Thursday, August 15, 2013

In Cambodia, confrontation or compromise?

Unofficial translations

THE WORLD | 14/08/2013| By Bruno Philip

We just witnessed in Cambodia a political turning point after twenty-eight years aupouvoir, Hun Sen, the Cambodian prime minister ever-present, just voirson "reign" weakened by the results of the recent parliamentary elections. The election of July 28, saw the formation of the opposition, the ruling National Rescue Cambodia (NLRB), pick an unexpected number of votes. 

The still unofficial results announced by the electoral commission awarded 55 seats against 64 for the opposition to the formation of power, the Cambodian People's Party (CPP). The latter is maintained, but he lost 22 members in the Lower House of Parliament in relation to the outgoing legislature and therefore the two-thirds majority. His political space will be affected in this authoritarian system thinly veiled by a sham democracy.

The opposition leader, Sam Rainsy, Hun Sen accuse him of having "confiscated" his victory because of multiple "fraud" and "irregularities". Local officials controlled by the government would have to vote the dead and missing ...

According to Sam Rainsy, his party would have 63 seats, that is to say, a majority that would allow him to form a government. It requires the establishment of a commission to investigate irregularities in the electoral process, the United Nations should supervise. But Hun Sen denied that the UN will be mixed. Sam Rainsy therefore calls for "mass protests". What the government has to respond by sending in the streets of Phnom Penhvéhicules tanks and soldiers.



The extent of fraud and irregularities is difficult to determine a country's chaotic administration. One thing is certain, however: that the powerful machinery of the PPC in power, regularly accused of "preparing" rural voters to vote for the party of Prime Minister under penalty of retaliation ...

The advance of the opposition is not so surprising. One reason for its success is demographic: half of the 14 million Cambodians under 25 years. Those have not experienced the "autogénocidaire" Khmer Rouge regime (1975-1979). Hun Sen, a former Red officer, has built its image as savior of the nation since he became Prime Minister after defecting from the Vietnamese enemy in the twilight of the Pol Pot era, he returned to Phnom Penh 1979 Hanoi soldiers who "liberated" the city after four years of horror. His regime has certainly helped to make the country a certain prosperity. The infrastructure has improved, some Cambodians are enriched, the standard of living is high.

But this is not enough: the power of Hun Sen, 61, is based on the foundation of a corrupt elite party that enriches real growth but doped - among others - by Chinese investors. Income disparity between rich new related cronies power has grown, the number of farmers forced off their land to make way for real estate projects guided by unscrupulous promoters has increased since the early 2000s. Although recently was introduced land reform intended to moderate the effects of the grant of thousands of hectares to a plethora of businessmen close to Cambodia "from above."

Added to this, even if it is not the determining factor, a certain weariness with this quasi-one-party system and widespread corruption. But if the Prime Minister, who announced his intention to maintenirau power until his 74 years, just to feel the wind of the ball, he firmly held political, police and military reins.

The ring of Phnom Penh, two old adversaries that everything separates, history, class, culture, are in any case the two great figures of the large uncertainties post-election period. Sam Rainsy, 64, has a French passport. Party in France as a teenager, this educated man, the verb hairline, comes from a family of the elite. His father was a close associate of King Sihanouk, he became a minister before disappearing in mysterious circumstances remained. He studied in Paris, graduated from INSEAD in Fontainebleau, was banker Paribas. Victim of political trials, he says, he had to flee his country twice after two convictions, the last in absentia in 2010 to twelve years in prison. He returned to the country on July 18, nine days before the election, thanks to a "royal pardon".

The former soldier Hun Sen is a cruder, but cunning man, gifted with great political intelligence. Strategically, he knows how to use to its advantage the intricacies of the game area go: did he not manage the feat to remain allied with Hanoi, ancestral enemies of the Chinese, while becoming a partner Economic Beijing?

The street name change, especially among young people, could it semobiliser? Was asked the other day if Sam Rainsy called for a "Cambodian spring." "No, he answered, it will be a summer Cambodia!"

The near future will tell whether we are heading towards a confrontation or a compromise in the form of a power-sharing between the two forces. This last hypothesis is not excluded ... Correspondent in South East Asia


Anonymous said...

Yes, Hun Sen 's political skill is being used to blackmail other countries. Hun Sen decided to postponed military cooperation is not that he wants to but he calculates that by thinking those countries to come the term of getting them to agree to pressure Sam Rainsy and CNRP to join the full session of assembly.
So his new government will be formed. And everything is usual. Those countries need his military cooperation will have to make CNRP to speed up their differences.

Anonymous said...

Old NEC = CPP, the winner = Traitor Hun Sen is PM = Evil Vietnam is swallowing Cambodia

New NEC = CNRP, the winner = Traitor Hun Sen is still PM ( he will not relinquish his power ) = evil Vietnam is swallowing Cambodia

Dear compatriots,

Now, it is crystal clear that this evil Vietnam and its puppet idiot Hun Sen will never give up Cambodia and power.

This evil Vietnam found a useful tool in Hun Sen to accomplish its ultimate goal of making Cambodia a part of Vietnam.

Recently, before the election, we urged the world to help us to change the NEC, hoping that the CNRP would win the election and lead Cambodia.

Notice that at the end of the election day, when the CPP knew that it has lost the election, the troops were moved to surround the CNRP’s headquarter, ready for attack.

However, after the CPP found another way to cheat, no gun shot was fired. The way to cheat was simple because the CPP controlled all the medias. They just picked a number and told Khmer people that the CPP got 68, while the CNRP got 55. And the NEC must "carve" the result accordingly.

Therefore, it is obvious that with old NEC or new NEC, whether the CNRP won or lost, Hun Sen will never give up his power because the evil Vietnam wanted to finish Cambodia off. Vietnam’s task to finish Cambodia off would be harder if Hun Sen were not cooperating. We must give Vietnam credit for picking a right dog – Hun Sen – to serve its purpose. This dog Hun Sen will do whatever Vietnam told him to.

Continued below...

Bun Thoeun

Anonymous said...


The CNRP should not have any regret for not pushing hard enough to overhaul the NEC. It does not matter because Hun Sen will never give up his power by any legal means. The proof was clear at the end of the election day when the CPP knew that it had lost the election.

The CPP has been facilitating the Vietnamization of Cambodia and it is up to Khmer people to stop it.
We must know that once the number of the Vietnamese is about the same as the number of Khmer people, Vietnam does not need to commit fraud to win the election. When that happened, there will be no way that Cambodia can survive because the international community would not be able to help us. So, time is not on our side, time is our enemy. If we need to do something, we must do now.

I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely admire our Khmer leaders who have transcended one major barrier: they united and they stayed united, and they have gained millions of new followers. So, please, keep up your excellent work and put your ego behind and stay united until the end of your life. Cambodia interest is one million times more important than your personal interest.

I would like also to admire our people, especially our youths, for actively taking part in our emancipation to save our motherland. They are our emerging Khmer heroes.

Khmer people must have an unwavering conviction that any legal means such as international treaty, tribunal ( Khmer rouge tribunal), election, etc... will never work with this evil Vietnam and its puppet Hun Sen.

If the evil Vietnam lost its soldiers to conquer Cambodia, it is against logic if Khmer people wanted to liberate Cambodia without losing any life. If Vietnam lost 100 soldiers to swallow Cambodia, Khmer people should sacrifice 1000 people to save Cambodia.

Here is the choice: we sacrifice some to save Cambodia now, or we all die later and lose Cambodia.

Khmer people should also change their losing habit by stop moving away from their village when the evil Vietnamese move in. Khmer people must stand their ground and make their village a hell for those Vietnamese so that they cannot move in.

We should fight Vietnam with our hands free now, or Vietnam will tie our hands later and kill us all like during the Khmer rouge. This evil Vietnam has so many tricks to kill Khmer people and blame on somebody else.

To liberate Cambodia, it requires a brisk and powerful force to break Vietnam's grip over Cambodia.

To obtain this brisk and powerful force, Khmer people must invoke Mahatma Gandhi's concept by marching peacefully all over the country to demand electoral justice and dare this evil Hun Sen and his master Vietnam to shoot.

Only after so many Khmer people were dead that the International community would intervene and exert its powerful force to crush this devil Hun Sen and his master Vietnam. In this world, anything is not free. We must help ourselves first before the international community can help us.

The CNRP must see this, even with the new NEC and the CNRP won the 2018 election, the evil Vietnam will not let the CNRP to lead the country.

It is imperative that Khmer people and the CNRP stand their ground and fight with the evil Vietnam now while our chance of winning is good. The timing to do a mass demonstration to stop Vietnam and its puppet Hun Sen is right and is NOW. That is the right medicine to cure this Vietnam disease and the traitor Hun Sen's disease.

Please stop hesitating, the mass demonstration is imminent. There is no way to avoid it because the evil Vietnam left us no choice.

Bun Thoeun

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

To all military police and all armed forces, you must support and protect the protesters, because for you, for your kids and for your grand kids future most important for your country.

Don’t believe this dictator Hun Sen, all he cares only his families he don’t care for Cambodian people at all.

Under CNRP in charges, all government employees will receive better salary and Cambodian people will have better living life.
All those moneys come from CPP corruptions.

Anonymous said...

Well folks,

Hun Sen did not use all of [those millions] YUON to vote for the CPP this time simply because of fear of the obvious and it may be because of a little bit of miscalculation [or even over-confidence] on his part [CPP] also...The CPP lost but it uses the NEC to cook up the result making it 68-55 CPP, enough to make the CPP looks good and the CRNP strong enough to have tried but failed thereby appeasing the world attention/curiosity....
I think that's how the clever YUON is doing to keep Hun Sen in power.

...Hun Sen a cunning man?

Hun Sen is nothing but a clumsy klutz temple thug low life uneducated [speaking arrogant khmer] drugged up and brainwashed by YUON to kill Khmer for YUON and to serve YUON for his entire life and the life of all of his sons and daughters for years to come until Khmer disappears from the map of the world!!!

Anonymous said...



All can be said, you are Brilliant and clear Instinct and prediction, better than SR

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That guy ChakarapONG is Hun Sen's clan? REally?

Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy had been my hero my hero so far.
But seeing how he has coped with the present situation where he has 70 to 80% cambodians of any age who are not scared anymore of Hun Xen and dare to show off their support for CNRP, at their own risks, I am really disappointed.

Anonymous said...

all Norodom Should change to Ach Bei Dom! in the background right side is sreyvuth bei dom

Anonymous said...

The guy with the glasses 1:10 AM?

Damn, so all of them ae with CPP? Damn!!!

Anonymous said...

one must remember Chakrapong is the product of the incest of Sihanouk and his own aunt.

Anonymous said...

To comment 1:05

Apparently you are not aware of Khmer history. It's common Ta trasak Paem dynasty members have been traitors to the Khmer people. To keep power they sold our land, our people to Viet an d Siam. King Norodom Sihamoni is not exception.
In 2005, he signed the supplemental border treaty giving our land and sea to Vietnam.

For further information, go to google and look for:king norodom sihamoni ratified cambodian-Vietnamese treaty on the border.

Anonymous said...

It is one man's power greed against the nation's peril of turning Cambodia back 10-15 years of destruction.

Anonymous said...

Augh!!! You lost me there 1:08.
How are you dissapointed?

Anonymous said...

Some time you have to tear down to start new..or it will never change..AN..NOW IS THE TIME..KHMER PEOPLE is at a CROSS ROAD..

Anonymous said...

Look at Hun Sen's eyes, the one that is open it is his blind eye. The one that is closed it is his good eye. This guy is something mam! He close his good eye pretend not to see and let his fake eye to convince the Khmer people that he is really care but not...

Anonymous said...

Sod the khmerss kborth kneaeg?Ory arkounkat Som Rainsy mok throdkbal khmers ving!!Lror nass armokgi,Haig min menchea koupross damtrong pramhatthe amokgi euy!!!◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘aig chong the kreav pou ar chmol engthe!!Aig khmers min chong somlab khmers kneaaig tha,The chon krea pouhagving.

Anonymous said...

I just want to laughing sound like CPP they follow the law. How about stole the votes what kind the law is that? Rob the people lands what kind the law is that?

Enough is enough no more CPP gangster run the government.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What is the cost of Hun Xen's head? $00.00

And the other CPP seniors' heads ( Sok An, Sar Kheng, Im Sousdey, Tep Nytha, Hor 5 Hong, Phai Siphan,Ou Sovann,..)cost $00.00

Khmer Krom Federation

Son of Farmer said...


This author unacknowledgeably gave HunXen too much credits, which HunXen have literally done nothing, and he is just only a Youn's toy. He does cowardly everything that Youn has directly told him to do in order to stay in power, not like Huk Lundy!

Anonymous said...

about huk lundy, i think hun sen's government planned his dead. he was the rotten fish in their party.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Bravo! Cambodian people!

Bravo! Cambodia!

Down ah Hun Sen.

Down ah Ho Chi Minh's dream.

Down Indochina Federation.

Anonymous said...

Bruno is 100% right. the translation is 100% unreliable.