Tuesday, October 08, 2013

West vs China's ideology

Your wish has been granted, Kalohn Chuck... [Relaxing music]
Kalonh Chuck said... Jendhamuni, this clip deserves to be a sticky for a while up on the main page
if KI-Media doesn't see any objection to it. Thank you. Kal  8:17 AM
Dear KI Team,
At TED audience Eric X. Li presents very well with his research on A Tale of Two Political Systems.
I suspect the brain of the CPP teaches Hun Sen with the implementation of the concepts which they
seem to copy the model for their government. ~KI reader


Anonymous said...

Cambodia can never like China because Cambodia has leaders that prop up by foreigners to serve their own interest! Even if Cambodia has one party system or democracy Cambodia can't seem to escape the trap set up by the foreigners!

Adaptability, Meritocracy, and legitimacy....Cambodia doesn't have none it!

Anonymous said...

Why China can implement reforms or changes faster than any country on Earth...So who is in the position to implement these reforms or changes in Chinese society? It is the highly educated college graduated from around the world from United States, Germany, France...of course from the best Chinese School..

In Cambodia it is all about Hun Sen and the King to bring about reforms and changes...A former Khmer Rouge solider and a former ballet dancer can bring change for Cambodia? Cambodian people can wait until Hun Sen die and then his son die, and then his grandson die, and then his next generation and the generation after....

Cambodia can't wait any longer and Cambodia needs reforms and changes now!

Anonymous said...

very interesting presentation! It reinforced the comment I wrote about posssible deal-breaking to remove the stalemate even before the first meeting between CNRP and CPP at the royal palace.

The common or share point here in the Chinese system as presentented in Eric Li's concept of a meritocracy one-party system vs. plural-parties Western democracy is the "term limit" - a crucial tyranny or dictatorship deterence.

However, even though the Chinese meritocracy one-party system is experiencing an unprecedented economic growth, I disagree that, in the long run, it would become the only best model of government worldwide. One of the one-party system's flaws that would continue to perpetuate limitation on creativity and sense of equality is the practice of "meritocracy" in a small chosen group. That is not any new system.

The economic success of China, in my opinion, is due to the openess and the embrace of capitalism by the one-party state. The opportunity and timing was a great combination, and it has produced spectacular result when compared with the recent failed state of the Chinese total communistic one-party system.

For the countries that have chosen the Wetern-style democracy, there should not be a wholesale of hopelessness. The current tconomic turmoils in much of the western world was, in a big part, due to the fact that untamed capitalism fueled by the singular intent of maximum profits has given China this great opportunity to expand its economy.

Meritocracy and term limit keep check on tyranny of individuals, and multi-party system keeps check on tyranny of groups.

The economy is a didfferent topic, which we all can learn from the Chinese economic success and the worn-out and tired Western capitalism.

Anonymous said...

If one-party system allows the people to compete to be their best and the outcome is still a success!

If plural-parties system (Western democracy)allow peoples to compete to be their best and the outcome is still a success! So success is success!

If one-party system can put the man on the moon or in space and the plural-parties system can do the same ....so this mean there are more than one ways of government system by the people. According to the Chinese statistic their one-party system showed all positive achievement. But the plural-parties system are not doing so well...more about voting and regret! ahahhahhah

Anonymous said...

The life style of the Chinese people are more austere and rigid while the Western culture more liberal, inquisitive, and outgoing...this is the reason why the European conquered most of the continents on Earth...and their advance in science, military, and the research in new discovery over the century worth more than China recent advance in economic...

Only time will tell...

Anonymous said...

11:42 PM,

You got a point there; except it took China about 50 years after the first humans, Americans, landed on the moon. And it took Deng and his successors to realize the economic failure of a system of one-party in political and economic.

And I hope the long lasting CPP one-party regime will soon achieve that status of Chinese success after most of the 99-year economic concessions and contracts have reached their maturity.

Thank you for your solid optimistic outlook of the one-party system, especially, a la Dek Cho's triangular strategy.

Anonymous said...

The one-party system would have been Cambodia's chance in her lifetime if our country is not a satellite of Vietnam. This system led by its unpatriotic leader benefits almost 100% Vietnam instead of Cambodia as proven by Cambodia's poorer rural citizens let alone same natural resources destruction. Our natural resources issues are same as those in China due to the total disregard of eco-system codes.

China, Singapore, and other one-party system countries have been modernized and developed at exponential rate to uplift their people out of pioverty with slower upward trend in corruption-free effort. In contrast, our country Cambodia has downward trend in corruption despite slight improvement in fighting against poverty.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks a million guys for all of your productive and rationalistic comments made above. I am so glad that there is no thuggish comment from the parasites or virus that usually pollute this blog of discussion.
The best part is each one of the comment makes sense with knowledgeable argument. Imagine if every subject would have the same effect as this one.

I wish for all of our Khmer educated, inside and outside Cambodia and from every corner of the globe would join force to work together in saving this nation from the evilness and thuggish leadership.

Karl [Kalonh] Chuck said...

From a standpoint of a simple middle class like myself, I found it a bit overwhelming to be able to understand the entire thing about this so-called 'Tale of Two political systems' without further researches. As a professional on the subject matter coupling off with his excellent answers to the questions raised, Eric X. Li is one of a very brilliant Chinese descent guy! My hat off to him!

Jendhamuni, this clip deserves to be a sticky for a while up on the main page if KI-Media doesn't see any objection to it. Thank you.


Jendhamuni said...

Dear 5:33 AM,

My pleasure.


Anonymous said...

Yes, thank you, KI team, for posting this interesting video clip.

I really enjoyed the ending part of Mr. Li's presentation where he concluded that there should not be a single universal system, or any forced alternative, but the existence of alternatives.

So, in my simple state of mind and being (that of a proletarian, not middle class like Kal), I would like to pose a question - Is the current Cambodian system a responsive authoritarian one?

Anonymous said...

Presentations on TED are very high in substances of educational concept.
An other good one is Amy Caddy: Your body language shapes who you are.
Please spare the good 18 minutes of your time and concentrate with her presentation that links with this video clip.

Anonymous said...

He was born in Shanghai, China. He received his education at Berkeley, it is hypocrite for him to mock at democracy process/progress.

Anonymous said...

You choose political system if you have country.
It is useless for Cambodians at this moment.
We must get rid of Vietnam first, then we can talk about this shit.

Anonymous said...

wrong! khmer needs to be ONE first before we can get rid of yuon!

Anonymous said...

To 11:25AM

I agree on that part...

In addition, Western democracy are more open to the whole world. The Chinese one-party system is for Chinese only! You don't see the whole want to go and live in China but you do see the whole world want to come to live in America and Europe...

God bless America the land of the free and the home of the brave!

Anonymous said...

To 11:32 AM

You are right! Cambodia doesn't even have a government but a Vietcong puppet government that allowed Youn leaders and Youn population to run wild all over Cambodia!

Cambodia has law but not enforce!
Cambodia has constitution but useless and Hun Sen respect only the part that serves his needs!
Cambodia has land and resources but for Youn and Chinese to do whatever they want! Cambodia has court, military, and police and all work for Youn and the Chinese!

I don't even know what will become of Cambodia under Hun Sen leadership and will Hun Sen lead Cambodian people to freedom or to slavery under Youn oppression just like the Khmer Krom people?

This is the darkest Cambodian history in the making with the Hun Sen and Youn being the author! Cambodian people will be wrote off into extinction!

Anonymous said...

He was born in Shanghai, China. He received his education at Berkeley, it is hypocrite for him to mock at democracy process/progress.

11:25 AM

AND 11:47 AM,

Your limited mindset to define democracy with your conservative thinking of how you understand its meaning does reflect your misinterpretation of Mr. Li's presentation.

Anonymous said...

if united stated become Chinese communist I will kill myself. oh if he think china is better than western, how come so many small eyes are keeping immigrated from mainland to usa?

Anonymous said...

It is quite interesting concept of a progress of a nation by application of nationalism via single party. Success is based on selection of refining process to those who supposed to lead the country. Either model, whether plural or single party governance it relies on knowledges learnt through institutions or learn as you go process.

It all come back to nationalism, compassion and application of morality/ ethics of each application in governing.

Tremendous lack of knowledge, nationalism and Ethics in current governance in Cambodia. On top of uncontrolled corruption led by Hun Sen, the interference from Vietnam is so crucial that still this government ignores to the plight of own citizens.

Simply put it, single party governance in Cambodia is absolutely irrelevant to benefit Cambodia.

Neang Sa

Anonymous said...

The only true and sure way to find out beyond any reasonable doubt if the Chinese political system is better than the western democracy or vice versa is to ask the people in the respective countries themselves.

Ask the Chinese if they want to move to American and then ask the Americans if they want to move to China.

I doubt that the majority of the Chinese people, if given the opportunity, will vote to stay with the current Chinese communist regime. The fact that they are satisfied, as shown in the statistics presented by Li, with the direction their government is heading tells us nothing about their true aspiration. Several years ago, if you were to survey Cambodians about Hun Sen's government, many would have said they supported the CPP government and that is simply due to the fact that they fear for their safety and of persecution and retaliation if they were to say otherwise.

Keep in mind the following facts, when you compare the two systems with respect to economic prosperity, the Americans or westerners tend to spend beyond their means and the Chinese can be quite thrifty!

Westerners are less tolerant of the hardship and inconvenience and can complain for things the Chinese consider trivial and are happy to live with.

Ask the Chinese if they are happy with a policy of one child per family being forced down their throats. After all, the Chinese have already started to import brides from many countries in SE Asia into China since they don't have enough girls for their boys.

Pissed Off

Anonymous said...


...move to America...

Pissed Off

Anonymous said...

According to the economic theory of the current economic boom in China is still in the recovery phase, but not in the degree of saturation as the western countries. Your pride awareness statement about China is still very early to confirm that.

Anonymous said...

I don't like this Chinese dude. If he is all that, why does he stay put in China already. He is able to be what he is because of the American democratic system, not his centuries old Chinese system for which will never be amount to anything.

Anonymous said...

Look to this document:

Anonymous said...

He gave a talk as a scholar without being biased through lies and servitude for the country that helped him to succeed.

Anonymous said...

Elegant and good content of substance speech. But it doesn't represent the whole intended itsself to cover the broad spetrum of its ideology.
First, his name is ERIC X.Li. Eric is not a chinese name. Like it or not, Eric has mistakenly already absorbed the western culture into his body.
Yes, China has been making a huge progress, leap and bounce for economic and military. The progress has not been solely base on the Chinese version of economic and prosperity development but rather than a copy cat of western striving capitalism catapult interject into the Chinese society. Mr. Eric already acknowledged in the form of confession that the Chinese's way of democracy with one party rule is not the model of export but again rather absorbed in self interest. It would be quite genuis and point of crossmatch to elaborate to the fact that the Chinese's intrigued model can not be declared as the universal application of norm and basic instinct of human's conceptual of thinking but just to serve its purpose only to defensive mechanism of self perpetual development.
Eric's pointed out also that the core of many Chinese leaders to reach to the top stemmed from the stringent and self/peer criticizing for perfection but niot a silver spoon. Nonetheless, it is the basis common sense of every individual to acqure these step but it is on all neccesary to follow the norm of Maslow hierrachy stain. Fuzu.fuku zi cascades were seemd to have an adoption of psychology trail of error and success.

It is important not to forget that the whole thing, which contributed to China's transformation of economic miracle has been well known to be the causative factors of reform or death of arrival. how many Chinse students and intellectual have abosorbed the western architecture of bussiness conduction and translated into the Chinese version of self model of copycat.
Make its short, the model can be appealed to the group that appear enthusiastic of money making oriented minds rather to apl;ly across spectrum in retripective to every class in the Chinese. society. Well , now Eric can see in the next twenty years of multi pluralistic in China. Remember that China itself has been transformed from many type of social classes and societ, it is very slow LONG MARCH but it takes Chinese people in the next hundred years to realize ehwat they need to adapt ot the world beside economic achievement.

Anonymous said...

To School of Vice,

What Eric was saying is true for a country like China of more than 1.3 billion, but do not expect other countries to follow Chinese’s model of political system. What may work for China does not always work for other countries. Perhaps those surveys presented by Eric were in fact true, but I think the majority of Chinese population might not agree with the One Party ruling, but this is only presented from Eric’s point of view and not shared by those who are living outside of China. Look around you when you are leaving your home today, and see how many Chinese people are living next door to you. If China is so well informed and managed by its government policies, you would not see Chinese are migrating to other countries. The One China Policy might be great for those who are running the government of elite Chinese, but look from a larger perspective and you will see that China is not anywhere near the United States when it comes to freedom of expression and pollution control. If China is so great under its Politburo, Eric would have moved to China already and Eric would have a chance to present his analysis on TED, but since Eric is living in the United States of America, thus, Eric is able to complete his studies and established such informative presentation and shared with TED. Eric it is only happens in the United States of America because of a legitimacy of Plural Democracy. I wish Eric would move back to China and stake his claim of legitimacy when he is openly speaking about the Chinese Policy out in the open such place not available in China. I rest my case, but thanks to Eric, it made possible for Eric to speak openly comparing to the fail of democracy while Eric is promoting China One Policy. Eric, I tell you, if this is not TED and this is not America, you would not have a chance to speak your mind my friend.



Anonymous said...

His theory is really shit. Why? Because in his head is full of oppressed idea to the week people. In my office, I have two Chinese friends he told about the real thing in China.

Anonymous said...

To 12:20 PM,

"Your limited mindset to define democracy with your conservative thinking of how you understand its meaning does reflect your misinterpretation of Mr. Li's presentation."

According to your statement, most of us made comments here are limited mindset to define democracy.

Anonymous said...

If we are likes China, Good bless! China changes Leaders every four years.