Saturday, October 12, 2013

King Sihanouk's Unveiling Ceremony on October 11

Just a short video clip (3:52)


Anonymous said...

សូមឳ្យវត្ថុស័គ្គសិទ្ធលើលោកនេះគ្រប់ទីកន្លែងទាំងអស់ តាមការពារពលរដ្ឋស្លូតត្រង់ នឹងអ្នកព្យាយាមការពារយុត្តិធ៌មឳ្យមនុស្សល្អឳ្យបាន ហើយនឹងសូមឳ្យ មនុស្សអាក្រក់ វិនាសសូន្យទៅ សាធុរៗៗៗៗៗៗៗៗៗ

Anonymous said...

When you give importance to others, they think you respectful!
Although some are confused by thinking, that treating others bad for upgrading oneself better pride; instead the very person downgrade oneself, indeed!

Anonymous said...

SIHANOUK is now in hell as ZOMBIE ,That was his last wish .
Too many Million KHMER Lives had been lost under his appeal, philosophies, revenge , ruse and rule since was born til the last day of his human life.
KHMER TRAITOR like SIHANOUK became symbolic hero for the people who dis not understand his evil way and especially the youngest presently generation.

A Survivor of our own KHMER Killing Fields and under SIHANOUK regime

Anonymous said...

What are they doing to this KING with Vietcong brain?

Sihanuok families are traitor, if any body doesn't agree with me, it's mean they're supporting the Vietcong just like this King supported the Vietcong during Khmer Republic(Lon Nol). The end results will be just like Khmer Kampuchea Krom.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen former history's Khmer Rouge to do everything for benefit of Yuon, but Sam Rangsy to do everything to protect our country.The kid 10 year old ,now they know everything better than Syhanuse both are
dog's Yuon!

Anonymous said...

This king killed to million Khmer people but Hun Sen keep respect him to confuse people who don't king his story plan take Cambodia for youn.

Anonymous said...

Updated from hell:

Yumphubal Wai Sihanouk Lich Ach every day.

Anonymous said...

Many people might disagree with me!

I learned that Noro-DUMB Siha-KROOK allowed Viet Cong used Cambodia territory in the '60 as sanctuary fighting the South while I was in High School (Lycee). He declared Cambodia is independent and he actually served Viet Cong. He allowed VietCong killed Khmer in the '70. He cried when Ho Chi Minh died in the '60. He is Viet Cong's Dog.

His wife Moonic and her mother Ping Peang did busibesses with Viet Cong, supplied food medicine, arm ammunition to Viet Cong.

Noro-DUMB Siha-Krook's family are Traitor!

Yum Vabal is torturing him in hell now!

Anonymous said...

បានក្បត់ជាតិ ដូចជាអ្វីដែលគាត់បានកសាងនោះ
តាំងពូលោកលន់ ណុលបានទំលាក់អំណាចក្នុងឆ្នំា

Anonymous said...

បានក្បត់ជាតិ ដូចជាអ្វីដែលគាត់បានកសាងនោះ
តាំងពូលោកលន់ ណុលបានទំលាក់អំណាចក្នុងឆ្នំា

Anonymous said...

កាលនៅរស់ធ្វើជាអ្នកដឹកនាំប្រទេស យ៉ាងថោកទាប ក្បត់រាស្រ្ត ចូលដៃជាមួយយួនជាសត្រូវប្រវត្តិសាស្រ្តខ្មែរ
បោកប្រាស់រាស្រ្តឲ្យខ្មែរសម្លាប់ខ្មែរតាមបញ្ចារអាហូរ ជី មីញ ម្តងថាយួនជាសត្វក្រពើ ម្តងថាយួនជាសមិត្ត នេះឬ
គំនិតអ្នកដឹកនាំខ្មែរ ដល់ពេលស្លាប់បានខ្លាយជាវរបុរសខ្មែរសំរាប់តែពពួកខ្មែរកញ្ចះយួនទេ មានពពួកអាប័ក្យ
ប្រជាជនជាដើម ។

Anonymous said...

The Castle Look like VIETNAM STYLE.

Anonymous said...


គឺមានប្រភពចេញពីស្ដេចទាំងអស់ ពោលគឺពីស្ដេចចាស់ក៏ស្ដេចថ្មី។

បញ្ហាជាតិ បញ្ហាដែនដី ជារឿងមិនមានសារៈសំខាន់ ជាង បញ្ហាគ្រួសារស្ដេច។
ស្ដេចអាចបោះបង់ចោល ដែនដី ជាតិរាស្ដ្រនឹងអ្វីៗទាំងអស់ ដើម្បី គ្រួសារស្ដេចតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ។

ធម្មជាតិ មនុស្ស, រាស្ដ្រតែងគិតបញ្ហាគ្រួសាររាស្ដ្រ ស្ដេចតែងគិតបញ្ហាគ្រួសារស្ដេច។

បើបញ្ហារាស្ដ្រមានប្រយោជន៍ ផ្ទុយ ពីប្រយោជន៍ គ្រួសារស្ដេច តើរាស្ដ្រអាចសង្ឃឹម លើស្ដេចមកការពារ ប្រយោជន៍របស់ខ្លួនឬទេ? ។

បើរាស្រ្ដខ្លាចបាត់ដែនដី ហើយស្ដេចខ្លាចបាត់បល្ល័ង្ក ។

គឺគ្មានអ្វីដែលប្រសើរជាងការពារប្រយោជន៍ខ្លួនដោយ ខ្លួនឯង។

ស្វែងរកការពិត said...

 ​         តើស្តេចខ្មែរសព្វថ្ងៃបានធ្វើអ្វីខ្លះចំពោះជាតិមាតុភូមិក្រៅអំពីមនុស្សធម័ក្រោមការ

Anonymous said...

If the Khmer people follow the king blindly, Cambodia will be finished soon. Hun Sen and Vietnam know very well how to use and abuse the king to fool the Khmer people so that Vietnam can take over Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

There is flooding all over Cambodia and they rather took time to celebrate the statue and spent money to glorify their personal status. That why is democracy is neccessary so that tyrants can suck all the power from the people.