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Sak Buntheoun, Angkor Wat Siem Reap, July 5 |
Please email me at Emma.Democrat@gmail.com the best photo of you wearing the CNRP no. 7 or CNRP logo of the rising sun, and I will post it for all to see!
Please tell me WHO the photo is of, WHERE and WHEN it was taken, and the REASON you are passionately a supporter of the Cambodian National Rescue Party (CNRP).
And don't forget to visit yourself here at KI-Media. Tell your friends, colleagues and family as well about the excitement of CHANGE COMING!
See you here!
Emma Khmer Democrat
Change! Yes, We Can!!!
"សន្លឹកឆ្នោតគឺខ្លាំងជាងគ្រាប់កាំភ្លើង!។ "
"សន្លឹកឆ្នោតគឺខ្លាំងជាងគ្រាប់កាំភ្លើង!។ "
"សន្លឹកឆ្នោតគឺខ្លាំងជាងគ្រាប់កាំភ្លើង!។ "
អុំបានដឹងច្បាស់ថាបច្ចុប្បន្ននេះ មានក្មួយៗយុវជនជាច្រើនបាននិងកំពុងតែវង្វេងប្រវត្តិសាស្ត្រ។ អុំមិនបន្ទោសទេ ព្រោះក្មួយៗត្រូវបានគេបង្រៀនឲ្យចេះតែប្រវត្តិសាស្រ្តដែលគេបំភ្លៃ ជាហេតុធ្វើឲ្យក្មួយយល់ច្រឡំអាក្រក់ទៅជាល្អ ខ្មៅទៅជាស ពិតទៅជាមិនពិត ដូច្នេះ។ បើក្មួយពិតជាមានគំនិតចង់ស្វែងយល់ការពិត គឺជាការងាយបំផុតនាកាលៈទេសៈបច្ចុប្បន្ននេះ ដោយគ្រាន់តែស្វែងរកក្នុង websites នានាដែលមាននិយាយពាក់ព័ន្ធនឹងប្រវត្តិប្រទេសខ្មែរ។ បើគ្មានពេលគ្រប់គ្រាន់ ក្មួយៗអាចអានអត្ថបទខាងក្រោមដែលគេបានសង្ខេបយ៉ាងខ្លីបំផុតនេះបាន។ បើសិនជាក្មួយៗមិនជឿឬមិនយល់ ក្មួយៗអាចស្វែងរកពត៌មានបន្ថែមក្នុង websites នានាដើម្បីបំបាត់ការឆ្ងល់នេះបាន។ សូមកុំរូតរះជឿនិងសន្និដ្ឋាន ដោយមិនបានពិចារណាល្អិល្អន់។
This Comment is in Chanda Chhay's Book.
Fabricated History
•History is not fiction. But Cambodia history after 1979 has been mixed with fictional exaggerations for the purpose of fooling the younger generations into believing them as facts. Modern Khmer historians, having been bought off by money and power, have spun the facts of history, and as a result, now young Cambodians, some of whom are half-blood Khmer Yuons have believed wholeheartedly, since they have been taught so.
•What is the 7 Makara? It is no doubt marked the day when Vietnam invasion won over the Khmer Rouge regime and installed a big herd of its puppets to carry on Ho Chi Minh’s plan to engulf Cambodia.
Was there really such a thing called the Liberation Movement formed by Hun Sen and his clique? Of course Vietnamese are smart in playing their game; they had an empty shell of Viet Minh’s in which they needed to fill with some Khmers, who they trusted, could serve them well. They disguised their invasion as a Liberation Movement for the sole purpose of fooling Khmer younger generations and the world into believing that it was Khmers themselves who save their compatriots from the Khmer Rouge’s massacre. This herd of brutal barbarians, without shame, claimed their merit and faked real. By signing many deals before and after the invasion, the puppets, to fulfill the deals, have allowed many millions Vietnamese to flow into Cambodia freely. Most of them now become legal citizens of Cambodia, who can vote for the CPP.
•Why Vietnam decided to invade Cambodia? There were three main factors leading to the Vietnam invasion’s accomplishment:
1- Around the mid of 1973 the Khmer Rouge, when feeling strongly
confident in themselves that they could win the war over the Republic
Regime, declared to break their mutual relationship with the Vietcong, which made the Vietcong felt bitterly embarrassed and angry. After 1973 there were no more Vietcong to help them fight the war.
2- As some friends know, there were at least two or three factions of Khmer Rouge, who got clashed against each other many times, then it led to a purge of the other faction’s members whom the Angkar Leu did not trust. The purges and the kills of its own arm-struggled comrades made thousands of Khmer Rouge flee to Vietnam. As the number of the escapees increased, the Vietnamese leaders felt being given a golden chance to take a revenge on the Khmer Rouge.
3- The Angkar Leu, who felt so confident that each of its skilful soldiers were capable of killing up 40 Vietnam’s, sent a company of them to Hatien village in early 1978, and mercilessly killed over 400 unarmed Yuon villagers (see pictures on page 307 of Brother Enemy written by Nayan Chanda); that invasion made Yuon planned a revenge. It did no take Vietnam long to carry out its plan. First Vietnam had to recruit some of the ex-Khmer Rouge who appeared to be dumb and obsequious enough to obey their demands, and they had them as they wished. This group of pure rustics and thieves, having no understanding of what patriotism meant, submitted themselves as loyal slave of Yuons till their last breath. Why? It’s not hard to read the mentality of the barely-educated barbarians whose greed has no boundary.
ជយោ គណបក្សសង្រោៈជាតិ ដែលមានលេខរៀងទី៧!គណបក្សនេះ មានគោលនយោបាយច្បាស់លាស់ ចំណុចដែលសំខាន់ជាងគេនោៈគឺះ មាតុភូមិ និង សម្បត្តិវប្បារិយធម៌ខ្មែរ ខ្មែរត្រូវតែធ្វើម្ចាស់ មួយវិញទៀត ឣ្វីៗដែលខ្មែរបាត់បង់ពីឣតឹត មានតែគណបក្សសង្រោៈជាតិនេះហើយ ទើបមានលទ្ធភាពឡើងតុលាការឣន្តរជាតិប្តឺងទាមទារយកមកវិញជូនជាតិ មាតុភូមិបាន ។ សូមបងប្ឣូនខ្មែរយើងគ្រប់ៗគ្នា មេត្តាទៅបោៈឆ្នោតជូនដល់ គណបក្សសង្រោៈជាតិ មានលេខរៀងទី៧នោៈ មិនខកបំណងរបស់បងប្ឣូនខ្មែរយើងឡើយ ។
CNRP logo on his shirt is fake. you can seen the wringle of the shirt and CNRP logo didn't match.
But if he is CNRP supporter or else, I don't know. But KI report become questionable when putting this fake picture on the blog.
KI Media is a place for anti-Hun Sen and Anti-Vietnam.
10:28 PM
So what? Bayon, CTN, Deum Ampil…are controlled by Hun Sen and Vietnam, and they are Anti-opposition. Do you have anymore complain?
KI Media is a place for anti-Hun Sen and Anti-Vietnam.
ឣាមួយនេះវាទាល់ច្រកហើយ វាចេះត្រឹមតែនិយាយដដែលៗ ដូចសត្វសេក ។
12:07 AM
Coping and pasting are about the lowest opinion you could have.
KI Media is a place for anti-Hun Sen and Anti-Vietnam.
We will support all Khmer, who love, has respect and takes care our country Cambodia and the Khmer people by acting and not just by talking.
Please remembered and don't think, that the today Khmer people are uncivilized, so stupid, did not kow, what wrong or right.
Get lost then!
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