Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Warning: F'pec implosion imminent, please do not disturb the moribund

Wednesday, June 7, 2006

F'pec Tensions Lead to Resignation Demands

By Yun Samean

Internal tensions within the fractured royalist party escalated on Tuesday, with Funcinpec Senior Minister Serei Kosal calling on Secretary-General Nhiek Bun Chhay to resign within 24 hours.

His demand came hours after Nhiek Bun Chhay accused Serei Kosal, Prince Norodom Chakrapong and Prince Norodom Ranariddh's spokesman Chea Chanboribo of planning to form a breakaway party named after Prince Ranariddh, and demanded that all three resign.

Serei Kosal and Chea Chanboribo both denied they planned to set up a new party, while Prince Chakrapong could not be reached for comment.

"I give him 24 hours to resign from the secretary-general position. [Nhiek Bun Chhay] must step order to save face as he has destroyed the parry," Serei Kosal said.

He also threatened to disclose embarrassing information about Nhiek Bun Chhay if he failed to step down.

At a news conference at Funcinpec headquarters, Nhiek Bun Chhay added momentum to the party's apparent implosion when he accused party members of planning to establish the "Samdech Krom Preah Norodom Ranariddh Party."

"There is a movement which is led by a few people. Firstly, Prince Norodom Chakrapong, secondly Serei Kosal, and thirdly Chea Chanboribo," he said.

Nhiek Bun Chhay accused the three of misinforming Prince Ranariddh that he had sold himself to Prime Minister Hun Sen's ruling CPP.

"They cannot stay with the party. They have to resign," he said.

Nhiek Bun Chhay said he would inform Prince Ranariddh about the proposed party and ask the prince to express his views on the matter.

Nhiek Bun Chhay also lashed out directly at Prince Chakrapong, claiming he was nearly killed when the prince prevented both he and Prince Ranariddh from landing their helicopter at Phnom Penh's Pochentong Airport in 1992.

A brother of Prince Ranariddh, Prince Chakrapong defected to the People's Republic of Kampuchea in the 1980s and was appointed minister of civil aviation. When the CPP lost the national election in 1993, he unsuccessfully attempted to form a secessionist movement in southeastern Cambodia before fleeing to Malaysia.

"He didn't allow us to land," Nhiek Bun Chhay told the press conference.

Prince Chakrapong did not answer phone calls, but in an interview broadcast on Radio Free Asia prior to Nhiek Bun Chhay's press conference he attacked the secretary-general, accusing him of removing Funcinpec officials and replacing them with his supporters.

Chea Chanboribo issued a statement denying that he or other Funcinpec officials were planning to form a breakaway party.

"It is not true," he said, adding that unidentified individuals had spread the rumor to try and cause tension between himself and Nhiek Bun Chhay, and to split the party.

CPP lawmaker Cheam Yeap said the CPP will be watching to see if a new party emerges from Funcinpec.

"Until now the split within the party has not caused any trouble in the government," he added.


Anonymous said...

The moment is arrived.R-Ridh ran away with $$,$$$,$$$ and an alternate consort. Out of blood and sweat of FUNC followers,he lives the life a la Sihanouk mode joie de vivre.

Now the remaining desperated and confused hunting dogs are in feud over bones left by Sihanouk hero and adopted son, Hun Sen.

Truth none of FUNC realized trorlarch ning khlauk wia minn khauss khnia teh.

Hun Sen killed good men and elevated the corrupted ones at the cheer of the whimps such Sihanouk and family.

Serei Kosal has been a loser from the start and thorn for too long.He confused zebra stripes as birth marks for sickening horses.

With or without R-Ridh, Chakrormpaung will always be a bastard of ingrate father.Leaf never fell far from trunk-Like father like sons.

Bitches produced puppies not real dogs such Sihanouk and likes.

Tramps produced litters not royalties such Chakrormpaung,jobless square headed Sereivudh ning infidel R-Ridh.

Go figure FUNC remainders, keep imbeciles no gain,lose rubbishes no loss.
Gen.Ho Sok ghost cursed all of hypocrites.Go to heaven alive like one of the dusts from New England barked at shadow.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

8:14PM!!!!! Go ask your father Shihanouk, your brother Run-otrith or Chark-pong-sva about that!
Why they let the Youn corupted them?
Why They let the Youn make them:
-Stole the money from the party and the country.
-Take some body wife and let her run the party.
-Buy expensive cars, boats, and airplanes while our people are so poor and hungry.

May be the Youn doing all that but those svar are not worth to be my leaders.

Sorry for you, my numbling brain friend!

Anonymous said...

The FUNCINPEC deserves what is happening now. You have a leader without principle. You have no ground to stand, and now you acuse each other of betraying the party and your boss. It dosen't matter who betray who, but for the future of our country, you should refresh yourslves and stick with your principle working on the way to restore your credibility by showing the people that you are serious enough about the issues that our country is facing today.

Anonymous said...

Rome was in flamme. Nero played

music (harp) and sang poetry .

2000 years on, like Nero , Siha

nouk, is giving lavish banquets, si

ngs his boring songs, shows his me

diocre films, not giving a damn

about his starving people all

around him. And his own FUNC party

in eternal quarrel for power and
