Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Princess Vacheara reveals on plan to form a new political party for Krom Preah

Princess Norodom Vacheara
24 May 2006
Rasmey Kampuchea newspaper

Translated from Khmer by KI-Media

Phnom Penh – From Paris, France, princess Vacheara talked about an undertaking which could lead to the creation of a new political party for prince Norodom Ranariddh, the current president of the Funcinpec party. Even tough both the princess and the prince are currently in Paris, the two members of the royal family have not contacted each other since the departure of prince Ranariddh from Cambodia.

Princess Vacheara told Rasmey Kampuchea reporters by phone on the afternoon of Tuesday that she had heard information indicating that “Funcinpec supporters in the USA, Canada, and France are planning to form a new political party for prince Ranariddh to preside over.” Nevertheless she said that this information is not yet official, and that no one had contacted her or her brother, prince Sirivudh, on the formation of this new political party.

Princess Vacheara is planning to return back to Cambodia at the beginning of June, between the 2nd and the 4th, following the return to Cambodia by prince Sirivudh who will be accompanying King-Father and Queen-Mother home on 26 May.

Princess Vacheara declined talking on the future of Funcinpec, however she said: “I and my brother (prince Sirivudh), we will not run away from the people and we will not leave Funcinpec midway. I and my brother, we will return to serve the people and the Funcinpec party as simple members of parliament.” The princess added that she cannot talk about it until 2008. If they support Funcinpec policy that existed before, we will give our support. However, if they have different goals from the previous ones, it is difficult to talk about.

Princess Vacheara confirmed that in the past, Nhiek Bun Chhay, Funcinpec secretary-general, had discussed in meetings in which she attended on plan established by others [CPP??] to remove royal family members from politics. Because of this trend, Nhiek Bun Chhay has a hard time defending Funcinpec government officials and members of the royal family who are removed from their government position.

According to princess Vacheara, she said that it is not just people in Phnom Penh, even herself who is currently in Paris, she cannot reach prince Ranariddh. She said that she did not meet prince Ranariddh face to face or over the phone. She called over the phone to look for prince Ranariddh, but she could not catch him. Therefore, she does not know when prince Ranariddh will return back to Cambodia.

Nouv Sivutharo, Funcinpec spokesman, said on Tuesday that he did hear of this information. This is not a true story, and it will never happen. It is just someone’s figment of the imagination. In general, those living abroad come to join the fight and to support Funcinpec, however the actual base [supporters] of Funcinpec are those who live inside the country, and they absolutely support prince Ranariddh.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It dosen't matter which group of the FUNCINPEC to form their own party, they are on the way to self-destruction unless they joint with other democratic groups to form a single powerful force for the 2008.

Anonymous said...

People of problems are still people of problems, whether under the FUNCINPEC or a new one. If their behavior and their attitude don't change, their party won't change... It will distroy itself automatically sooner or later.

Anonymous said...

This princess look more like a witch! Somebody need to throw her in the castle and lock her up! She look mentalty unstable! Put her in a dungeon or something!

Anonymous said...

to the person who wrote the comment above from mines... "grow up and stop being so shallow" I'm sure you're not all that great looking yourself you superficial idiot!

Anonymous said...

Yes that cheap shot!
Do not judge book by it cover, you fool!

Anonymous said...

She does look kinda creepy. I can't believe they have J7 blood runing through them. All they do is hide like a dog when they don't get their ways. Oh where oh where is the prince? Ha! for the people my azz....

Anonymous said...

Princes just like us let curse the one who did wrong and praise the one who do right!

Anonymous said...

Bloody hell...why dont our king or queen just stay out of politic...

Anonymous said...

Now, I know why Sihanouk left the country. Princess looked like "kmotch chol". What an ugly and horrific apparent. I'm glad I'm related to her.

Anonymous said...

Krom Puok Sdech Bom Plagn Jeat :

Sihanouk and Monique Sihanouk (bosses of Puok Sdeches)

Serei Vuth

Anonymous said...

No !!!

HUN SEN is BOSS of Puok Sdeches

because he is Samdech Neayuok or Neayuok Samdech that means BOSS of ALL SAMDECHES

you see, for example, each time that King Father would like to return to Cambodia he always ask permission from HUN SEN ( a psychopath : khoch sor sai prasat )

Anonymous said...

In the area of king Monivong, les Khmers called the Royal family A chamkuot luong (roi fou).
Cambodians cannot trust on fool people.

Anonymous said...

we all human, individual should resposible for hus or her own actions not family!

Anonymous said...

FUNCIPEC (1998-2003) trov jegn khauk jol khauk dauy CPP


FUNCIPEC (2003-2008) trov jegn thaek jol thaek dauy CPP

ha! ha!

Destiny of FUNCIPEC:

Elections 1993 1998 2003 2008
FUNCIPEC 58seats 43sts 26sts -0seat

I, representing Cambodian people, will not vote for FUNCIPEC in 2008 because Royal family has done nothing for us but has received bribe

Anonymous said...


What is your party? Can I join you?

Anonymous said...

As a cambodia farmer also even Cambodian people are concious that Royal family do nothing for them since post angkor until now.

Royal family is just a pile of garbage to get stunk to the society

Anonymous said...

now, my poor sister wanted to form a new party.. what ?? called what?..
krom what? i can't hear you sister, krom what?.. oh..krom shit..hehehe WoW this is true .. okay. It's is good to make a new that you, sister can make your own money, without a fight from your sibbling..hehehehehe.. the Royal party Called " krom shit"
behind hun sen toilet... Can't believe this stupid idiot old wrinkle elephant skin low life lady.., why don't you go to the pagoda to raise money, why the other party?..jeesh!

Anonymous said...

It would be better if they form this party in the next twenty years. And, by that time, we will have a new idealism, brain, and people that will lead people to find a better way to live and to enjoy the truthful meaning of life.

By forming a new party, it seems like you dressing up a drunken man to be a general, but no matter what how you dressing him up; but he is always a drunken man. Get real, would you. Don’t take you wife to the meeting as Veang Sereyvuth…and men don’t go to the palace by yourself.

ha!ha! nasty royal family!!

Anonymous said...

they should stop NOW, otherwise this Thmeirl mean sasna will change the khmer history,as pol pot is a legend, not real!, If i'm wrong!.. Take a look at their PHOUM VAPAKTHOUR as an example!..
i don't see pol pot time line as the show the tourist...hehehe.

Anonymous said...

Thmeirl OT sasna is the nasty royal family!!!


- it was the accomplice with yous during viet nam war to kill Cambodian farmers
- it was the maker of war in Cambodia during 1970-1975
- it was the maker of killing machine to kill two millions of Cambodian people during 1975-1979
- it delivered Cambodian land to vietnam by signature


Anonymous said...

thmeirl ot sasna was in 75-79...thmeirl mean sasna is 79- now!
eeyore!! roki

Anonymous said...

Communist regime (dictatorship)= thmeirl OT sasna

thmeirl OT sasna was in 75-79 and 79-91 in communist regime

Naek korub sasna + thmeirl OT sasna is 93-now leading by Hun Sen (communist model leading means dictatorship)

Anonymous said...

mee, old wring skin stupid asshole,, why not from another whore house for the royal families sell its bodies?...