Thursday, June 08, 2006

Big talk, little substance by Om Yen Tieng on World Bank graft

Government Welcomes World Bank's Corruption Evidences

Sakada Chun
Voice of America
Phnom Penh

The Cambodian government welcomes the World Bank's corruption evidences in 3 development projects totaling more than $64 million, saying it is an important basis for anti-corruption campaign against corruption that is going deep in Cambodia, says Prime Minister Hun Sen's advisor Wednesday.

This welcoming remark is made after the World Bank gives the government the result from its investigation about corruption in 7 projects worth tens of millions of dollars, requesting the government to reimburse $7,600,000 after the Bank discovered irregularities in 30 contracts and misuse of funds in a total of three projects.

The Bank says that it might ask for more reimbursement while its investigation is still going on. Mr. Hun Sen's adviser Om Yentieng told VOA that the government is happy and welcomes the Bank's findings, saying the Cambodian government supports the will for transparency, and corruption free.

He says that he does not condone corruption, and that it is not an individual case, but collective one, and that the perpetrators should not leave the others to take responsibility.


Anonymous said...

Om Yin Tieng was Vietnamese that appointed by Hun Sen and under controle by Vietnam. Not interest with his speech because Cambodia problem is not VN's

Anonymous said...

the perpetrator is you, dr. yin...

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen has part on the corruption, don't mess him mr. Om Yin Tieng!