Monday, June 05, 2006

Vietnam Said Erecting Large Construction in Zero Zone of Cambodia's Ratanakiri

Vietnam Establishes Position in Zero Zone of Ratanakiri Province's O Yadav District

By Pheak-kdei
Moneakseka Khmer
daily newspaper
01 June 2006
Translated from Khmer

Civil society officials have disclosed that Vietnamese border troops have "established positions in the untouchable zero zone," separating the two countries, in Rotanakiri Province's O Yadav District, according to a report by Pheak-kdei published in the 1 June edition of the pro-opposition Cambodian daily newspaper Phnom Penh Moneakseka Khmer.

The officials added, "Foundations of a sizeable construction were erected, "undisturbed" by the [Cambodian] government authorities, in the zero zone, adjoining checkpoint 19 in Pak Nhai commune, O Yadao District, Ratanakiri Province, the report says.

Local nongovernmental officials said that the erection of the positions by the Vietnamese troops was "completely illegal and constituted a gross violation of Cambodia's territorial integrity," the report adds. However, no Cambodian official was either seen reacting to or preventing it." They shirked their responsibilities, claiming "it was not their but the government's role to solve it."

It should be recalled that, the report further says, the "zero or white zone," initiated when the Vietnamese invaded Cambodia, is "off-limits" to the two countries. However, at present Vietnam, Thailand, and Laos have reportedly encroached upon and occupied white zones, and in some areas, they even entered into Cambodia's territory several kilometers beyond the zones.

Moreover, almost all of the Cambodian police forces stationed along those borders are reportedly "unable to read maps" and that on some maps that Vietnam or Thailand has given to them, "boundaries are even drawn deep into Cambodian territory," the report points out. This has provided the neighboring countries with the "greatest possibilities of violating and grabbing Cambodian land at will."

Nevertheless, in the past, despite border opposition by experts to Vietnam's occupation of Cambodia's territory, the Cambodian Government remained "totally uninterested," the report says. On the contrary, the Hun Sen government "threatened to throw in jail those who commented on border issues." It was part of a move to "break up the spirit" of those who tried to raise border problems, and what was worst was that there would be no more Cambodian having the guts to comment on the hapless fate of Cambodia's boundaries that its neighbors have violated and occupied. That also indicated that the "green light" was given to the ambitious neighboring countries to "tear Cambodia apart at will for their share," the report points out.
Some analysts said that the Cambodian Government did not make clear its unequivocal stand on the border issue, and that although the government did not openly permitted the foreign countries to encroach upon Cambodian territory, it was conspicuous that it offered, with its laxity, the neighboring countries the "vast possibilities of invading Cambodia's territory unrestrained," the report observes.
The report says to show "perfection, transparency, and national ideals," it is better to carry out former King Norodom Sihanouk's "recommendations, using the citizens living along the borders as eyewitnesses of their border" rather than the dreamy idea of Var Kim Hong, chairman of the Government Border Committee, who "threatened those who dared speak of the truth."
Hun Sen should go and see for himself the huge construction erected by the Vietnamese in the zero zone of Ratanakiri Province's O Yadao District to "perceive clearly whether Vietnam's activities might evidence its violation of the border treaty," the report adds. He should "not just good at wielding power at the spur of Va Kim-hong," because at this point as the border is being encroached upon by the neighboring countries, major intervention and support are required from the government," the Moneakseka Khmer report concludes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How often do you see people erecting such a large construction in Zero Zone of Cambodia's Ratanakiri? Of course you don't! Only the Vietcong would do such a thing! To build such a large structure with intend to make it as a landmark to stake a claim over Cambodian land and to represent stability and power of the Vietcong that no Cambodian people can demolish or remove it!

Cambodian people need to remember that any illegal settlement or structures on Cambodian land can be remove by law! (HUN SEN never care for any law and a slave to the Vietcong that why he never protest anything).

I said with a few powerful dynamites and a bulldozer can soften up any large structure or landmark. The Vietcong better hurry up finishing what they are doing on Cambodian land before 2008 is up and no more negotiation and it is time to verify all the violations done by the Vietcong on Cambodian land! And this time no more HUN SEN to help the Vietcong!