Muha Tirk Jet Kon Khmer If any body would like to help, please contact: Mr. Willie Uy
(408)394-8974, Mr. Bunthaa R. office (510)540-7966 U.S.A or go I hope all people could help Khmer. Thank you.
cambodianeducationalnetwork.or g
HomeThe Cambodian Educational Network – a non-profit based in California’s East Bay – works to provide aid to individuals, organizations and communities in rural Cambodia, both in the form of emergency relief and through sponsoring and supporting medium and long term projects encouraging sustainable...
Dear Khmerican,
Very heartbreaking, indeed...
I will donate $100 to the crippled lady to feed her grandchildren.
Dear Jendhamuni,
The most heartbreaking part is that the government doesn't care about these people.
Dear Khmerican,
We do know that the corrupted government does not care, that's why we do :) Thanks for the info provided. I will do my part.
PS: That's why I just be myself and do the best I possibly could as a human with a heart. I would never suck up to anyone. I do not care who they are....
Chok Cheam douch orksarern....i....c..r...y..............................................................................................................................................................................◘◘◘◘◘
how about lady next to this post down there enjoy life in sihanoukville with dollars if she truly nationalist send some money to that poor family
Buddhism for Education of Cambodia(BEC)
The below website charity has no activity before. We can't see person's face, and no account PAYPAL or BanK.
http://cambodianeducationalnetwork.orgHOME/ OUR
The Cambodian Educational Network – a non-profit based in California’s East Bay – works to provide aid to individuals, organizations and communities in rural Cambodia, both in the form of emergency relief and through sponsoring and supporting medium and long term projects encouraging sustainable local economies and the growth of civil society. For more detail, have a look at our mission and history. And if you’re here to contribute, have a look at our donations page.Cambodian Educational Network
The Cambodian Educational Network – a non-profit based in California’s East Bay – works to provide aid to individuals, organizations and communities in rural Cambodia, both in the form of emergency relief and through sponsoring and supporting medium and long term projects encouraging sustainable local economies and the growth of civil society. For more detail, have a look at our mission and history. And if you’re here to contribute, have a look at our donations page.
2:52 AM said:
“how about lady next to this post down there enjoy life in sihanoukville with dollars if she truly nationalist send some money to that poor family”
Oh you know that the flood is man made disaster, because of their greed Hun Sen and cronies cause all these miseries. You must be a dumb ass to thrash somebody who has nothing to do about it.
Attack the source that cause all this...kill Hun Sen.. problem solved.
8:15AM Then why asking all ordinary people inside and outside help, if hun sen was to blame, you SMASH(not Smart!)ASS should ask money to pay the poor people.
8:15AM Then why asking all ordinary people inside and outside help, if hun sen was to blame, you SMASH(not Smart!)ASS should ask money from hun sen to pay the poor people.
Willie and Buntha are truly role model who have huge heart to the poor. They go to Cambodia every year to bring money, food, medicines and build wells , huts schools in remote areas.Please support their causes.
Heh boy, you seem to confuse yourself with the words “blaming” and “asking”.
As for asking Hun Sen for money we leave that job to you, and since you are a very smart ass, maybe you can make him opening his wallet a little bit.
8:47 AM
Heh boy, you seem to confuse yourself with the words “blaming” and “asking”.
As for asking Hun Sen for money we leave that job to you, and since you are a very smart ass, maybe you can make him opening his wallet a little bit.
It surely did make my eyes tearful, indeed watching this footage!
It's unimaginable to place yourself in the situation that this grandma and her grand kids are going through today and days ahead!
I'll do my part! Thanks jenda!
If this thing happen to you I believe you will never had a word to say or blame. Think twice before you spell your word out.
This is so wrong! This so evil!
It is the interest of AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave government to create permanent dirt poor class of Cambodian people!
The government system, the economic system, and the management system is in disarray...and who cares and who gives a fuck as long I am looked important and become the fucken leader of shit heads! Okhnas shit head, Phd shit head!, and the rest of the dickheads!
ប៉ុន្តែពាក្យ "មហា" ជាពាក្យហួសហេតុ...
voilà le visage du Cambodge avec le clan hun sen qui méprise les cambodgiens et vend le Cambodge aux youns . hun sen dégage, tu as perdu ! un traite de la nation n'a aucune légitimité devant le peuple. Tout dictateur finit par disparaître comme khadafi. Ce n'est qu'une question de temps!
If people don't trust this charity group, they can ask them to provide direct contact to these people or their contacts in Cambodia. It's worthy trying because we can help save their life.
Will some of you people out there stop blaming the flood on Hun Sen, please?
Who will the Vietnamese blame for the typhoon that slam into Vietnam?
This flooding was the result of the typhoon effect, don't you think? It has nothing to do with deforestation. Not that I agree that every tree should be cut down.
This is the reality of Good and Evil. I'm sure there are good traits in Hun Sen and Bun Ranny, if you look hard enough.
New World Disorder Madness
Hay jendha..why don.t you make them some of your salad..let them know how you sleep an eat..tell them to pray an dream for food..
8:34 PM said:
"I'm sure there are good traits in Hun Sen and Bun Rany, if you look hard enough."
Of course there are some good and bad in every person.
But in Hun Sen and Bun Rany case, their bad deeds outweigh their good deeds, they are corrupted and cold blooded killers.
Forests and water:
These video clip is not recent -- it is more than 10 years old. Don't be fool by KI Media.
Please help connect me to the handicap lady and two grandkids I want to help them until kids old enough to work to support themselves,I want to put these kids to school.Here my #253-632-9768 my email; pass this along to them.I'll set up help thru moneygram,bank is in Phenom penh city.Call me asap...
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