Monday, September 02, 2013

A View from the Inside: A Forum on the 2013 Cambodian National Elections


A View from the Inside: A Forum on the 2013 Cambodian National Elections

Keynote Speaker: Miss Theary C. Seng

The recent Cambodian elections have been fraught with controversy amidst widespread allegations of cheating, vote-buying and military coercion. Numerous local civic groups, as well the international community, have been clamoring for transparency from the government, of which little is forthcoming. Ms. Theary Seng will talk about the current political situation in the country post-elections, as well as offer her insights into possible strategies to better understand and resolve technical issues of election irregularities, especially in social settings such as Cambodia.

On September 3, 2013, ANSA-EAP Foundation, Inc. and the Ateneo School of Government are inviting everyone to attend the two-hour forum at the Ateneo de Manila University for a closer look at present-day Cambodia, its furtive government and its citizens appealing for political change. It will be held at the Pacifico Ortiz Hall from 2pm-4pm.

We hope to see you there.

Keynote speaker Theary C. Seng is a Cambodian lawyer and noted human rights activist. She is the President of the Board of Trustees of the ANSA-EAP Foundation, Inc. 

This forum is brought to you by the Affiliated Network for Social Accountability in East Asia and the Pacific (ANSA-EAP Foundation, Inc.), and the Ateneo School of Government.

For inquiries, please contact ANSA–EAP (tel. +63 2 426 0185)
or Ateneo School of Government (tel. +63 2 426 6062)


Anonymous said...

៥៥ យកមិនយក?៥៥ យកមិនយក?៥៥ យកមិនយក?
ទោះជាពួកអាអស់ឯងខំប្រឹងស្រែកឲ្យបែកមេឃ រញ្ជួយផែនដីទៀត
ក៍ផែនដីនេះមិនទាន់ដល់វេនពួកអាអស់ឯងដែរ នៅមានឯកឧត្ដមបណ្ឌិត
ហ៊ុន ម៉ាណែត ហ៊ុន ម៉ានិត ទៀត ។ល។ និង។ល។
ផែនដីនេះមិនអាចមាន ព្រះអាទិត្យពីររះលើផែនដីតែមួយបានឡើយ។
ចេះច្បាប់បោះឆ្នោតទេ? ចេះគណិតសាស្ដ្រទេ? ៥០+១ = ១២៣/២=៦១.៥+១=៦២.៥
លេខចេញយ៉ាងច្បាស់ចាញ់ហើយ មិនព្រមចាញ់ទៀត
ត្រូវចាំណា សមេ្តចបណ្ឌិតអគ្គមហាសេនាបតីតេជោ ហ៊ុន សែន វរ្ម័នទី១ មិនមែនជាមនុស្សលោកទេ សមេ្តចជាព្រះបាទ ហ៊ុន ទៀន ចាប់ជាតិ សមេ្តចជាព្រះបាទធម្មិក សមេ្តចជាព្រះអាទិទេព សមេ្តចជាទេវតារស់មកសង្គ្រោះប្រជាជនកម្ពុជា និងប្រទេសកម្ពុជាឱ្យ សម្បូរសប្បាយ រង់រឿង និងសុខក្សេមក្សាន្ដ!!!

សមេ្តចជាព្រះអាទិត្យតែមួយ រះលើផែនដីនេះ...។
ជយោ! សមេ្តចបណ្ឌិតអគ្គមហាសេនាបតីតេជោ ហ៊ុន សែន វរ្ម័នទី១ ជាទេវតានៃកម្ពុជា!!!

បរាជ័យ! ពួកអាខ្មែរក្បត់ជាតិរត់ចោលស្រុក!

បរាជ័យពួកអាសត្វឆ្កែបរទេស (!!)

បរាជ័យពួកអាកាកសំណល់បាតសង្គម (!!)

Anonymous said...

View from inside of what?

How can Theary Seng just keep abusing KI Media as a picture diary and self promotion tool?

Khmerization is now my favorite for relevant information without Theary and Christian spam. KI Media is becoming irrelevant.

Anonymous said...

6:01 AM

A lot of us agree with you.
Theary Seng is " PROSTITUTING " herself and her ideas.

Anonymous said...

Theary wants to convert Khmer from buddhism to christianism.

Anonymous said...

At least she has balls to confront the CPP.
So she is more courageous than the first 3 dickheads without ball above.

Anonymous said...

5:36am you are so and so barbaric primitive being (manuss prey psey, ott mien sassna), you said:

"៥៥ យកមិនយក?៥៥ យកមិនយក?៥៥ យកមិនយក?"

-Cambodia does not belong to any Khmer, or any family, but all Khmers. They knew Yuon/CPP cheated, so they speak up for justice.

Eik Oudom low class Hun Manet, a son of Yuon named Le Duc Tho paid somebody to write bought degrees. No matter how rich/power they have in Cambodia, they are always the smallest and lowest people in the eyes of the world.

Voices of Khmers said Hun Sen must go and he will be going. He is no sun but a butcher.

Hun Sen is no Huon Tien, the Indian prince who conquered Chen La, Hun Sen is a Yuon's slave/tool, and do not compare a lowest class Hun Sen to a real Indian Prince Huon Tien.

No one is above GOD/Christ, Hun Sen is just a sin of Khmers, when Khmers turn to a true GOD, Hun Sen's destiny will be ended.

And you too. Instead of barking and cursing Khmers, pray God for mercy. Your day will come.

Anonymous said...

6:13 AM
Oh Come on now. Sound like you are so envious of TS for her success eh.
The language "prostituting" is so cruel with full of hatred. You know she is only self promoting not prostituting.

Nothing wrong to promote oneself, most of us do around the world.

Anonymous said...

6:40 am,
Theary does not need to convert Khmers from Buddhist to Christian, the more corruption Buddhists (or poverty) rises, the more Khmers turning to Christ.

Khmer population is too small (not include Yuon and Chinese), and it won't take long for them to find GOD when poor need help.

Anonymous said...

Theary can convert me any time. She is pretty, educated and a wise woman.

Why not? Buddhism is a foreign religion just adopted for 800 years in late 13th century, now 21th century, more and more Khmers are turning to GOD/Christ. I did.

Thanks Theary. God Bless you and Bless those who curse you as well.

Anonymous said...


Why are you worrying about who converts who? We Khmers adopted foreign religion since the day Khmer nation was created. We were Hindu for thousand years, then we were forced to adopt Buddhism in 13th century. Somehow thousand years as Hindu, Khmers still practice Hindu and Buddhism together.

Now new generation married to outsiders many becoming Christians, and they do help more poor people than the Buddhists who don't do a thing but for themselves and so corrupted.

Time will tell, and regardless you want to stop them, you cannot, because a person's Faith is stronger than Tsunami.

Even if Buddhism was designated as a state religion, it will gradually deceased, and thousand Buddhist temples will shut the doors just like in Japan today. Buddhism was shut in Afghanistan, Pakistan through EAST Asia long times ago, tourists only see the ancient temples left lonely with one cares for. It will be gone from Cambodia, Burma and Thailand too.

In Cambodia when Yuon population surpass Khmers, then Khmer Buddhist temples will be converted to Churches, because the Vietnamese are mostly Christians (Catholic Denomination).

Anonymous said...

so it is more about the "act" of the individuals rather than the religion itself.

Anonymous said...

7:26 AM

I am not speaking for poster 6:13 AM, but I think that poster has a point.
I believe Theary Seng is either the owner of KI Media or an Administrator. Therefore she should not lure the people whose main interests are politics in general, and Khmer politics in particular to come in, then Bamb ! she sells them Christianity instead.

We however respect her rights and her beliefs.
But she should have created one more forum for
Christianity, not comingled with politics.

Anonymous said...

We go fishing were the fish are...duh...not where the fish aren't, bingo.

It's the Khmer people who prostituted themselves to their stupid idols. The bible does use the word prostitution for worshiping false gods or stupid image of man or animals. Israelite tried them all and none of them could saved them in times of their troubles, only their true Elohim could.

Anonymous said...

Koh Tral Island must not be forgotten

By “any patriot Khmers”

Why do Koh Tral Island, known in Vietnam as Phu Quoc, a sea and land area covering proximately over 30,000 km2 [Note: the actual land size of Koh Tral itself is 574 square kilometres (222 sq miles)] have been lost to Vietnam by whose treaty? Why don’t Cambodia government be transparent and explain to Cambodia army at front line and the whole nation about this? Why don't they include this into education system? Why?

Cambodian armies are fighting at front line for 4.6 km2 on the Thai border and what's about over 30,000km2 of Cambodia to Vietnam. Nobody dare to talk about it! Why? Cambodian armies you are decide the fate of your nation, Cambodian army as well as Cambodian people must rethink about this again and again. Is it fair?

Koh Tral Island, the sea and land area of over 30,000 square kilometres have been lost to Vietnam by the 1979 to 1985 treaties. The Cambodian army at front line as well as all Cambodian people must rethink again about these issues. Are Cambodian army fighting to protect the Cambodia Nation or protecting a very small group that own big lands, big properties or only protecting a small group but disguising as protecting the Khmer nation?

The Cambodian army at front lines suffer under rain, wind, bullets, bombs, lack of foods, lack of nutrition and their families have no health care assistance, no securities after they died but a very small group eat well, sleep well, sleep in first class hotel with air conditioning system with message from young girls, have first class medical care from oversea medical treatments, they are billionaires, millionaires who sell out the country to be rich and make the Cambodian people suffer everyday.

Who signed the treaty 1979-1985 that resulted in the loss over 30,000 km2 of Cambodia??? Why they are not being transparent and brave enough to inform all Cambodians and Cambodian army at front line about these issues? Why don't they include Koh Tral (Koh Tral size is bigger than the whole Phom Phen and bigger than Singapore [Note: Singapore's present land size is 704 km2 (271.8 sq mi)]) with heap of great natural resources, in the Cambodian education system?

Look at Hun Sen's families, relatives and friends- they are billionaires, millionaires. Where did they get the money from when we all just got out of war with empty hands [in 1979]? Hun Sen always say in his speeches that Cambodia had just risen up from the ashes of war, just got up from Year Zero with empty hands and how come they are billionaires, millionaires but 90% of innocent Cambodian people are so poor and struggling with their livelihood every day?

Anonymous said...

We Khmer Christians asked her to keep posting in KI, because when we come to read and we can read all.
Why it is bothering you so much? why cannot you ignore and read something else? You only torturing your soul/mind if you keep hurting your mind. Life is too short, don't let thing that you hate bothering you.

Leave us alone and Peace be with you.

Anonymous said...

9:35 AM you did not read the Bible, you only a mean ruthless soul who mock Christians around.

Mary Madelaine was a prostitute and was condemned by the villagers by stoning her to death. She was saved by Christ. He gave the rocks to those who tried to condemn her and said "Among you who have no sin, stone her first". No one did. Because none of them can claim that they were not sinners. Don't judge others even that person is poor or prostitute.

Yes Israel abandoned God then God abandoned them, until they repent and turned to God, their country was again created in 1946, and they are alone standing against all Islam nations surrounding them, while Cambodia is being swallowed by Yuon for ever and ever.

Anonymous said...

She is standing up against the regime. Applause from me. But religion and politic should not mix. They both are very controversial topics. Most people want to discuss issues concerning cambodia politic in ki media, not religion.

Anonymous said...

11:16 am

Politics without God? No wonder Cambodians are not able to free themselves from any regime for 800 years. Now they are facing Communists+Monarchist+dictators.

Those in power have no fear of HELL or anything.

As Khmers, we have a role to serve the nation and under this CPP/Yuon ruling butchering party, we have nothing to fight them but to ask/pray God to be with us.

Our role is obedience toward God is the most important. The CPP/Yuon ruling have all power and glory, and it shall pass away, but the words of God shall not pass away.

Theary posts helps to remind us that politics, sufferings of our land will be perished, if Christ will come to our assistant, and so we will not stop praying, fasting, and try to live our lives as holy people.

It is about good vs, evils, and to fight against evils we must be holy and pray and so we do.

Why cannot you leave us alone? You have a chance for 800 years under Buddhism, why cannot we new generation have a chance?

Peace be with you.

Anonymous said...

12:11 pm. The whole country have to pray God and fast. If the majority don't, the evils stay. It is good that you and yours do pray and fast, but don't stop praying, because prayers are the keys to God's heart.

Anonymous said...

You can believe what you want to believe, I respect that without any problem. Everyone has a chance to choose any religion to their own choice, either new or old generations. There is no limitation.

Anonymous said...

9:14 I agree wirh your last paragraph. You nailed it. It should be in a separate for forum.

Anonymous said...

1:05 PM
To me "Faith is not a choice". It was coming to me deep through my heart/soul, I cannot explain. As a child of Buddhist parents I found myself so lonely and wondering why I am here? I was only 5 years old, and most the time I stayed mum looking toward the sky talking alone to the stars.
My father observed me. I dreamed many times encountering with angels and holy spirit. I met real people (not dream), no one saw them but me.
I was in High School, and one evening my father spoke to me quietly "Your God is with you".

I knew Christ since I was little, and I cannot explain. I am 35 years old now, and I devoted my life to God/Christ until the end of time. I pray many times a day at my office, and at home. I pray for peace.

Some people say faith is a choice, but mine is not, it is coming from my heart.

Anonymous said...

1:17 PM I disagree with both of you.
Time is consuming, when we come to KI, we like to read everything in one forum. Thx

Anonymous said...

1:32pm In Khmers say "Mien Nissay chourp preah", some 'Ott mien nissay chourp Preah tae".

I don't care Ms TS posts or not posting, It does not bother me.

Anonymous said...

I am not a Christian nor a Buddhist.
I am a research scientist at Caltech, in Pasadena, California.

I have yet to run across a non-religous public blog or forum in which the selling of Buddhism takes place.

Anonymous said...

4:00 PM
Then you may see new a new young Catholic Priest named Fr. David just ordained last year at the Vatican. He is an astrophysicist from Va tech. I knew him in person. He visits KI one in a while. He is Cambodian-American.

OK good day.

I'll be back someday. I am Thor.

Anonymous said...

4:00 PM
Then you may see a new young Catholic Priest named Fr. David just ordained last year at the Vatican. He is an astrophysicist from Va tech. I knew him in person. He visits KI once in a while. He is Cambodian-American.

OK good day.

I'll be back someday. I am Thor.

Anonymous said...

a lot of catholic priests are highly educated, many are scientists, lawyers, ... etc. i never met khmer-american catholic priest before, may be more i don't know.

Anonymous said...

Then please pray and keep it in your heart.It is a wonderful thing. My choice of choosing ki media is because it about issue concerning about the country. If I want to read about religion, I would check on other websides. There are thousands of them. Peace

Anonymous said...

Buddhism is a dead religion. It is a religion of passiveness. You will not progress if you follow this religion. If you look at the religious, you can a big difference between a Christian religious and a Buddhist religious. The Christian one goes out and help the people. The Buddhist one just go begging for food and do nothing. Buddhism is a dead-end, it should be outlawed and reduce to ashes IMMEDIATELY in Cambodia if we were to rescue our nation from self-defeating. This religion is not fruitful, it's is self-centered, just me and my inward looking, it's to give up, has no ambition. That is self-defeating thinking. Eliminate this Buddhist institution now before the Khmer race is doomed.

Anonymous said...

12:28 AM

Buddhism is not a religion, but rather a philosophy.
Do not blame Buddhism or any religion for the problems in Cambodia.

For over one hundred years, Cambodia has been a target of colonization and annexation by Vietnam. The Viets will never abondent their goal, until they are stopped.
The Viets made and followed their expansionism Master Plan. That is why Yuon created Khmer Vietminhs. And now Khmer Vietminh Hun Sen has been put in power.

Hence even all Khmers converted to Christians, Yuon still want to colonize the Khmer lands.

Khmer unity and strength will stop and destroy Yuon's expansionism !!!

Anonymous said...

Something is hiding deeply behind Theary's firm facial!

Anonymous said...

1:06 AM

You underestimate the mighty power of GOD/Christ, the savior. You think that Yuon will not be stopped by GOD? Are you that serious? You have no faith in GOD, but we do.

With earth open up and swallowing Yuon or other calamities hit Srok Yuon, then you decide to believe?

God defeated Roman Empire after His Resurrection and He conquered all the whole European nations through Russia, Africa, US, China, India, Japan, S. Korea, Taiwan, Iran, middle east in Muslim nations, Israel (The Jews today believe in Him) Philippines, Indonesia, now Thailand, Burma, Cambodia... and continue to cover the earth.

God can do everything that humans cannot possible do, so the Yuon will be punished if Khmers turn to Him and keep Him in their hearts.

Repent and Pray and Pray every day, because only the prayers will reach God's heart.

His teachings are the most powerful:
"Feed my sheep" means helping to feed the poor.

"Love one another as I have loved you".

Are not we fed and clothed by the develop nations who followed Him?

I am 100% that God will punish Yuon if we pray Him to be with us.

So many Yuon who knew about their government is so savage toward Cham, Khmers and Laos, they repent of their sins, but will they be able to save their government?

Only GOD/Christ can save Khmers and Khmer nation.

Anonymous said...

I don't care anymore about nations, because we are going to be dead in this coming WWIII soon. China and Russia will join hands attacking the US. But the US have the best weapons on the planet and the US will use the mighty weapons to kill Chinese and Russians, then we all are going with them, DEAD.

The US already has Bases on Moon and Mars, and only a million of so may be taken on the Mastership to another planet Mars.

People here don't know anything about to happen.

Anonymous said...

Damn no wonder why we Khmer are losing our country when your hearing all these rubbish, wishfull magical thinking. If god really exist, there wouldn't any holocaust, any wars nor the 3 millions khmer killed. Start thinking with your own brain and you'll start to see the world clearly as it is and maybe you'll help to come up with real concrete solutions as to help Cambodian with our struggle...