Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Sam Rainsy/CNRP, National or Personal Rescue?


Anonymous said...

I am not going to believe this!

Anonymous said...

This is the kind of nonsense, idiotic criticism among other extreme elements who think that Khmer blood is worth spilling in large volume at each and every time we can just go about the Tunisian, Egyptian or the Syrian way. Irresponsible, and poor timing. Called himself, Samdach Preahkrou, that should be Samdach Chkout Chhrouk. Supposedly we won 63 or 65, still almost half of the population voted for Hun Sen, so what they are our enemy now? Idiot.

Anonymous said...

Oh Lord Jesus Christ, please save us all from evils!!!


Anonymous said...

agreed with 6:32 AM.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Who is this stupid idiot? If he so smart why he is hiding in DC? So he must be a coward who is only good hiding behind a computer screen and that what I thing who he is.

Anonymous said...

KI media blog appears gradual moving from absolute Pro Samrainsy mouthpiece to less crit ic of CPP and Hun Sen. Soon, KI will begin to more and more post articles that critisize Sam Rainsy and CNRP.

Anonymous said...

HUN XEN will use the new strategy to stop face book and internet and also HUN XEN will pay a lot of money to stir up the information in the Kimedia this is Vietnamese tricks, HUNXEN knows that Kimedia is important so soon or later HUN XEN will do something with this home page

Anonymous said...

Dear so called "Samdech Preah Krou",

First of all I would ask you NOT to be unrealistically named yourself to be away from other human.

Regarding CHANGE demanded by Cambodians , pursued by CNRP is due to the OBSTRUCTION to change perpetrated by NEC and CPP party. Cambodians know that NEC manipulated result of election, selected randomly claimed.

You appear to be doubtful about result claimed by head of CNRP, SAM RAINSY. Any reason why this cannot be scrutinised by probing election committee , formed by members of CPP, CNRP, NGOs and UN observers?.
Bear in mind that , Cambodia has not been independent state yet, politically and economically.

To share the balance of power, requested by CNRP is quite reasonable. Change would be more achievable when CPP is more ready to accept this balance of power. And also, it is fair and presentable responded to the voters' demand.

And what made you think that prime minister position will be agreed to by CPP and Mr Hun Sen?.
You must be out of your mind, sir.

Last of all, please stop claiming yourself as Samdech Preah Krou, because it so irritable to normal Cambodian.
And you are not ARAHANT , you idiot.

Neang Sa

Anonymous said...

i see the same attitude here in the comment section that has made khmer as slaves in their won country for the past 4 decades first under khmer roghe and then under hun sen . always afraid that "OH KHMER BLOOD WILL BE SPILT, oh KHMER VIOLENCE,OH why u critisized Sam rainsy for failing continuesly for the past 30 years to kick hun sen even after winning elections. then accuse the critic as "stupid idiot" .

damn freedom is not free write it down my khmers,when those who speak of using violence cry about peace. what peace r u speaking of ??when chutt wutty ,chea vichea,piseth pilka,Hang Serei Oudom who were all killed like animals in broad daylight did they have peace ?? the garment workers who faint due to lack of proper working conditions,who r beaten and fired upon with live ammuntion from guns (like chouk bundith who still roams free)just because they demand their rights where do they have peace ?? the poor khmer's who r kicked out of their house and their land brutally like slaves do they have peace ?? oh what about that 14 year old girl who knew nothing about politics when they shot her did hun sen and his cronies think about peace ?? when hun sen brought tanks and guns inside phenom penh to indirectly warn the entire cambodians that " if u dare to confront me i will kill you and close the door and beat u like dogs" did he think about peace ??
remember this quote by Benjamin Franklin "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

and 6:32 do u still believe that hun sen won 60 seats in the election lolzzz if proper election is held then that idiot will not even win 5 seats in the national assembly because in cambodia 20 percent of the elite rich own 80 percent of the wealth and 80 percent of the poor own only 20 percent of the wealth so this is what u call living in peace and being responsible and for your kind information u may be living happily in france and america with all the facilities but remember that both the people of france and america had to fight for freedom in a bloody revolution and had to spill their blood to gain their freedom if they would have remained like u talking like a coward then they too would have been slaves to dictators like hun sen .

sam rainsy failed to overthrow hun sen, PERIOD !! accept it and we must find new ways to find a solution that is how intelligent people work, only fools do the same mistake over and over again as the opposition is doing for the past 30 years fighting rigged elections and getting kicked by hun sen thug .

Anonymous said...

His point of view is crazy, disorganised and incomprehensible and not deserved to be published in Ki

Anonymous said...

My analysis scenario would be:

The evil-minded Sam rainsy is blackmailing Hun Sen the former soldier Khmer rouge

The current stand-off between MM Sam Rainsy and Hun Sen would be: a 

* I bet that everything will sort out in the near future, and Mr Sam Rainsy will take up position as the President of the National Assembly of Cambodia to legalise Hun Sen government. * Sooner or later, Mr Sam Rainsy will be stripped of his parliamentary immunity and will flee in self-imposed exile as he get used to it. 

* Finally, he would have a luxurious retirement surrounded by young and beautiful girls.
It would be a happy ending for him.

Preah Bat Theurmeuk predictions.

Anonymous said...

He is laulp laulp. You are right he is hiding in DC, no job and no place to go. His quack is nonsense. He called himself samdeck preachkrou, how may students has he taught? The answer is Zero.

I would not give him any attention. He is ZERO.

Anonymous said...

Let me take a crack at your nonsense. First of all, How did we achieve peace after decades of civil war - a sad reminder of past misery, million of deaths and thousands of handicaps left? There were 4 warring factions fighting to the early 90s. Peace was achieved through what at the end? Wasn't it done around the table and signed in Paris? What is your idea that unless we have to overthrow Hun Sen through violent mean, against per say 2/3 of his supporters to try to achieve what? I am sure, it is not you or your big mouth from overseas that will be at the frontline to receive the first firing shot from Hun Sen's killing machine? You have no clue the moment violence start, all hells will break loose. It's the people of Cambodia that will suffer again. Getting rid of Hun Sen is one thing, but getting rid of his entire corrupted system is another, and to do it hastily without serious consideration is a recipe for disaster. It will spill blood and a new civil war, perhaps. We are a lot smarter, humanly responsible to get it done by working through proper diplomatic and domestic channels. Nobody wants to see Hun Sen out of power more than Sam Rainsy or Kem Sokha. You idiot should know when to shut up and this is the time to let those people do their job and they did it very well to bring the country to this crossroad. Not because of idiots looser like yourself who barks more or less across many oceans away.

Anonymous said...

I read Samdech Prakrou's article and found it well written and independent analysis. At the same time, all comments here go wild against his/her opinion that touch on realities, especially in regard to King Sam Rainsy. If King Sam Rainsy held power with his extreme supporters like this group of people, good luck Cambodia and Cambodian people. Corrupt, nepotism, AHNism, familism, etc. pretty much same as Hun Sen regime but at least King Sam Rainsy never kills innocent Khmer people but wait and see till King Sam Rainsy held power on his hand.

Anonymous said...

Take your Prakrou as your Prakrou. It fits you well with the kind of idiotic pea brain like yourself. Instead of going after Hun Sen, you are attempting to undermine the entire CNRP leadership and all the positive energy and efforts the two men are trying to advance with their supporters politically, peacefully and democratically in a rather orderly manner. Unless, there are blood spilling on the street of PP, your kind of idiots would not be satisfied. If Cambodia has leaders who are thoughtless like yourself and your Prakrou, we might be dealing with dead bodies floating along Mekong or Tonle Sap rivers. Maybe those who are trying to cross into Thailand and only to be sent back down the Dorng Rek mountain to be tormented by the CPP's thugs.

Anonymous said...

If it take 5 elections for khmer people to understand and realize that hun sen and his mafia government is a traitor and khmer murder. How could this guy know too much and do nothing expect Sam Rainsy, Kem Sokha and CNRP party to change Cambodia over night. He must be on drug. For change will take time when change is dealing with dictators and murderer like hun sen and his mafia gang.