Thursday, May 04, 2006

World Press Freedom Day in Cambodia

Sothea Tith
Voice of America
Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Cambodian journalists and members of parliament ask the government to make a law permitting to have the freedom to receive news, on world press freedom day Wednesday.

Journalists are thought to have difficulty getting news because government officials did not cooperate, threatened them, because they allege that the government does not want the public to know about the news.

They say that this action has an impact on democracy.

President of the Cambodian Protection for Journalists association Um Sarin says that journalists face danger when they go to get news, and that news is fundamental in people's life. He says that only dictatorship countries hide information from their people.

Government spokesman Khieu Kanharith, US Embassy charge d'affairs Mark Storella, opposition party legislator Son Chhay paticipate in the world press freedom day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Long way!