Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Cambodian unions threaten nationwide strike action

Rong Chhun (L), Cambodia's Independent Teachers Association president, and Chea Mony (R), president of the Free Trade Union (Photo: Sralanh Khmer newspaper)

Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Trade unions in Cambodia are threatening a nationwide strike if the government fails to meet their demands for higher wages and a shorter working week.

The strike threat was made in a joint letter to Prime Minister Hun Sen by the leaders of the Free Trade Union movement and the country's Independent Teacher Association.

The unions are also calling for a cut in the petrol price, which is at a current record high of one US dollar a litre.

There has been no immediate response to the strike call by government officials.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is about time,these courageous guys take thing serious. Action speaks louder,show them who is the boss.They may have tanks and planes.But pilots and drivers have peole as relatives and friends.

Do the arithmatic,