Sunday, October 06, 2013

Statue of the late Norodom Sihanouk

Courtesy ស្តាយ៍របស់ខ្ញុំ My Style


Anonymous said...

Today is the last day of BON PCHUM BEN ,
I would love to offer my merits to our Khmer people who sacrificed and lost lives to defend our Khmer Nation from the invasions of our historic enemies SIAM and YUON , under KHMER ROUGE Killing Fields and especially SIHANOUK 's STYLES

SIHANOUK is a ZOMBIE permanently that what he wished to be .


Anonymous said...

Khmer people need to ask a question, what Sihanouk had done for Khmer Nation?

Did he deserve to be a Khmer King?

Anonymous said...

He brought all the destructions to cambodia and cambodians worship him as god .It`s unbelieveable

Anonymous said...

Ah Sdach Chkuot Kanduoy Mer Vear Ah sihanouk.

Anonymous said...

After destroying his country and million lives then shit hole family still the KING.

It is very sad that some people still believe he is the King of GOD!

The royal family should eliminate. When his wife dies, the nation will spend million dollars with her stinky body.

Anonymous said...

Sihanouk was a bad model king. His leadership was giving hands to the traditional enemy youn vietcong to invade Cambodia. His stupidity , selfishness , incapability, stubbornness had pushed the country into war which caused 3 millions khmer lives got killed and murdered. He did not work hard enough to build and protect the country as a leader and a king of the country. He spent the precious time for the country on his pleasures such as singing, making films, meeting movies stars, throwing parties by using national budget. He was a drunk power king because he listened to a monster woman vietcong Monique. She drove him crazy. She has shared and involved the Sihanouk crimes . She must go to ICC for what she has done to khmer people.