Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Khmer Krom People are forming a government in exile to oppose Vietnam

05 June 2006
By Mayarith
Radio Free Asia

Translated from Khmer by KI-Media

On Sunday 04 June, overseas Khmer people from Kampuchea Krom have formed a government in exile outside of Kampuchea Krom under the name of Khmer Kampuchea Krom Government to Oppose the current Vietnamese authority.

This government was formed during a meeting for the commemoration of the 57th anniversary of the loss of the land of Kampuchea Krom which was officially given by the French colonial regime to the Vietnamese on 04 June 1949.

The Khmer Kampuchea Krom government was founded on Sunday with the participation of about 80 Khmer Krom people from France, Canada, and various states in the USA such as Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, California, Washington, Minnesota, Iowa, etc…

The announcement for the formation of the government coincides with the meeting commemorating the loss of the former land of Kampuchea Krom, at a Khmer Kampuchea Krom pagoda in the state of Virginia (USA).

The announcement for the formation of the Khmer Kampuchea Krom Government in exile yesterday was accompanied by the nomination of its Prime Minister only. No indication was provided regarding the composition of its leaders. Mr. Thach Chan was nominated as the Prime Minister of the Khmer Kampuchea Krom Government in exile. He is a former resistance soldier during the French colonial regime, and he was also a leader of the Khmer Kampuchea Krom struggle movement in the past.

Mr. Thach Chan, who is from Canada, said that the struggle of the Khmer Kampuchea Krom Governmnet will be conducted in a non-violent manner using legal approach through the United Nation.

Mr. Thach Chan said: “The opportunity still remains for our compatriots because the UN has declared that all people who have been oppressed, who have been colonized, have the right to protest. We take this opportunity to officially raise our protest, and we will fight using non-violence.

Mr. Thach Thong, who originally came from the former province of Preah Trapeang (currently Tra Vinh in Vietnamese) and who is currently residing in Virginia, and is a participant in the announcement of the formation of this government, declared that in order to save the former land of Kampuchea Krom – the 21 provinces of which are currently completely renamed by the Vietnamese, including the former capital of Prey Nokor which is currently named Ho Chi Minh City – and also to preserve the culture, the religion, and the national identity, it is imperative that this Khmer Kampuchea Krom government be formed.

Mr. Thach Thong said: “The formation of this Khmer Kampuchea Krom government is the right thing to do for Khmer Kampuchea Krom people who had lost their territories for a long time already.”

Currently, the fight of the Khmer Kampuchea Krom people overseas is mainly led by various different organizations. The formation of the Khmer Kampuchea Krom Government on Sunday was supported only by one Khmer Krom organization, the Supreme National Council of Khmer Kampuchea Krom. Other Khmer Krom movements and organizations have yet to react to this formation of Khmer Krom government.


Anonymous said...

The Khmer Krom in Vietname don't have to fear the Vietcong anymore! Khmer Krom had been living in fear for so long and now in 2006 and let the world know what the Vietcong had done to the Khmer Krom people is a violation of basic human right!

The Vietcong can go on treating the the Khmer Krom people as they do in the past including prisonment, assassination, and torture but the Vietcong need to remember that Khmer Krom are human too! So every time when these Khmer Krom have a chance and they are going to do the same thing back!

Khmer Krom have suffered long enough and now it is time to fight back! Go ahead proclaim the Khmer Krom identity and let the world and the Vietcong know that we Khmer Krom are going to take it anymore! Independence for the Khmer Krom and Independence for all Khmer!

Too proud to live and too proud to die!!!

Anonymous said...

The "…Greatest Wrongs of history” in the 1940s.

In 1945 the decisions by the United States, Soviet Unions, and Britain allowed the Soviets to annex and occupy the Baltic nations (Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania). President Bush acknowledged the important role the USA played and said that the Soviet domination of the Baltic countries was “one of the greatest wrongs of history.” President Bush went on to say that, “…when powerful governments negotiated, the freedom of small nations was…expendable.”

Similarly, in 1949, France also committed “one of the greatest wrongs of history” against the Khmer Krom people of the Mekong Delta (Kampuchea Krom). Instead of ceding Kampuchea Krom to Cambodia, France irresponsibly and wrongfully transferred it to Vietnam’s annexation and occupation.

While the Baltic countries (Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania) now have their independence from Russia, Kampuchea Krom is still under Vietnam’s annexation and occupation. After 38 years of domination, even Israel pulled its troops out of the occupied Palestine’s coastal Gaza strip. Unfortunately, the Khmer Krom people continue to suffer under the harsh yoke of Vietnam.

President Bush said that it is not right to “appease or excuse tyranny, and sacrifice freedom…” of the small countries.

Similarly to the people of the Baltic countries, the Khmer Krom also have “a long vigil of suffering and hope” under the continuous years of oppressive Vietnamese occupation.

It is time for the great nations of the world to stand by the Khmer Krom people so that they can gain their freedom to erase their continuous pain under the bad treatment of the Vietnamese government.

Long Live Khmer Krom always! Viva Khmer Krom. Self-determination always!

Anonymous said...

Long time ago that Vietnam would like to occupied Cambodia. They sent some Vietnamese to go in Cambodia Government. Ho Chi Minh used Sihanouk by beautiful lady as Monique, they used Ieng Sary, Pol Pot, and now Hun Sen (because he like power) and others in the Cambodia Gov. Kiet Chhon, Hor Nam Hong, Om Yin Tieng, Chay Saing Yun, Cham Prasidh, Sok An, Sok Kong,and many many in Police authority, Gendamery, Military that we cannot count their names. All problem was happen by Sihanouk because he really liked Communmist, he was the big killer in Khmer Rouge regime (he never think about the life of people, he just thinking only his power)

Anonymous said...

I fully support the formation of this exile gov't and urge that all khmer krom organizations and other khmers work closely with one another for this extremly important mission. We all need to fight for our land and people back.

Anonymous said...

I am Khmer Krom. I do not support this exile government unless it is form by the official group that represents Kampuchea Krom. The Khmer Kampuchea Krom federation. which is a peaceful and non-violent organization that has been fighting for our human rights, and also looking for path of self-determination through international law. I do not know if this newly formed governemnt are by people who are trying to take Khmer Krom into a wrong path. I would hope that this organization will be peaceful when dealing with Vietnam as our Khmer Kampuchea Krom Federation organizations have dealt with- that is according to the law and international appeals, and that is the only way we will achieve our mission.

It must not be seen as a possible terrorist organization or extremist organization. If it is it will undermine every steps our Khmer Krom organizations have taken. I urge all Khmer Krom and Khmer to be vigilant and look out for false organizations. Investigate conclusively before deciding what is true and what is deception.

Anonymous said...

The govermement Khmer Krom must have to talk with all the khmer krom federation and get their support and and the support from the patriot Khmers as well. this is the only Way to be taken seriously by the International Community.
Don't do anything separately.

Anonymous said...

I am not too sure about this new organization. It seems unrealistic and unachievable. I hope it is not a trap to trap all Khmer Krom by Viet's agents in the USA. Khmer Krom Federation has done a lot of good jobs for Khmer Krom so far, I hope this new organization is not to confuse people which is which???I strongly believe in our unity for all and join hand with KK Federation if you want to fight the Vietnamese. We are too small as a group to divide any further.

by Khmer Krom Observer.

Anonymous said...

Dear Concerned people,

I have just listened on Radio Free Asia to the interview given by the President Thach Chann of the newly created Khmer Krom Government. President Thach Chann said that the new organization will abide by the international laws which allow the subjugated people to speak up against their colonizers. First the Viets colonized the Khmer Krom people. Then the French colonized the Khmer Krom people. When the French left Kampuchea Krom, the French handed the territory back to the Viet colonizers again. So the Khmer Krom are still the colonized subjugated people. Khieuv Kanhanridth of Hun Sen Government said that the new body will bring woes to the Khmer Krom people still under the Vietnamese rule. Similarly, Thach Sitha of the Funcipec Party said that the newly created Khmer Krom Government woull allow the Vietnamese government to accuse it as a terrorist group and as a result will further harshly repress the Khmer Krom in Vietnam. President Thach Chann of the Khmer Krom Government said that the Khmer Krom people have always been under the bad treatment of the Vietnamese government regardless with presentation or without presentation. So, accordingly, he siad that it does not matter. However he underscores the purpose again and again that his organization will seek peaceful demands according to the international laws allowed for the colonized subjugated people.

As a concerned Khmer person, I always think of the implications of everything. My heart aches whenever I hear that Khmer Krom people are still the suppressed marginalized people of the mainstream Vietnamese society. It is a well-known fact that the Khmer Krom people are not well represented in any field at all in the Vietnamese society. In fact the Khmer Krom people are even below the Chams in Vietnam. The Chams are well-represented in the Vietnamese government. For example, Pham Van Dong was a Cham, and the late president of South Vietnam was also a Cham. The Cham leaders want the Chams to really be assimilated into the Vietnamse so much that they forbid the remaining Cham people to speak up of their separate distinct history as a people. In contrast, the Khmer Krom people are continually being oppressed and discriminated against by the racist Vietnamese national policies and institutions. It is time that the Khmer Krom must say enough and enough and the Viet colonizers must let the Khmer Krom people go!

Anonymous said...

We cannot hope Sihanouk or Hun Sen to help khmer Kampuchea Krom because they were Ayorng Yuon. I agree with khmer krom government

Anonymous said...

the kk government is just a bunch of old timers trying to create a group, more specifically a terrorist group so vn can come back and destroy kk people as a whole. These older timers is dumb, brainwashed, money hungry, and power hungry. They are a bunch of corrupt people where the new generation doesn't accept. If they want to run a government who is corrupt just go to Cambodia. Don't let these fools fool us kk any longer. They are forming an illegal group in which they can be arrested at any time if vn pull the terrorist card at them. Stupid fools....