Monday, October 07, 2013

Local District in Laos Threatens to Expel Christians

 Study in progress: My Word against yours!

Conversion begins early for the next generation of Laos where poor educational provisions on offer by state and local authorities combined with subsistence economic conditions make many vulnerable to the gospel of opportunistic Christian evangelists coming to their salvation armed with both cash and the Bible, but under the guise of humanitarian work. Converts are invariably taught to question and shed their ancestral Buddhist beliefs and rituals as a prerequisite for their redemption and preparation for the Kingdom of Jesus Christ - School of Vice

Laos, September 26, 2013 ( Staff

According to a report by Fides News Agency, Christians living in a local district of Laos have been told that [they] must either renounce their faith or risk expulsion from their district. The measure was enacted amid growing concerns from civil authorities in the Ad-saphangthong district of the rise in Christian conversions in several villages.

Civil authorities announced the measure on September 21st at meeting that was attended by "people of all religions" in the village of Huay. Christians rejected the decision, saying that the religious freedom is guaranteed by the Constitution of Laos. They also expressed their resolve to suffer expulsion rather than renouncing their faith.

"Human Rights Watch for Lao Religious Freedom (HRWLRF), a local non-governmental organization denounced the decision, saying that freedom of religion is often disregarded by civil servants.

The HRWLRF has called on the Laoitian government to enforce the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Article 16 of the covenant, which was ratified in Laos in 2009, assures the right "to adopt a freely chosen faith as well as the right to publicly manifest one's religion." It also condemns "any form of coercion of personal freedom, including the freedom of faith.

The non-governmental organization called for greater respect of the rights of the people of Laos and to put an end to the abuse of local civil authorities.


Jendhamuni said...

Dear School of Vice,

That is very unfair and wrong to do that to human, regardless their religions. That is too extreme. No one should be forced to go against his/her will. It would be a nightmare for me if someone force me to give up my religion. They should go after bad people, corrupted people, or some other worst case scenario, instead of this. Like His Holiness the Dalai Lama said, "The whole purpose of religion is to facilitate love and compassion, patience, tolerance, humility, forgiveness."

I love justice...


Anonymous said...

"He who has no vision of eternity has no hold on time." Thomas Carlyle

New World Disorder Madness

Anonymous said...

"The soul is a never ending sight after God." Theodor Christlieb


Anonymous said...

"Just as the ocean woos every spring, every river, every frothing waterfall into itself--so the ocean of God's infinite love draws the hearts of men." Mike Shreve

Anonymous said...

Here is something interesting that I came across: 969 symbolize the virtue of Buddha, Buddhists practice and Buddhist community.

Here is what caught my attention, the 969. Why so? Well, the two 9's could be turn up and you have 666, the number of man. Now I'm not saying that my interpretation is correct.

Maybe Jendhamuni could fill me in on the Buddhist Metraya. (not sure of the spelling) I kinda recall that some Buddhists believe in the coming of a Metraya, the Christ?

If my interpretation of 969 is correct, then this Metraya is the false anti-christ that is mentioned in the book of Revelation being his number is 666. Because he is a man claiming himself to be a god as he sits on the throne of God in Jerusalem.

New World Disorder Madness

Anonymous said...

"Buddhist religion does not consist in struggles and attempts to believe a certain doctrine or dogma, but in realizing not in believing, but in being and becoming."

“This is the ancient land, where wisdom made its home before it went into any other country… Here is the same Cambodia whose soil has been trodden by the feet of the greatest sages that ever lived… Look back, therefore, as far as you can, drink deep of the eternal fountains that are behind, and after that look forward, march forward, and make Cambodia brighter, greater, much higher, than she ever was.”

"Say it with pride : we are Buddhists"

"Buddhist Dharma is the quintessence of our national life, hold fast to it if you want your country to survive, or else you would be wiped out in three generations".

Teaching from a Buddhist Seer

Anonymous said...

I think as a Khmer Christian, I want to see the whole Cambodia rid itself of the evil, statue worshiping Buddhism religion. Buddha is a helpless fake god, you know what man-made god is ? That's the Buddha. He has no power to change anything. His message is to escape from worldly possessions, that means retreating to the temple, go beg for food. Me personally if we are to make Cambodia strong, we must all become Christians. Look at Europe and America. They are strong and prosperous because they believe in the Christ Jesus, who saved them not only eternally from damnation in hell, but he give them wisdom to make enough monies to support and defend themselves. The God Jesus has transformation power, like the man-made god Buddha who never claim he is God, he just give them the finger and he pointed to the moon to tell them just follow your own mind. Cambodia is in ruin, you must wake up my people, you must renounce the devil trick to worship statues and burning incense, it's not use. You go to western universities, you see their priests? They are scholars, teachers, preachers, wise and educated. They make monies to support themselves,either manual labor or they earn money teaching, they don't go around and hold the can to beg for food. I feel so embarrassed for our Khmer Buddhist monks, sticking their shaved heads in the rain and the sun, and looking pathetic, pitiful, begging for food like beggars. They even trick the people in believing that if they give they receive blessings in return. Pathetic, stupid self-delusional, self-fulfilling people. We must change our practice of religion, and that will change our way of thinking, toward a self-made rather than begging and hoping to receive in vain. If we could switched from Hindium to Buddhism, we could switch from Buddhism to Christianity for good.

Anonymous said...

Was it true that the late Buddha "Sakyamuni Gautama" had set his own term
limit(era limit ?) to 5,000 years ? What will happen after then ? Will the NEC (or IEC for
that matter) conduct a new fair universal election ?? !!! Or should Human goes by
meritocracy ???

I'll vote for Jendhamuni !!! There will be no place for the discrimination against Women !!!

Jendhamuni said...

I should know better to never ever come to write anything on School of Vice Post from this minute on. Under one condition I will come back to write. That has to be the Golden Memories or something about bunnies or birds or animals or Bun Rany. I will go hang out with Kalohn Chuck instead.

phonn said...

Amen! and thank you for sharing the true. I have one input in your article that we are the children of God because we have the living God as our father, we are not religious. Religious is a man made. Thanks and God bless.

Anonymous said...

Dictatorship be gone.

Anonymous said...

My my, SoV you seem to be scared of evangelical christians bearing gifts! is it because armed with your rather convoluted phraseology you just can't compete let alone impress! we, khmer christians love helping people regardless of who they are and we especially love those who do take our gifts and refuse to accept Jesus. At least they will have seen and heard directly of the Love of Jesus Christ for all and everyone from the mouth of His followers. Nope we stop at nothing, even at the cost of our paychecks, our homes, our lives. Come to think of it I guess you do have a few reasons to be very very scared!