Thursday, October 24, 2013
Prime Minister-elect Sam Rainsy: Where is the enlightened France that embraces the rights of man, the France that we have always loved?
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Dedicated to publishing sensitive information about Cambodia
Hun Sen a trahi les accords de Paris de 1991 pour rester au pouvoir.
En acceptant la légitimité de ce dictateur, le gouvernement français a trahi aussi les valeurs de la démocratie.
J'appelle à tous les cambogiens de nationalité française à ne plus soutenir ce gouvernement par leurs votes lors des prochaines élections.
Hun Sen has betrayed the Paris agreements of 1991 to remain in power.
By accepting the legitimacy of the dictator, the French government has also betrayed the values of democracy.
I appeal to all Cambodians of French nationality no longer support that government through their votes.
Prime Minister-elect Sam Rainsy ?
La France ne vous considère pas comme Premier Ministre.
Vous n'êtes que le chef de partie.
Vous ne représente rien aux yeux du Monde Entier car vous n'êtes pas un élu.
Ils faut que tous vos 55 élus reconnus font ce combat.
D'accord avec 4:20 PM.
សម រង្សី ,អាគឹម សុខា
និយាយភាសាពីរខុសគ្នា :
* ពេលនៅក្រៅស្រុកប្រាប់ខ្មែរថា៖
- ដេញអាយ៉ងហ៊ុន សែនចេញពីអំណាច!
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- ដេញអាយួនចេញពីស្រុកខ្មែរ ឲ្យតែខាងបាន!
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France is unfortunately where it should not be when its government decided to send a congratulatory note to Hun Sen, a self-appointed PM when it knows beyond any doubt that the election was rigged.
Get back where you should be, France!
Pissed Off
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