Monday, May 22, 2006

Cambodia's ex-king Sihanouk to return Friday: palace

PHNOM PENH (AFP) - Cambodia's former king Norodom Sihanouk will return home this Friday after a long absence that he blamed partially on political tensions here, a palace official has said.

The cancer-stricken Sihanouk, who left for Beijing last August to undergo medical treatment before moving to Pyongyang, has told aides he wants a low-key homecoming, without the presence of government officials or media.

"He will return on May 26 ... he is just coming back as a normal person," palace priest Heng Kim Kun told AFP.

In March, Sihanouk said political tensions at home made it unsafe for him to return after several dissenters were jailed for defamation for their criticism of a border agreement with Vietnam.

The former king is also a vocal opponent of the controversial pact that Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen signed with his Vietnamese counterpart in October, saying it cedes too much territory to Cambodia's former political patron.

Sihanouk abdicated the throne in October 2004 to his son Norodom Sihamoni, citing old age and health problems.

Despite giving up his role as monarch, Sihanouk remains a powerful figure in Cambodia and frequently wades into the political fray with sometimes-blistering communiques.

In April he threatened to sue any newspapers that defamed or criticised him.


Anonymous said...

Coward normal person Sihanouk finally forced himself to return to Nam Vang to pay tribute his unofficial regent for life Sdach Kan wanna-be.Cowardscares for head roll on the way to Royalty brothel.
Coward changed his mind like bamboo under breezes.
Why doesn't he stay and die in Beijing?

Anonymous said...

I hope Sihanouk will form a party (not to oppress Cambodians as he did) but to get rid the Vietnamese mole HUN SEN and his collaborators of the power and abrogate the border treaty with the colonialist Vietnam.
This is the only way he could save his name in our history.

Anonymous said...

Political tension at home made it unsafe for him? And He is a vocal opponent of the controversial pack the Arkwark signed w/ the viets?
Shame on you the ex-king, at your age you should not scare of death?
You did permit the vietcong used our teritory to fight w/usa, but now you don't want anyone follow your footstep. You did not admit that you did that and also was unhappy that the current gov. ran the song on the national radio that sing: you sold our land to vietcong. You should look your own picture in the mirror, buster?

Anonymous said...

You guys, know his trick too??????

Anonymous said...

Please leave the King Sihanouk alone! At the age of 84, he is resigned to life!

Anonymous said...

OLD KING IS A COCK SUCKER!, EVERTHING THAT KHMER LOSTS UP-TODATE WERE DUE TO HIS IGNORNACE POLICY AND NARROW MINDED. Never trust a short guy to lead the country. If he and his fucking royal family were just to stay as king and people just carry his as arround in Angkor Wat Temple, that would be alright. But untill he think he's King, might as well deal with Politic too, then Cambodia go down hell....not hill.

Fucking King, I'm glad his son Funcinpic is breaking apart. This party should be lable as having fun (funcimpic) with sucking their own dick!!.

I'm sorry all Khmer people for my bad words, because i'm so mad and angry what having lost so much and affected my live everyday...

I can't believe that Khmer people suffer and go thru so much just like me and my families.

Anonymous said...

I agree, everyting is short about his King.. That's why his wife doesn' look too happy, but she pretends she does like him since they still have a little bit of reputation left to walk around as former king. I think, we should get ride of King period...No more KING since it does not good to Khmer anyway.