Sunday, August 11, 2013

Growing, confident use of the comma

Supreme Patriarch Chuon Nath 1967 Dictionary

(Facebook of Anphal Tola, Aug. 2013)

I am glad to see the growing and more confident use of commas -- even if yet baby steps.  I've been side-tracked -- e.g. the current fury of election-related issues -- that I've not been able to finish the grammar/rules of punctuation book in Khmer I've been promising. 

- Theary, Phnom Penh, 9 Aug. 2013



Anonymous said...

Please DO NOT try to be a language expert--which you're NOT--at least NOT Khmer.

It is better off for you to STICK with the English language in which you have a good command of.


Anonymous said...

11:57 PM

We agree.
She is not even a pure Khmer.
She is half Vietnamese !!!

Anonymous said...

ពេជ្យ = ពេជ្រ
ឆ្នៃ = ច្នៃ
នៅសល់ពាក្យមួយទៀតគឺ ៖
ស្មើរ = ស្មើ
ការប្រើក្បៀសនៅក្នុងភាសាខ្មែរជំនួសដកឃ្លាក៏ល្អម្យ៉ាងដែរ បើយើងយកតាមភាសាបារាំង-អង់គ្លេស
តែការប្រើ Word Processing ជាភាសាខ្មែរ នឹងមានការពិបាក ពីព្រោះពាក្យខ្មែរពីមួយម៉ាត់ទៅមួយ
ម៉ាត់ពុំអាចដកឃ្លាបានទេ ។ ឩទាហរណ៍ ៖ ខ្ញុំទៅផ្សារ កុំព្យូទ័រយល់ថា ពាក្យទាំង៣ម៉ាត់នេះជាពាក្យ
មួយម៉ាត់ ។ បើយើងសរសេរ ខ្ញុំ ទៅ ផ្សារ មើលទៅមិនសមនិងពិបាកអានផង ។ បើអាចបង្កើត
Silent Space Key បានជាការប្រសើរ ។

Anonymous said...

She is not xmer,
She is a pure viet cong.

Anonymous said...

Can we stay away from Khmer Grammar now and focus on the current situation in Cambodia?

Anonymous said...

បើនាងចង់ធ្វើបដិវត្តន៍ភាសាខ្មែរ នាងគួរចាប់ផ្តើមសរសេរអត្ថបទជាភាសាខ្មែរ !!!

Anonymous said...

Sending this message to you with my tear dripping, recalling my miserable life has been in the 3 years 8 months and 20 Pol Pot regime,. From the bottom of my heart appealing you to help our people getting out of the continuity of this dictatorship!

It looks like that this dictator owns Cambodia to himself!
He is actually showing how many slavery soldiers he has!

តើអស់លោក ជាពលទាហាន គ្រប់ជាន់ថ្នាក់បានគិតឬទេ មនសិការជាតិ ជាអ្វីដែរ?
បើលោកនៅតែព្រងើយកន្តើយនឹងជាតិឯងរងគ្រោះតរទៅទៀត ពេលវេលាមកដល់ ទឹកភ្នែករបស់លោកអ្នកមុខជារីងហួតអស់ ព្រោះគ្មានពេលនូវសល់ដែលអាចអោយវាហូរចេញមកបាន!

The conscientiousness of being troops for the country should gather all the complete devotion regarding the whole nation! Why is that for only one person, Hun Sen!
It is the Cambodia announced as having full democracy fake, and just for the beauty to show world?

Should the Human Right Watch ignore innocent Khmer victim democratic hungers any longer?

May be you do feel nothing, because you do not have your relatives calling you, and mound to you, "My farm land is taken, my house is torn, my children have no shelter and food, nor school and future, and we lose all the ability for surviving"