Thursday, May 25, 2006

Is Using the Word Yuon Justified and Beneficial for Khmer?

The following is an Op-Ed written by Kenneth So regarding the use of the word "yuon" in the Cambodian language. Prior to this Op-Ed, Dr. Trudy Jacobsen who claimed to have been an 18-year resident of Cambodia, stated in her letter to the Phnom Penh Post (see below) that the use of the word "yuon" is pejorative.

Is Using the Word Yuon Justified and Beneficial for Khmer?

By Kenneth So
Op-Ed Distributed Online
May 24, 2006

The issue of Westerners objecting to Khmers for calling a Vietnamese “Yuon” has come up over and over again since UNTAC came to Cambodia. We have been called racists for using this word.

I have written many articles responding to those accusations and even sent a letter to The Washington Times defending Mr. Sam Rainsy when this newspaper published a letter from Dr. David Roberts (Lecture from the school of History and International Affairs, University of Ulster, Northern Ireland) accusing Mr. Sam Rainsy as racist. Attached please see my letter that I wrote to the newspaper on September 20, 2002.

Because of the expenditure (time, energy, and political) we spend defending our position on this issue and get us back to full circle, I am rethinking my position on this subject. I will always defend our right to use the word “Yuon” to refer to a Vietnamese whenever we speak or write in Khmer. However, we have the choice to use the word “Yuon” whenever we write in English or speak to a Westerner, but is it prudent or beneficial for us to do so?

Before I express my position further on this subject, allow me first to educate the Westerners who think they really understand Khmer people.

There is no doubt in my mind that some Westerners know and understand the Khmer language very well. Some of them who have been staying in Cambodia for a long time may even feel that they know how Khmer people think and behave. However, I don’t believe that the understanding of a Khmer language alone and also living in Cambodia (some for a short and some for a long period of time) will truly open up the Khmer soul to Westerners. Khmerness is more than knowing the language and living in Cambodia. Khmerness is speaking the language, understanding Khmer idioms, appreciating Khmer jokes and their nuances, and enjoying Khmer musics and poetries. It is a feeling that resonates with the feelings of Khmer people living in Cambodia. A Khmer is a person that has never had the comfort and security that Westerners have in which they take it for granted. A Khmer is not synonymous with Pol Pot. The actions that Pol Pot had committed and the Western media description of his evilness have portrayed Khmer people as savage, uncivilized, and racist. A Khmer is a person who is proud of the civilization that Angkor has left as its legacy. Khmers are people that are constantly living under threat, both within and without the kingdom, who have witnessed the disappearance of Khmer territory to their powerful neighbors. If one does not have any of those feelings, one can never totally comprehend a Khmer.

Having said that, I will attempt to explain that the word “Youn” is not a racist word. The word “Youn” in a Khmer language is a neutral word. In general, when we call the Vietnamese “Youn”, there is no malice intended.

I believe most Westerners’ confusion come from the fact that there is a word Vietnamese in the Western vocabulary. The misunderstanding is that for Khmer people to opt using the word “Youn” instead of the word Vietnamese give Westerners the impression that we are racists.

I think I can explain this. When we speak in Khmer, it is very awkward and does not sound right to the ear to use the word Vietnamese. However, when we speak in English or French then it is more natural to use the word Vietnamese and it would become awkward to use the word “Youn.”

Let me give an example. If I want to say, “Fishermen are mostly Vietnameses” and I want to use both words, “Youn” and Vietnamese, to say that sentence in Khmer. In Khmer we would then say, “Pourk Neak Nisart Trey Keu Chreun Tè Youn” or “Pourk Neak Nisart Trey Keu Chreun Tè Choun Cheat Vietnam”. It therefore requires more effort to use the word Vietnam to describe the Vietnamese because we have to say “Choun Cheat Vietnam” to describe a Vietnamese. We cannot say, “Pourk Neak Nisart Trey Keu Chreun Tè Vietnam” because Vietnam is a country. In Khmer, the word Vietnamese alone does not exist unless one uses the word “Youn.”

It is rare in Khmer language to have a racist word attributed to different races. However, this does not mean that we don’t have a strong vocabulary that connotes racism. If we hate or disrespect somebody we would add an adjective “A” in front of the word that we intend to use. If we say “A Youn”, then it is a sign or disrespect but not necessarily a racist remark. To be racist we would have to say “A Katop”, “A Gnieung”, or “A Sakei Daung.” Some Westerners who compare the word “Youn” that we use to call a Vietnamese to the word Nigger that the Americans use to call a Black is completely misleading and show that they do not know really understand the Khmer language.

If we were to speak in Khmer and call the Vietnamese “A Katop”, then I would consider it derogatory and racist in content. If we were to say, “Pourk Youn” or simply “Youn”, meaning Vietnamese people or Vietnamese, respectively, then there is no reason for Westerners to condemn us for saying so. If we were to say, “A Youn”, again it does not necessarily mean racism but rather a disrespectful way of calling a Vietnamese.

To show Westerners how a meaning is changed when we apply the adjective “A” in front of a sentence. For example, when a Khmer says, “Lombol Yo, Tveu Oy Ahgn Lours Proleung”, which more or less means, “Son of a gun, you scare the hell out of me.” Now, if I add “A” in front of the sentence such as, “A Lombol Yo, Tveu Oy Ahgn Lours Proleung”, then the meaning is becoming more vulgar, which is equivalent to saying, “Son of a bitch, you scare the hell out of me.”

I have a Khmer friend who is married to a Vietnamese woman. He calls his wife “Youn” all the time. He said, “Propaun khniom Youn”, meaning my wife is Vietnamese. Is he racist then? If he is racist why would he marry a Vietnamese?

It is very dangerous for Westerners who do not know the intricacies and the little nuances of the Khmer language to theorize on the meaning of certain words or phrases. The misinterpretation or misunderstanding of the Khmer language can harm us tremendously.

Many Khmers feel that we should not bend and accommodate to the will and whim of the Westerners because of their ignorance. The inaptitude of the Westerners on the understanding of the usage of the word “Youn” reminds me of a recent case that took place in the United States. The teacher of a high school was using the word “Niggardly” to describe a person that is very stingy about his spending. Because of this, he was reprimanded and told not to use that word again because its sounds too much like the word Nigger.

Now that I have educated the Westerners, should I feel free to use the word “Yuon” from now on? Recently, a friend of mine made a comment that Khmers have used the word “Yuon” over centuries, as recently as during the Sangkum Reastr Niyum of Norodom Sihanouk both in newspapers and over the radio air waves. He further said, there should not be any reasons for Khmers to stop using the word “Yuon” because of complains from the international community and protest from the Vietnamese government that consider the word to be derogatory.

The above comment is fair. Now, let me state my position on this subject. As a pragmatist, I am looking for what is best for Cambodia as she moves into the 21st Century and into the era of internet and globalization.

As I try to remember, I don’t believe I have ever encountered the use of the word “Yuon” in French or English newspapers/magazines in Cambodia back during the era of Sangkum Reastr Niyum. I do not recall Khmers calling a Vietnamese “Yuon” when speaking in French. We, especially my family and I, always said “les vietnamiens et les chinois” and not “les yuons et les chens.” However, I think it is still appropriate to us the word “Yuon” when speaking or writing in Khmer

Having said that, I will give my reasons why it is more beneficial for us to stop using the word “Yuon” whenever we speak or write in French or English.

Reason #1
Comparing the time during the Sangkum Reastr Niyum to today is not appropriate. Cambodia was relatively independent and self-sufficient during Sangkum Reastr Niyum. However, Cambodia of today is not independent because we receive about 50% of financial aids from foreign governments and the UN. Because we are at the mercy of foreign governments and the UN for our economic survival, therefore we cannot ignore advices or suggestions from them.

Reason #2
I believe the misunderstanding on the meaning of the word “Yuon” was caused by foreign advisors to Yasushi Akashi when he was the head of UNTAC in Cambodia. Those so-called foreign experts in Khmer language told Akashi that the word “Yuon” was a derogatory word. This misunderstanding then spread out like a wildfire. Now it is impossible to convince Westerners otherwise. We would have spent too much energy defending the usage of the word “Yuon” and reaching only a small percentage of the western population for our explanation. Do we have to defend our usage of the word “Yuon” every time a Westerner questions our intention? Can our valuable time be put to better use instead?

Reason #3
There are words in English or French for Vietnamese or Chinese. If we were to write in French or English and decide to use the word “Yuon” or “Chen” instead of the internationally recognizable words for Vietnamese and Chinese, then it is understandable that Westerners may get confused and think we are prejudiced and racist. Why do some Khmers insist on using the word “Yuon” or “Chen” when writing in French or English? What do we have to gain from using those words?

Reason #4
There are more Westerners and international newspapers and media in the world than in Cambodia. The international newspapers can reach a greater number of audiences in the world than we can. If western newspapers print out in their articles that we are racist because we use the word “Yuon” to label the Vietnamese, it will then reach a very large numbers of readers in the world. It is therefore impossible for us, Khmers, to target that many numbers of readers to counterbalance our view. Additionally, it is very hard to justify our usage of the word “Yuon” or “Chen” to the Westerners when there are acceptable replacements for those words in French or English that are used internationally by every country.

Reason #5
The perception and impression that we portray ourselves to the world are very important. If Westerners perceive us as racist because of our insistence of using the word “Yuon”, then it is our duty to change that perception. We cannot just explain away our right of using the word “Yuon” because it has been in our vocabulary for thousands of years. For thousands of years Cambodians speak only Khmer and did not speak French or English. “Yuon” and “Chen” were the only words known to us to describe the Vietnamese and Chinese, respectively. It was then natural to call the Vietnamese “Yuon” and the Chinese “Chen” because there were no other substitutes for these words. Now that we are living in a modern era where everybody communicates in French or English, we are therefore exposed to the new international vocabularies to describe the people of Vietnamese’s and China’s descents. Why can’t we adapt and accept the change? Why do we stubbornly cling to our old way of justifying that we are right and everybody else is wrong? We may be right but our attitude of intransigence give the perception to Westerners that we are arrogant and racist. What is the harm of replacing the word “Yuon” and “Chen” to describe the Vietnamese (or Vietnamien) and Chinese (or Chinois) when we write in English or French?

Reason #6
There is no way we can win the battle of ideas in this one. We are losing the public relation’s war and there is no way we can convince enough Westerners we are right on this issue. I, myself, consider the usage of the word “Yuon” and “Chen” when writing in French or English to be awkward and somewhat pejorative. However, I still believe it is acceptable to use those words when we speak or write in Khmer. It is much harder for me to say “Choun Cheat Vietnam” or “Choun Cheat Chen” than to say “Yuon.” Or “Chen” in Khmer.

I personally feel it is in the best interest for us to stop using the words “Yuon” and “Chen” to describe the Vietnamese or Chinese when speaking or writing in French or English. There is nothing for us to gain for using those words. There are too much time and energy wasting on this subject that could have been better served helping the country. We are not living in the 10th century where we have no other options to describe the Vietnamese or Chinese. During that time we spoke only Khmer. Now that we are living in the 21st century and are being exposed to the rest of the world where the communication is conducted mostly in English, it is therefore incumbent upon us to learn and adapt to our new environment. There are internationally recognizable and acceptable words to describe people of Vietnamese’s or Chinese’s descents. We must use those words to communicate in French or English because it is not only the right thing to do but it is also beneficial for us. We are not living in an isolated environment but rather in an era of globalization. We cannot afford the rest of the world to portray us as intransigence and racist. We are the victim of our own intransigence because we refuse to change and allow other people to define us instead. We have to make our image of who we are. We cannot make ourselves be the victim of the whole Khmer-Vietnamese affairs by allowing others to define us as racist and spending our time to defend ourselves. If we remove the racism sticker by stopping the usage of the word “Yuon” at least in the written communication part of it, then many problems will be solved by themselves. More time can be focused on the real problems that exist between Cambodia and Vietnam.

Whenever I need to find solutions to some problems or try to improve on certain situations in life, I always go back to the story told in “La Fable de La Fontaine.” There are so many favorite stories, but the one that I like the best and is very relevant to almost every situation is the story of “Le Chêne et le Roseau.” The story tells of a strong oak tree (Chêne) falling down and being uprooted while the reed (Roseau) still remaining standing and alive after a strong wind. Vietnam is a powerful country like the wind and if Cambodia wants to survive we cannot be like a strong oak tree but rather like a supple reed. There is an old Khmer saying, “Kom Yauk Komheung Tol Neung Komhol.”

Kenneth So's letter to the Washigton Time
September 20, 2002

Dear Sir:

I am writing this letter in response to your Washington Times article of Dr. David Roberts (Lecturer from the School of History and International Affairs, University of Ulster, Northern Ireland) dated 09/13/02, who accused the Cambodian opposition leader Sam Rainsy as undemocratic and authoritarian. In addition, he implied that Mr. Sam Rainsy was a racist, when he used the word “Youn” to refer to the Vietnamese.

First, the Cambodian opposition leader Sam Rainsy is a true patriot and democrat. He is well deserving of the award that was given to him by Senator John McCain.

Dr. Roberts may be an expert in his field but he is no expert in Khmer language. In the Khmer dictionary, it says “Youn” means Vietnamese and is possibly related to the Sanskrit word “Yavana” that means savage. However, this possibility of a link between the words “Youn” and “Yavana” is just pure speculation and has no basis for it.

Anyhow, my own research indicates that the word “Youn” came from the word “Yueh”. The Mandarin Chinese calls Vietnam, Yueh Nam. The word “Nam” means south in Chinese. “Yueh” indicates the name of the people of that region. Therefore, “Yueh” means Viet or Vietnamese in Chinese and “Yueh Nam” means the “Yueh” people of the south. In this case, south means south of China. The North pronounces it Yeknam (with a “Y” sound).

Chou Ta-Kuan (Zhou Daguan), the celebrated Chinese Ambassador to Cambodia in the 13th century, indicated in his report that there was already a large population of Chinese settling in Cambodia at that time. He said that the Chinese preferred life in the Khmer Empire because it was easier than in China. There were a lot of Chinese men marrying the native Cambodian women. I don't know when Khmer started to call the Vietnamese “Youn”, but the habit may have been picked up from the Chinese settlers who lived in Cambodia at the time. The word “Youn” may have derived from the Chinese word “Yueh” to indicate the Vietnamese. If one starts to think about it, “Viet” (as pronounced by the North Vietnamese) or “Yeak” (as pronounced by the South Vietnamese) sounds very similar to “Yueh”; and “Yueh”, meaning Vietnamese, in turn sounds very similar to “Youn”. George Coedes, the French expert on the Southeast Asian classical study, found an earlier evidence of the word “Yuon” inscribed in Khmer on a stele dating to the time of the Khmer King Suryavarman I (1002-1050.)

Why do the so-called Western scholars and journalists keep on perpetrating this kind of misinformation about the word “Yuon”? “Youn” does not mean savage as Dr. Roberts had mistakenly indicated in his writing. Savage in Cambodian means "Pourk Prey" or "Phnong". Cambodians calls Vietnamese “Youn” the same way they call Indian “Khleung”, Burmese “Phoumea”, Chinese “Chen”, and French “Barang”.

When the Vietnamese calls Cambodian “Mien” why did the Western press and scholars not report it to be a derogatory word also? If I were to follow the logical thinking of the Western press and scholars, then “Mien” must be a derogatory word also. In the late 17th century, the Vietnamese court of Hue had indiscriminately changed the names of the Cambodian princesses Ang Mei, Ang Pen, Ang Peou, and Ang Snguon to the Vietnamese sounding names of Ngoc-van, Ngoc-bien, Ngoc-tu, and Ngoc-nguyen, respectively. Also they changed the name of Phnom Penh to Nam Vang. Why do scholars and press stay silent on these

It is very dangerous for foreigners, like Dr. Roberts, to interpret the meaning of certain native words when they do not fully understand the languages and customs of those natives. It is people like Dr. Roberts who helps perpetrate the misinterpretation and misunderstanding of the word “Youn” to mean savage. aggravate the mistrust and hate between Cambodian and Vietnamese.

Cambodians have been using the word “Youn” to refer to the Vietnameses before the word Vietnamese had even existed. Because of the ignorance of some scholars and journalists about the meaning of this word, are we therefore supposed to abandon using this word that we have done from time immemorial?

If Dr. Roberts insists on saying that the word “Youn” means savage, then I would ask him to prove to Cambodians how it is so. How does he know that this word means savage? What did he base his knowledge from? If he is a true scholar, then he must not base his understanding on hearsay. Otherwise, his credibility is at risk.


Kenneth T. So

Trudy's Jacobsen's letter to the Phnom Penh Post in response to the rebuttal provided by Ambassador Truong Mealy and Touch Bora, Esq.
Phnom Penh Post, Issue 15 / 10, May 19 - June 1, 2006

Kampuchea Krom: the friction after the facts

Bora Touch's very detailed critique (Post, April 21, 2006) of my article Kampuchea Krom: The Facts Behind the Friction (Post, March 10) was a welcome change from the vitriolic emails I have been receiving since I first published the piece in March, if indicative that he has too much time on his hands, and too much faith in unsourced revisionist history.

The hatred and irrationality in the personal attacks levelled at me in the past two months have shocked me deeply. I have been accused of being a "red brain container," that I am "in the pay of Hanoi," that due to "marriage problems" I hate the Khmer and seek revenge, and various other charming statements involving my relationship to the "yuon masters," some of which seem anatomically impossible.

More disturbing have been the letters saying "It is easy to shoot down stupid academics" and variations thereof, and the attempt by a group of Cambodians living in Australia to seek an injunction against any future publication of my opinion on Kampuchea Krom, Cambodian-Vietnamese bilateral relations, and the word "yuon."

It is amazing that people can be so selective in the application of the principle of free speech. When Sam Rainsy is threatened for his views, there cannot be enough of it; when a simple academic delves into the Cambodian past and explodes a myth that has perpetuated hatred between two neighbouring peoples, suddenly free speech seems less palatable.

This level of negativity in response to a column that was meant to inform people of events they otherwise may not have known of, based upon Cambodian primary sources, is beyond comprehension.

I am grateful to those who have written thanking me for the 'Lost in Time' series, particularly the many Cambodian students I have taught over the years. They may not agree with everything I say, but they articulate their disagreement without resorting to cheap shots and attacks upon my character.

The older generation is mired in a tradition of Cambodian scholarship in which the veracity of one's work is directly associated with status. Thus appending an ex-ambassador's name to a letter is seen as increasing its veracity. Thus questioning the prestige of the university from which I obtained my PhD, continually reiterating the fact that I am female and therefore prone to emotional, nonsensical outbursts, and pointing out that I am a foreigner diminish my status, in the eyes of those trapped in a social, political and methodological time warp.

Yes, I am a foreigner. However, having spent 18 years living and working in and on Cambodia, I have a fairly good understanding of Cambodian culture and society today.

I would not presume to compare myself to a Cambodian (even those who jet in from Auckland or Long Beach every few years dispersing largesse to their extended families and enjoying the elevated status that being overseas Khmer brings) in terms of cultural comprehension, but the merit in being a foreigner, albeit with extensive experience in Cambodia, is my objectivity. The adverse reactions to my article are subjective, even biased, and hold no weight.

I stand by my assertion that the word "yuon" is pejorative in Cambodian society today. I am not disputing that technically "yuon" is an ethnic appellation. It is the way that the word is used that is pejorative. People who protest that "yuon" is a harmless term of ethnicity are using the same arguments that whites in the US had for the word "Negro." What matters is how the person on the receiving end of the word interprets it and the intent of the person using it. The letters I have received refer continually to the "yuon masters," "the stinking yuon," and how the "yuon enemy" are even now seeking to take over Cambodia through their puppets in the Cambodian government. These are hardly positive epithets.

This episode has at least dispelled my naïve conviction that if Cambodians knew what their own records said about the two events constantly held up as evidence of a historical tradition of Vietnamese aggression prior to the 20th century, perhaps they would rethink their hatred of Vietnamese living in Cambodia and be less inclined to turn a blind eye when Vietnamese fishing villages are massacred; that perhaps they would be less suspicious of the motives of the Vietnamese government when treaties between the two countries are signed, and see such events as two countries moving forward into a shared future of goodwill and cooperation; that perhaps those who feel alienated from Cambodia after many years of living elsewhere will stop perpetuating this hatred in a frantic attempt to have an impact upon Cambodian politics, however tangentially.

And perhaps kouprey will fly.
Trudy Jacobsen
Phnom Penh


Anonymous said...

The Viet word "meang" meaning in Khmer is much more deragtory than the word yuon. The Viet should stop and think twice before accusing of being racist!

Anonymous said...

"Youn "is like we call our self Khmers. It's an old ancient word that we know each other from a long time ago. Viet is strange. If, I to ask my great grandmother or say something refere to Viet, she would not know who we are talking about it at all.

Anonymous said...

Stop using the word. Whatever its origins- it is now used in a negitive way and everyone is aware of it. Using it makes Khmer's look racist and intolerant to the Vietmanese - and the rest of the world.

(though judging by some of the comments posted on this site- many Khmers are just that)

Anonymous said...

You can't convinced somebody who had their intention being right. People who personal pride on contrary do not hurt themselves but others more. For me I am hurt for someone to accuse the common use of my language as racist or perjoritive when I know they are not such. It burns in your chest because what can you do when someone who is known and gain credibility accuses you of lying? You are alone with everyone reprimanding you for something you know it's not true. The feeling feeling of trap because someone's either misunderstanding or ill-will actions towards you burns like something you can never explain- except that it is a feeling most close with raged.

I grew up as a Khmer, in Vietnam. When I speaking of Vietnam, I speak as Youn, not even "choun chiet" Youn, because to say "chon chieat" means nationality, to do so would aliennate myself because I am a "chon chiat Youn" too in terms of nationality. The only way for me to differentiate myself from "Chon chieat"(nationality is to refer to Vietnamese as Youn- in in Khmer is a term to denote ethnic group Vietnamese. So Youn in Khmer is a term for Viet ethnic group labeled later by westerners as "Vietnamese"-which is a more of a collective name- Collectively refer to anyone born in Vietnam.

As far as I am concerned, my whole family are concerned, and even our Vietnamese friends in our villages are concerned, we have no awareness of the "perjorative" motive or intention that is brought up by the term. When we speak to with each other our Vietnamese neighbors openly refer to themselves as Youn. If the term "Youn" are comparative to the word "Nigger" in english then why are so many Khmers as myself are unaware of it? Can you say we are ignorant to our own culture which we born with? I feel this way. I do not feel it is just that a person of outside the culture can come to live in Cambodia and define Cambodian terms or culture for Cambodians. Perhaps your stay in Cambodia is not sufficient. You need to stay in Kampuchea Krom (South Vietnam) to understand full context of the term Youn.

Do not believe that I accuse you of redefining and revising Khmer culture out of my hatred for you because you think that I believe you are defending the "youn masters". I am arguing thus because for all my life I have no awareness or context of perjorative connotation when I say "Youn". It is only when I came to the States (U.S.A) that I am aware of this argument between the Khmer and International Community such as yourselfs who as you say have extensive knowledge into Cambodian culture. And to tell you, I am shocked. How can I, a Khmer born person be so ignorant and stupid, how can my knowledge of my khmer language is not even compare to a grain of salt of a knowledge of a person that has taste only 18 years of Cambodian culture? In fact how can my whole people, for as Mr. Bora said "from time immemorial" be so ignorant to know less then 18 years of observation? I don't know the answer to that. But I know that your extensive stay and knowledge of Cambodia will come up with the right answer to my question.

I am not a smart person. I am not a scholar. I do not have credility as yourselves. Only am a person that live the culture and I guess I should be quite ashame for not understanding about my culture as much as you do. But here me; for these arguments that you put:
" The letters I have received refer continually to the "yuon masters," "the stinking yuon," and how the "yuon enemy" are even now seeking to take over Cambodia through their puppets in the Cambodian government. These are hardly positive epithets."

Do you not for some reason see where these negative connotations denote from? "Masters", "Stinking" "Enemy". Do you think the word "Youn" alone would not be sufficient perjorative if it is really a racist word? Why must some Cambodians add these nouns and adjective? Because the word itself is not sufficient. If I say a "stinking mexican" does that not connotate hatred? or what if I say "American Masters" and I was a muslim extremist? Did not these word create hatred? But of course from the same proper nouns that all people acept- which are in this example Mexican, and America. So your example of "stinking Youn" and "youn enemy" are taken out of context of those who harbor resentment for the Youn. These fears maybe not justify in your opinion and may not be in even mine own. But the fact is Vietnam and Cambodia have a volatile and very unfortunate relationships in the past with territorial independences being the forefront of those problem. Attrocities have been commited on both side of the parties. while I do not condone with people who expresses their fear in name calls, I adammantly simpathizes and defend the Khmer for our right to use the word Youn. Your understanding of Youn as as negative word is in my opinion mistaken for your oberservation of the resentful and angry nouns and adjectives that some chooses to use to reproach Vietnam politics for it's meddling in Cambodia. Who will not be angry with a country that has a history of interfering and meddling into their country?

What you are fighting for if you recognized is it or not is for Cambodians to suppress freedom speech. Not because you said "YOun" is perjorative only, but because you cite people's saying like "stinking Youns" or "Youn masters". You are censoring Cambodians from expressing their political opinion because they use strong adjectives and nouns, not because they use the word Youn. Because obviously, the word Youn alone would not be enough to cause any resentment feeling or hate connotation from either side- etheir the Cambodians or the Vietnamese ( as I explain earlier of the relationship between Khmer Krom villagers and Vietnamese villagers in Vietnam and their uses of "Youn").

In America right now, the biggest issue is illegal immigration. Mexicans are the most widely associated by the American public when they hear illigals. Mexican this, mexican that, Mexicans are taking over our jobs etc. No one is condeming American for saying mexicans are ruining the U.S. But everyone will jump to the ship if Cambodia say Youn are playing too strong control role in Cambodia. Everyone would immediately jump to the term Youn and the real core of the issue is already gone. Now its a while fire of "hate" words. Even though, for Cambodian, Youn is just as for American to say Mexico or Mexican, or Canada or Russia etc. Western are arrogant to believe that the only correct way to speak is through their way. Everyone's language in effect, for example Khmer language, are barbaric and uncilivilized to not adapt to it's international global power language standards.

I myself am open to dialogue and encourage dialogue between Youn and Khmer Community, or in your word Vietnamese and Cambodian community to ease tensions. Tensions which are mainly in my opinion more directly pointed at politics rather than real people. But still a good thing to have dialogue with real people to real people so that misunderstanding like this will not cause trouble because some one outside bark for it.

From someone who was born in Vietnam of Khmer Origin who has no idea Youn means "slime" "barbaric" "salvages" or "uncivilized" and speaks Khmer for over 60 years. Mr. Lam.
Please if someone know the profesor's contact send my commentation to her. I believe she will find it valuable to hear it directly from a Khmer person, especially one that lives in Vietnam, who could be at risk and in danger, because he is a minority yet he speak openly to refer to Vietnamese as "Youn" (Comparable to "Nigger?") in Vietnam public area and has yet to be condem or tortured or beaten by the majority Vietnamese in Vietnam for daring calling them by racist names. He must be a brave guy to be a minority and make of such audacious stupid act! Luck must be on my side one thousands time+.

Please blog master. Kenneth So? whoever. Send my regard to her. And he she wishes to contact me which I doubt she have time for real conversation and dialogue, let me know back.

Anonymous said...

What is so special about Ah YOUN anyway? Why do we have to explain to the foreigners about the Khmer word YOUN? The definition of the word YOUN is Vietnamese. What about ah YOUN VietCong Cak themselves who brag about calling the Khmer by their nationalized derogative word of "Mien". What the heck is that? So now the world has double standards for Ah YOUN CongCak and Khmer now.

I will go on calling ah predatory, ugly-looking, bitching, hardheaded Viets YOUN YOUN in my Khmer language as long as I live on this planet earth.

Anonymous said...

[b]I will go on calling ah predatory, ugly-looking, bitching, hardheaded Viets YOUN YOUN in my Khmer language as long as I live on this planet earth.[/b]

lol nice one you black Khmer ape. Stupid Moi.

Anonymous said...

"lol nice one you black Khmer ape. Stupid Moi."

So you are proud of your light-skinned complexion as a result of the Chinese raping of your great grand mama for over a millenium? Hahah. But again you stupid head have been trained to love anyting Chinese already. Hahha. Check your monkey ugly-looking toes, Ah YOUN kontoab. Hahha. Your Chinese masters wrote that the true YOUN kontoab naturally have their big toes separated from their small toes and that the Viets can actually grab things with their toes. Hhaha. In addition, the real monkey-looking YOUN kontoab as a rule always preserve their Chinese made ice cream by drying it in the sun. Hhaha. So stupid, ugly and unwanted, yet Ah YOUN kontoab haven't learn to stay the hell away from Cambodia. hahhah. In addition, since you are so stupid, that is why you think that all Khmer are black in complexion. lol. Have you noticed your own dark-skinned crazy ugly monkey Viets lately. So I guess a stupid by-product of a Chinese raping like you look down on your kind as well. Get lost, monkey Viet.

Anonymous said...

lol nice one you black Khmer ape. Stupid Moi.

Lol. And I thought the problem was with Khmer racism. black Khmer ape heheh. Very good one.

At least words like predator, and hardhead are more precise. Although ugly-looking and bitching goes along with racist category. Just let go. We can condemn Vietnam for their violations in a much louder voices with proper language then to name call them.

Youn by the way, is still proper name for Vietnamese. Not name Call in Khmer. Don't let Youn feed on this weapon that was created for them by that professor.

Some Youns are like that guy up there, racist towards Khmer. Plain racist just because of our skin color nothing else. While some youns are not so this way, it's not uncommon to find ones that view Khmer or other minorities as salvage or uncivilize because of the darker skin tone. That is pure racism in itself when compare to comments of annoyed an agitated Khmers over Vietnam violations.

But Vietnam has lots of good friends to take their side. So just be wise. Be proper. Express intelligently. Yes you can use Youn, but express intelligently.

Anonymous said...

"Youn" refer to the specific ethnic majority population remain in Vietnam today, the decedants of the Annamese ara and beyond that originated from the Yellow river in Southern China today.

The Viet or some Cambodian say Vietnam is technically incorrect. This term is derived from the modern name of the country Vietnam. In which there are other ethnics like the Youns, Khmers, Chinese, Chams, Hmongs, Hmuongs,...etc. So refering someone as Viet or Vietnam does not mean much. Which one of the 60+ races in Vietnam are your refering to?

Anonymous said...

I am really sicken and tired of these so called Westerner and especially the Jap for making small issue into big issue!

To the Westerner, You(Westerner)redrew Cambodian map the Khmer KRom for the benefit of the Vietcong and You(Westerner)don't see your action as racist! Your action created the pain, the suffering and the agony for separation of Cambodian people! Why do you(Westerner)have to do such thing to Cambodian people and have Cambodian people did anything to you(Westerner)? I suggested all these Westerner take a step back and observed all the past action that had been on Cambodian people and the whole South East Asia in general and tell me that it is not a racist! Colonial is form of racism!

To the Jap, The Jap kept on bullshiting about how Khmer being a racist toward the Viet for using one word! I bet the Jap didn't kown that Cambodian people even name their delicious soup with the word too! How could any human in their right mind to name a delicious soup with such a dirty word and yet willing to eat it at the same time? If you name the food "shit" and I wouldn't eat it in a million years unless you put a gun to my head!

The Jap better re-examine their history toward other Asian! The Jap need to tell their children the truth of what the Jap military did to South East Asia, China, and Korea! The Rape of NanKing where the Jap treated the Chinese like animal and they even experiment on pregnant women! The Korean comfort women turn into sex slaves for the Jap men! The construction of the railway in South East Asia kill hundred and thousand of South East Asian!

These days the Jap are busy making themselves looking good by go around the world making Cambodian people look bad by telling the world how racist Cambodian people toward the Vietnamese! I have yet to hear the Jap saying anything about the million and million of Khmer Krom people living under the Vietnamese's oppression! These Khmer Krom don't even have a basic human right!

I honestly think the Jap are trying to use the Vietnam to curb China influence in Cambodia so it is natural that these Jap need to kiss up the Viet! The Jap are seeing thing too far into the future! I just hope that the future forsee by all these Jap is bright one!

For me personally, the Western had taken Cambodian land and gave it to the Vietcong and Now the Jap is taking away Cambodian language! I said they can all go to hell! What the Western and the Jap did to world are far worst than anything Cambodian did to the world! It is human nature to paint another human as bad so the other human can look good!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, if I want to call Blacks, Negro's that doesn't mean I am racist- its just my culture! And that I call Mexicans wetbacks should not be taken in a negitive was at all. Calling Japanese, Zips or Germans Krauts, is not racist- because my grandmother used to call them that. Why should I change right?

Its great to see such open minded people talking about this issue. It nice to see the concern from the Khmer's about how they are preceived in the world.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, if I want to call Blacks, Negro's that doesn't mean I am racist- its just my culture! And that I call Mexicans wetbacks should not be taken in a negitive was at all. Calling Japanese, Zips or Germans Krauts, is not racist- because my grandmother used to call them that. Why should I change right?

Its great to see such open minded people talking about this issue. It nice to see the concern from the Khmer's about how they are preceived in the world.

I don't know if your statement comes from a vietnamese person or another ignorant western person. Your comparison are obviously irrevelant. You should study your history well and don't compare it to ours. Don't feel to bad if you built your country on a history of hatreds of black people. You coins those words because you were true racist. They were not part of your culture as Youn are parts of ours. We, unlike you, did not make slaves labours of Youns or have a culture of taking advantage of of the Annamese people like you have of the African people. For as long as we have been in contact with them, we have always call them Youn, it maybe a derivation of Chinese word of Vietnamese word Yiek and Viet itself.

Don't compare your ugly history of how your racist grandparents coin mexican wetbacks and germans Krauts or black negroes because you have a history of White supremacist views. Such is the view of all White and European people. Until the end of 20th century and colonism.

Cambodians are not ignorant of their language like you are of ours. You yourself have admit that those words your racist culture has coins are racist, but yet you have heard from all Cambodians that the words they have Youn do not connotate a negative term in anyway or form. You think people going around in America saying "Nigger" or calling Mexican wetbacks do not know those words are racist? Those people know it and use it with the intent to harm. If Khmer word for Vietnamese have racist tone in them, don't you think you would find a Cambodian that would admit to it already?

We maybe technoligcally slow country and backward compare to yours, but we know our culture, understand our history, and honor our religion. We are buddhist people, we don't go around calling people by words such as "nigger" or wetbacks or krauts. We know that name calling harm our karma. Why yet we as nation would be so racist?

Stop your ignorant comment and comparison. If you don't like your white supremacist culture history then change it. First by stop calling people nigger and wetback then by stop trying to make it seem like it is justify for you because you think other country have comparitive words. Let say that our histories are not comparitive. So these term development does not follow the same history and racism as yours.

Anonymous said...

Hey Nitwit 11:37, if you don't understand the issue, then don't try to open your stinky mouth, you f*cking moron. WTH are you trying to do, dumbazz. How can you be upset of your very own stupidity. How can you even compare the Khmer neutral word of YOUN with the American-English perjorative terms of "Niggers, Japs, Chinks, Gooks, ?Wetbacks, Kruts, Huns," etc. Man, now I am really disgusted at your stupidity. Your American-English perjorative terms degrade or belittle people of colors, while the Khmer term YOUN is a neutral pronoun for the people who are descendants of Annamese. Let me go further for your thicked skull, in their natural language, the Khmer don't ever go around calling themselves "Cambodians" or their country "Cambodia". So do they get offended when the Americans call them as the people "Cambodians" and their country as "Cambodia"? The answer is NO because if the Khmer undersand that it is the way that the Americans call them by. It is the same thing with the neigboring countries. The Viets call the Khmer "Mien", the Thais say, "Kamen", the Laotians say, "Kamen", the Arabs say, "Kumer", etc. The Khmer don't ever get mad of them. Now if you want to know if the Khmer have perjorative terms for the Viets, the Thais, the Laotians, even the Americans, or the French, the answer is yes we do. Now get it through your head, loser! Dude the next time you want to be sarcastic towards the Khmer, I suggest you punch yourself in the face first and then laugh at your own stupidity. Lol.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who wants to talk about racial related issues should include the people and the expertise of that particular culture. Dr. Roberts and Dr. Jacobsen to label Khmers as racist is lack of human intuition, compassionate, knowledge, but of a personal gained. But, the most important of all it's insufficient research. Yes, we have been slammed in the face, or slapped on the hand by ours common word. These 2 social scientists should spent all of their remaining life living with the Kampuchea Krom. Then, they would understand Khmer culture a little better. She claimed, she understood everything by living in Cambodia for 18 years, but where does she live in those past 18 years?

I am living in the States, and I say America is #2 racist country on the planet. America is a capitalist country; we are bombarded by Talk Shows, Reality TV Shows, and media frenzy nation. People will do anything just to be fame or get rich fast. Not long ago, approx. 3 months ago, one guy wrote a book based on lied -- and became a millionaire the next morning. Then, he appeared in Opra Winfrey Show to ommitted that his story was based on fictional.

Dr. Roberts and Dr. Jacobsen was very much similiar in the case above. Perhaps, this was a way to get her book published. One needs to fish out a word "youn" to label all Khmers are racist. When we say Black people "khmao" or White people "sar", are we making a racist remark? These 2 social scientists had not enough data to conclude their work to be relevant, and/or valid. They are jumping the gun. Now, Khmer people have to defend our language because of such an incompetent research.

Mr. So and Mr. Lam, you did a splendid job on your part of justified our language and culture. Thank you.

Addendum: America is not HEAVENLY PLACE LIKE MOST KHMER THOUGHT OF -- It the most dangerous place to live.

Anonymous said...

So you are proud of your light-skinned complexion as a result of the Chinese raping of your great grand mama for over a millenium? Hahah. But again you stupid head have been trained to love anyting Chinese already. Hahha. Check your monkey ugly-looking toes, Ah YOUN kontoab. Hahha. Your Chinese masters wrote that the true YOUN kontoab naturally have their big toes separated from their small toes and that the Viets can actually grab things with their toes. Hhaha. In addition, the real monkey-looking YOUN kontoab as a rule always preserve their Chinese made ice cream by drying it in the sun. Hhaha. So stupid, ugly and unwanted, yet Ah YOUN kontoab haven't learn to stay the hell away from Cambodia. hahhah. In addition, since you are so stupid, that is why you think that all Khmer are black in complexion. lol. Have you noticed your own dark-skinned crazy ugly monkey Viets lately. So I guess a stupid by-product of a Chinese raping like you look down on your kind as well. Get lost, monkey Viet.

And lol Chinese masters, we got rid of them over a 1000 years ago, while Cambodia in modern times is a slave of Vietnam TODAY. We took your entire country in just 2 weeks, and made your people slaves, just like how Whites made Blacks pick cotton, we made black Cambodians pick landmines. LOL

I love how when I read most articles about Cambodian government officials, 90% of them have Vietnamized names. :)

PS, I don't know why Cambodians hate French for signing away Khmer Krom, when if it wasn't for the French there would be no Cambodia today. It was Cambodians who invited them to Indochina in the first place because they were too cowardly to fight Vietnamese by themselves like a true moi.

Anonymous said...

The Vietcong above still think that Cambodian people will lay down and die!ahahah The Vietcong always brag about their man power and producing alot of children. Let see at the present time, Cambodia have 13 million people and the Viet have 80 million people!The Vietcong were soon to forget their military adventure in Cambodia started in 1979. The Vietcong used one million troop with endless supply from Russia and for 10 years these Vietcong couldn't wipe out the Khmer Rouge! The Vietcong couldn't established a single military base without being targeted by rocket launcher! Why are these Vietcong still looking for their missing in action(MIA) in Cambodia today? Why did the Vietcong withdrew their troop after 10years and I want to know!

It is by nature for the Vietcong to talk big and of course to used their women to get what they want!ahah

Here another thing, Thialand is already feel the pinch of the uprising in Southern Thailand by the Muslim people. Vietname will feel the same pinch of the uprising in Southern Vietname by the Khmer Krom people soon...ahahah

Vietcong is the boogieman of South East Asia. It is time to put an end to the boogieman that had been creating all these nightmare for Cambodian people and the rest of the world!

Anonymous said...

11:03PM! Kmer Loeu is starting revolution in Viet Name right now, and Ah Khwang Makhach xEN, is helping the Viet buy sent out our Khmer Loeu refugies back to Viet Name Government in Mondolkiri!!
May death took A Khwac xEN and his master soon.

Anonymous said...

Hey Monkey Viet 10:06,

Hahaha. Here ye, here ye. Here comes AH YOUN SaKeyDoang to entertain us great Khmer people. It is no wonder the Khmer continue to hate the stupid, ulgy-looking, homeless monkey Viets for ages. The real issue is about whether the Khmer term YOUN is perojative or not, but this Viet Kontoab is so stupid and illogical that the animal has to bring up like irrelevant issues like Cambodia is still under Vietnam, skin color of Cambodians, Cambodian officials with Vietnamized names, and whether or not if there would be Cambodia without the French intervention. Hahahah. This is a typical characteristic of Ah YOUN kontoab. They are stupid and illogical. Because their natural minds are inherently stupid, it is no wonder they are gangbangers and troublemakers in every society on earth. In fact even the governments of some countries are sick and tired of the criminal Viets. For example, the government of Singapore just finished executing one criminal Viet.

This lowly Viet 10:06 tries really hard to belittle the Khmer, but it does not work. Here are the proofs:

The lowly Viets just got their independence in the 10th century and adopted the Chinese culture entirely because the savage Viets aint got none to begin with. Hhahah. In fact, even after France colonized Vietnam, China still considered it a province of China. In contrast, the Khmer have always enjoyed their glorious independence since way long before the first century AD.

The Cambodians even declared their independence from France before the Viets and as a result got their independence before the Viets. Hahah. This Viet also thinks that the Cambodians were afraid to fight the French, but the truth is the Cambodians joined force with Ho's army to fight the French already. hhaha.

The Monkey Viet fool also says that Cambodia is a slave of Vietnam. Actually the evidence shows that it was the Viets that came to serve and protect the Cambodians instead. hahha. For example, when the Thais put too much pressure on Cambodia, it was the Viets who came to defend the Cambodians. Hahhah. When the Khmer Rouge was the underdog against the pro-US government, the Viets came to support the Khmer Rouge. Hahha. When the Khmer Rouge went crazy on the general Cambodians, the Viets came to serve the Cambodians again. In fact, even that dude with a goat face called HOE even organized the Viets to fight against the French so that Cambodia would not colonized. In fact the Viets stayed to serve Hun Sen for 10 years long which caused the Vietnamese to have this slogan: "Born in Hanoi, but go die in Cambodia." Hahahah. In fact, even Ah Thais killed the Viets. Hahah.

The jealous Viet fool says that the Cambodians had relationship with the French first before the Viets. Actually, the French missionaries were in Vietnam long before Cambodians had any contact with the French. The fact is that the Viets got owned (colonized) by the French first. Hahahha.

The Viet fool says that Vietnam took over Cambodia in just 2 weeks, well what about the Chinese who just walked into Vietnam just like that in just days (not weeks) and controlled many Vietnamese cities. Hahahha. In fact, the Vietnamese historical fear of the great Chinese masters was confirmed. Hahhaah. In fact, China warned the Viets of the second lesson would be coming soon if the Viets continued to bad people on this planet earth. Hahha. The Vietnamese were so fearful of the Chinese that they had to beg the Soviets to help them. Hahah. China only stationed 400,000 troops, but the fearful Viets had to deploy over 600,000 troops against the Chinese. Hhaha. China said that the second lesson for the bad Viets would be coming from the sea attacking all the coastline of Vietnam. Hahhah.

In fact, China didn't have to withdraw from Vietnam, but being honorable to her words, she did. However, the fearful Viets said that "China still pursued a campaign of a multifaceted war of sabotage against Vietnam --comprising steady harassment by artillery fire, intrusions on land by infantry patrols, naval intrusions, and mine planting both at sea and in the riverways." Hahha.

In Cambodia, the Khmer Rouge planted mines for the unwanted Viet servant troops to step on, and the Chinese also did the same--planting mines at sea and in the riverways. Hahha.

Even the Khmer complexion is a naturally adaptation to protect them from the humid tropic heat. The lighter complextion of the Viets is a long lasting signature of the Chinese raping of the Viet native women for over a millenium. Hahah. This Viet fool is so stupid that the person equates the natural adaptation of the skin to beauty. Buck-teethed, high cheek boned, broad-faced, shorty-flat-azzed, evil-looking monkey Viets don't even compared to the Cambodians in general. Hahha.

Also, if this Monkey Viet enjoys the Viet mistreatment of the Cambodians, then I will not say anything about the Khmer Rouge's mistreatment of the Viets as well. Hahhah.

Get lost, Monkey Viet fool. hahha.

Anonymous said...

It a short and easy word to use for the Vietnamese. We use the word YOUN for generations on, we have no perception of racism toward YOUN. I have many Vietnamese friends, I persoally like and respect them as they respect me. We have no racism against the Vietnamese, but we are the victims from the their agressive policy of Vietnamization in Cambodia. How many illigal Vietnamese immigrants are living in Cambodia now?

Anonymous said...

It a short and easy word to use for the Vietnamese. We use the word YOUN for generations on, we have no perception of racism toward YOUN. I have many Vietnamese friends, I persoally like and respect them as they respect me. We have no racism against the Vietnamese, but we are the victims from the their agressive policy of Vietnamization in Cambodia. How many illigal Vietnamese immigrants are living in Cambodia now?

example of proper and intelligent argument. No name call is necessary. Yet powerful and gets the point across. I plead for all Cambodian to restrain from extreme language against Vietnam even if you are provoked and name called first. Especially when you are provoke because these provocations are use to serve a purpose. Don't destroy hate with flame. Please don't.

Extreme language such as name calling people monkey even if its the word people say you, or ugly and others make you as writer seem very ignorant and it becomes very hard for your credibility even if you are arguing truthfully because all that goes across is the negative words that you convey.

I as a Khmer person, who has known my culture and language all my life, would like to declare from this day forward so that our Vietnamese neighbor who don't know or who have been educated by western ideas, that the Khmer word Youn, which I admit to use on a daily basis when refer to my Vietnamese friends, have no racist tone or intent, neither is it perjorative. That I swear to oath I would not use it if it were racist, to mean salvage or by any other synomym of negativism.

I swear, so I hope you will take comfort in our own knowledge of our language instead of people who are not Khmer. And I hope that we Vietnamese and Cambodians (Youn and Khmer-in Khmer language) can mend against our resentful histories with Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia land in 19th century or it's taking of Kampuchea Krom and continued influence in Cambodia politics today. Khmers will admit it will be hard to trust Youn Nation given the history, but that does not mean we Khmer and Youn can not move forward or dialogue are not possible. It will take time and honest inniative from Vietnamese Nation side to dispel Cambodia's fear that Vietnam is not going to colonize Cambodia as it does Kampuchea Krom. But at the current Cambodia find it hard to believe especially with the continous and big number of illegal immigrants from Vietnam.

Anonymous said...

It is just one word, but that is a big issue for us Cambodian! Yes we need to understand this commotion to undersatnd the problem!
This commotion started during UNTAC! Do you know how and why?

It started by the Viet Namese master of Hun Xen, aksed Hun Xen to ask UNTAC to stop the other parties to use the word, they said it is racist.

Because the Viet Namese gorvernment know that "YOUN" is the commone word in Cambodian mouths to call Viet Namese.

1) With this request they would make all Cambodian look Racist, exept the Hun Xen tugs (CPP members allso say YOUN till now")

2)The would made Cambodia got up set to UNTAC by not understanding our cultures, language, anf problems. That would make us used our time to fight for the nonsense, stay away from the real problems!
Do not do it again now!

Youn is not a racist word, just like afriend above said Youn in Cambodia call themselve Youn too.

If we continue to fight about it we are going to loose our real target!

To call the Viet Namese Youn in anger and public gain us not thing but lost. Why?

Youn just peasan and may be our neigbor that friendly to us, Viet Name gorvernment achive the hatret among Cambodian and make us drow stone at the wrong three.

Our yong may get confuse to think youn is the past, pressent Viet Name is a good friend! That what ah Hun Xen try to do now in Cambodia! Some foreigne reader may not know who is Youn, that what the Viet Namese want too!

Let give them what they want and hurt them more Call them Ah VIET, Ah VIET NAME, Ah VIET CONG, Ah VIET MINH.
To hurt them personaly Call then Ah KAUN Ah HO CHIMINH GOAT FACE, that realy hurt them not YOUN. YOUN mean nothing to us and may be not thing to the Viet too!

Think my brothers do not vaste time with it, and call them real name now what the evil change we need to hit the new one":
Do mae Ah Ho Neik Mam Viet Name!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello Anonymous 12:43,

I want to make two points regarding the topics of the Khmer term YOUN and the Vietnamese immigrants.

The Khmer term YOUN by its denotation (dictionary meaning) means the people who are the descendants of the Annamese. It has no connotation (emotional reaction) at all. For example, the Khmer even have a sweet and sour soup called "Samlor Machu Youn". Now if the word YOUN is perjorative, then why do the Khmer use it to describe the the food they like? That is not logical at all. On the contrary, the Khmer do have perjorative terms for the YOUN. It is the same thing with the Americans who can choose to belittle the Asians by calling them Chinks, Japs, Gooks, etc. Interestingly to note also is the fact that while the Khmer call the descendants of the Annamese YOUN, the YOUN call themselves ethnic "Kinh". So I just want to point that out. Evidently, the Khmer were well-known in Southeast Asia in the ancient past, that is why their terms for our people are very similar to our name Khmer or Khemara. For example,the YOUN actually called us "Cao'Mien or Mien", the Romans called us "Camaroni", the Thais and Laotians called us "Khamen", while the Arabs called "Kumar" etc. So in conclusion, the Khmer term YOUN is a neutral term specifically denoting the descendants of Annamese or anyone serving the interests of Vietnam at the expenses of Cambodia.

The second point is that the illegal Vietnamese immigrants in Cambodia will put the pressures on Cambodians and the limited Cambodian natural resources easily and quickly. Therefore, ethnic tensions are likely to erupt between the Khmer and the YOUN. According to David Chandler, he wrote his thought below regarding Cambodia's future. Even though it was what he believed or thought, still it is something that we should pay attention too as well.

In “The Burden of Cambodia's Past”, David P. Chandler made this point: “…[T]here is little reason for optimism about the [Cambodia]’s future.” He stated his reasons as follows: “Cambodia's borders have always made it vulnerable to invasion and accessible to immigrants. Its limited resources--timber, fish, gemstones, and so on--can be exploited relatively easily and quickly. Cambodia's geographic vulnerability, along with the small size of its population, heightens its people's sense of insecurity vis-à-vis their neighbors. …In the 1990s, the Thai entrepreneurs exploit[ed] Cambodian gem and timber resources worth hundreds of millions of dollars. …At the same time Vietnamese exploitation of forests in eastern Cambodia and immigration into the country will probably maintain present levels or increase. In the process, ethnic tensions are bound to erupt, intensified by demographic pressures. …Cambodia will never be militarily strong enough or populous enough to withstand pressures from Vietnamese immigrants and foreign entrepreneurs. In the process, its resources will be wantonly depleted. From an environmental point of view, the prospects for Cambodia's medium term future are bleak."

Anonymous said...

Give them what thay want as 1:o1AM said.
Youn is for our favorit SALOR MACHOU!

Give them what they want and hurting them: Viet Name, son of Ho Goat Face gainster! Viet Minh! Niet Nane Cong Chor

Anonymous said...

1:01AM and 1:34AM
Like they call us Mien it mean not thing to us do you think Youn men any thing to them?
Do not let the Viet fool you! call the ah Viet Name is for what they are and the whold wold know them. Let our young generation know them they are Ah Viet Minh, Viet Cong, Viet Name, Viet Namese, that the real name of the crocodile!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 12:43,

I hear you that we have to exercise restraint against these provoking troublemakers, but just like the Great Dalai Lama said, “If the others are acting so wildly against us, it is OK to call them stupid.” What really annoys me is that these foreign troublemakers are so illogical by bringing up irrelevant issues to provoke the Khmer people. For example, one foreigner says, “…YOU BLACK KHMER APE. STUPID MOI…Cambodia is a slave of Vietnam…We Viets made Black Cambodians pick landmines…etc..” Another foreigner says that if the Khmer continue to call the Viets YOUN in the Khmer language, then it is OK for him to use American perjorative terms such as Chinks, Gooks, Japs, Wetbacks against other ethnic minorities because his grandma have always called them that.

It is so ridiculous that our skin color is attacked. Our skin color is simply a natural adaptation to the tropic heat-bearing environment. In addition, the distortion of our natural word usage is way unreasonable. So you do go ahead and keep your restraint, OK. But for me, I will practice the enlightened words of the Great Dalai Lama. If they want to play unfairly, then two can play the same game as well. I ask you to respect my individual right to curse the living hell out of these illogical, sidetracking, distorting foreign nitwits. OK.

Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous 1:39 AM,

"Let our young generation know them they are Ah Viet Minh, Viet Cong, Viet Name, Viet Namese, that the real name of the crocodile!"

Hahahah. Man you are so funny as hell. Hahhah. Calling someone "Ah Crocodile" in Khmer is to mean that the person is an ungrateful biatch. Hahhaha. The Viets they are ungrateful to the Khmer for ages. I think it is right to call them "Ah Crododiles" Hahahha.

Anonymous said...

Yes people and news papers from 70's use to called the Viet Cong Ah Krapeuha

Anonymous said...

Be a smart boxer do not hit where the oponence want you to hit. Hit where they do not expected!

If Mien is not hurting you? Youn may not hurting them also!

Curse the Viet!
Do not vaste time with this subject. Look for what the source that they can control our country NOW ADAY! TODAY! MAINTENENT! AUJOURDUI! and tommorow

Anonymous said...

yes vaste of time for the YOUn word!
I likr Salar Machou Youn, and I hate the Viet Name! Af Katop

Anonymous said...

How can this stupid Viet controlling us?
Are we liked "trey changvar" when some one spid on the water we go for that nothing?
The Viet ca trap us for that, they shit in the water you know?
The trial come and they brought the old trap out again, that so sorry if fe fall for 2nd. time!

Viet Name gorvrnment of today is the brain behind the killing field in Cambodia!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

To Jacobson and Roberts :

Khmers use the word YOUN to refer to the Vietnamese does not reflect the same intention and feelings as Racism as YOU, White Americans, use the word NIGRO/NIGGER to refer to the Black Americans. Why?

a. Khmers have been victimized by the Vietnamese Invasions and Political Oppression. We have been hurt by their colonization and their collabroration with those Westerners who chipped our lands and our rights as the original people of the land and gave them away to Vietnam. The language we have been using may have reflected our pain and suffering caused by this country and their people. The language we use reflects our pain and suffering from the Vietnamese political oppression, not necessarily a racism, because we have befriended and housed many Vietnamese victims in our home... Cambodia. Please count how many heads have now been living and prospering in Cambodia today? Have they been mistreated by our government or our people like those Khmer Krom by Vietnamese? Let me of you finding please. Please do a fair study for your research.

b. The word, NIGRO/NIGGER, using by the white skinned Americans to call the black Americans does not reflect the same intention or meaning as Cambodians called the Vietnamese because, the White were supremacists, the perpetrators, the oppressors and the Black were the victims of the White Supremacy... This is very opposite meaning to Cambodians who are oppressed by the Viets. The White always oppressed others even in their sense when they write their articles. They want the world to support their supremacy even on how they view the world other than their own. This concludes that many Whites are still ignorant because they have never suffered oppression nor persecution by anybody. Therefore, their opinions never reflects the true understanding, empathy, and great sensitivity behinds their knowledge.

I would like to hear your White Reaction very very much.


Anonymous said...

The Vietcong used one million troop with endless supply from Russia and for 10 years these Vietcong couldn't wipe out the Khmer Rouge! The Vietcong couldn't established a single military base without being targeted by rocket launcher! Why are these Vietcong still looking for their missing in action(MIA) in Cambodia today? Why did the Vietcong withdrew their troop after 10years and I want to know!

lol yeah we used our entire army of 1 million Cambodia and left no army in Vietnam. lol Sad thing is the Khmer Rouge had China help fight with them and they still lost. lol

Vietnam only sent 100,000 of their troops in Cambodia with a population of 13 million and were still able to take that country.

I don't really care if Vietnam didn't wipeout the Khmer Rouge. As long as Vietnam takes Cambodia it is good enough for me. Just like how there are still Nazis who escaped WW2, no one cares because Germany is now controlled by the Allies. So I don't care about a few Khmer Rouge who escape. At least Saddam didn't run away to Thailand and stayed in his country unlike that coward Pol Pot.

Buck-teethed, high cheek boned, broad-faced, shorty-flat-azzed, evil-looking monkey Viets don't even compared to the Cambodians in general. Hahha.

lol Cambodians are fat faced people with fat heads that look like pigs. Pol Pot, Lon Nol, Sihanouk all had fat faces and look like those fat black pigs in the Mekong Delta.

Since when were short-fat faced pig looking people considered beautiful? LOL Go on Jenny Craig.

Anonymous said...

The Vietcong couldn't established a single military base without being targeted by rocket launcher!

That's a lie, history has already shown that most if not all the confrontation with the Khmer Rouge after they ran away have been in the Western part of Cambodia near the Thai border.

So yes Eastern, Central and the cities of Cambodia were pretty much Khmer Rouge free, and it is good that the Khmer Rouge were only able to stay in the jungle near Thailand where they were helped by the UN and other forces.

Anonymous said...

2:40AM and 3:17AM
I Do not know, and know how can any one help?

Anonymous said...

The Vietcong above want to be a comeback kid!ahahah The Vietcong like you will never care for anything including using your own wife for prostitution!ahahah. So much for Vietcong invincibility!aha
This is what I don't understand about all these Vietcong! The Vietcong claimed to be better than Cambodian! But million and million of Vietcong want to live Cambodia and you don't see million and million of Cambodian people want to live in Vietname! Isn't this ironic?

Here another thing! The Vietcong beat American military force because the Vietcong have endless supplied of food and arms for Russia and China!

The Khmer Rouge kicked the Vietcong'azz for 10 years with arm supply from China and ...! I see no different here! I called this even playing field! Consider the Khmer Rouge in small number.ahahah

The Vietcong will never admitted their defeat at the hand of the Khmer! But that is ok with me, because China reserve the right to teach these Vietcong a second lesson!ahahahah

Anonymous said...

lol tell me how the Khmer Rouge kicked the Vietcongs ass?

lol Khmer Rouge death rates were at least twice as high and the Khmer Rouge went from having 100% of Cambodia to like 1% which was next to the Thai border.

As for the Chinese, they coudn't even get past the border towns in Vietnam and had higher casuality rates and history says they lost the war.

At least Vietnam never got Chinese to fight with them against America, while Khmer Rouge got Chinese to attack Vietnam and both China and Cambodia still lost.

Vietnam kicked both Cambodia and China's ass at the same time. Damn weaklings.

Anonymous said...

The Vietcong claimed to be better than Cambodian! But million and million of Vietcong want to live Cambodia and you don't see million and million of Cambodian people want to live in Vietname! Isn't this ironic?

It's called colonization. lol Whites want to live in America while Native Americans don't want to live in Europe.

All those Cambodian officials with Vietnamize name and even the biggest Cambodian company (Sokimex) are all Vietnamese (Sok Kong who is alos a Vietnamese).

So just like how whites went to America and control the country and have the most powerful companies, Vietnamese defeated Cambodia in a war and is now exploiting it for our own needs.

If Cambodia hadn't started the war then this wouldn't have happend.

Anonymous said...

Why the hell these Vietcong withdrew their from Cambodia after? Why not make Cambodia as part of your province? ahahah I think I know why because Cambodia is running out of dogs for these Vietcong to eat!ahah

Anonymous said...

Vietnam's plan was never to make Cambodia a province. The CPP was formed by Vietnam even before the war started so they can take over the government of Cambodia and listen to Vietnam's demands. Why do you think Hun Sen does everything Vietnam asks? The CPP was made to serve Vietanam.

Vietnam doesn't want Cambodia has part of Vietnam, as it means Cambodians will be Vietnamese citizens and they will drain our social program. Look at Cambodians who sneak into Vietnamese hospitals just to take away our free health care. Not to mention people will think Vietnamese are black if Cambodia is part of Vietnam.

Anonymous said...

Let me tell the people about the lies of this one dog-meat-eating Viet: Hahahah

Viet Lie #1: “We took your entire country in just 2 weeks…”

Fact: It took 10 years long for the Viets to fight the Khmer Rouge and other resistant forces. So if the Viets already took over THE ENTIRE country, then why did they have to die trying to fight with the Khmer Rouge and other forces. Hahhaha.

Viet Lie #2: “Vietnam only sent 100,000 of their troops in Cambodia with a population of 13 million and were still able to take that country.”

Fact: By the time the Khmer Rouge took over Cambodia, there were only 6 millions Cambodians. Within 4 years time, nearly 2 millions were dead. So where does this Viet jokester get ITS stat of 13 millions from? Hahhaah.

Viet Lie #3: “Cambodians are fat faced people with fat heads that look like pigs. Pol Pot, Lon Nol, Sihanouk all had fat faces and look like those fat black pigs in the Mekong Delta. Since when were short-fat faced pig looking people considered beautiful?”

Fact: The Viets are so short in comparison to the Cambodians that that even the Vietnamese government itself wants to nationalize the diets for the general Viets to increase their shorty heights. Hahha.

Fact: The Viets are so ugly in comparison to the Cambodians that according to Catholic Encyclopedia on Indo-China, the Viets were described as follows: “In the Chinese annals of 2357 B.C, the Annamites were called the Giao-chi (i.e. the "big-toed"—the wide separation of of big toe from the others is still a distinctive characteristic of the Annamites). The Annamite is of low stature, his limbs are short, his body ungraceful, his hair black and coarse, his mouth big, his lips thick, his nose flat, and his nostrils dilated. His skull is short and rather wide, his cheek-bones protrude, his eyes are lozenge-shaped, his complexion varies from brown to yellow.... The great blot on the Annamite character is an overpowering tendency towards deceit and dishonesty, which Christianity—as attested by hostile French officials—has done much to remove. …Devoted to song, poetry, the theatre, and feasts, his literature is composed mainly of ballads, dramas, romance, and legends—almost all of which are borrowed from the religious traditions of the Khmers— and countless philosophical treatises. Annamites pray to Ong-phat (the Supreme Being), the Governor of the World, whose image one remarks on the altar at the hearth in almost every home. Nor are they free from superstition, maleficent genii dominating even the most highly educated.”

Facts: “The Cambodians or Khmers, although their type is in general greatly modified by intermarriage with other races, still preserve the Aryan characteristics. Taller than the Annamite or Thai, their eyes are rarely oblique, their nose is straight and, though their complexion is now yellow, they preserve their agglutinative or polysyllabic language intact in the midst of races speaking isolating or monosyllabic tongues. …They have, apart from their mysterious and glorious past, a great attraction for the sociological student, owing to their gentleness, courtesy, loyalty, and their native pride which makes them prefer to submit to any misery rather than labour for another. They practice Buddhism slightly tinged with Brahmanism.”

Now eat the facts, you lowly stinking dog-meat-eating Monkey Viet with separated big gorilla toes. Hahha.

Anonymous said...

Hahha, now look at this jokester down here who says:

"Vietnam doesn't want Cambodia has part of Vietnam, as it means Cambodians will be Vietnamese citizens and they will drain our social program. Look at Cambodians who sneak into Vietnamese hospitals just to take away our free health care. Not to mention people will think Vietnamese are black if Cambodia is part of Vietnam."

You know what I really like what you say a lot. You already know that the Khmer don't like them YOUN at all. So if your words are so factual, then does that mean the Kampuchea Krom will be independent soon or what? Hahha. You YOUN need to stop hanging on to the Kampuchea Krom, fool. Hahha. What do you mean that the Cambodians sneak into Vietnam? Where is the proof? However, there are many stinking big toed YOUN who always sneak into Cambodia to catch Cambodian fish in the great lake, steal Cambodian trash, and to serve the sexual needs of old foreign rich men. Hahaaha. According to you, the Viets don't want to have anything to do with the Cambodians, but the proofs show that the Viets even try to make money by operating their businesses with the Cambodians in Cambodia. hahha. In fact, the Viets even have this tour package that even take the YOUN to see the famed Cambodian Angkor Wat. hahha. I wish what you say is true so that the Cambodians won't have to deal with you YOUN anymore. After hundreds of years, with you YOUNs, the Cambodians just dont want to have anything to do with the big toes ugly looking gorillas called Nanman or Giao-chi no more. hahhah.

Anonymous said...

Sorry you guys, I have just need to add this one more on the shorty azzed ugly Viets. Hahah. Hey dont blame for saying that. The Viets they say that themselves that "tall people are more pretty and handsome."

Vitamins help Vietnamese to greater heights
By Sebastien Berger in Hanoi
(Filed: 02/06/2004)

Every baby and toddler in Vietnam is to receive large regular doses of vitamin A as part of a plan to combat malnutrition and make the population taller.

"This is a very long-term strategy of our government and party to deal with population quality," he said. "We think we can achieve a sustainable and significant improvement in the height of the Vietnamese.

"This is a very important issue. We have to do this for the next generation, and the next, and the next."

Vitamin A doses will be distributed every six months to all children up to three years old. An iron supplement programme is also under way.

Other measures include encouraging breastfeeding for longer, educating mothers to improve the quality of food children are weaned on to, and better hygiene.

Dr Khan said Vietnam's national sports committee backed the plan because its athletes, despite their ability and efforts, were hampered in international contests by their physical size.

Vietnam’s large areas of the countryside remain impoverished. According to the World Health Organisation only half the population has access to safe drinking water.

Residents on the streets of Hanoi backed the initiative. "All Vietnamese want to be taller because tall people are more pretty and handsome," said Thuy, a cafe worker.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for showing the article about Vietnam providing care for their poeple to fight malnutrition. Something Cambodians will not be able to achieve ever.

Oh and nice Catholic Encyclopedia article that have so many wrong facts such as Vietnamese culture copying Khmer culture which are nothing alike.

But then again I guess the only article you can find is one written by French Catholics who are bitter about losing Indochina to Vietnamese and have obvious errors in them.

The big toe comment was amazingly funny considering you cannot find a single pic to prove this big toe theory.

I can find tons of pics of Cambodians with fat faces like Lon Nol, Pol Pot, Sihanok. Even that Khmer U.S soldier who got shot in the head is chubby.

Even Angkor statures depict Khmers with fat round faces. I trust Khmer art about what Khmers look like over Catholic sources that have obvious errors in them.

lol here read this:

In 1923, in his Racial History of Man, a hallmark work in ethnology and anthropology, Harvard University anthropologist and Librarian of the Peabody Museum, Roland Burrage Dixon (1875-1934) noted that the ancient Khmers were physically:

"marked by distinctly short stature, dark skin, curly or even frizzly hair, broad nose and thick negroid lips. While metrical data are almost wholly lacking, it seems probable that we have, in the latter group, the much mixed survivors of an early Negroid stratum, of mixed Proto-Australoid and Proto-Negroid types (with perhaps some Negrito)."

lol at least this website doesn't have any errors and it stats Khmers are short,black with frizzy hair.

Anonymous said...

In 1923, in his Racial History of Man, a hallmark work in ethnology and anthropology, Harvard University anthropologist and Librarian of the Peabody Museum, Roland Burrage Dixon (1875-1934) noted that the ancient Khmers were physically:

"marked by distinctly short stature, dark skin, curly or even frizzly hair, broad nose and thick negroid lips. While metrical data are almost wholly lacking, it seems probable that we have, in the latter group, the much mixed survivors of an early Negroid stratum, of mixed Proto-Australoid and Proto-Negroid types (with perhaps some Negrito)."

lol take that you short, dark skin, thick negroid lip Khmer. lol At least this source comes from an anthropologist with no errors, while yours has errors that obviously try to demonize Vietnamese espicially with how Vietnamese culture stole Khmer culture which is obviously wrong as they are nothing alike. lol

Anonymous said...

The Chinese masters are right about these bad wild unruly big-toed gorilla Giao-chi or Nanman. Hahha. Your source talks about the ancient Negritos in the Red Delta River. The true Khmer people resemble those of the Mon-Khmer group. So get your facts straight, you annoying big toed Giao-Chi or Nanman. Hahah.

Anonymous said...

I have just read about Trudy Jacobsen's assertion, and boy I am really shocked to learn about the person's mockery directed towards the Cambodians living abroad. Who the heck is person to have the nerves to even touch the Khmer word “youn”. The person said that according to the person’s evidence, the Khmer usage of the word is “pejorative”. The person said that the Khmer word “youn” is similar to the word “Negro”. So let me check the person’s comparative values. Hahha.

According to the world book dictionary (1987), volume 24, page 1391, the word “Negro” means “a person belonging to any of the black races of Africa, characterized by brown or black skin, coarse, wooly hair, and a broad, flat nose.” So that is why I saw this TV ad that says: “Support your Negro college funds for the mind is a terrible thing to waste.” Obviously, there is no “pejorative” usage there. Hahhah. However, according to “Talkin’ American (1995), the term “nigger” is pejorative to mean “a black person”, like in this illustration: “The racist jerk still calls blacks niggers and say that he hates nigger music.” Hahha.

According to that Trudy Jacobsen, the person’s evidence against the Khmer usage of the word “youn” includes these expressions: "yuon masters," "the stinking yuon," and the "yuon enemy”. Hahah. Now observe closely, do you see the way the word “youn” is being described, yes, when the word “youn” is used in such a way then it means that the speaker is angry at the Vietnamese. Similarly, the American English word “white” is simply a neutral word just like the way Trudy used it in the subject part of the person’s sentence: “…the whites in the United States…” However, when one starts to negatively use the word “white” as “the evil whites,” “the stinky whites,” “the white supremacists,” “white power,” “white trash,” “white enemies,” and “the white colonial masters,” etc., then taken as a whole each expression is designed to be a dysphemism as it replaces the neutral term white with one that is negative or unpleasant in meaning. So can I as an individual person say that the usage of the word “white” is “pejorative”? Hahha. And therefore, others should not use the word “white” in their speaking or writing vocabulary? Hahahh.

Actually, if this Trudy Jacobson truly cares about the pejorative term, the person should write about the Vietnamese’s usage of their derogatory, pejorative term “Mien” for the Cambodians. In addition, will this Trudy Jacobson go on to tell the Thais, the Chams, and the Laotians to stop calling the Vietnamese as “youn” also? Hahhah. Cambodians are not the only ones who call the Vietnamese “youn”, OK. Hahha. Regarding the person’s real motive, let the world be known that Trudy Jacobson a biased special-interest writer who serves the agenda of the Vietnamese government because the Vietnamese leaders also protested against the Cambodian usage of the word “youn” way back in the Khmer Rouge era and in the UNTAC’s brief administration.

Anonymous said...

To all the Vietcong! The case is closed!

Anonymous said...

I forgot one more thing! To Trudy Jacobson! The case is closed!

Anonymous said...

I will never change the term, I like callikng them youn. We khmer must be independent to use our language. Those westerners must educate themselves before painting us as racists and watch out their mouths before calling uncivilized.

Anonymous said...

Are you fiting the Viet Namese spy and Occupationer or the WESTERNER???

Anonymous said...

For the KhmerRouge Survivor, You are a survivor for nothing! You are the kind of person who just want to find peace within yourself and careless for other! You are the kind of person who wouldn't offer a seat to an old lady! You are the kind of person who wouldn't hide a pregnant woman from a killer! So much for your righteousness and sensitivity and you still couldn't change the world that you live in!

By nature even plants, animals, and human have a mechanism to defend themselves against predators! For example, the beautiful rose flower has thorns for protection and Cambodian people are no different than the rose flower! Cambodian people have the right to protect themselves in anyway endowed by God! Cambodian people have the right to stand up against injustice! Cambodian people can no longer afford to give more ground to the Vietcong and its lobbyist to destroy Cambodian people image and reputation in the world! Cambodian people can no longer agree and go long with these Vietcong and the foreigners to label us in anyway the wanted! It must must now!

Anonymous said...

Case all close. We understand each other a bit now through these conversations.

Let's close the case with that knoledge that Youn isn't perjorative and let us not go into other issues because our purpose here is to promote truly definition and meaning. It's done. There is nothing else that can be said. Now if people doubt, there is only the direct talk. So if you have question, just talk to your Cambodian friends directly- Don't bring up politics because you will never talk to each other again.

And for my closing statement, I appeal to all Cambodian to be as someone said earlier, proactive in the community, particpate in goverment and good citizenship whereever you maybe and be prepare to have fair and open dialogue to any people without getting fired up at their wrong assumptions. This will help not just Cambodian, but all humanity as a whole to understand and live together in peace and harmony as the buddha and other great religions taught us to be.

Anonymous said...

I will not stop using the word "YOUN" it is my favourit word "A youn, Kantourb"

I really want to take this nation out of the world map.

A youn, A youn !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

want some respect? Get out of my land!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and still " youn" is Kmhers' word!!!!!! Veitname is French & English!!!!!!!!!!!!. Sure, i will speak properly when speaking foreign language, but not in my own!!!!!!!!!!!!!! are you crazy?

Anonymous said...

Vietnamese called khmer people "Meang". I think they could not pronounce "khmer", they called us "Meang". That's normal. Called Vietnamese "Youn" was not a racial word. We called them "Youn" because they came from the province of Younan in China. That's where the vietnamese's origin came from, and I apologized if I am wrong. Read some history whoever wrote this article. We called Thai people "Seam" or Siam. I don't think the Thai like when we called them Siam. But again, it was not a racial word. We called Laotian people "Leao". I had a Vietnamese girlfriend, and I called her Srey Youn all the time. we have no problem. Whoever critized about khmer people about using the word " Youn" toward the vietnamese, fuck you.

Anonymous said...

This Foreigner is destroying Khmer culture and spirit. Since I was born, I only have known this word "yuon".
1. I called "Mju Yuon"
2. I said "Chuy Yuon"
3. I said " I love srey Yuon"
4. I said " Srey Yuon saart saart"
The Foreigner like this gets benefit from something or someone. Look at her support the current government which is un-human and cruel to his people daily. This foreigner has no responsible of what her action. She think that she knows Khmers and Khmer's relationship with their neighbors.
Can she take Khmer Krom back for Khmer?