7 November 2013 – A senior United Nations official today appealed
to the international community to provide funding to the UN-backed
tribunal trying Khmer Rouge leaders accused of mass killings in
Cambodia, which is experiencing financial difficulties preventing it
from completing its work.
“We all agree that there can be no impunity for crimes which tear at the
very fabric of our common humanity. But we have to do more than agree –
and more than speak out. We have to match our words with actions,” the
Deputy Secretary-General, Jan Eliasson, said at the pledging conference in New York for the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC).
“Words do not pay the bills. If we do not pay the bills, we will fail to
live up to our noble declarations. We will let down the millions of
Cambodians who watched their relatives die, who survived atrocities, and
who still live with a burning desire to see justice done. We will fail
future generations who look to history for proof that justice can
triumph over violence.”
The ECCC is a hybrid court established in 2006 to try senior leaders and
those most responsible for the crimes committed during the Khmer Rouge
regime. It is staffed by a mix of Cambodian and international employees
and judges. More than 100,000 people have attended hearings since the
trial began, many of them survivors of the Khmer Rouge regime who
travelled far to watch the proceedings.
The ECCC is funded on the basis of voluntary contributions. However, in
recent years available financing has dropped below the Court’s operating
expenditures. For months, the staff worked without pay and in
September, unpaid staff went on strike.
“We are aware that donors are experiencing financial constraints,” Mr.
Eliasson said. “In crafting the ECCC’s budget, we have held wide-ranging
consultations to achieve all possible savings and make it as
cost-effective as possible. The budget now before the Principal Donors
Group reflects our stream-lined and scaled-back approach.”
Mr. Eliasson stressed that no justice institution, should have to cope
with such uncertainties, adding that financially-induced stoppages have a
detrimental effect on ongoing judicial proceedings.
The Cambodian Government has pledged to fulfil its obligations under an
agreement with the UN, by contributing an additional $1.8 million to
cover the costs of the national staff through the end of 2013.
Mr. Eliasson welcomed this contribution, but added that additional
financial support should not be a one-time occurrence and should instead
be sustained into the next year of the Court’s operation and beyond.
“At the same time, donors should provide consistent and appropriate
levels of support in order to sustain the international component of the
ECCC,” he said.
“The Secretary-General and I are deeply concerned that a project of this
global importance is at risk at failing, for want of the necessary
financial support. Such a fateful, indeed humiliating, outcome –
unprecedented in international justice – would amount to abdication of
some of our most fundamental principles and values.”
Mr. Eliasson called on all Member States to renew their commitment and
cooperation to the ECCC and the on-going judicial proceedings.
1 comment:
ស្សរាប់លានាក់ បន្ទាប់ពីតុលាការE.C.C.Cបាន
បិទបញ្ចប់សំណុំរឿង០០២វគ្គទី១នៅថ្ងៃទី៣១ ខែ
តុលា ឆ្នាំ២០១៣កន្លងផុតទៅ។
ខ្ញុំបានស្តាប់ឭសំដីលោកនួន ជាបានជំរាបដល់ ចៅក្រមជាតិនិងអន្តរះជាតិនៅថ្ងៃចុងក្រោយនេះ
ពីប្រទេសកម្ពុជាទេគឺ៖យៀកកុងបង្កប់ លោកទទួ
១=ប្រជាជនកម្ពុជាត្រូវបានគេបង្អត់បាយ និងឲ្យ
មួយយៀកណាម នៅភាគបូពា៕
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