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Mer nov eyna koun nirk mernas hatey kormer nov chaymless mer..mouy niss thousbey chea kror prohel chea mer ning min thok koun ory novmnak engpel yob..thnaing the,Kyom ning orscheth deal meanmer krormen thechethmer lror srorlag koun leuss pi nakna thang orss mereuy beukyom thov thinus heuy keugmer..nisheuy cheamer reborskyom na mer!!merpith mean the mouy the ory the chass kror keu mer kyom thaing orss...!mer chass mean the chass mean domlaiy cheang satrey thangors knonglouk!!MER NOV EYNA MER.................C........R.....Y..........THEU MER KIRDTHA KYOM ORCH PROCHANG NING CHBARB THORMACHEAD BANTHE BEU NOV KAMPOKCHEA MEAN KOUN PONMANNAK DEAL ORTHMER KYOM KMEASED KIDTHE PI KLOUN ENGBAN THEMER PIPROSS KYOM NOV CHORNGBAN CHEAM NING NOKORYEU THANGMOL MOKVIG NAMER BADMOY THROV THE CHAMBAG BANPIMOKVIG CHEA DACHKAD....BEUPOMNUSSTHE KOUN NING ORY PIPHOKLOUK RELEAY....SOMVIGEANKAN MERCHOUY KOUN KOUN PHORNG MER MEAN THE MERMOUY THE DEAL SKORPI AROMKOUN CHBASS.THOSBEY PEAL DEAL MER NOV CHNGAY PEL KOUN SREK HAVMER..KOR LEU DEAL MERNTHE????????KYOM DEUNGTHA MER SRORLAG CHEAM NING NOKOR NASS SOMVIGEANKAN MER KOMPLECH POUKYEUNG****&khmerss...^^
I like this analogy because it plays the real life politics in Cambodia. All of you knows that for years and years and the majority of our people know that except some of the ah kwak Chkers has denied that because ah Kwang has allowed them to suck up blood from the population as the whole in order for the illegitimate and criminal regime to survive. Ah Kwak has been so good at setting an example to all his Chkers so called his colleagues and subordinates. It is no wonder to see a small group of parasite insects such as some village chiefs wildly treat and unhuman attack habitants living in their communes. Khmers should stand up and cut these social leeches in pieces now. You have to do whatever to maintain and preserve your own right as human. The main theme of human is courage.
Look at this dirt poor, old lady! Millions upon millions of tourists have visited Angkor throughout the year, so people living in Siem Reap should deserve their living better than this old lady. We know for sure that our ancestors built Angkor for us, but who reaps all the benefits of all the tourism nowadays the answer is Ah Chker yuon named Sok Kong. However, who is Sok Kong? though. In spite of the fact, he is yuon by birth but adopts Khmer's name as sok kong to hide his real identity from the public. Ah Kwak has secretly sold a contract deal of Angkor for 99 years to Sok Kong in exchange for his personal gain of about US $ 25 to US $ 30 million dollars a year. It is the real treason act to Khmer nation. Does he deserve to be shot on the spot? Some one has to assassinate him to free the land for all Khmer to live with dignity.
When you give importance to others, they think you respectful! Although some are confused by thinking, that treating others bad for upgrading oneself better pride; instead the very person downgrade oneself, indeed!
stop blaming on others. start looking at yourself and begin to improve self from there.
Mer nov eyna koun nirk mernas hatey kormer nov chaymless mer..mouy niss thousbey chea kror prohel chea mer ning min thok koun ory novmnak engpel yob..thnaing the,Kyom ning orscheth deal meanmer krormen thechethmer lror srorlag koun leuss pi nakna thang orss mereuy beukyom thov thinus heuy keugmer..nisheuy cheamer reborskyom na mer!!merpith mean the mouy the ory the chass kror keu mer kyom thaing orss...!mer chass mean the chass mean domlaiy cheang satrey thangors knonglouk!!MER NOV EYNA MER.................C........R.....Y..........THEU MER KIRDTHA KYOM ORCH PROCHANG NING CHBARB THORMACHEAD BANTHE BEU NOV KAMPOKCHEA MEAN KOUN PONMANNAK DEAL ORTHMER KYOM KMEASED KIDTHE PI KLOUN ENGBAN THEMER PIPROSS KYOM NOV CHORNGBAN CHEAM NING NOKORYEU THANGMOL MOKVIG NAMER BADMOY THROV THE CHAMBAG BANPIMOKVIG CHEA DACHKAD....BEUPOMNUSSTHE KOUN NING ORY PIPHOKLOUK RELEAY....SOMVIGEANKAN MERCHOUY KOUN KOUN PHORNG MER MEAN THE MERMOUY THE DEAL SKORPI AROMKOUN CHBASS.THOSBEY PEAL DEAL MER NOV CHNGAY PEL KOUN SREK HAVMER..KOR LEU DEAL MERNTHE????????KYOM DEUNGTHA MER SRORLAG CHEAM NING NOKOR NASS SOMVIGEANKAN MER KOMPLECH POUKYEUNG****&khmerss...^^
I like this analogy because it plays the real life politics in Cambodia. All of you knows that for years and years and the majority of our people know that except some of the ah kwak Chkers has denied that because ah Kwang has allowed them to suck up blood from the population as the whole in order for the illegitimate and criminal regime to survive. Ah Kwak has been so good at setting an example to all his Chkers so called his colleagues and subordinates. It is no wonder to see a small group of parasite insects such as some village chiefs wildly treat and unhuman attack habitants living in their communes. Khmers should stand up and cut these social leeches in pieces now. You have to do whatever to maintain and preserve your own right as human. The main theme of human is courage.
Look at this dirt poor, old lady! Millions upon millions of tourists have visited Angkor throughout the year, so people living in Siem Reap should deserve their living better than this old lady. We know for sure that our ancestors built Angkor for us, but who reaps all the benefits of all the tourism nowadays the answer is Ah Chker yuon named Sok Kong. However, who is Sok Kong? though. In spite of the fact, he is yuon by birth but adopts Khmer's name as sok kong to hide his real identity from the public. Ah Kwak has secretly sold a contract deal of Angkor for 99 years to Sok Kong in exchange for his personal gain of about US $ 25 to US $ 30 million dollars a year. It is the real treason act to Khmer nation. Does he deserve to be shot on the spot? Some one has to assassinate him to free the land for all Khmer to live with dignity.
When you give importance to others, they think you respectful!
Although some are confused by thinking, that treating others bad for upgrading oneself better pride; instead the very person downgrade oneself, indeed!
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