Monday, September 30, 2013

The Good and the Bad...The Wise and the Fool...

The Buddha enables all the worlds to see each other.

Hun Sen, please look at those ប្រេត very very closely...You may recognize some of them...
I believe I see a few. You don't need to look up the sky. None of your best friends
and colleagues are there... ~Jendhamuni

Photo courtesy: Jasmine Kc

"Hungry ghost" is one of the six modes of existence (see Six Realms). Hungry ghosts are pitiable creatures with huge, empty stomachs. They have pinhole mouths, and their necks are so thin they cannot swallow, so they remain hungry. Beings are reborn as hungry ghosts because of their greed, envy and jealousy. Hungry ghosts are also associated with addiction, obsession and compulsion. The Sanskrit word for "hungry ghost" is "preta," which means "departed one." Many schools of Buddhism leave food offerings on altars for hungry ghosts. In the summer there are hungry ghost festivals throughout Asia that feature food and entertainment for the hungry ghosts. ~Source:


Anonymous said...

I wonder how many Buddhist monks ventured out into the jungle where wild tribes of Indians can put a spear into them all for the sake of spreading Buddhism?

Or how about breaking a new frontier in Papua New Guinea reaching the headhunters and cannibals?

I read that Christian Missionaries done all of that and some lived to tell their stories all for the sake of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

New World Disorder Malady

Anonymous said...

.....Kyom boongsoung som borremey prea pothisath daktornkam piphoblouk euyrelea douch ombeul throvthirk krormon throvthnaing cheadna del thveubak khmer som euy veavineas kom euy poukvea ngeub mokroch reangrehot!!Som borremey prea pothisad choy prorprom chamkhmers thang norkor euy orsbarbakam heuy mean smeuknea thouthang nokor..I wish all khmers to be rich in the futur long-lasting a gain and a gain,Som porremey preas pothisad sandors dorl cheamkhmers del chea nak lorporng somprea<3 full a pain!!◘◘◘C..R....Y

Anonymous said...

...I can't see one of them leading a life staring at grass all day long and eating nothing but nuts and peas, or is it pea-nuts!? For Buddha's sake...

Oh for Christ's sake!

Jendhamuni said...

Dear 2:52 AM,

I'm busy today. I don't have time to entertain you. Hanging in there as long as you want. Well, maybe you could write a novel.


Anonymous said...

Well, I believe that the time is getting closer for Hun Sen and his cronies to go and receive BAY BEN.

Anonymous said...

So, isn't Pchum Ben Day same as Buddhists feeding ghosts?

Let me fill you in more of my perspective on ghosts feeding...

Long ago before the FLOOD, angels of God descended on earth and took to them wives of the daughters of men. And unto them were born Giants. So in those days giants walked the earth with common men whose genetic gene was not defiled as yet. The giants required tons of food and the common people must keep them fed, or else they would eat the people. After a giant die, its spirit just hang around between earth and heaven and is in constant need for food and water. But its need can not be met. So it will continue in this state of motion forever.

In the Books of the Gospel, we read of Jesus casting out demons from people. Well, these are the spirits of giants from before the flood. They enter people and torment them. They have great strength and able to break chains like a thread.

These are not spirits to be entertain or mess around with, because they are evil spirits that brought much pain and afflictions upon mankind because of their evil deeds. This was why God had to destroy the earth with a flood, because mankind was so corrupt by the fallen angels and the giants that are their offspring.

There, I'm not the guy you suggested to write a novel, but delve a little bit into man's history. Or rather, ghosts history.

New World Disorder Malady

Oh by the way, this was how the New World Disorder came about - through the angels miss deeds. And it has continue on to this day.

Anonymous said...

But ចយដឹកអើយ កណ្ដួយយួន ស្ងាន់ណាស់ណា៎ អា ៥:៥៥AM អាហ្អែនដឹនតេ? ដាក់ភ្លីម ស្រូ ភ្លីមហា៎! អាហ្ហែនចង់សាក កណ្ដូយ យូនទេ អា ៥:៥៥AM?

អាហ្ហែនសាកមើ យ៉ា?

Jendhamuni said...

Dear 5:55 AM,

My father, Buddha, never destroyed or killed anything. He conquered evil or hatred with love and compassion. That is why I follow Lord Buddha because he's the supreme teacher of Brahma, God, angels, human, animals, devil. Only love can conquer. Hatred will only lead to destruction.


Anonymous said...

ចយដឹកអើយ កណ្ដួយយួន ស្ងាន់ណាស់ណា៎ អា ៥:៥៥AM អាហ្អែនដឹនតេ? ដាក់ភ្លីម ស្រូ ភ្លីមហា៎! អាហ្ហែនចង់សាក កណ្ដូយ យូនទេ អា ៥:៥៥AM?

អាហ្ហែនសាកមើ យ៉ា?
កាំអើង កាំអើង ហា៎​អា ៥:៥៥AM!

Anonymous said...

តាមពិកខ្មែរយើងទាំងអស់គ្នា មិនចាំបាច់ស្ដាប់អ្នកណា ញុះញង់អ្វីទាំងអស់ ព្រោះយើងទាំងអស់គ្នា បានយល់ដឹងអំពីដំណើរជីវិត្តរបស់យើងកន្លងមក ហើយនឹង តទៅមុខដោយខ្លួនឯង យើងត្រូវតែបន្តរតស៊ូរធ្វើអ្វី ដែលប្រជាជាតិមួយ រស់នៅក្នុងប្រទេសប្រធិប្បតេយ្យអាចមានតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ យើងត្រូវតែទាមទាយកអ្វីៗ ដែលជារបស់យើងសម្រាប់បច្ចុប្បន្ន នឹង អនាគត របស់យើង ទើបជាមធ្យោបាយ!

អ្នកដែលពូកកែតែព្រុះ ហើយមិនបានជួយធ្វើអ្វីនោះទៅវិញទេ ដែលជាអ្នកញុះញង់ពិតប្រាកដ! ពួកអស់លោកពិតជាពុំធ្លាប់ឆ្លងកាត់ការរស់ក្នុងរបបប្រជាធិប្បតេយ្យ ក្លែងក្លាយ ដូចប្រទេសកម្ពុជាទេ!

យើងត្រូវតែយល់ថា៖​ ការកែប្រែរបប​ ដែលពោពេញទៅដោយ អំពើពុករលួយ ផ្ដាច់ការណ៍ ហ៊ឹង្សា ឃោឃៅ អោយទៅជារបប មួយមាន យុត្តិធម៌ សព្វបែបសព្វយ៉ាង មានយើងទាំងអស់គ្នាប្រកាន់យកអ្វីដែលយើងកំពុងធ្វើអោយជាប់ទើបអាចសម្រេចបានដូចបំណង!​ បងប្អូនប្រយ័ត្នចាញ់បោកពួកអស់ទាំងនោះ ហើយជម្រុញឲ្យអ្នកដែលខំតស៊ូរសម្រាប់ខ្មែរពិតប្រាកដឲ្យធ្វើខុស!

Anonymous said...

“The Christian is not to become a Buddhist, nor is a Buddhist to become a Christian. But each must assimilate the spirit of the others and yet preserve his individuality and grow according to his own law of growth. If the Parliament of Religions has shown anything to the world, it is this: It has proved to the world that holiness, purity, and charity are not the exclusive possessions of any church in the world, and that every system has produced men and women of the most exalted character. In the face of this evidence, if anybody dreams of the exclusive survival of his own religion at the expense of the others, I pity him from the bottom of my heart and point out to him that upon the banner of every religion will soon be written, in spite of resistance: "Help and not Fight," "Assimilation and not Destruction," "Harmony and Peace and not Dissension".”

Anonymous said...

In ninety cases out of a hundred, fanatics must have bad livers, or they are dyspeptics, or are in some way diseased. By degrees even physicians will find out that fanaticism is a kind of disease. I have seen plenty of it. The Lord save me from it!

Anonymous said...

Jendhamuni and her third husband name kim sakal uses Templenews for political purposes, because they are Sam Rainsy's lice and mouthpiece.

Anonymous said...

Hun Xen does not have a Buddha in his heart, HUN XEN loves Vietnam and want to destroy Cambodia and killing Cambodian people as Vietnamese wanted him to do ? If you want to have a good freedom, justice and pure democracy living like Thailand not like Vietnam, or US not China you must stand up all together to join the big mass protest and demonstration now do need to wait otherwise we will be late

Anonymous said...

No wonder Sam Rainsy cannot defeatHun Xen. Thx for the tip 11;38am.

Anonymous said...

You never follow Buddha anything you make money through temple business. He teach his Brahma of his Hindu but he cannot teach God who created the universe including himself.
He didn't kill or destroy anyone, because he walked out to find nevana while you who claimed to follow him fight to get power. No wonder Khmers suffered for 800 years. Hypocrite!

Anonymous said...

:) another fanatic coming and this time is Indian worshiper aka jendhamuni. if Buddha was supreme then why did he tell his Ananda that " I am not the first Buddha or I am the last. there is a greatest one coming called se-art Metreyya..." ? If he was supreme above all then he must not die. if he died he was only a great teacher like million Buddhas before him. practice what you preach jendhamuni. right now you are another scammer like the waman at lowell temple making money that's all.

Anonymous said...


we Khmers were defeated. by Indians and we adopted their religions. why did you say the Buddhists not to become Christians...? We adopted many foreign religions, and why can't we adopt Christians? Christ's Resurrection brought peace, love upon the whole world. Because of Christ that's why Buddhists, Hindu, and Islam's can come to live with freedom and peac have good educations and good life. Teachers like all Buddhas came and left but Christ has never left anyone who seeks His helps. Christ is always with us.

Anonymous said...

Shall we invite Christian Khmers (from P-Penh, Lowell MA or elsewhere) to be Prime Minister, Government Officials, and MPs so that Cambodia will sustain peace? Cambodia was ruled by Christian Portugese in the 16th centuries (De Lopez, Fernandez etc..) and almost disappear from the world map. Talk is cheap. It is not because we take our cars to a car shop we can become mechanics, likewise those with their superior complex, who attend churches, recite Bible, and bullied their Buddhist brothers are no more Christians than Augusto Pinochet

The Dark Ages of Cambodia covers the history of Cambodia from the fifteenth to the nineteenth century, a period of continued decline and territorial loss. Cambodia enjoyed a brief period of prosperity during the sixteenth century because its kings, who built their capitals in the region southeast of the Tonlé Sap along the Mekong River, promoted trade with other parts of Asia. This was the period when Spanish and Portuguese adventurers and missionaries first visited the country. But the Siamese conquest of the new capital at Longvek in 1594 marked a downturn in the country's fortunes and Cambodia became a pawn in power struggles between its two increasingly powerful neighbors, Siam and Vietnam.
Vietnam's settlement of the Mekong Delta led to its annexation of that area at the end of the seventeenth century. Cambodia thereby lost some of its richest territory and was cut off from the sea. Such foreign encroachments continued through the first half of the nineteenth century because Vietnam was determined to absorb Khmer land and force the inhabitants to accept Vietnamese culture.[1]