Monday, May 22, 2006

Brunei's sultan expected to visit Cambodia later this year

Brunei's Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah, seen here in December 2005, is expected to make his first visit to Cambodia later this year as Prime Minister Hun Sen proposed direct flights between the two nations.(AFP/File/Laurent Fievet)

Mon May 22, 2006

PHNOM PENH (AFP) - Brunei's Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah is expected to make his first visit to Cambodia later this year as Prime Minister Hun Sen proposed direct flights between the two nations.

During a meeting Monday with Brunei's new ambassador to Cambodia, Hun Sen asked the oil-rich kingdom to begin direct flights either to the capital Phnom Penh or Siem Reap, the gateway to Cambodia's famed Angkor temples, his spokesman said Monday.

"The ambassador said she will try her best to work out the premier's proposal," spokesman Eang Sophalleth said.

He said an agreement on civil aviation has already been signed between the two, and that Cambodia wanted to take advantage of increased tourism between ASEAN-member states.

Cambodia and Brunei are both part of the regional Association of Southeast Asian Nations, which also includes Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

The ambassador, Pengiran Hajah Basmillah Binti Pengiran Hajah Abbas, also told the Cambodian prime minister that she hoped the visit by the sultan would strengthen ties between the two countries, Eang Sophalleth said. No date has been set yet for the trip.

The ambassador also proposed dropping visa requirements for Cambodians to visit Brunei to encourage more tourism, the spokesman said.


Anonymous said...

i have read in magazine hemisphere,some years back during the early days of brunei,s independance in which it stated : the ancesters of the sultan of brunei were princes from angkor. a faction of khmer princes who lost in fraticidal civil war. they quit angkor and their fleet landed at brunei to found the present dynasty.they adopted islam ever since.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I hope he still speak Khmer!

Anonymous said...

Hahah, you guys are funny, especially Guest 9:44AM. Hahaha.

Now as for me, I heard another differnt story. It is rumored that the founders of the glorious Buddhist Sailendra Dynasty of the country now called Indonesia were from Nokor Phnom (Funan), Cambodia.

At any rate, according to history, leaders from ancient Cambodia created successful city-states. For example, the founder of Ayuthia Kingdom was the son-in-law of one of the Angkor Kings. The founder of Laos Kingdom was also the son-in-law of one of the Angkor Kings. A top general of the Khmer Angkorian troops declared Champa's independence from Angkor. A one-eyed leader of modern Cambodia illegally gave away Khmer ancestral lands and islands to the predatory neighbors. The list goes on. Now I begin to understand why Cambodia keeps experiencing this shrinking phenomemon.Hahhah

Anonymous said...

Please watch the problem at the southern part of Thailand.

His Majesty of Brunei may come to visit Cambodia in good term, but don't give any wrong idea to the Thai and The United Stated that we are backing you up from the other direction of their country. We had enough miss understanding with our powerful friends.
A lot of us Cambodian live in the United States. Most of us are her true citizens. Please don't ruin our perfect relationship.