Friday, October 04, 2013

Action speaks louder

Issue brought up by readers:Anonymous
Anonymous said...
I don't mind giving money to Sam Rainsy. I believe in change and he's better man than Hun Sen to lead our Cambodia. His organizer is bad in neglecting to return a thank you acknowledgement email. If not through email, send a thank you note. First Class stamp costs only $0.46! Just a touch of personal goes a long way. 10:07 PM

Responses from CNRP:
Anonymous said...
Dear Generous donors,
Please send any complaints to CNRP to MP Ky Wandara, Central CNRP treasurer in Phnom Penh his E-mail is: At this time he's doing a great job to respond to Donors without missed any at the moment. My group donors in U.S have been always informed to provide a Thank You letter from CNRP in Phnom Penh.12:22 AM
Anonymous said...
Dear donors, I would be more than pleased to look into your donation and why you have not received the letter of appreciation for being so kind to help CNRP. Please send a copy or proof of your contribution, Pay Pal or otherwise to me and I'll certain get the letter out either from us here at CNRP-NA or from Phnom Penh according to your contribution channel. Send that to Kind regards, Pretty Ma 11:46 PM

Note for readers: If you want me to post something on KI Media, please include "KI" in subject line. Otherwise, I will look like a 90-year-old woman soon. I do not want to look old, not fun. My email: ~Kingdom of Jampa, where Cham works for Khmers, without expectations. 


Anonymous said...

Sam rainsy is trading, not for the status of President of National Assembly which he does not mind, but for the best profit.
Sam Rainsy and Hun sen are well aware that the status of President of Natonal Assembly will not prevent Hun Sen to strip his parliamentary immunity at anytime, to govern the country as he has been doing so far, as the police and military forces are in his hands. Moreover after the CNRP enters the parliament, and legalises internationally the Hun Sen Government, Hun Sen will not need CNRP anymore, as he could govern with only 51% of votes from the parliamentary members. What HunSen needs now is Sam Rainsy and CNRP join the National Assembly to legalise internationally his government.
Why has he kept on begging for this position despite Hun Sen refusal , ignoring the will of Khmer People that the crucial matter would be to claim for the independent and international committee to investigate the irregularities of the 28th July 20013 election, that all and nothing else.
Moreover, it's strange that opposition always asks authorisation from authority to make protests.
In my opinion, since the 1997 grenade attack, Mr Sam Rainsy has changed his mind and become greedy.

Anonymous said...

Dear Sam Rainsy,
If you received money from donors, please return an acknowlegement thank you within 24 hours or a week at the latest. It is not much to ask. Don't rely on the automated response from Pay Pal. My email detected a spam and will send to trash or spam folder -- I won't see it. I prefer not to have my name posted publicly on any website. For three months time since I donated, I never heard anything from you.

Anonymous said...

Good job Sam Rainsy,continue.

Anonymous said...

9:21 PM
Yeah Good job he's using all donor money mainly from oversea khmer(hard earn money) for his own name and popularity, he never used his own money, didn't most of his people say he's very rich in France?

Anonymous said...

Another day of Ah Ropeh Ropoh Khmean ban Kar since jul 28 he's round and round no determination.

Anonymous said...

Mr. SAM RAINSY used your donate money for the poor Khmer people is best ever. Hun Sen used donations money for his families only the poor Khmer got nothing and evicted from their land.

Mr. Sam Rainsy please don't join CPP if you love Khmer people and Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

I don't mind giving money to Sam Rainsy. I believe in change and he's better man than Hun Sen to lead our Cambodia. His organizer is bad in neglecting to return a thank you acknowledgement email. If not through email, send a thank you note. First Class stamp costs only $0.46! Just a touch of personal goes a long way.

Anonymous said...

Dear donors,
I would be more than pleased to look into your donation and why you have not received the letter of appreciation for being so kind to help CNRP. Please send a copy or proof of your contribution, Pay Pal or otherwise to me and I'll certain get the letter out either from us here at CNRP-NA or from Phnom Penh according to your contribution channel. Send that to

Kind regards,
Pretty Ma

Jendhamuni said...

Dear Mr. Pretty Ma,

Thank you sir, for your response.

With Respect,
Jendhamuni Sos

Anonymous said...

Dear Generous donors,
Please send any complaints to CNRP to MP Ky Wandara, Central CNRP treasurer in Phnom Penh his E-mail is:
At this time he's doing a great job to respond to Donors without missed any at the moment.
My group donors in U.S have been always informed to provide a Thank You letter from CNRP in Phnom Penh.

Anonymous said...

Suggestion to the CNRP:

1- Common sense:

When the CPP ignored the Khmer people’s wills on the election day by NOT even counting their vote, and simply made up the numbers of the seats that they got 68 and the CNRP got 55, did the CPP ask the CNRP and Khmer people’ permission?

2- The CNRP will never achieve its ultimate goal if it kept acting always one step behind the CPP. The CNRP must execute its plan by using RIGHTEOUSNESS as the base for its decision. You cannot follow the law of the traitor Hun Sen and won.

3- The CNRP must know when to concede when not to.

For instance, before the election, you could not win without the new NEC. The solution for that, you made the nationwide demonstration after Sam Rainsy’s return demanding the NEC’s overhaul, and the CPP had no choice but to accept your demand because the movement of the people was so overwhelming favoring the CNRP. The CNRP must know how to take advantage of the momentum.

I had suggested in KI every day (after Sam Rainsy’s return) urging the CNRP to switch from campaigning to demanding the NEC’s reform until the election day, making the election impossible so that the CPP could not proclaim itself as the winner. Some readers in KI made comments saying that they have never thought about that and suggested to KI and the CNRP to adopt my idea.

After the election, you must stick firmly with your original demand: the inquiry about the election’s irregularities. Nothing else. Only after you have finished this step that you proceed to other areas. If the CPP refused, that would be the starting point of the fight. And the CNRP will be the winner because the vast majority of Khmer people and the international community support the CNRP.

The CNRP needs to strengthen Khmer people’s morale by stop saying that we don’t want people to die during the demonstration.
In effect, we make peaceful demonstration to demand for justice to find the thief who stole Khmer people’s votes. If the CPP violently suppressed the people, that would be good for the CNRP because the international community will intervene to help Khmer people and enforce the 1991 Paris peace accord.

On the contrary, the CNRP should inform Tea Ter Banh, Hun Sen, and the evil Vietnam that at least 100,000 Khmer people are willing to sacrifice their life to save Cambodia. And 100,000 is absolutely the psychological winning number over the traitor Hun Sen and Vietnam.

4- Personally, I do not want Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha to march with the people in the field during the demonstration for security reason. We need these 2 leaders to lead the country after the fight with the traitor Hun Sen and the evil Vietnam is over. Can the CNRP ask the gathering in this October 6th about this idea? If the demonstration can go well without these 2 leaders, why should we risk their life?
The new technology has dramatically changed the way people do thing, we should
take advantage of it. Besides, we don’t know how the CNRP survive without these 2 leaders. The CNRP will be so vulnerable to the CPP’s attack.

Bun Thoeun

Anonymous said...

Yes..I need more money my brand new Lexus need service..and tire rotation I will make sure all of you will get a thank you note..just sent it to..PO.BOX..WHERE MY MONEY...THK..

Anonymous said...

@12:35, you don't have to be sarcastic. All vehicles need maintenance whether it's a Lexus or a Honda. It's wear & tear. I don't have problems Sam Rainsy riding in a Lexus or Mercedez. The point is Sam Rainsy is a better person to lead than the other corrupted and sold-out guy.

Anonymous said...

What is this? we are too busy to send you a thank you note during the election time, but just keep sending us your free money!!

I agree with previous posters.any amount of money received CNRP should keep good records with their names, emails, addresses and $ amounts. No matter how busy you are. I would send both via email and First Class a thank you note promptly. First class mail doesn't cost much. Deduct the postage stamp from the donation amount.

If CNRP doesn't realize how importance a returned thank you note is when people give them a donation, I don't recommend anybody to donate to to them at all.

Anonymous said...

Hypocrite, tartuffe!
After the poll closed, You, Sam Rainsy, You showed your true face. I'm aware now, why you haven't chosen or introduced anyone or group to succeed you in case you couldn't lead the opposition; because like Sihanouk "No one will be able to replace me, without me Khmer people would be lost." So you could manipulate them as you want, they'll have no choice, you're irreplaceable.
You're EVIL SPIRIT! You're reedy, selfish. You despite Khmer. Sooner or later, the Khmer people will discover who you are.

Anonymous said...

Oh come on people! My family have donated 1000s of dollars to CNRP, to help Cambodia, because we believe in Sam Rainsy. We don't expect him to write to every individual have donated. Are you crazy? You know how much US $.49 times 100 of thousands stamp cost?
Not to mention time and money, than can be better serve the people of Cambodia. I can understand if you donated really big and wanted for the tax deduction. Maybe, you can requested from the people you donated it to. You don't have to defame CNRP and Sam Rainsy.

Anonymous said...

@3:23 Yes, not him personally but his organizaion or whoever responsible should write TO EVERY INDIVIDUAL promptly even if they donated as little as $1 (in which I don't think Khmer overseas ever donated this little). Take $.49 for the stamp from the $1, and it is still come out in the plus side.

Anonymous said...

A $1 donation is too little to bother writing a thank you note back to the donor. Consider the cost of stamp, paper, ink, envelope, travel gasoline to the post office, wear and tear on the car. This is definitely a negative cash flow.

Anonymous said...

12:25 AM

Bun Thoeun,

If Rainsy get Shot that will be better for CRNP. He's a problem making mistakes over mistakes in following the Robot King sihakmouni, he's the problem that make CRNP weaker, leadership should be given to Pen Sovann he knows how to square off and counter with the communists Rainsy is not for REAL, he's round and round and kisses the King feet. Listen to ear kimsreng, he's 100% correct about how stupid Rainsy is!

Anonymous said...

@4:43 You are so sick, man. Assination is a coward act. Please don't imply that. Us Khmer should be more civilized. We shouldn't be resolving the issue by silencing the anybody. Hun Sen gotta go and respect the will of the people. I believe in Sam Rainsy. He is the best of the all the candidates out here.

Anonymous said...

CNRP should get this in their heads. When pepole give money whatever amount they can give, they asked nothing in return. It's not a bribery money for a position appointment or anything. They donate because they believe in you. That you can change and save Cambodia. And now it is your turn as a common courtesy to write a thank you note back to them right away.

Anonymous said...

Rainsy is not for REAL! observe him if you don't believe at the END Hun sen still retain power, he's round and round no clear determination and enjoy himself being popular than to make it happen ...wait and see...

Anonymous said...

Quote from 8:40PM "it's strange that opposition always asks authorisation from authority to make protests"
8:40 PM is correct! Have you ever seen the strike in Philippine, Thailand, Malaysia etc...around the globe and uprising in Middle-East, Berlin...Russia..the strikers have to apply the permission from the ruler??? To catch a thief do you have to ask his permission FIRST?? Rainsy is not for REAL, stop wasting time with him, he even makes hun sen stronger! who endorsed 50+1 Formulae, Isn't that Rainsy? From what we heard at the beginning when CPP learned that a huge mass welcomed Rainsy, they were so scared, even some high official wife already started packing up with their children and ready to ship all wealth to Singapore, Malaysia ect..but now they all laughed after they learned how weak rainsy is with all peaceful pray that don't give any impact not a bit to their regime and now they all go back to their business as usual.

Kone Naek Srae

Anonymous said...

ធម្មតាមនុស្សដដែលៗហើយអវិជ្ជាទៀត(រៀនមិនទាន់ចប់បឋមសិក្សាផង)ទៅដឹកនាំប្រទេស តើជឿនលឿនត្រង់ណាទៅ?ក្រៅតែពីដើរខ្ចីលុយគេនិងសុំទានគេនោះ។ម្យ៉ាងទៀតទាំងសំដីនិងកាយវិការ បញ្ជាក់ដល់ពូជសណ្តានគឺថាកើតក្នុងត្រកូលទាន់ទាបអន់ខ្សោយទាំងថវិការនិងចំនេះដឹង។ដល់ធ្វើជាឆ្កែយួនទៅបានធ្វើធំបែបរាងស្រួល ក៏សុខចិត្តធ្វើឆ្កែយួន៩ពូជតែម្តង...!

Anonymous said...

"If Rainsy get Shot that will be better for CRNP.."

4:43 AM,

If S. Rainsy got shot will be better for CNRP or it's better for your DIRTY Vietcong to control Khmers people? Ah Chhkae Yuon like you alway using a blame game to justify your comment and careless about Cambodians just like your DIRTY Communist Vietcong Barbarian leader alway did. Yeh! you heard right, DUMB-ASS lawless Vietcong!

Anonymous said...

"Rainsy is not for REAL!.."

6:33 AM,

You're not CNRP supporter, but a Vietcong Dog who's alway waiting for an opportunity to accuse, abuse and manipulate just like Ah Chhkae Yuon Hun Shit or those CRIMINAL CPP thugs.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yeah 7:27AM

Even their own shadow they suspect it's Yuon also. That's how the Viet they have succeed they don't have to do anything, the Khmers get paranoid and start seeing ea. other as Yuon and start killing ea. other like Pol Pot and his clique statred killing ea. other. very shameful!

Anonymous said...

Not sure whether the readers want to see the poster's picture in their face all the time just as Theary Seng's picture is annoying them?

Anonymous said...

I gave money directly to him in my car, but I don't care he says Thank you to me or not. He has a lot of thinking in his mind. So I don't take it personal. When I give him money, he gave it to his party member who controls the treasury. He doesn't keep it with him. How can he be rich in France to do political leader for Cambodia cause?. Think about it. Otherwise, he will stay in France living in a good life. He used to be CEO of the bank, but he sacrifices for his country. What can you ask more from the person?

Khmer in DC

Anonymous said...

Not to offend anyone. I rather buy prepaid card to send to pay pal than using credit card or check. No one will be able to retrace me. Once the confirmation send back to me, it is good enough gor me.

Anonymous said...

Khmer will lost hope without mr Rainsy and Kim Sokha.

Anonymous said...

What a Bull! CEO is so rich, how can he be broke 'til begging money from hard earner in oversea...some even claims Rainsy is so rich in Paris even his money can be carried to his next life, what a boast claim!

Anonymous said...

Dear Pretty,

Please embellish your alluring organization acknowledgements with an automatically charming response that can be daintily personalized with delightful donor name, graceful amount of donation, and celestial purpose of fundraiser. Please do not forget to grace the automatic receipt with automatic stamp of the current date and gorgeous CNRP logo. You may hire an adorable webmaster for less than a handsome amount to also superbly personalize Paypal response.

Glamorous Bystander

Karl [Kalonh] Chuck said...

Are those Khmer donors really complaining or are those CNRP's foes busting CNRP's chops to get back at the CNRP because of personal matter?

Personally, when I've donated something to somebody, that's the end of that!!!

Anonymous said...

ទឹកជំនន់វាមិនធ្ងន់ធ្ងរជាង ជំនន់អំណាច របស់ជនផ្តាច់ការទេ ! បច្ចុប្បន្ន ជំនាន់អំណាចរបស់ជនផ្តាច់ការទើបជាមហន្តរាយដ៏ធំ នៃ ប្រជាជាតិខ្មែរ ! ពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ អាចរស់នៅលើទឹកជំនន់បាន និង គ្មានគ្រោះថ្នាក់ទេបើមាន មេដឹកនាំរដ្ឋាភិបាល មិនមែនជា ហ៊ុន សែន តែពលរដ្ឋ ខ្មែរ មិនអាចបន្តររស់នៅក្រោមអំណាចផ្តាច់ការ របស់ ហ៊ុន សែន តទៅទៀតបានទេ ។

ដូច្នោះបើ គណបក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិ គ្មានសមត្ថភាព ធ្វើជាមេដឹកនាំដេញ ហ៊ុន សែន ចេញពីអំណាចទេនោះ កុំយកលេស ទៅធ្វើរឿងផ្សេង ដើម្បីបង្វែរដាន ។ ព្រោះបើដេញ ហ៊ុន សែន ចេញពី អំណាចមិន បានទេ ព្រៃឈើនៅរងការកាប់បំផ្លាញ ហើយទឹកជំនន់នៅតែលិចជា រៀងរាល់ឆ្នាំ រហូតដល់ខ្មែរស្លាប់អស់ ។

Anonymous said...

Asshole CNRP's fund handler,

Take 100% of this reader's advice. It will help the CNRP Asshhole !!

Dear Pretty,

Please embellish your alluring organization acknowledgements with an automatically charming response that can be daintily personalized with delightful donor name, graceful amount of donation, and celestial purpose of fundraiser. Please do not forget to grace the automatic receipt with automatic stamp of the current date and gorgeous CNRP logo. You may hire an adorable webmaster for less than a handsome amount to also superbly personalize Paypal response.

Glamorous Bystander

Anonymous said...

»»ស្ងាត់ជ្រាប់ដូចចោរលួចសេះអញ្ចឺង!​​​ សែករបស់ខ្ញុំបានផ្ញើទៅCNRP:
CNRP Foundation
P.O.Box 650114
Sterling, VA 20165

Anonymous said...

My 2 cents suggestion,
A generous donor should included an email with his/her donation to the CNRP for the acknowledgement of the receipt of the donation. However, if an email is not available, then a correct phone number is best.

Anonymous said...

I donated through credit card Pay Pal at CNRP website. CNRP should have a record of my name, email, address, $ amount provided from Pay Pal. I still heard nothing from CNRP. I donated from my heart and wanted nothing in return. Only I believe a better Cambodia that Sam Rainsy can lead. Where has my money gone to ? I just wanted to see a simple acknowledgment thank you note. Sir, is that too much from me to ask for ?

Anonymous said...

Dear CNRP,

I suggest you this issue seriously as a constructive feedback and raise it to the fundraising committee of CNRP in order to improve and sustain donations. What do you think of sustained CNRP power if you can can raise US$50 Million/Year = $500 * 100,000 supporters provided you can show your leadership skills starting with democratically handling of small receipts?

The failure of the Khmer Rough revolution of the French-educated Cambodian elite started with leadership and managerial failure to sustain their power let alone crisis management? You will have a heavy burden to counter-balance Hun Sen's strategy and manage national reforms at the same time. We expect to see your check and balance theories implemented by the end of 2017. As time goes on, leadership needs to strengthen to reinvigorate CNRP base.

(20,000 supporters from France, 50,000 supporters from US, 30,000 supporters from the rest of the world)

Dear Pretty,

Please embellish your alluring organization acknowledgements with an automatically charming response that can be daintily personalized with delightful donor name, graceful amount of donation, and celestial purpose of fundraiser. Please do not forget to grace the automatic receipt with automatic stamp of the current date and gorgeous CNRP logo. You may hire an adorable webmaster for less than a handsome amount to also superbly personalize Paypal response.

Glamorous Bystander

Anonymous said...

Dear CNRP,

May I suggest you take this issue seriously as a constructive feedback and raise it to the fundraising committee of CNRP in order to improve and sustain donations. What do you think of sustained CNRP power if you can can raise US$50 Million/Year = $500 * 100,000 supporters provided you can show your leadership skills starting with democratically handling of small receipts?

The failure of the Khmer Rough revolution of the French-educated Cambodian elite started with leadership and managerial failure to sustain their power let alone crisis management? You will have a heavy burden to counter-balance Hun Sen's strategy and manage national reforms at the same time. We expect to see your check and balance theories implemented by the end of 2017. As time goes on, leadership needs to strengthen to reinvigorate CNRP base.

(20,000 supporters from France, 50,000 supporters from US, 30,000 supporters from the rest of the world)

Dear Pretty,

Please embellish your alluring organization acknowledgements with an automatically charming response that can be daintily personalized with delightful donor name, graceful amount of donation, and celestial purpose of fundraiser. Please do not forget to grace the automatic receipt with automatic stamp of the current date and gorgeous CNRP logo. You may hire an adorable webmaster for less than a handsome amount to also superbly personalize Paypal response.

Glamorous Bystander

Jendhamuni said...

Dear Kalonh Chuck,
So happy to see you. Thought someone kidnap you. Jendhamuni

Anonymous said...

I would be careful of sending money to anyone who list on anymouse website. You do mot know who these people are. Preferably on the main page or same cnrp official website. Only suggestion.

Anonymous said...

Dear compatriots,

Just a small words from a very wise figure for us to mull over this up coming weekend.


It means: When practicing good deed one should not expect anything in return, creating suffering to others will receive the suffering in return to oneself.

Yeay Tep

Karl [Kalonh] Chuck said...

Hi Jendha, you guys are real cool. Will have to make time to come by and visit with KI more often TC, ttfn and best wishes to yout partner in crime, Mr. SOV!

Karl [Kalonh] Chuck said...

Now, Yeay Tep sums it all up real well for us! Thx a whole bunch and take care lok Yeay!

Anonymous said...

Donation to CNRP is for saving our country. Irrelevant what the money is used for. If you want your donation to go toward certain cause tthen state so. Sam Rainsy and Kim Sokha will be the best leaders Khmer will Ever have. Let us unit to make them our leaders to save our country.

Anonymous said...

Great leader, the suffering of the people is my suffering. He is a real leader.

Anonymous said...


7:27 AM,

Really? Who the HELL are you anyway? So isn't the guy @ 4:43 AM, is the same as the one @ 6:33 AM. Read his comment again before you make any suggestion.

Don't act like Ros Chantrabot, when Ah Vietcong Chhim Phalvirun called Khmer-French "Khmer Dog", but R. Chantrbot still sided with the Vietcong.

Also, you need to read his comment below you, see how he try to tell that - the Khmer get paranoid. Infact, I understand English more than you, so you should learn from me because I observe the BLAME games from Vietcong.

Vietcong has nothing good to say about Khmer leaders except try to find any mistake then start the Blame game as alway, just look at CRIMINAL CPP thugs, I'm I right?

Anonymous said...

Most of people here can't take feedback and constructive criticism. They are worse than communists. From my understanding, just because someone complaints that he/she never receive a thank you note, it doesn't mean that he/she wants something in return. It's a feedback for CNRP to receive more donation. Just think about it: if I donate $10, and I receive thank you card, I would be more likely to send more right? If I sent $100 to you and never hear anything back, I'm not sure where my money has gone to. Did CNRP receive the money? Did it get lost somewhere? Did my money not mean anything to them? It's psychological. It's good marketing practice.

Anonymous said...

12:06 PM You're deadly wrong, your head is psycho=paranoid even your mom's kalaung(help me if my viet word is wrong)is also Yuon. Ah Shang Kuot

neay 22

Anonymous said...

To So-called Democrats:

This teaching from Buddha was taken out of context:


Of course, one strives not to wish anything in return in any food or money offering to Buddha, and Sangha. However, Buddha was even strict in teaching his novices not to stay close to people who are not clean physically and mentally i.e. corrupt people. The reason is that young Dharma seekers are not strong enough to be spiritually polluted. Buddha said we should be large in offering non-financial items such as foods since people cannot eat more than they can digest in one meal; however, Buddha taught us to be cautious in donating money since you are karmically liable for the usage of the money in case of drug addicts and drunkards. I thrive for these mottoes: Check and balance, Transparency, and Social justice.

"It is not because angels are holier than men or devils that makes them angels, but because they do not expect holiness from one another, but from God alone."

William Blake, "A Vision of the Last Judgement"




Jendhamuni said...

Dear Yeay Tep and Kalonh Chuck,

I respect and love both of you very much. We are not siblings by blood, but deep down the hearts, we are so close. My masters and the nuns taught me since I was very young, to always provide services without expectations - nothing. And this priceless word permanently carved in my heart. I never count anything, never expect anything, never want anything from anyone. Being able to put a smile on someone's face makes me more happy than anything. I love to smile and I want to make others smile just like myself.

I'm very happy to be part of the family.

PS: As you may know: Family is not always Blood...


Anonymous said...

I couldn't help not to respond to this issue. I think it's a legit complaint and this donor still has a good heart. It is fair enough from donors to ask what happen to their money. Did you receive it or not ? Why so quiet like "Chaur luoch sess- stealing of a horse ?" Please CNRP take this seriously. If you care that your donors rushed out during the time in need for the election time or whatever reasons to give his/her monies to you, you should rushed back to write a quick thank you note to them --no matter how busy you are. You don't wait until you see the complaint then asked donor for proof of contribution so you can do research and then send out a thank you letter. This look worse on you. You should keep records and have the proofs already. To online donors, don't depend on automatic response because they maybe detected as SPAM mails and will automatically get filtered or deleted. Peacefully.

From 9:14 AM :
"I donated through credit card Pay Pal at CNRP website. CNRP should have a record of my name, email, address, $ amount provided from Pay Pal. I still heard nothing from CNRP. I donated from my heart and wanted nothing in return. Only I believe a better Cambodia that Sam Rainsy can lead. Where has my money gone to ? I just wanted to see a simple acknowledgment thank you note. Sir, is that too much from me to ask for ?"

From Pretty Ma:
Dear donors, I would be more than pleased to look into your donation and why you have not received the letter of appreciation for being so kind to help CNRP. Please send a copy or proof of your contribution, Pay Pal or otherwise to me and I'll certain get the letter out either from us here at CNRP-NA or from Phnom Penh according to your contribution channel. Send that to Kind regards, Pretty Ma 11:46 PM

Anonymous said...

juoy reas doy smors tae
reu kor bong-krup kex dembei
OMNARJ ptoil kluon?

kom tveu jea plix denh ah sen veuil !

Anonymous said...

តើយាយ ទេព ជានណា៎? ម៉េចៗកុំតែកូន របស់ យាយ ទៀង បានហើយ!

Anonymous said...

"psycho=paranoid even your mom's kalaung(help me if my viet word is wrong).."

7:07 PM,

Ah Chhkae Yuon! Ah Chhkuot! If I'm psycho, you must be SUPER psycho with a lobster brain, even your mom's kalaung is shitty too, DUMB-ASS! A lobster brain like you only have short term memory and will turns SUPER psycho as you grow older, unlike mine. And at least I'm not Ah Chhkae Yuon like you, Ah LOBSTER brain!

Anonymous said...

12:25AM ខ្ញុំគាំទ្រគំនិតលោក!

មិនគួរឲ្យជឿថាខ្មែរយើងខ្លះ ប្រាកដ​ជាចិត្តស្រាលមែន!

ខ្ញុំមិនថាឥទេអ្នកដែលចិត្តស្រាលពិត ព្រោះភាពអយត្តិធម៌ ពីមួយថ្ងៃទៅមួយថ្ងៃ វាកាន់តែធ្វើឲ្យយើងពិបាកទ្រាំតទៅទៀតណាស់
ខ្ញុំបន្ទោសឡើយ តែសុំឲ្យអស់លោក ខំព្យាយាម ហើយអត់ធ្មត់ផង ទើបបានសមតាមបំណង!

រឿងដែលគួរឲ្យប្រុងប្រយត្ននោះ គឺចារកិច្ចមនោគម្មវិជ្ជា ដែលបន្តរឲ្យខ្មែរនាំគ្នាជម្រុញឲ្យ មេដឹកនាំខ្មែរស្នហារទៅស្លាប់ ឬក៏ កលល្បិចផ្ដាច់លទ្ធភាព​ មិនឲ្យពួកគាត់បន្តរភារកិច្ចជាតិផ្សេងៗ!

បរទេសគេប៉ងលេបត្របាក់ខ្មែរយូរហើយ ល្បិចគេមានច្រើនណាស់ សូមបងប្អូនកុំគិតងាយ​ហើយចិត្តស្រាលតទៅទៀត!

Anonymous said...

"If you united, you can win over any enermy", but for khmer it farther aways from it.

Anonymous said...


When did CNRP become a full-fledged PAGODA without delivering receipt for any alms-offering?

Anonymous said...

sam rainsy ,
hott teuk samleung kark.

sam rainsy ,
pheuk teuk naum samleung ach.

sam rainsy ,
oy omnoy samleung omnarj.

Anonymous said...

Good photo ops for political might get electrocute in that water.

Anonymous said...

Hey you!!! Khmers living see me handing gifts to the needy? So, keep on donating and fatten up my bank account. After i get enough of your money i will go hide out and enjoy my more politic.

Anonymous said...

We did not give you a free lunch. We gave you all our savings in order to remove the dictator. Please do not disappoint all overseas Khmers now that you have more than enough for a luxurious retirement! At least, let Vireakchhun Mu Sochua take the leadership if you do not have the balls please!!!