Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Man dies bleeding in toilet accident

Phnom Penh
May 23, 2006

A man apparently bled to death after his leg slipped into a cracked porcelain toilet he was trying to use in north-western Cambodia, a police official said today.

Mao Bunlang, 46, died shortly after the accident at his home in Siem Reap province on Sunday, said Ou Em, chief of the provincial criminal police department.

He said the man was using the squat toilet when one of his legs accidentally slipped and plunged deep into the cracked toilet bowl.

"He was seriously injured by sharp pieces of the broken toilet. There was a big cut near his groin," Ou Em said.

Noting his long absence, family members entered the toilet to find him lying on the floor with blood streaming from his leg. He died before reaching a hospital.

Ou Em said Mao Bunlang had been scheduled to appear at a provincial court for questioning over a property dispute with a local Buddhist monk but there was no evidence of foul play.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To put the nail in the coffin! The chances are the porcelain toilet is made in Thialand or Vietnam! I had seen some of the workmanship of the Thai and Viet's products and I can assure you that they are horrible in quality! Now Cambodain people are paying with their life for trying to save some money on these dirt cheap products!