Thursday, June 29, 2006

Nine Cambodian Students Get Fulbright Scholarship in the U.S.

Ratana Seng
Voice of America
Phnom Penh

Nine Cambodian Fulbright grantees are ready to leave for the U.S. to do masters degree at the U.S. universities.

Joseph Mussomeli, U.S. Ambassador to Cambodia, at the meeting with those students on Wednesday morning, says that getting this scholarship is significant for Cambodia and after civil war, education plays an important role in country development and that Fulbright grantees are young, professional, and responsible people and will come back to work for their country.

These Fulbright grantees also act as cultural ambassadors for their own country. Every year more than 1,300 students around the world receive Fulbright scholarship to study in the U.S.

The U.S. government resumed offering the Fulbright scholarship in 1994. Since then there have been 75 Cambodian students received the Fulbright scholarship.

Peou Chivoin, who chooses to major in media theory and research, says he chooses this field because in Cambodia media field recently started to develop, and the U.S. is the country where media is significantly privatized. Therefore, it is important for himself as well as his society.

Chea Chou, doing masters in Media at Michigan States University, says she is very proud to have an opportunity to study in the U.S. as she is able to learn new knowledge about the selected major, learn about cultures from other students and share her cultures with those students.

Kol Pheng, Minister of Education, encourages those students to try hard and maintain their culture and values as Cambodians. U.S. Department of States offers USD450,000 a year for Fulbright program in Cambodia. U.S. universities that accept Cambodian Fulbright grantees also contribute to this program with about 200,000 a per years.


Anonymous said...

uh? It is interesting to learn that Cambodian students are getting fulbright scholarship to learn in the U.S. I remembered when AH HUN SEN son HUN MANET graduated West Point and AH HUN SEN would used state television time to advertise HUN MANET on TV over and over again almost for one fucken month! It was so fucken boring to see HUN MAMET on TV over and over. AH HUN SEN was trying to tell Cambodian people that only his family have the capability to learn and to graduated from high education in American University!ahahah AH HUN SEN just prove himself wrong again!

Consider how corrupted Cambodian educational system and only nine Cambodian students made to the top?
This is not good enough! Out of 13million Cambodian people only only nine student can pursue higher education? Oh by the way, what happen to the rest of AH HUN SEN children? Only one of AH HUN SEN children made it to higher education? With these statistic in mind, Cambodia as a country is facing a grim future!

I wonder what happen to HUN MANET. After he graduated from West Point, he seems to be disappeared from public life! It is such a fucken waste to disappear from public life without contribute anything to the well being of Cambodian society from what he had learned in United States!

I heard rumors that some Cambodian people said that he is working in some position given by his father HUN SEN. I mean if this HUN MANET is smart enough he wouldn't let his father HUN SEN find a job for him!hahahahah But I think he just fucking around that all! He ain't working!

AH HUN SEN, ah HUn Manet, and all other AH HUN SEN officials are not working at all and they just fucking around because the Vietcong always tell them what to do and what to say! Why do think the Vietcong have the power to surmon any of AH HUN SEN officials to Hanio anytime they want!

I thought with education anybody can change the society they live in but not in this case! abunch of sorry ass! ahahahah

Anonymous said...

I am proud of you whoever you are. This prove that Khmers has potential when giving the right direction. I am heart-felt to know such a person from a F__K up country like Cambodia to receive a phenomenal scholarship.

You are way better than Khmer in America. Khmer in America loves to drops out of school and join the gangs. And a few, was deported back to Cambodia. Khmer in America prefer to live on edge. Pity.

Anonymous said...

11:20 are you talking about me, you mother!! Sound like you're talking about me.. I live in American and I'm a member of the gang. Stop talking about me or else I'll find where you are and I'll rap you....Mother F... You!

Anonymous said...

5:02 Pm, if you live in America, then you're aware of laws, right? You cannot go around assault or threatened a person. You might get locked up, or deported to Hun Sen rapping your behind.

In a society everyone is free to lead his/her life in a productive way. I guessed you chose not to -- that America for you. We're freed.

OG/Cripp/Blood/etc, whichever you are, are you sure you can leave your clan to find me? You might get hang by your clans' member.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you comment #1. You are so right. You took the words out of my mouth. You're a
F-K bad ass, I love you man!!!

You said Ah Hun Sen,his family and his gang are not working, that is not true. They work very hard not to do anything nor stand up for themself nor their country. And that is what they are paid to do. As far as their master concern, Prime Monster Hun Sen and his gang do a very good job. They follow the instruction precisely given by their boss in Hanio.

About the 9 students come to USA for higher education, I wish them many success and hope one day they'll be good leaders for their country. I hope these 9 students are not the ones with well connected family paid their way so their kids can come the states. You know how corrupted in Cambodia. They can buy anything. I hope am wrong!!!

Comment#2 I agree with you also. Khmer kids in the USA need to wake up. Only a few percentage of them pursue higher education.

We all have the same opportunities as others ethnic groups in the US but less then a 1% Khmer made it to the University. I am talking about in Midwest. I don't know about any other states. May be there are more percentage in California.

Anonymous said...

Please do not compare apple and orange. And don't blame the children who live in this country to those who live in cambodia. The reason for saying that just reflect to the fact, these children have a lot of freedom to do a lot of things, but their parent arrived in this country with empty hand, they have to go to work to earn for living. Therefore they left their children alone with someone else to raise them, or they lived with a single mom or dad, were lonely then pure pressure started, they will join with them to the deep sea.
In the other hand, the children who live in Cambodia no matter what happen their parents alway there for them, plus these children do not even do anything around the house. They have maid wash and clean for them and believe me these kids not one of them came from the tripe, or corner of the country. They are coming from the heart of the city, they're spoil brat when I come to study in U. S.A, they don't even know how to wash their own cloths.

Anonymous said...


This not 2 different strokes. Khmers in different environment that is all. It seems like you are putting the load on the parents. When I first came to America, I was in my adolescent and I made a choice to get an education. Philadelphia is full of opportunities for me to get into the wrong crowd, but I did not because it did not benefit the society. My brother was dead because he did not listen to me. Ganster members took his life. Khmer children in the US -- just can't stopped picking up bad habit. Of course, everyone has to work for "ah thma".

Like I said, it's a choice one has to make of his/her life. Like my brother, he's 6 feet under now because of his choice. In America, the government and organizations gives away money for those want to go to school. I don't see many Khmer children jumping into the opportunities. All in all, it's not wholly dependent on parent(s). It's the environment and most importantly is the once choice.

Anonymous said...

finally, i ve found that it is just a game of words. dont you guy find yourself useless? well i would like to share with you some advise: be more productive, dont waste your time with such dump thing!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hun-sen and his son lack capacity to work in a complex political system and should step down for investigation. Hun Manet was nothing when he graduated from West Point. Cause I tried out for ROTC and West Point was design similar to OCS with only training in strategy and tatics.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys,

I like your debats. I love you guys, but educated persons never try to abuse their opponents by using street words. I just want to let you know that there are 900 Cambodian Students in U.S today. Some of them are doing their undergraduate and graduate (not including the one who already graduated from University and work in the public as manager, accountant, public service, banker, and more. These've given hope to take their experience to their country in the future. Many students are doing higher education such as CPA, CFA, CIA, CMA, or even phD. Hope still has to Cambodia. Being say that there are 9 students receiving fullbright to study in America, I am so proud of them. They are a part of 900 Cambodian Students in America. On the other hand, we have more Cambodian Students around the world today not only in U.S.