ បក្សស្នេហាជាតិឬបក្សក្បត់ជាតិ?។
បក្សស្នេហាជាតិ គឺជាបក្សដែលការពារទឹកដី ជាតិពីការឈ្លានពានពីប្រទេសដ៏ទៃ ការពារនឹងរកសេចក្ដីយុត្តិធម៌ជូនដល់ប្រជាពលរដ្ឋ ។យកចិត្តទុកដាក់និងជួយឧបត្ថមដល់រាស្ត្រក្រីក្រ។ បំបាត់ការជិះជាន់ពីអ្នកមានទៅលើអ្នកក្រ នឹងបំបាត់អំពើពុករលួយគ្រប់ឋានះ។ល។
បក្សក្បត់ជាតិ គឺជាបក្សដែលលក់ខ្លួនអោយជាតិដ៏ទៃហើយបំផ្លាញជាតិឯង។បណ្ដោយអោយជនជាតិដ៏ទៃចូលមករស់នៅប្រទេសដោយគ្មានការហាមឃាត់។ប្រើអំណាចផ្ដាច់ការ (កម្លាំងទ័ព នឹងតុលការ)ជិះជាន់លើពលរដ្ឋខ្លួនឯង។ព្រងើយកន្តើយនៃការវេទនារបស់ប្រជារាស្ត្រ។យកចិត្តដាក់រាស្ត្រគេជាសជាងរាស្ត្រខ្លួនឯង។ល។
តាំងពីខ្មែរបានឯករាជ្យពីបារាំងមក ប្រជាជនខ្មែរមានសេចក្ដីសុខតិចណាស់ គឺមានតែកាប់សម្លាប់គ្នឯងមិនចេះចប់មិនចេះឈ។រីឯប្រទេសជាតិបានបាត់បង់ទឹកដីបន្តិចម្ដងៗរហូតមកទល់សព្វថ្ងៃនេះ។
ឥឡូវនេះប្រទេសខ្មែរទាំងមូលប្រឈមមុខនឹងការបាត់បង់ រីឯប្រជាជនក៏ប្រឈមមុខនឹងការបាត់បង់ជាម្ចាស់ទឹកដីនឹងសេរីភាពផងដែរ។ព្រោះឥឡូវប្រទេសយើងត្រូវបានដឹកនាំនឹងកាន់ក្ដាប់ដោយខ្មែរមួយក្ដាប់តូចដែលមានឆន្ទះតែមួយគឺសម្លាប់ប្រជាជនខ្លួនឯងនឹងប្រគល់ទឹកដីអោយជនជាតិគេដែលសត្រូវសួពូជរបស់ខ្មែរតាំងពីដូនតាយើង។ដូច្នេះខ្កែរមិនទាំងមិនអាចអោបដែឈរមើលនឹងបណ្ដោអោយជនមួយក្ដាប់តូចនេះបន្តការកាប់សម្លាប់នឹងបម្លាញប្រទេសជាតិតទៅទៀតទេ បើមិនដូច្នេះទេតទៅមុខខ្មែរប្រកដន៏ជាបាត់បង់ឈ្មោះជាខ្មែរពីផែនទីពិភពលោកជាមិនខាន។
ដូច្នេះត្រូវតែបោះឆ្នោតអោយបក្សសង្ក្រោះជាតិ ព្រោះមានតែបក្សមួយនេះទេដែលអាចថែរក្សាដីខ្មែរអោយបានគង់វង្សនិងប្រជាពលរដ្ឋ។
Hey Ya'all...wanto see some pictures of what some Egyptians think of Democrazy in Egypt? Check this out man, you don't know what you're missing:
This is Hun Sen resume.
Vietminh Khmer Rouge commander during the Khmer Rouge regime. 1970-1979 - Killed thousands of Khmer in the Eastern Zone of Cambodia.
Vietminh Khmer Rouge Commander under the Vietnamese occupation. 1979-1989 - Killed thousands of Khmer in the K5 Planning genocide.
Vietminh Khmer Rouge Commander became a Co-Prime Minister in 1991 when he lost the 1991 Election. Hundreds of Khmer were killed and tortured.
Co-Prime Minister became a First Prime Minister in 1998. When Hun Sen lost the 1997 Election, Hun Sen launched a Coup killed hundreds of Khmer, backed by the Vietnamese armed force.
If all Khmers do not wake up this time, it will be too late.
Learn from the South Africans how they ended the apartheid regime. And vote to end dictatorship and Vietnamese grip on Cambodia.
Vote for Cambodian National Rescue Party.
5:53 AM
Hey Ah Kantorb,
Egypt is an independent state, while Cambodia is under Ah Kantorb's control. Khmer people must liberate Cambodia from your asshole first.
Stop thinking that your asshole race is smart. Your asshole race is smart at committing crime such as mass murdering. We look forward to finding way for your asshole race to pay the price.
Every body knew that the government of Hun Sen there are many khmer rouge and vietcong members :
- Hun Sen ,the one of khmer rouge leaders pro-Hanoi,in khmer rouge regime ,Hun Sen used to destroy khmer and he continue to destroy khmer until now ,he come from communist school ,so he know only to destroy khmer for keeping his power.
- Chuon Prasit ,his father is high rank of vietcong ,at Lon Nol regime khmer people chase him from Phnom Penh,many khmer people knew him very well.
- Im Sothy ,he is agent of viecong ,in Lon Nol regime ,his name is Im you Hay ,he is association member of khmer youth (with Koy Pech,San That ,Thou Thon )his group killed professor Keo Sain kim and Thach Chea,but in khmer rouge regime ,he escape to Saigon ,his real name is Le Vann Hay and he become police commander .
_Hoa Nam Hong ,he is khmer rouge pro-Hanoi.
- Keat Chun khmer rouge pro-Hanoi.
And many more vietcong in CPP.
Why we are khmer people ,we vote for all those vietcong ,every body saw very well ,they work only for Hanoi interest ,they complete the plan of Hanoi ,one day when Hanoi swallow khmer complete like KamPuchea Krom ,where we go ?
We have many example in the past,look at Samdach Euv ,we don't blame him , because he trust Hanoi ,vietcong ,how much he help Hanoi,vietcong ? and what Hanoi,vietcong give him back ? Hanoi,vietcong kill him ,destroyed him ,they produce khmer money fake (bill 5oo),many million Riel ,Hanoi,vietcong used the fake money to buy the food from khmer people to feed their troop ,government of SamDach Euv has crisis until he can't save his country ,and he run out to Paris .And vetcong bring the war to Cambodia in 1970,they killed many khmpeople .
Hun and his family trees have to go and it has to be now! by 28/07/13, they will lose everything, all of their possessions like Bayon TV, mansions, and their millions-billions of dollar will be gone. By then, you all will know god is great and god is good. I can't wait for that time to come.
Now, both Viets and Chinese are willing to leave Hun alone to let him deal with his own crimes against humanity and by then, Hun will say, I did not want to do it but because of the Viets and Chinese told me too.
By then, they will say well, you have eyes but you did not see and you have ears but you did not hear, so too bad, hahahaha. Sorry, you are so dumb and so let it be, as for us, we are working for the benefit of our nation and too bad for you, since you don't know how, hahaha bye bye Mr Blind Man haha
Hun Sen's wealth will be striped bare by Hanoi. Just wait and see.
9:40 Very respectfull comment,you must involved with the Sihaknuk s servant ,this time is the campaign s time so we leave alone about Sihaknuk story but focus on the our reality with the Vietnam and it puppets Hun Sen. But every one know what is causing our Wonder country falling weak and stay in the Youn trap.
ហន់សែន ច្បាស់ជាចាញ់ !
ព្រោះ គណៈបក្សប្រជាជន ជាបនពាល បក្សពួកនិយម ពុករលួយ លុយនិយម !
សំរាំងស៊ី ក៏មិនច្បាស់ជាឈ្នះ !
ព្រោះ មានតែសញ្ញាបត្តិ ខ្វះតម្រិះ ខ្វះប្រាជា ខ្វះគំនិត មិនយលអំពីប្រជាធិបតេយ្យច្បាស់ គ្មានការក្លាហានពុះពារប្រឈមមុខចំ ធ្វើអ្វីតាមតែអំពើចិត្ត !
ផ្លាកមានឈ្មោះ សង្គ្រោះជាតិ គឺជា ប្រជាភិថុតិ បន្លំភ្នែកប្រជារាស្ត្រតែប៉ុណ្នោះ !
ប្រជាជាតិខ្មែរ ត្រូវការប្រមុខ មានការលះបង់ មានឧត្ដមគតិ មើលឃើញវែងឆ្ងាយ រៀបចំជាតិតាមលទ្ធិប្រជាធិបតេយ្យត្រឹមត្រុវ !
"សន្លឹកឆ្នោតគឺខ្លាំងជាងគ្រាប់កាំភ្លើង!។ "
"សន្លឹកឆ្នោតគឺខ្លាំងជាងគ្រាប់កាំភ្លើង!។ "
"សន្លឹកឆ្នោតគឺខ្លាំងជាងគ្រាប់កាំភ្លើង!។ "
Most of the posters here like to repeat and reharsh the same problems again and again. We already know that.
We need solutions or suggestions !!!
Thank you
He became an Finance Minister in 1993-94, did you read his Curriculum vitae (blind n deaf?)
If you were him at that time 1993-94 surely you grabbed money as much as you could then ran away or joineed the CPP for wealths and power.
You know him too thin, many people have admired him as an only one khmer hero who could help Cambodian.
Are you youn? Surely you must b youn that why you look down khmer hero. Get out of our Country! ! Leave us alone otherwise you will be uncovered by international.
Repeating and rehashing the same problems again and again are repetitive, but copying and pasting are annoying.
Many people support him and he have worked very very hard for Cambodian.
The way you express your opinion is as low as 3 year old kid and you pehelp the father of idiot.
Sam Rainsy will not and I repeat will not be the next PM. The only thing he is good at is barking from afar.
12:10 AM
Hun Sen is good at barking at the innocent Khmer inside Cambodia, he tugs his tail between his legs when he has to deal with Vietnam.
11:17 PM
Please elaborate further.
11:17 PM
Repeating and rehashing the same problems again and again are repetitive, but copying and pasting are annoying.
For sure, some students needs their teachers to remind the lessons several times,otherwise the students still confusing.
Many Cambodians have been told the wrong history for more than 30 years, so we need to washe their brains many times also until they wake up and understand what is good and what is bad, otherwise all of us will fall into trouble again and again likes we have had during 1975-79.
I you are smart enough please skip those comments and go further to other comments which are suitable for you.
I am so sorry and hope u understand and forgive.
Thank you
Les diplômes et les cv ne font pas tout. Il faut avoir aussi une tête !
N'attendez pas le dernier jour pour rentrer au pays; retournez tout de suite !
11:17 AM
We now understand, and
you are forgiven.
Thank you
So you reckon the current Cambodian primister is surely qualified for the job? You must be blind, deaf and cripple man!
LOL- Hun sen's 4PhDs - biggest joke ever. Usless -not worth the paper its printed on. Very funny.
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