Friday, October 04, 2013

Gen. Giap, Vietnam war hero, dies at 102

Gen. Giap achieved his crowning moment as a commander in the battle of Dien Bien Phu in 1954, which marked the end of the First Indochina War and France’s colonisation of Vietnam.

General Vo Nguyen Giap, a key figure in securing Vietnam’s independence and winning
 the Vietnam War, died on Friday at 102, senior military officials and a relative said.
Photo: The Hindu Photo Archives

The Hindu, October 4, 2013

General Vo Nguyen Giap, a key figure in securing Vietnam’s independence and winning the Vietnam War, died on Friday at 102, senior military officials and a relative said.

The general died at the 108 Military Hospital in Hanoi, a senior military official at the facility said.

“He died of old age, not because of any illness,” said the official, who requested anonymity. “The news about his death will only be made public after the Secretariat of the Communist Party of Vietnam approves,” one of his close relatives said.

 The general had been in hospital for several years because of ill health.

Gen. Giap achieved his crowning moment as a commander in the battle of Dien Bien Phu in 1954, which marked the end of the First Indochina War and France’s colonisation of Vietnam. The victory over the French led to the partition of the country and the beginning of a fresh outbreak of hostilities, this time between the communist North and U.S.-backed South.

Gen. Giap was also known as the initiator of the final offensive against South Vietnam in 1975.


Anonymous said...

General Giap was an excellent tactician.
Norodom Sihanouk fell in Giap's traps.
But Sihanouk fell in his own traps also.

Anonymous said...

SIHANOUK fell into his Historic Enemy YUON more than we could count.


Anonymous said...

Lok 12:21AM,

Giap គឺជាស្ថាបនិកនៃែផនការឈ្លានពានស្រុកខ្មែរឆ្នាំ១៩៧០
េដាយមានការគាំទ្រពី⁣សីហនុ ជាេស្តចលក់ជាតិ៎ឲយួន ។
សូមអានសៀវភៅ ៖
A Viet Cong Memoir by Truong Nhu Tang

លី ឌៀប

Anonymous said...

Truong Nhu Tang wrote:

I was to met Sihanouk again until 1980, when we were both in exile. By that time I had come to feel an odd sense of shared destiny with him. He related to me then that he had written three separate letters to Pham Van Dong, proposing negotiations for a political resolution to the two-year-old Vietnamese occupation of Cambodia. Dong had returned each of them unopened. «He thinks that in this way he is humiliating me,» said Sihanouk, «but I think that in light of my contribution to Vietnam, he has really humiliated and disgraced himself.» (A Viet Cong Memoir, Page 256)

សីហនុជាេស្តចចាញ់បោកយួន ! បន្តិចទៀតនេះ សីហមុនីនឹងទៅគោរពខ្មោចអាយ៉ាប់ជាមិនខាន!

លី ឌៀប

Anonymous said...

Muk pourk ah youkoung hanoi chor louch neung plunn dei khmer. They all are evils. kapeum muk ah chuy maray orsh niss nass. Pourk ah kittakor chheam khmao.

School of Vice said...

Interesting account, and more than likely accurate too about Pham Van Dong and Sihanouk!

Pham Van Dong had done the same thing to Ieng Sary when the latter was still in charge of the KR faction in Pailin.

Sary had sought to clear up some 'misunderstandings' he had had with Dong and Hanoi; a kind of backhanded apology for whatever Sary might have had with them. Sary's letter to Dong had been returned to him unopened - it was Dong's way of distancing himself and his regime from his former comrades-in-arms who were now losing their stock and credibility in the eye of the world community, and thus were now being less than useful to him and Hanoi, or not sufficiently useful any more to them.

Le Duc Tho had done the same thing to Henry Kissinger by way of declining to be joint-Nobel Peace prize winner with Kissinger.

It has little to do with pride or intended humiliation; not even an intended slight on the Vietnamese's part - it is not in their character or thinking, especially, in international relations to do so. Unlike Sihanouk and most of his vain Cambodian compatriots, the Vietnamese would never allow their personal sentiment or their hearts to rule over their heads.

Think of the way the Vietnamese state would use beautiful women and whatever else under the sky to influence state affairs - treachery, deception, assassination, lies, espionage, sabotage, falsification of history and historical events and so forth to reach and attain their goals and objectives. When Ho Chi Minh died his dreams did not die with him because his younger followers and compatriots were made from the same cloth as himself.

The Khmer Krom ancestors had warned of the danger in forging friendship with the "Vietnamese": If one could tame a tiger enough to have him as a pillow to rest one's head on, then and only then that one would be wise to trust the Vietnamese as friends!

Anonymous said...

ងាប់អោយអស់ទៅមេដឹកនំាយួន ដើម្បីខ្មែរអាច

Anonymous said...

General Vo Nguyen Giap?

To me as a Khmer and many other Khmer ah Vo Nguyen Giap is a part of Indochina Federation created by ah HO Chi Minh?


Go to hell ah Vo Nguyen Giap.

Go and joint ah Ho Chi Minh in the hell.

Down Indochina Federation.

Anonymous said...

ហាស ៗៗៗៗ....សត្រូវជាតិខ្មែរតាយហោងម្នាក់ទៀតហើយ…!

សាធុ...! សាធុ...! សាធុ....!

Anonymous said...

why do you glorify the killer ?

Who posted his story here ?

Anonymous said...

This VC Gook should not be on Khmer race site. The YOUN had always wanted to exterminated Khmers in order to swallow Kampuchea whole. The Viet peoples themselves usually look down on Khmers. They conquered on land for centuries. Did you ever see them took up any Khmer cultures like the Thai did ? Did they treated Khmer Kampuchea Krom any better from then ? Did they do anything that ever benefits Cambodia? Did they loosen their grips on Hun Sen ? Did they respect 1991 Paris Peace Accords ? So ask yourself how these benefits Cambodia. GO TO HELL GENERAL WAR CRIMES ANIMAL !

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Love him or hate him, and I do hate him for his government expansionist ideas, Cambodia would not have lost any land to the Yuon if there was just 1 khmer leaders like him. Khmer leaders have always been people who could not do anything to protect Cambodia- no capacity, no interest- and have always prevented others from giving it a go. A prime example is Hun Sen and cronies. Cannot stop the Yuon from annexing even thier own villages, and yet are prepared to jail Sam Rainsy for trying. Traitors.

Anonymous said...

Vo Nguyen Giap opposed the Vietnamese army from occupying Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Fuck this Vietcong leader! The world is giving too much credit to this do good mother fucker being excellent tactician or whatever you want to call him! He is just a fucken piece of meat and without the unconditional support of the
Soviet Union(Russia) and China in military material and this Vietcong leader can do shit for his people! The biggest mistake was that China help this Vietcong too much and the end China was betrayed! After this Vietcong leader and the rest of the Vietcong leaders can do shit for Vietnam!

The Vietcong leaders were taught a lesson in 1979 for invading Cambodia and these Vietcong leaders think that they are these fucken Vietcong leaders hang on to AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave as if AH HUN SEN is going to help to the end of time!

For Cambodia this is unfinished business because in the past the Vietcong leaders help the Khmer Rouge Pol Pot that bring about the genocide of Cambodian people and now their fucken slave AH HUN SEN....These fucken Vietcong leaders are too smart for themselves and now they will find hell waiting for them!

Anonymous said...

One less khmer' enemy from a surface of the earth.
Hope it stays in hell for another 102 million life.

Anonymous said...

To 10:24 AM
The first poster at the top did say Giap was an excellent tactician, he did not say Giap was a good man nor a good leader.
If you still disagree, do your homework.

Anonymous said...

Gap used the same tactic against the American in Quantry province near the 17th paralleled as he used against the French before. But this time all his troupe were annihilate completely at the hand of the American heavy super fortress B 52 bombers.At the end of the fight, thousands upon thousands North Vietnamese army were dead or disintegrated.So his tactic was useless and old fashion.

Anonymous said...

To 12:31PM

I did my home fool! The Vietcong bastard Giap can apply the Art of War( Sun Tsu) all he want and he can never beat American military might! But with the unconditional support of the best high grade military materials from Soviet Union and China combined with million and million of Vietnamese ready to arm as inexhaustible resource.

American have the option to use Atomic Bomb the same way they used on Japan...but American choose not to...

What about now in the 21th century? Did any Vietcong leaders can do better for Vietnam? Not! The Vietcong leaders are hanging on to AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave to help them win over Cambodia by taking away Cambodian land, Islands, and Sea and take away land and economic concession inside Cambodia to prove to the Vietnamese population that these fucken Vietcong leaders are smart and invincible!

Hell are waiting for these fucken Vietcong leaders for bringing so much misery and suffering to Cambodian people!

Anonymous said...

"If the nation united they can win over any enermies". For khmer it is farther aways from it.

Anonymous said...

To 3:31 PM

You can express YOUR opinions as you wish, but don't call others " fools ", .because it does reflect on YOU.
Let's keep it civil, will you ?

Anonymous said...

2:08 PM

You may even want to loose a few battles, as long as you win the war !

Anonymous said...

To 6:54PM

This is not my opinion but pure fact!

Anonymous said...

Provide proof of any article where it's said that this war crimes animal opposed Youn occupation of Scambodia. Through out our history Youn leaders had always had their mind set to swallow Kampuchea whole
& then committed genocide on it's native populations. Khmers must not forget about the past and keep a watchful eyes on the present.

Anonymous said...

VC won Vietnam war because of this battle at Khe Sane where many NVA & VC forces were killed. Yes, Viet lost the battle
but this battles at Khe Sane convinced American hippy
generation that this war can't be
won by military might, so
American began slowly withdrawn the war. I hated VC Gook but this is the truths.

Anonymous said...

To 11:00 PM

Thank you for being civil.

Anonymous said...

Giap Phuck

Anonymous said...

it is toward the end of the article my dear. Try to hold your anger, it helps make reading easier.

Anonymous said...

it is toward the end of the articles

Anonymous said...

To 9:34 AM

Yes...I try to hold my anger toward the end of the article but you know...the only good Vietcong is a dead Vietcong! What this Vietcong had done in the past is the build to present and open the door to more Vietcong naked aggression on Cambodia! Otherwise this Vietcong leader would not kick the French out knowing fully well that Cambodian need the French as the protectorate to keep Vietnam and the Thailand from tearing Cambodia apart!

This Vietcong leader can kiss my ass and go to hell!

Anonymous said...

To 9:34 AM

Yes...I try to hold my anger toward the end of the article but you know...the only good Vietcong is a dead Vietcong! What this Vietcong had done in the past is the build up to present and open the door to more Vietcong naked aggression on Cambodia! Otherwise this Vietcong leader would not kick the French out knowing fully well that Cambodian need the French as the protectorate to keep Vietnam and the Thailand from tearing Cambodia apart!

This Vietcong leader can kiss my ass and go to hell!

Anonymous said...

if only khmer have a general like him.....his book is a requirement textbook at West Point, maybe hun manet learn something