Tuesday, October 08, 2013

School of Vice's response to XMEN's message

Barbaric and distressing sights of execution of convicted citizens like this one is a common occurrence in China under single party rule since the Chinese Communist Party seized power in 1949 - School of Vice

To School of Vice,

What Eric was saying is true for a country like China of more than 1.3 billion, but do not expect other countries to follow Chinese’s model of political system. What may work for China does not always work for other countries. Perhaps those surveys presented by Eric were in fact true, but I think the majority of Chinese population might not agree with the One Party ruling, but this is only presented from Eric’s point of view and not shared by those who are living outside of China. Look around you when you are leaving your home today, and see how many Chinese people are living next door to you. If China is so well informed and managed by its government policies, you would not see Chinese are migrating to other countries. The One China Policy might be great for those who are running the government of elite Chinese, but look from a larger perspective and you will see that China is not anywhere near the United States when it comes to freedom of expression and pollution control. If China is so great under its Politburo, Eric would have moved to China already and Eric would have a chance to present his analysis on TED, but since Eric is living in the United States of America, thus, Eric is able to complete his studies and established such informative presentation and shared with TED. Eric it is only happens in the United States of America because of a legitimacy of Plural Democracy. I wish Eric would move back to China and stake his claim of legitimacy when he is openly speaking about the Chinese Policy out in the open such place not available in China. I rest my case, but thanks to Eric, it made possible for Eric to speak openly comparing to the fail of democracy while Eric is promoting China One Policy. Eric, I tell you, if this is not TED and this is not America, you would not have a chance to speak your mind my friend.



Dear XMEN,

Sorry I've just seen your message regarding this TED talk delivered by Mr Eric Li. If truth be known I had not given it much thought or interest despite the fact that it was posted by the blessed Ms Jendhamuni Sos! Nevertheless, I went back to the post and tried to make some sense out of it so I could say a few words about it in courtesy to your message. And yes my hunch about its contents and purport is, alas, justified. Unless, this man was pulling our leg or fooling around and or had a complete change in direction after the 5.50 minute mark where the words 'Adaptability', 'Meritocracy' and 'Legitimacy' appeared as characteristics of the Chinese single party governing model [all written in capital] that I stopped wasting my time following through the rest of the lecture.

Now why did I stop at that point? Because until then he had made a series of amusing observations about the grand narratives that have turned out to be just great, but ultimately unrealisable dreams and delusions of mankind. Some years back a man of Japanese descend - Francis Fukuyama - working at the US State department came to similarly grand conclusions about the triumph of market democracy and capitalism some years after the collapse of the old Soviet Empire and the lack of any alternative challenge to this exploitative corporate market model in an essay suitably and grandiosely entitled "The End of History". I remember having a discussion about the author's essay and its main thrust of argument from what I had read in the reviews of his work in the press at the time and the reference I made to it as a complete 'nonsense' during a small seminar with a distinguished professor of mine who was clearly taken aback by my rather impertinent tone and strong choice of word. But, of course, School of Vice was a lot younger at the time and much more rebelliously outspoken too!

Well the reason I stopped following this talk by Eric at point 5.50 minute was because he started eulogizing about China's single party system by using the words 'adaptability', 'meritocracy' and 'legitimacy' to characterise that system. What an insult he is, not only to the hundreds of students and protesters who were crushed to death like insects at the Tiananmen massacre by the PLA, but also to all freedom loving people everywhere.

There's not enough space for me to give a full elaborate rebuttal to this 'nonsense' from Mr Eric here. I don't know exactly what Mr Eric is or was smoking at the time; and I personally couldn't care less, and wouldn't waste time on it or over it had it not been raised by readers such as yourself and others.

I recall the words of some of my tutors who said something about both the Left and the Right of the political spectrum being extreme and oppressive. I do accept, however, that at this point in history most people would rather opt to live with the so-called 'Free World' rather than under any other alternative systems of governance on offer. At the same time, it is foolish to imagine that any of these systems are above defects or improvement, and we have witnessed growing signs of unease and disenchantment with transnational capitalism and the world of powerful faceless corporations that Karl Marx and other economists have long envisaged and feared would come to rule our lives and make us all cogs in the wheel of its machine.

As for Mr Eric I suspect he is out to 'spin' a detestable one-party ruling model, and just like Francis before him, may have his axe to grind or a pay check to draw.

It would not do justice to the topic at hand for me to go through it in passing like this. We should bear in mind that whilst the two main ruling models to some extent adopt some features belonging to the other [e.g. Marxian critique of capitalism has led to the movement towards state welfare reform or provisions] it is ‘liberal democracy’ on the whole rather than any known single party system including, but not limited to, that of China, that has shown itself to be more amenable to the climate of progressive social historical development along that ‘linear’ trajectory mentioned by Mr Eric, who I hasten to add, at this juncture is doing a great job promoting what Marx himself terms "Oriental Despotism" which is not my cup of tea, nor I trust yours also.


School of Vice


Jendhamuni said...

Dear School of Vice,

You should stick this post above mine. I will set mine to expire soon.


Anonymous said...

To School of Vice,

No where in the article indicated that I have endorsed nor promoted Eric about his argument of One China Policy versus Liberal Democracy or Plural Democracy, I am simply trying to pass on to you based on what he has said at TED about transitions in China. The response you have addressed to me seems like you have totally misinterpreted the point is being made. However, what you have written was very eloquently done and much appreciated. BTW, thanks for all of your postings and if you are Ms. Seng Theary, that is even better.



Anonymous said...

Dear School of Vice, It is really good to see you use such evidence to prove Eric that his communist party only works for China but not everywhere else and yes, it sounds so good to hear from his speech but, in reality, he seems lost and yes, you are f it is that good why do people tried to escape from China everyday trying to reach the developing world like US or EU etc? and why did they try to adopt the Western way of life and their ideology, and why did they try to adopt a new reform known as 'Under Chinese socialism characteristic' (liberalism) promoted by Deng Xiaoping etc.

Your nation tend to copycat others' ideas/ideology' and after you became successfull from the outcome, you turn around and say, 'your ideal or model is not as good as our' (bullshit). Everyone in this world knows that your communist one party nation is babaric and uncivilise. Again, your nation came successful because your nation is full of shit, that is lying, deceiving and manipulating. You steal, rob and kill and then, you say you win.

The truth is social democracy will never die out, it is already been adapted by your nation also, infect it is beginning to spread to all over the world. Oh, and talking about Francis Fukuyama, his eassy is based on the 'end of cold war' regarding nation no longer want to fight against nation but more to do with economic and capitalism, the boom and the doom etc. But he fail to recognise that history already beginning to repeat itself like, war in the Middle East, happening right now etc.

So, the truth is out there and the truth is everyone is right according to how they brough up, their environment and their influences and so on.

To Mr Kindest, you have a good point too and yes, Mr Eric can only speak in TED boosting about Chinese's model one party is one of the best but look at his country now, 1.3 billion counting and barely have enough to eat, the whole nation is being oppressed by such gov't. They are going through land grabbing, killing jounalists and activists whenever they want (such a manipulative like always).

Anonymous said...

correction from line ----'you are f it is that good why do people tried to escape from China everyday trying to reach the developing world like US or EU etc?'

I mean if you think China is that good, why did people try to escape from China everyday, trying to reach the developing world like US or EU etc?....

School of Vice said...

Dear XMEN,

Thanks for passing on what was said in this lecture.

I am sure I have said nothing that implicates you as one who either endorses or promotes this single party thing. I also clearly appreciate your positive stance on this from reading your note, and that's partly why I took time to give my response.

Had you, or I perceived you to have been endorsing or promoting Mr Eric Li's defense of the single party rule model I might have thought twice about taking issue with you on this topic.

I would therefore kindly suggest that you re-read my comment, and if you still find any thing that gives any impression otherwise, please come back to me and we can pursue it further if need be to avoid any misunderstanding!

Another reason for me writing a few words on this TED talk is the interest shown in it by some of our readers, and to this end I hope I have contributed something worthwhile to public understanding in this context.

[Perhaps, I really need to simplify my English after all!]

Take care,

Unknown said...

Dear readers,

I'm the one who sent this clip to JS to be posted in KI.
I've got this clip since July but waited for the right time to be posted for a reason: a thought provoking subject that I suspect the CPP may "Adopt" its principle to their governing policy since they have very close tie with China.
To my expectation, this post has served its purpose and I wish to express my sincere gratitude to all who responded with educational wisdom such as SOV, Xmen, Pissed off and some unsigned writers, for their contribution in freedom of expression.
I am not an expert but have been in the field for a long time to promote sustainability, engagement and building capacity in the community.
Being a long time supporter to KI, I've enjoyed the opportunity to be close to many compatriots through contribution of discussion with issues concerning our motherland.
I believe we all, except the parasites that pollute the site with nuisance postings, have been doing a great job to indirectly save Cambodia and Khmer people.

As of what Voltaire said:
We continue to unite and serve this cause until we can meet face to face one day for a nice cold drink in front of our beloved Angkor temple.

Anonymous said...

Dear School of Vice

I am from 5:55 AM and I am not Xmen. Sorry, I am writing in regarding to the post of the 'Eric's viewpoints' and nothing to do with you really. All I am saying is, it is good to see you post the real issue like such a 'capital punishment' picture, yes and while Eric is boosting about China's one party is good for China etc, or saying that, China is going to out run the world economy by 10 years time and so on, because of the Marxism's ideology etc. But, at the sametime, he forgot that one of the reason his nation became one of the successful nation was because they adopted a new reform known as 'liberal democracy'. Anyway, again, I am responding to Eric's speed more or less, that is all.

Well, to me you are doing a good job School of Vice.

School of Vice said...

Dear 6:45 AM,

Thank you for your kind words and contribution.

Thanks also to 'Yeay Tep' for her concern and insights, and to all readers who quietly read in the background and never say a word!

Anonymous said...

To School of Vice,

The very last sentence of yours struck me the most and here it is:

”Oriental Despotism" which is not my cup of tea, nor I trust yours also.”

This last statement has made me rethink of my position as a
(Op-Ed) visitor to Ki Media. If I did not do my job as an observer or analyst, I would have done something else better, but I cannot see myself doing anything else beside hovering over Ki Media. I am no where near of your expertise when it comes to writing eloquently and well informed piece of work to be displayed for all to see, but at least I am trying to get to where you are at the moment.

When a person like yourself who does not trust my judgement, it also brought to my attention about myself, thus it causes me to look at myself once more as to what I have done wrong when the only thing I do is to observe, analyze, interpret and write them into articles where hundreds of people will read them. And when you said, “nor I trust yours also” it hurts me the most.

This is a side issue:

To be honest, I am not a racist; however, I do not like the Chinese government and Vietnamese government one bit and I can openly say to the whole world on Ki Media, that I do not like the Chinese government and the Vietnamese government. If I can sit at a round table with these two governments, I will declare myself openly and make my contention that I, XMEN would like China and Vietnam to stay away from Cambodia; Second, NOT to intervene in Cambodian Affairs; Third, file a law suit against the Chinese government for contributing to the killing of Cambodian citizens of close to 2 million lives, whether they are directly or indirectly involved during 1975 to 1979; Fourth, seeking compensations against the Chinese government for distributing of military assistance to Cambodia through an illegitimate government when China is also a Signatory country that recognized the Paris Peace Agreement in October 23, 1991; Fifth, reopening of the French Protectorate Treaty between Cambodia, France and Vietnam regarding the Civil Administration which France illegally awarded to Vietnam under duress and per the Geneva War Convention of the 1954.



School of Vice said...

Dear Xmen,

Thanks again for coming back to clarify your point of contention.

I had another browse through what I wrote that might have caused you any affront, and yes I did suspect that the last phrase you quoted below would be that detail in question.

Re: ”Oriental Despotism" which is not my cup of tea, nor I trust yours also.”

In fact, this is meant as an affirmation of concurrence of, or agreement between, your principal view and mine, and should be understood as such. You should therefore take this last phrase as a compliment from a humble writer like me, for that is what it is and that is what is meant, no more and no less.

Had I placed a question mark [?] after that sentence in stead, then you and other readers would have legitimate cause to surmise my doubt as to where you stand on this matter, yet I had not done so.

Words are not precise or uniform in the way they are read and understood by people. We learn about this in the fields of hermeneutics and semantics among others, and how their textual meanings and fluidity are open very much to the person who does the reading and to his/her social conditioning and so on. Other than that, this fact is further compounded by the general level of handicap many readers here have as users of English as their second or even third language!

Every now and then someone would shout at School of Vice for spreading 'racism' or what have you under the heaven! Sometimes, this can be the work of agent provocateurs, but at other times it has to do with readers who, perhaps, reach the wrong conclusions about whatever I have written. This is part and parcel of the writer's work and labour.

Everyone has his/her cross to bear, I guess...

Anonymous said...

Dear School of vice,

Your post is explaining how cruel that regime is.
On the other hand, it also is sending the threat message to the innocent people. People may think China has very big population, which is standing by the present illegitimate Cambodia government for doing the same. I am feeling sort of intimidating about from the clip!

School of Vice said...

Dear 8:16 AM,

My message would be: fear not; it is fear that gives fuel to cruelty and tyranny in the first place, and fear that almost saw Cambodians as a 'race' wiped off the face of the earth in the 1970s.

It is far preferable to live a single day in full freedom and dignity as human than a lifetime deprived of these values.

The vast populations of China and other nations desire freedom and democracy too, and as I have stated previously, it is their states/governments that stand in their way and not their neighbours or other countries as people to people.

In the 1990s Hun Sen used the threat of the KR return to power to justify his bloody coup against Funcinpec, and this despite the fact that there were only a few hundred KR guerrillas left in the jungle of Cambodia.

Take care,

Anonymous said...

I'm not saying anything!

Ta Cyclo

Anonymous said...

"...We continue to unite and serve this cause until we can meet face to face one day for a nice cold drink in front of our beloved Angkor temple."

Yeay Tep,

Thank you for your great idea! For sure, I shall be there to participate in the cold-drink meeting in front of our beloved Angkor temple and to get to know our compatriots whose love for Cambodia and her people is unquestionable.

It is also my sincere hope that Mr. School of Vice will arrange such a meeting one day!

Until then, great happiness to all of you who are for Cambodia with independence, sovereignty, full territorial integrity, democracy and last but not least emerging and shining prosperity!

Pissed Off

Anonymous said...

Khmer people if you want to change for a better future, u must unite and fight the current government. Tired of Khmer people always of talking and didn't do shit!

dick-less and shit-lesss

Anonymous said...

"Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time."
Winston Churchill(from a House of Commons speech on Nov. 11, 1947)


TAIWAN was about to become embroiled in a civil war in 1946 due to two Political Party System (1991, partly updated in 1994). The two parties kept dragging the economic development due to their antagonism under the name of democracy but in fact remotely controlled by two super powers.

Taiwan's political development is also remarkable, though not so "progressive." A constitutional democracy with a full bill of rights was created on the mainland in 1945 or 46 possibly with the aim of pleasing the U.S., on which Chiang Kai Shek relied for aid in his battle with the communist insurgents but also probably in the vain hope that a promise of democracy might help to win the hearts and minds of the rural population and greater support from warlords and the less loyal military. The first elections in 1946 or thereabouts are likely to have been rigged in large measure, the Chinese not having experienced a national democracy in modern times at least. Even if there was not direct rigging, voter turnout was tiny and the communists boycotted. The country was about to become embroiled in a civil war anyway, so the benefit of voting in the usual sense was probably not significant. The evidence is anecdotal, however, since it has been in the interest of both sides to distort the history.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your kind response, School of vice!
I hope people are translating you clip as the encouragement not as the threaten!

From 8:16AM

Anonymous said...

Q: what's the difference between a political science graduate and a large pizza? A: a large pizza feeds a family of four.

Anonymous said...

There is a flaw in his statement. If we want to know the truth, let all Chinese people expresses freely about their form of government. This is just another form of political philosophy.

Anonymous said...

The Chinese and the Viet love to impose such evil tactics and tricks for Hun Sen to learn from, why? because they rather see all khmers die from such fault experiementation, why? so that they can have it all for themselves without going through war (a war without cost), how? by borrowing Hun's hands to do all the dirty works for them.

This what they said 'ah Hun is our dog, he has to do what is told to do or else, he is finished', so it is time for Hun to wake before it is too late. Because they had done this before, to all of our predecessor like our kingta and many others before him. Therefore, you one of them being used for their national interests.

Hun Sen, you wife is a VC who is working for the benefit of the Viet nation and ours, ok. So wake up, you have to sack her out of our kingdom before it is too late. Bun Ranny is the rebirth of the Viet ANNAN who once born to kill our innocent khmer women and here, she is again, born to kill khmer nation. You have cut the curse away from from her, by sending her to go back to where she came from VN.

It said 'behind a successful man there is a great women'. So, you woman is a fake one, just like our predecessors who also married to the evil Viet women. They have no conscience, they are evils who born to kill and to steal. Do not trust them Viets and Chinese at all. They all are liars, they pretend to be nice but NOT!.

Well. now at least everyone in this world know about them crooks.

Anonymous said...

correction: Hun Sen, you wife is a VC who is working for the benefit of the Viet nation 'BUT NOT' ours, ok.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen said: "Behind every successful man there is always a bossy woman and behind her another man."

Anonymous said...


Why should we be concerned so much about what Eric Li claim regarding success or effectiveness of single party ruling in China?

Whether I fits to China economic progress as stated, it is not for sure is a model universally applied to other state or country. There were cruelties that authority disposed onto people without respecting fundamental human rights.

One thing we all know for sure, Cambodia has suffered long enough with this typical communism with strong relationship with China.

Any reason why Burma has abandoned Communist ruling? Quite possible that China has sucked out too much of vital resources from Burma and subsequently Burmese remain poor under influence of China.
Likewise, Cambodia has , in many acts, lost her resources and has declined her integrity and her wealth.
Now, Cambodia still is under invisible invasion of Vietnam. This has been a result of mismanagement and commitment of King father.

Groundwork is in short , implementation fully of our constitution, along with financial aids from countries signatories and assistances of all national and international NGOs.

Current single, party with old corrupted officials all ranking, certainly will drown Cambodia further.
Suspension of financial aids will collapse this arrogant CPP ruling. China, for sure, will not give further financial assistance without prospect of gaining anything out of its aids.

It seems to be the right approach for CNRP requesting suspension of financial aids. This will reduce Cambodian's debt and discourage the rampant corruption. It is to see how the deep reform claimed by the PM can be achieved? He surely has to sell oil which is demanded by China and possibly Vietnam as well.

Yes, it will be some impacts on Cambodians, but they will gain respect from autocratic regime and less debts in return.

Please continue to push for CHANGE that will enable Cambodians to survive.

In solidarity we move.


Anonymous said...


Chinese MBA Programs Becoming More Competitive and Attractive

Chinese business schools may soon become dominant global players.

As the marketplace continues to evolve, the case for Chinese business schools seems to only be growing. As more Chinese students continue on to college, many experts believe an MBA will soon be viewed as a necessity, leading to even greater prestige for some of the country’s best schools. Before long, the best MBA programs in Asia may challenge the reputation of schools like Harvard and Wharton as the best business schools on the globe.

Anonymous said...

KI- You should stop posting this kind of disturbing view again. I am warning!! Have it deleted right now or else!


Anonymous said...

KI should not stop posting this kind of disturbing view. This is to let Khmer people know that this is what China do. Why many Khmer love Hun Sen who like to be under China.
Also, if you hate khmer Rouge people, should do the same to all Chinese communists.

Anonymous said...

Thank you all for your civilized discussion on this topic brought up by Eric Li. For me I like thing in the middle like Singapore system of government. I live in the US and I really appreciate the freedom that people have but sometimes I think it's a little too much. I see that school kids in the US are way too wild, so there hardly any respect for their teachers but they will grow up when they go to universities. My Asian background always remind me to be kind and respectful. That is why I like the way the government is running in Singapore. Why didn't Eric Li mentioned about this system in his presentation? Why did he go from one extreme to another?

Have a nice day!

Anonymous said...

China always been China for the past 3000 years...So it is only right that China evolved into the way China is today and only the Chinese people can inderstand...As for United States...It started out with 13 colonies and eventually grew into the whole continent of the North American from Pacific Ocean to Atlantic Ocean...So the question is...Does United States is a stolen land or Does the United States is a conquer land....Democracy is more about accomodating the differences than freedom, liberty,and justice..