Friday, August 16, 2013

Giving Hun Sen A Piece of My Mind?

Giving Hun Sen A Piece of My Mind...
(ជេរប្រដៅ ហ៊ុនសែន...)
Dire ses quatre vérités à Hun Sèn...

Take a look/a listen

ចង់ជេរប្រដៅ ហ៊ុនសែន? សរសេរចុះ ខ្ញុំនឹងផ្សាយជូន!
Drop me a line and it will be posted for you! 


Anonymous said...

A piece of my mind is Hun Sen is Ah Kbot Cheat and Ah Muk Krass!

Anonymous said...

I think like you too brother. We Khmer must behead the both, Ah Chker Im Soursdey & Ah Chker Tep Nitha. You both have a good luck till now because Khmers are buddhism. If you both do like in Arabian countries, you both went to hell for long time ago because you are a traitor of own nation. ROGER

Anonymous said...

At some points, Hun Xen is like Adolf Hilter. Hun Xen is mad man like Hitler.
Before Hitler committed suicide he wanted everything to be destroyed in Germany.

Hun Xen has done the same things_killing a hundred thousands of Cambodian people and destroying most of natural resources.

Plus, his entire famalies would have to die with him.

Former CPP soldiers

Anonymous said...

Yes brother but lately he die before of his ages and Hun will be the same soon:

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen is very crazy and stubborn man. He rather die and bring all the Cambodian with him because the Viet will take over Cambodia before he die.

Go to hell Hun Sen uncle Ho is waiting.

Anonymous said...

to comment 5:37

Certainly he will lead you to hell, Yuon slave.

Anonymous said...

Thank you 5:37 AM you don't go to vote for CPP because either you got the cash from CPP already or CPP dump you. So you decided to vote for CRNP for a CHANGE.. good for you. Make sure tell other to do the same, because change is good for your future kid. CNRP you don't have to pay a lots of money for your kid to work in government job. Your kid just apply CNRP will place your kid base on his profession and education. SIMPLE.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen murdered a CNRP member in Kompong Speu. Now it is time for CNRP to file a criminal charge against Hun Sen at an International Criminal Courts.

Anonymous said...

Dear compatriot, as I don'i know your name,

Khmer pgnak heuy , rourb rourm knea deum bey tumleak a satt chanray Hun Sen cheng pi kao ey oy bann.

Anonymous said...

When the time comes, just kill all cpp and all Nec, then we Khmers are at peace, because these crazy animals are serving Youns only.

Anonymous said...

មិនត្រូវអូសបន្លាយពេលវេលា ឲ្យម្ចាស់ឆ្នោតអស់សង្ឃឹម!
វិប្បត្តិនៃការរៀបចំការបោះឆ្នោត ត្រូវតែមានតំណោះស្រាយដោយ យុត្តិធ៌ម!

ខ្មែរ ត្រូវតែរួបរួមគ្នា ហើយ ប្រកាន់ជំហរ របស់ខ្លួនឲ្យបាន! មិនត្រូវរេ​ម្ដងទៅនេះម្ដងទៅនោះបានជាដាច់ខាត! មើលចុះ​ បរទេសកំពុងតែមើលមកឃើញ​ សម្បត្តិដ៏ស្ដុកស្ដំរបស់យើង បើយើងបែកបាក់គ្នា នុះយើងមិនអាចការពារវាបានទេ! តែក៏ត្រូវជ្រើសរើសរួបរួមជាមួយក្រុមដែលអាចផ្ដល់ផលប្រយោជន៍អោយខ្មែរដែរទើបបាន!
គ្មានអ្នកណាគេជួយយើងបាន បើយើងមិនច្បាស់លាស់ខ្លួនឯង! មិនត្រូវចាញ់ល្បិចកល់ញស់ញង់ សូមពិចារណាឲ្យបានល្អិតល្អន់ ត្រូវតែតស៊ូរ ហើយអត់ធ្មត់ បើពុំដូច្នោះទេ កូនខ្មែរមិនអាចមានអនាគតល្អបានទេ!

Anonymous said...

My piece of mind for Hun Sen is don't let your families goes beyond Hell like your comrades Saddam Husien of Iraq or Moama Gaddafi please!...All your children were innocent they have nothing to with your greedy of power,remember they of poor Khmers more powerful than the military assonel or guns tanks.Don't be heart head, we poor Khmer have nothing to loose.Remember your kids will not escape if you resist the will of poor khmers youth will crush you like Egypt and Lybia Tunisia and Syria;My question to Mr Hun Sen is do you want to be wiped out? Your decision will effect many lives that including yours!


Anonymous said...

someone needs to snipe hun sen once and for all if that is the only solution for cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Old NEC = CPP, the winner = Traitor Hun Sen is PM = Evil Vietnam is swallowing Cambodia

New NEC = CNRP, the winner = Traitor Hun Sen is still PM ( he will not relinquish his power ) = evil Vietnam is swallowing Cambodia

Dear compatriots,

Now, it is crystal clear that this evil Vietnam and its puppet idiot Hun Sen will never give up Cambodia and power.

This evil Vietnam found a useful tool in Hun Sen to accomplish its ultimate goal of making Cambodia a part of Vietnam.

Recently, before the election, we urged the world to help us to change the NEC, hoping that the CNRP would win the election and lead Cambodia.

Notice that at the end of the election day, when the CPP knew that it has lost the election, the troops were moved to surround the CNRP’s headquarter, ready for attack.

However, after the CPP found another way to cheat, no gun shot was fired. The way to cheat was simple because the CPP controlled all the medias. They just picked a number and told Khmer people that the CPP got 68, while the CNRP got 55. And the NEC must "carve" the result accordingly.

Therefore, it is obvious that with old NEC or new NEC, whether the CNRP won or lost, Hun Sen will never give up his power because the evil Vietnam wanted to finish Cambodia off. Vietnam’s task to finish Cambodia off would be harder if Hun Sen were not cooperating. We must give Vietnam credit for picking a right dog – Hun Sen – to serve its purpose. This dog Hun Sen will do whatever Vietnam told him to.

Continued below...

Bun Thoeun

Anonymous said...


The CNRP should not have any regret for not pushing hard enough to overhaul the NEC. It does not matter because Hun Sen will never give up his power by any legal means. The proof was clear at the end of the election day when the CPP knew that it had lost the election.

The CPP has been facilitating the Vietnamization of Cambodia and it is up to Khmer people to stop it.
We must know that once the number of the Vietnamese is about the same as the number of Khmer people, Vietnam does not need to commit fraud to win the election. When that happened, there will be no way that Cambodia can survive because the international community would not be able to help us. So, time is not on our side, time is our enemy. If we need to do something, we must do now.

I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely admire our Khmer leaders who have transcended one major barrier: they united and they stayed united, and they have gained millions of new followers. So, please, keep up your excellent work and put your ego behind and stay united until the end of your life. Cambodia interest is one million times more important than your personal interest.

I would like also to admire our people, especially our youths, for actively taking part in our emancipation to save our motherland. They are our emerging Khmer heroes.

Khmer people must have an unwavering conviction that any legal means such as international treaty, tribunal ( Khmer rouge tribunal), election, etc... will never work with this evil Vietnam and its puppet Hun Sen.

If the evil Vietnam lost its soldiers to conquer Cambodia, it is against logic if Khmer people wanted to liberate Cambodia without losing any life. If Vietnam lost 100 soldiers to swallow Cambodia, Khmer people should sacrifice 1000 people to save Cambodia.

Here is the choice: we sacrifice some to save Cambodia now, or we all die later and lose Cambodia.

Khmer people should also change their losing habit by stop moving away from their village when the evil Vietnamese move in. Khmer people must stand their ground and make their village a hell for those Vietnamese so that they cannot move in.

We should fight Vietnam with our hands free now, or Vietnam will tie our hands later and kill us all like during the Khmer rouge. This evil Vietnam has so many tricks to kill Khmer people and blame on somebody else.

To liberate Cambodia, it requires a brisk and powerful force to break Vietnam's grip over Cambodia.

To obtain this brisk and powerful force, Khmer people must invoke Mahatma Gandhi's concept by marching peacefully all over the country to demand electoral justice and dare this evil Hun Sen and his master Vietnam to shoot.

Only after so many Khmer people were dead that the International community would intervene and exert its powerful force to crush this devil Hun Sen and his master Vietnam. In this world, anything is not free. We must help ourselves first before the international community can help us.

The CNRP must see this, even with the new NEC and the CNRP won the 2018 election, the evil Vietnam will not let the CNRP to lead the country.

It is imperative that Khmer people and the CNRP stand their ground and fight with the evil Vietnam now while our chance of winning is good. The timing to do a mass demonstration to stop Vietnam and its puppet Hun Sen is right and is NOW. That is the right medicine to cure this Vietnam disease and the traitor Hun Sen's disease.

Please stop hesitating, the mass demonstration is imminent. There is no way to avoid it because the evil Vietnam left us no choice.

Bun Thoeun

Anonymous said...

Remember Kaun Khmers who love our land, when the time comes, just kill all cpp crooks and all Nec thief, then we are at peace, after that send all Younr back to where they came from, because all these problems are Youns' plans from the beginning.

Anonymous said...

bravo bravo I salute you sir. Those thugs Tep Nitha , Im Sousdei and ah kwang need to be imprisoned and put their names in the black list as the traitors of the nation.

Anonymous said...

holy shit!!!! that man is my uncle and his wife is mixed youn.

Anonymous said...

yes, but not all youn are bad. some of these mix ones they are on our side because they can see what the VC is doing to them and future generations to come. The most dangerous ones are the mix ones because they too get hurt to see other half of them being bad to them. Always go for the VC and its mafia group with bad intention or else we are finished. But if they are mix they are one of us because they too are half us, ok.

Anonymous said...

Always go against* the VC...

Anonymous said...

Very good speech, it is so true, how can you ask the theif to solve the problem after what they's done to the voting list? e.g exaggerate, with fake name, address, and fake ink and when the international come in to look at them, they took the real ink to show the international community member, haha as if the international community are stupid. They already knew that the CPP mafia group are very good at lying decieving and manipulation. They cheated 1991 peace agreement acode, they cheated 93 election-destroying Funcipic and they cheated 1997 with granade attacked etc they cheated every time to be where they are today. Hun Sen it is time for you to go and it has to be now!. You can' t keep on stealing for the rest of your life you know. it is very dangerous for your future generation to come too,e,g sudam Hunsein and Gadhafi right? please think wisely before you kill them all, in which I don't think, it will be worth it really. Just give up your power and let other have ago, doing so is, don't let outsiders get the benefit of our conflicts whatsoever.

Anonymous said...

fake ink? as i understand, all REGISTERED voter need to go to his/her assigned polling station; you go in, get your ID verified and crossed out your name on the list by polling staffs (NGO + party watchdogs) then, after casting your vote you dip your pointer in a bottle of ink and walk out. and after closing time, NEC + parties watchdogs need to sign off for agreement that everything went smoothly. so, what with the fake ink?

HanumanGuruHimalaya said...

Lok Hun Sen, as I evaluated your chart at this SatyarYoga's time,You're not qualify to be a leader once again. Because your spirit and your Astral energy had been already destroyed by your own Hanuman Guru. You never know that Cambodians peoples has pray to Hanuman Guru for down on earth.
You could used military force but ...those energy were controlled by your own HanumanGuru, and direction is destroyed your... own...body.

This is the effect of You're had recit you're own mantra:

Banlar mut thov yok banlar chouss.

Anonymous said...

well, it went all over fb, didn't you see it? the real ink and the fake ink? where people went to collect money after the fake voting known as 'ghost's name'. They even tried to wipe off with such a solution and then went back to do another vote, what a dumb cpp you are! you think we are stupid or what?, it is you who are stupid and now got caught hahaha

Anonymous said...

so, what u r telling me is that there were a bunch of STUPID CNRP watchdogs and NGO at polling stations? they didn't check ID and let people vote again even their name was already crossed off the list. you r in trouble; this seem like there are alot bunch of embedded CPP inside CNRP. tell u the truth, mr. kim sokha is one of them....let's start with that.....Loser

Anonymous said...

but this is not quite right because NEC is under HUN SEN. It's not only NEC that is thief, it's Hun SEn Himself who is thief. NEC only do under Hun SEn direction.
It's rotten at the top. Hun SEn is the problem.